Follow exposition for updates on expo-firebase
This tutorial is targeted at Expo v31 and expo-firebase-* 1.0.0-rc.5
Simply create an Expo project. In the future we hope to make these very simple to use outside of ExpoKit.
No one likes lock-in, especially the Expo team 😘 but native code is a big mess, so it's taking it's sweet time 😭
- Download the Expo-CLI
npm i -g expo-cli
- Create a new project
expo init expo-firebase-example
- Select any template.
- Enter the project
cd expo-firebase-example
This would be a good time to commit your code in git 😀
If you have a native Firebase project setup already, make sure the bundle ID / Android Package you are about to enter, match what is in your project 🧡
- In your root directory (in the termminal) run:
expo eject
- Select the option:
ExpoKit: I'll create or log in with an Expo account to use React Native and the Expo SDK.
- Add a bundle ID. ex:
- Add an Android Package. (usually the same as bundle ID) ex:
Simply install the services you want to use in your project.
yarn add expo-firebase-firestore
I usually do this, then remove stuff later...
yarn add expo-firebase-storage expo-firebase-analytics expo-firebase-app expo-firebase-auth expo-firebase-crashlytics expo-firebase-database expo-firebase-firestore expo-firebase-functions expo-firebase-instance-id expo-firebase-invites expo-firebase-links expo-firebase-messaging expo-firebase-notifications expo-firebase-performance expo-firebase-remote-config
First, drag your GoogleService-Info.plist
into your XCode project.
Then if your app has Google Sign-In
or expo-firebase-invites
installed, you will need to copy your Firebase REVERSE_CLIENT_ID
in to a new URL Scheme.
Time to write some Objective-C!
Writing native code sucks, hopefully in the future we can find a way to just link this. Please message me if you have troubles setting this up 🧡
👉 Expand Code
// At the top of the file:
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseNotifications/EXFirebaseNotifications.h>)
#import <EXFirebaseNotifications/EXFirebaseNotifications.h>
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseMessaging/EXFirebaseMessaging.h>)
#import <EXFirebaseMessaging/EXFirebaseMessaging.h>
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseLinks/EXFirebaseLinks.h>)
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseInvites/EXFirebaseInvites.h>)
#import <EXFirebaseInvites/EXFirebaseInvites.h>
#import <EXFirebaseLinks/EXFirebaseLinks.h>
#if __has_include(<FirebaseCore/FIRApp.h>)
#import <FirebaseCore/FIROptions.h>
#import <FirebaseCore/FIRApp.h>
#if __has_include(<FirebaseDatabase/FIRDatabase.h>)
#import <FirebaseDatabase/FIRDatabase.h>
static NSString *const EXLinkingUrlScheme = @"";
// Later...
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
#if __has_include(<FirebaseCore/FIRApp.h>)
// If the app contains the GoogleService-Info.plist then use it.
if ([FIROptions defaultOptions] != nil) {
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseLinks/EXFirebaseLinks.h>)
if (![EXLinkingUrlScheme isEqualToString:@""]) {
[FIROptions defaultOptions].deepLinkURLScheme = EXLinkingUrlScheme;
[FIRApp configure];
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseDatabase/EXFirebaseDatabase.h>)
[FIRDatabase database].persistenceEnabled = YES;
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseNotifications/EXFirebaseNotifications.h>)
[EXFirebaseNotifications configure];
_window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds];
_window.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
[[ExpoKit sharedInstance] application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions];
_rootViewController = [ExpoKit sharedInstance].rootViewController;
_window.rootViewController = _rootViewController;
[_window makeKeyAndVisible];
return YES;
#pragma mark - Handling URLs
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey,id> *)options
id annotation = options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsAnnotationKey];
NSString *sourceApplication = options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsSourceApplicationKey];
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseLinks/EXFirebaseLinks.h>)
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseInvites/EXFirebaseInvites.h>)
if ([[EXFirebaseInvites instance] application:app openURL:url options:options]) {
return YES;
if ([[EXFirebaseLinks instance] application:app openURL:url options:options]) {
return YES;
return [[ExpoKit sharedInstance] application:app openURL:url sourceApplication:sourceApplication annotation:annotation];
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray<id<UIUserActivityRestoring>> * _Nullable))restorationHandler
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseLinks/EXFirebaseLinks.h>)
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseInvites/EXFirebaseInvites.h>)
if ([[EXFirebaseInvites instance] application:application continueUserActivity:userActivity restorationHandler:restorationHandler]) {
return YES;
if ([[EXFirebaseLinks instance] application:application continueUserActivity:userActivity restorationHandler:restorationHandler]) {
return YES;
return [[ExpoKit sharedInstance] application:application continueUserActivity:userActivity restorationHandler:restorationHandler];
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult))completionHandler
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseMessaging/EXFirebaseMessaging.h>)
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseNotifications/EXFirebaseNotifications.h>)
[[EXFirebaseNotifications instance] didReceiveRemoteNotification:userInfo fetchCompletionHandler:completionHandler];
[[EXFirebaseMessaging instance] didReceiveRemoteNotification:userInfo];
👉 Expand Code
# Bacon: Start Custom Modules (Firebase)
pod 'EXFirebaseApp',
path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-app/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseAnalytics',
path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-analytics/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseAuth',
path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-auth/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseCrashlytics',
path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-crashlytics/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseDatabase',
path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-database/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseFirestore',
path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-firestore/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseFunctions',
path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-functions/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseInstanceID',
path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-instance-id/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseLinks',
path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-links/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseInvites',
path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-invites/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseMessaging',
path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-messaging/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseNotifications',
path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-notifications/ios'
pod 'EXFirebasePerformance',
path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-performance/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseRemoteConfig',
path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-remote-config/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseStorage',
path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-storage/ios'
# Bacon: End Custom Modules
First, copy & paste the contents of your google-services.json
into the Expo generated version located at: android/app/google-services.json
👉 Expand Code
include ':app'
def modulesDir = new File(rootDir, "../node_modules")
def includeUniversalModule = { name ->
include ":$name"
project(":$name").projectDir = new File(modulesDir, "$name/android")
'expo-firebase-storage' ,
].forEach({ moduleName -> includeUniversalModule(moduleName) })
👉 Expand Code
dependencies {
// ...
api project(':expo-core')
api project(':expo-firebase-analytics')
api project(':expo-firebase-app')
api project(':expo-firebase-auth')
api project(':expo-firebase-crashlytics')
api project(':expo-firebase-database')
api project(':expo-firebase-firestore')
api project(':expo-firebase-functions')
api project(':expo-firebase-instance-id')
api project(':expo-firebase-invites')
api project(':expo-firebase-links')
api project(':expo-firebase-messaging')
api project(':expo-firebase-notifications')
api project(':expo-firebase-performance')
api project(':expo-firebase-remote-config')
api project(':expo-firebase-storage')
👉 Expand Code
<!-- FCM -->
<action android:name=""/>
android:resource="@drawable/shell_notification_icon" />
android:resource="@color/colorAccent" />
<!-- Expo Firebase Instance ID -->
<service android:name="expo.modules.firebase.messaging.EXFirebaseInstanceIdService">
<action android:name=""/>
<!-- Expo Firebase Background Messages -->
<service android:name="expo.modules.firebase.messaging.FirebaseBackgroundMessagingService" />
👉 Expand Code
// At the top of the file
import expo.modules.firebase.auth.FirebaseAuthPackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.fabric.crashlytics.FirebaseCrashlyticsPackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.database.FirebaseDatabasePackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.firestore.FirebaseFirestorePackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.functions.FirebaseFunctionsPackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.instanceid.FirebaseInstanceIDPackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.invites.FirebaseInvitesPackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.links.FirebaseLinksPackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.messaging.FirebaseMessagingPackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.notifications.FirebaseNotificationsPackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.performance.FirebasePerformancePackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.remoteconfig.FirebaseRemoteConfigPackage;
// Later...
public List<Package> expoPackages() {
// Here you can add your own packages.
return Arrays.<Package>asList(
new FirebaseAppPackage(),
new FirebaseAnalyticsPackage(),
new FirebaseAuthPackage(),
new FirebaseCrashlyticsPackage(),
new FirebaseDatabasePackage(),
new FirebaseFirestorePackage(),
new FirebaseFunctionsPackage(),
new FirebaseInstanceIDPackage(),
new FirebaseInvitesPackage(),
new FirebaseLinksPackage(),
new FirebaseMessagingPackage(),
new FirebaseNotificationsPackage(),
new FirebasePerformancePackage(),
new FirebaseRemoteConfigPackage(),
new FirebaseStoragePackage()
After you are all setup, use the library anywhere like so:
import firebase from 'expo-firebase-app'
My day-1 users know that in pre rc.5, you needed to import the services before using them:
// ❌
import 'expo-firebase-database';
But now in 1.0.0-rc.5
and greater, you can just use the service directly, and expo-firebase
will attempt to auto import the library. If the library isn't installed properly you'll get a (hopefully) helpful error message.
// ✅
is based on RNFirebase, and in RNFirebase you can use types like so:
// ❌
const notification = new Firebase.notifications.Notification();
But I've removed this as it doesn't play nicely with TypeScript, so now you should import your types from their library. This will create a much better dev experience and help a ton with debugging.
// ✅
import { Notification } from 'expo-firebase-notifications';
const notification = new Notification();
Because expo-firebase is still in RC (Not officially stable) you should expect breaking changes / improvements.
When upgrading, you should check back here to see if the AppDelegate
, or AndroidManifest
code has changed. So far it's changed every time 🙃
yarn; yarn upgrade
cd ios; pod install
cd android; ./gradlew build
Crafted with care
I put together some videos that you may find helpful 💙 Give them a like if they helped you at all 😇
Here is a list of Q/A from around cyber-space:
it's kinda a short list at the moment 😏
- Add a unified package which makes setup easier.
- Background Tasks aren't in Expo yet: Background Tasks PR. After this is merged we can complete all of the Notification features.
- Fix require cycles in
, &expo-firebase-firestore
. You can ignore these with:
console.ignoreYellowBox = ["...start of the warning"];
- Make the experimental Notification features offical!
- Expand
and turn it
- Subscribe to the youtube channel 😉
- Document how to use the experimental notification features on iOS.
- Stars help me know what to focus 🌟