# Initialize this project
go mod init afreeorange/bock
# Remove unused mods
go mod tidy
# Remove a package
go get package@none
# Build
CGO_ENABLED=1 go build --tags "fts5" -o "dist/bock-$(uname)-$(uname -m)" .
This the rough outline of how you'd get the revision history of a file. git cat-file -p <something>
is a "swiss army knife" of sorts that lets you examine all manner of things. The -p
flag tells git
to figure out what the <something>
# Get the commits. Note that a single commit can change many articles!
# This is something you need to try to avoid.
git log /path/to/article.md
# Now get the *contents* of a commit by reading the blob.
git show 27e239b8f52ceb29a14a5d4fdf8d957ce4f022f4:/path/to/article.md
And here's how you find deleted files:
# On the branch you're on
git log --diff-filter D --pretty="format:" --name-only | sed '/^$/d'
# Across all branches
git reflog --diff-filter D --pretty="format:" --name-only | sed '/^$/d'
This is a known issue. I thought I could just use the git
command and don't appear to be the only one who's had this thought. Note that with the few articles I have in my wiki (~250) generating JSON, HTML, the SQLite Database, etc takes ~200ms (on an M1 Max with 24GB memory). With revisions this goes up to 6s :/
Here's another comment that compares go-git with git2go (libgit2 wrapper) and just the git command.
- Fix issue with apostrophes 🤦♀️
- Compare Page
- Gist of recursive tree generation!
- Recent Changes (Global)
- Revisions argument
- STATS : Average number of revisions
- STATS : Average words per article (length)
- STATS : Oldest and newest article
- STATS : Recent articles
- STATS : Total words
- Syntax Highlighting
- Table of Contents
- Template argument
- Use
in lieu ofconfig
struct? What are the dis/advantages? - 404 Page
- Better, less buggy tree
- Breadcrumbs > Revision
- Fix builds on cimg/go:1.18
- FIX FOLDER generation
- Fix timestamps; make them consistent
- JSON for Revision
- Markdown highlight in Raw view
- Filtering logs with filename is very slow in
rm -rf $HOME/Desktop/temp/*;time go run --tags "fts5" . -a $HOME/personal/wiki.nikhil.io.articles -o $HOME/Desktop/temp
pushd $HOME/Desktop/temp; find . -type f -exec gzip -9 '{}' \; -exec mv '{}.gz' '{}' \;; popd
aws s3 sync $HOME/Desktop/temp/ s3://wiki.nikhil.io/ --delete --content-encoding gzip --size-only --profile nikhil.io
- A possible progress bar.
- Hugo uses afero as its filesystem abstraction layer. I have not needed it. Yet.
- Structured Logging with Logrus.
- This is Commander but for golang <3 Maybe not necessary here since the
library in STDLIB has everything I need. But longopts are nice! - Cobra is a full-featured CLI app framework
- gin for live-reloading
- Martini for a web framework
- Gore for a REPL
- Minifier for HTML, CSS, XML, etc
- Awesome Go
- go-flags for CLI opt parsing. A bit heavy but appears to get the job done.
- Go Proverbs - Based on a talk by Rob Pike at GopherFest 2015
- Go Maps in Action
- https://maelvls.dev/go111module-everywhere/
- flosch/pongo2#68
- Colors in
- Versioning
- Strings
- getopts
- Concurrency and Parallelism "Crash Course"
- Templates and Embed
- Recursive copying. I love that you have to implement quite a few things by hand in Golang!
- Chroma/Pygment style reference
- Enabling FTS5 with
- Build Tags in Golang
- Go Routines Under the Hood
- A million files in
repo. - A Crash Course on Concurrency & Parallelism in Go
- How to have an in-place string that updates on stdout
- Intro to Golang logging
If you understand this enough you can roll your own with WaitGroup and channels.
- Learning Go
- Lexical Scanning in Go
- Head-First Go is awesome
package main
import (
var fpath = "/Users/nikhil/personal/wiki.nikhil.io.articles"
var fpsaf = path.Dir(fpath) + "/"
var articleFolder = strings.Replace(fpath, fpsaf, "", -1)
func main() {
memFS := afero.NewMemMapFs()
var _ = memFS
fmt.Print("Transferring articles to memory: ")
filepath.Walk(fpath, func(p string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if f.IsDir() {
name := strings.Replace(p, fpsaf, "", -1)
memFS.MkdirAll(name, os.ModePerm)
} else {
name := strings.Replace(p, fpsaf, "", -1)
contents, _ := os.ReadFile(p)
afero.WriteFile(memFS, name, contents, os.ModePerm)
return nil
fmt.Println("Checking in-memory FS")
c, _ := afero.ReadFile(memFS, articleFolder+"/"+"Food/Thai Curry Experiments/Thai Green Curry Chicken - Instant Pot.md")
fmt.Println(">>>", string(c))
will be the generated homepage 🏠- Anything in
folder in your article repository will be copied over to the output folder as-is. - Reserved paths
/{Article Path}/raw
/{Article Path}/revisions
Uses pongo2 for a Django/Nunjucks-style syntax since I don't yet like the Golang's text/template
. There's a base template that's embedded in the built binary which isn't too bad-looking but I'll add a way to specify custom templates later. Here are all of Pongo2's filters.
The base template uses the Gruvbox palette.
Powered by SQL.js.
package main
import (
// Bar ...
type Bar struct {
percent int64 // progress percentage
cur int64 // current progress
total int64 // total value for progress
rate string // the actual progress bar to be printed
graph string // the fill value for progress bar
func (bar *Bar) NewOption(start, total int64) {
bar.cur = start
bar.total = total
if bar.graph == "" {
bar.graph = "â–ˆ"
bar.percent = bar.getPercent()
for i := 0; i < int(bar.percent); i += 2 {
bar.rate += bar.graph // initial progress position
func (bar *Bar) getPercent() int64 {
return int64((float32(bar.cur) / float32(bar.total)) * 100)
func (bar *Bar) Play(cur int64) {
bar.cur = cur
last := bar.percent
bar.percent = bar.getPercent()
if bar.percent != last && bar.percent%2 == 0 {
bar.rate += bar.graph
fmt.Printf("\r[%-50s]%3d%% %8d/%d", bar.rate, bar.percent, bar.cur, bar.total)
func (bar *Bar) Finish() {
package main
import (
var articleRoot = "/Users/nikhil/personal/wiki.nikhil.io.articles"
// var articleRoot = "/Users/nikhil/haha"
var IGNORED_PATHS_REGEX = regexp.MustCompile(
}, "|"))
type Entity struct {
IsDir bool `json:"isDir"`
IsSymlink bool `json:"isSymlink"`
LinksTo string `json:"linksTo"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Path string `json:"path"`
RelativePath string `json:"relativePath"`
Size int64 `json:"size"`
URI string `json:"uri"`
Children *[]Entity `json:"children"`
Recursively create a tree of entities (files and folders)
Inspired by an iterative version here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32962550
func makeTree(path string, tree *[]Entity, ignoredPaths *regexp.Regexp) {
currentRoot, _ := os.Stat(path)
entityInfo := getEntityInfo(currentRoot, path)
// Make list of the child entities in the path and then filter out any
// children on the ignored paths list. Note that it is less code to use
// `ioutil.ReadDir` since it returns the `fs.FileInfo` type but it's
// deprecated.
_children, _ := os.ReadDir(path)
var children []fs.FileInfo
for _, de := range _children {
child, _ := de.Info()
if !ignoredPaths.MatchString(child.Name()) {
children = append(children, child)
for i, c := range children {
child := getEntityInfo(c, filepath.Join(entityInfo.Path, c.Name()))
*tree = append(*tree, *child)
if c.IsDir() {
makeTree(child.Path, (*tree)[i].Children, ignoredPaths)
func getEntityInfo(entityInfo fs.FileInfo, path string) *Entity {
entity := Entity{
IsDir: entityInfo.IsDir(),
Size: entityInfo.Size(),
Name: entityInfo.Name(),
Path: path,
Children: &[]Entity{},
// Follow symlinks
if entityInfo.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink {
entity.IsSymlink = true
entity.LinksTo, _ = filepath.EvalSymlinks(filepath.Join(path, entityInfo.Name()))
return &entity
func main() {
var tree []Entity
makeTree(articleRoot, &tree, IGNORED_PATHS_REGEX)
s, _ := json.MarshalIndent(tree, "", " ")
package main
import (
// Bar ...
type Bar struct {
percent int64 // progress percentage
cur int64 // current progress
total int64 // total value for progress
rate string // the actual progress bar to be printed
graph string // the fill value for progress bar
func (bar *Bar) New(start, total int64) {
bar.cur = start
bar.total = total
if bar.graph == "" {
bar.graph = "."
bar.percent = bar.getPercent()
for i := 0; i < int(bar.percent); i += 2 {
bar.rate += bar.graph
func (bar *Bar) getPercent() int64 {
return int64((float32(bar.cur) / float32(bar.total)) * 100)
func (bar *Bar) Play(cur int64) {
bar.cur = cur
last := bar.percent
bar.percent = bar.getPercent()
if bar.percent != last && bar.percent%2 == 0 {
bar.rate += bar.graph
// This is the key thing here to 'redraw' things on screen...
"\r[%-50s] %2d%% %8d of %d",
func (bar *Bar) Finish() {
func main() {
// Use the bar!
var bar Bar
bar.New(0, 100)
for i := 0; i <= 100; i++ {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
var _ = pongo2.RegisterFilter("round", func(in, param *pongo2.Value) (out *pongo2.Value, err *pongo2.Error) {
var rounded *pongo2.Value
if s, err := strconv.ParseFloat(in.String(), 32); err == nil {
rounded = pongo2.AsSafeValue(math.Round(s))
} else {
return pongo2.AsSafeValue("!_COULD_NOT_ROUND_VALUE"), &pongo2.Error{OrigError: err}
return rounded, nil
docker run -ti -v /Users/nikhil/personal/bock:/home/circleci/project cimg/go:1.18 /home/circleci/project/.scripts/build.sh
go get -u ./...