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Expo Firebase 🔥

ExpoKit with Native Firebase Tutorial / Boiler Plate

📔 Posts

Follow exposition for updates on expo-firebase

Using Firebase In Expo

📖 Tutorial

This tutorial is targeted at Expo v31 and expo-firebase-* 1.0.0-rc.5

Project Setup

Simply create an Expo project. In the future we hope to make these very simple to use outside of ExpoKit.

No one likes lock-in, especially the Expo team 😘 but native code is a big mess, so it's taking it's sweet time 😭

  • Download the Expo-CLI npm i -g expo-cli
  • Create a new project expo init expo-firebase-example
  • Select any template.
  • Enter the project cd expo-firebase-example

Upgrade to ExpoKit! 🔥

This would be a good time to commit your code in git 😀

If you have a native Firebase project setup already, make sure the bundle ID / Android Package you are about to enter, match what is in your project 🧡

  • In your root directory (in the termminal) run: expo eject
  • Select the option: ExpoKit: I'll create or log in with an Expo account to use React Native and the Expo SDK.
  • Add a bundle ID. ex: com.whoareyou.expofirebaseexample
  • Add an Android Package. (usually the same as bundle ID) ex: com.whoareyou.expofirebaseexample

JS Setup

Simply install the services you want to use in your project.

JS Setup Examples

I want Firestore

yarn add expo-firebase-firestore


I usually do this, then remove stuff later...

yarn add expo-firebase-storage expo-firebase-analytics expo-firebase-app expo-firebase-auth expo-firebase-crashlytics expo-firebase-database expo-firebase-firestore expo-firebase-functions expo-firebase-instance-id expo-firebase-invites expo-firebase-links expo-firebase-messaging expo-firebase-notifications expo-firebase-performance expo-firebase-remote-config

iOS Setup

First, drag your GoogleService-Info.plist into your XCode project.

Then if your app has Google Sign-In or expo-firebase-invites installed, you will need to copy your Firebase REVERSE_CLIENT_ID in to a new URL Scheme.

Setup URL Type in Expo Firebase

Time to write some Objective-C!

Writing native code sucks, hopefully in the future we can find a way to just link this. Please message me if you have troubles setting this up 🧡


👉 Expand Code


// At the top of the file:

#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseNotifications/EXFirebaseNotifications.h>)
#import <EXFirebaseNotifications/EXFirebaseNotifications.h>

#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseMessaging/EXFirebaseMessaging.h>)
#import <EXFirebaseMessaging/EXFirebaseMessaging.h>
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseLinks/EXFirebaseLinks.h>)
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseInvites/EXFirebaseInvites.h>)
#import <EXFirebaseInvites/EXFirebaseInvites.h>
#import <EXFirebaseLinks/EXFirebaseLinks.h>

#if __has_include(<FirebaseCore/FIRApp.h>)
#import <FirebaseCore/FIROptions.h>
#import <FirebaseCore/FIRApp.h>

#if __has_include(<FirebaseDatabase/FIRDatabase.h>)
#import <FirebaseDatabase/FIRDatabase.h>

static NSString *const EXLinkingUrlScheme = @"";

// Later...

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
#if __has_include(<FirebaseCore/FIRApp.h>)
    // If the app contains the GoogleService-Info.plist then use it.
    if ([FIROptions defaultOptions] != nil) {
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseLinks/EXFirebaseLinks.h>)
        if (![EXLinkingUrlScheme isEqualToString:@""]) {
            [FIROptions defaultOptions].deepLinkURLScheme = EXLinkingUrlScheme;
        [FIRApp configure];
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseDatabase/EXFirebaseDatabase.h>)
        [FIRDatabase database].persistenceEnabled = YES;
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseNotifications/EXFirebaseNotifications.h>)
        [EXFirebaseNotifications configure];

    _window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds];
    _window.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    [[ExpoKit sharedInstance] application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions];
    _rootViewController = [ExpoKit sharedInstance].rootViewController;
    _window.rootViewController = _rootViewController;

    [_window makeKeyAndVisible];
    return YES;

#pragma mark - Handling URLs

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey,id> *)options
    id annotation = options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsAnnotationKey];
    NSString *sourceApplication = options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsSourceApplicationKey];
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseLinks/EXFirebaseLinks.h>)
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseInvites/EXFirebaseInvites.h>)
    if ([[EXFirebaseInvites instance] application:app openURL:url options:options]) {
        return YES;
    if ([[EXFirebaseLinks instance] application:app openURL:url options:options]) {
        return YES;
    return [[ExpoKit sharedInstance] application:app openURL:url sourceApplication:sourceApplication annotation:annotation];

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray<id<UIUserActivityRestoring>> * _Nullable))restorationHandler
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseLinks/EXFirebaseLinks.h>)
#if __has_include(<EXFirebaseInvites/EXFirebaseInvites.h>)
    if ([[EXFirebaseInvites instance] application:application continueUserActivity:userActivity restorationHandler:restorationHandler]) {
      return YES;
    if ([[EXFirebaseLinks instance] application:application continueUserActivity:userActivity restorationHandler:restorationHandler]) {
      return YES;
    return [[ExpoKit sharedInstance] application:application continueUserActivity:userActivity restorationHandler:restorationHandler];

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult))completionHandler
     #if __has_include(<EXFirebaseMessaging/EXFirebaseMessaging.h>)
         #if __has_include(<EXFirebaseNotifications/EXFirebaseNotifications.h>)
            [[EXFirebaseNotifications instance] didReceiveRemoteNotification:userInfo fetchCompletionHandler:completionHandler];
            [[EXFirebaseMessaging instance] didReceiveRemoteNotification:userInfo];


👉 Expand Code


# Bacon: Start Custom Modules (Firebase)
pod 'EXFirebaseApp', 
  path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-app/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseAnalytics', 
  path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-analytics/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseAuth', 
  path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-auth/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseCrashlytics',
  path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-crashlytics/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseDatabase',
  path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-database/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseFirestore',
  path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-firestore/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseFunctions',
  path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-functions/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseInstanceID',
  path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-instance-id/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseLinks',
  path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-links/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseInvites',
  path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-invites/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseMessaging',
  path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-messaging/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseNotifications',
  path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-notifications/ios'
pod 'EXFirebasePerformance',
  path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-performance/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseRemoteConfig',
  path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-remote-config/ios'
pod 'EXFirebaseStorage',
  path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-storage/ios'
# Bacon: End Custom Modules

Android Setup

First, copy & paste the contents of your google-services.json into the Expo generated version located at: android/app/google-services.json


👉 Expand Code


include ':app'
 def modulesDir = new File(rootDir, "../node_modules")
 def includeUniversalModule = { name ->
  include ":$name"
  project(":$name").projectDir = new File(modulesDir, "$name/android")
    'expo-firebase-storage'  ,
].forEach({ moduleName -> includeUniversalModule(moduleName) })


👉 Expand Code


dependencies {

  // ...

  api project(':expo-core')
  api project(':expo-firebase-analytics')
  api project(':expo-firebase-app')
  api project(':expo-firebase-auth')
  api project(':expo-firebase-crashlytics')
  api project(':expo-firebase-database')
  api project(':expo-firebase-firestore')
  api project(':expo-firebase-functions')
  api project(':expo-firebase-instance-id')
  api project(':expo-firebase-invites')
  api project(':expo-firebase-links')
  api project(':expo-firebase-messaging')
  api project(':expo-firebase-notifications')
  api project(':expo-firebase-performance')
  api project(':expo-firebase-remote-config')
  api project(':expo-firebase-storage')  


👉 Expand Code


<!-- FCM -->
    <action android:name=""/>
  android:resource="@drawable/shell_notification_icon" />
  android:resource="@color/colorAccent" />
 <!-- Expo Firebase Instance ID -->
<service android:name="expo.modules.firebase.messaging.EXFirebaseInstanceIdService">
        <action android:name=""/>
<!-- Expo Firebase Background Messages -->
<service android:name="expo.modules.firebase.messaging.FirebaseBackgroundMessagingService" />


👉 Expand Code


// At the top of the file

import expo.modules.firebase.auth.FirebaseAuthPackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.fabric.crashlytics.FirebaseCrashlyticsPackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.database.FirebaseDatabasePackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.firestore.FirebaseFirestorePackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.functions.FirebaseFunctionsPackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.instanceid.FirebaseInstanceIDPackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.invites.FirebaseInvitesPackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.links.FirebaseLinksPackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.messaging.FirebaseMessagingPackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.notifications.FirebaseNotificationsPackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.performance.FirebasePerformancePackage;
import expo.modules.firebase.remoteconfig.FirebaseRemoteConfigPackage;

// Later...

public List<Package> expoPackages() {
  // Here you can add your own packages.
  return Arrays.<Package>asList(
          new FirebaseAppPackage(),
          new FirebaseAnalyticsPackage(),
          new FirebaseAuthPackage(),
          new FirebaseCrashlyticsPackage(),
          new FirebaseDatabasePackage(),
          new FirebaseFirestorePackage(),
          new FirebaseFunctionsPackage(),
          new FirebaseInstanceIDPackage(),
          new FirebaseInvitesPackage(),
          new FirebaseLinksPackage(),
          new FirebaseMessagingPackage(),
          new FirebaseNotificationsPackage(),
          new FirebasePerformancePackage(),
          new FirebaseRemoteConfigPackage(),
          new FirebaseStoragePackage()

💻 Usage

After you are all setup, use the library anywhere like so:

import firebase from 'expo-firebase-app'

Using Services

My day-1 users know that in pre rc.5, you needed to import the services before using them:

// ❌
import 'expo-firebase-database';


But now in 1.0.0-rc.5 and greater, you can just use the service directly, and expo-firebase will attempt to auto import the library. If the library isn't installed properly you'll get a (hopefully) helpful error message.

// ✅

Using Types

expo-firebase is based on RNFirebase, and in RNFirebase you can use types like so:

// ❌
const notification = new Firebase.notifications.Notification();

But I've removed this as it doesn't play nicely with TypeScript, so now you should import your types from their library. This will create a much better dev experience and help a ton with debugging.

// ✅
import { Notification } from 'expo-firebase-notifications';

const notification = new Notification();

⭐️ Upgrading

Because expo-firebase is still in RC (Not officially stable) you should expect breaking changes / improvements.

When upgrading, you should check back here to see if the AppDelegate, or AndroidManifest code has changed. So far it's changed every time 🙃

JS Upgrade

yarn; yarn upgrade

iOS Upgrade

cd ios; pod install

Android Upgrade

cd android; ./gradlew build

📚 Libraries

Crafted with care ☺️

🎬 Video Tutorials

I put together some videos that you may find helpful 💙 Give them a like if they helped you at all 😇

😭 Trouble Shooting

Here is a list of Q/A from around cyber-space:

it's kinda a short list at the moment 😏


  • Add a unified package which makes setup easier.
  • Background Tasks aren't in Expo yet: Background Tasks PR. After this is merged we can complete all of the Notification features.
  • Fix require cycles in expo-firebase-database, expo-firebase-storage, & expo-firebase-firestore. You can ignore these with:
console.ignoreYellowBox = ["...start of the warning"];
  • Make the experimental Notification features offical!
  • Expand EXFaceDetector and turn it into
  • Subscribe to the youtube channel 😉
  • Document how to use the experimental notification features on iOS.
  • Stars help me know what to focus 🌟