MINT (Metadata INTeroperability services) is an open source web-based data aggregation platform used by cultural heritage content providers for managing their metadata records and for publishing them to Europeana. It is a component of the Europeana ingestion infrastructure, maintained as part of the data space for cultural heritage.
MINT offers as added-value services that enable users to embed to their metadata the annotations produced by various AI tools, including automatic translations, the results of image analysis, textual metadata analysis, or annotations added by humans.
This version is cleaned of private information. It will not work without some database connection which needs to be set up.
Since the main purpose of Mint is aggregation of cultural metadata to Europeana, only some of its components make sense to be used outside of this purpose.
Unless explicitly mentioned differently, all works in this repository is under the Apache 2.0 license. A copy of the license file can be found in WEB-INF/src/java.