Install Node.js.
Check the success of the installation by running the following command at the terminal/command line:
>node -v >v10.16.0 (~Expected output)
If the terminal/command line throws an error about the command being unrecognized, reinstall [Node.js].
[Node.js] comes bundled with [npm], a library manager for [node.js] projects. Check the availability by running the following command at the terminal/command line:
>npm -v >6.13.7 (~Expected output)
If the terminal/command line throws an error about the command being unrecognized, reinstall [Node.js].
Assuming [Node.js] and [npm] are installed, navigate to the project directory inside terminal/command line and run the following command:
>npm i
This command would install the project depedencies and hence generate a client side build for consuming.
Assuming the project dependencies are successfully installed, run the following command at the terminal/command line:
>npm start
The project fires up at port [8888]. Inside the web browser, preferrably [GoogleChrome], navigate to [localhost:8888] and the project build should be available to use.