Let's go over the two tools that make developing Kintone Plug-in easier!
- These instructions are also viewable as slides
folder is a stand-in for any folder containing the Plug-in file.
@kintone/plugin-packer & @kintone/plugin-uploader are Command-Line Interface (CLI) tools for packaging & uploading Kintone Plug-ins to your Kintone Subdomain (Environment).
Both tools are published on npm and are available for Windows, macOS, & Linux. Their source code is on kintone/js-sdk GitHub Repo.
Both require Node.js version 6 or later.
If you have any questions regarding developing for the Kintone Web Database platform, post them on the Kintone Developer Program's General Discussion thread.
@kintone/plugin-packer is a CLI tool that packages the Plug-in directory to generate Plug-in zip files.
For more information, refer to Packaging Plug-In Files Using plugin-packer article.
$ npm install -g @kintone/plugin-packer
$ cd 1_Starting_Point
$ kintone-plugin-packer [OPTIONS] src
OPTIONS | Description |
--ppk PPK_FILE |
Optional path to an input private key file. |
Optional path for the generated Plug-in file. |
--watch |
Watch src folder for changes. |
@kintone/plugin-uploader is a CLI tool to upload Plug-in zip files from your Desktop to Kintone easily.
For more information, refer to Uploading Plug-In Files Using plugin-uploader article.
$ npm install -g @kintone/plugin-uploader
Specifying only the Plug-in zip file in the command will prompt a dialog. Input the Kintone subdomain, login name, and password individually.
$ cd 1_Starting_Point
$ kintone-plugin-uploader plugin.zip
Enter environmental information interactively:
? Input your kintone's domain (example.kintone.com): <subdomain>.kintone.com
? Input your username: <user name>
? Input your password: <user password>
> Open https://<subdomain>.kintone.com/login?saml=off
> Trying to log-in...
> Navigate to https://<subdomain>.kintone.com/k/admin/system/plugin/
> Trying to upload plugin.zip
> plugin.zip has been uploaded!
Environment variables for the Kintone subdomain and login information can be set in advance. Let's save time by not inputting login information per Plug-in upload.
For Windows/ PowerShell
Set environment variables with Kintone information in advance by entering the following command in your PowerShell:
set-item "env:KINTONE_BASE_URL" <subdomain>.kintone.com
set-item "env:KINTONE_USERNAME" <user name>
set-item "env:KINTONE_PASSWORD" <user password>
Command prompt execution:
$ cd 1_Starting_Point
$ kintone-plugin-uploader plugin.zip
For Mac/ Terminal
Set environment variables with Kintone information in advance by entering the following command in your Terminal:
$ export KINTONE_BASE_URL=<subdomain>.kintone.com
$ export KINTONE_USERNAME=<user name>
$ export KINTONE_PASSWORD=<user password>
Terminal execution:
$ cd 1_Starting_Point
$ kintone-plugin-uploader plugin.zip
Open 2x terminals and follow the below examples.
Run plugin-packer with watch option.
A plugin.zip
file is created to monitor changes to the src
$ cd 1_Starting_Point
$ kintone-plugin-packer --watch src
Run plugin-uploader with watch option.
The Plug-in file is uploaded to monitor changes to the src
$ cd 1_Starting_Point
$ kintone-plugin-uploader --watch plugin.zip
Once the above setup is complete, modifications to the Plug-in's source code will automatically be zipped & uploaded to Kintone. Changes are visible with a simple page refresh.