Another hacky extension for the ulauncher, this time for Tmux.
It searches your open sessions and attaches to them.
If no sessions found, you can create new one.
This extension uses gnome-terminal by default. If your terminal emulator is different, you should check and edit the parameters in settings.
For example:
Terminal | Attach parameters | New session parameters |
kitty |
tmux a -t '%s' |
tmux new -s '%s' |
konsole |
--new-tab -e 'tmux a -t %s' |
--new-tab -e 'tmux new -s %s' |
Copyright for portions of project ulauncher-tmux are held by user seqizz on (@seqizz), 2021 as part of project ulauncher-tmux-attach. All other copyright for project ulauncher-tmux are held by Adrian Haasler García, 2021.