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Sneha Tilak edited this page Jan 31, 2017 · 10 revisions

Project Theme 1: Load Balancing a Portal Server

Welcome to the Wiki of the Laravel Portal

Theme 1 concentrates on implementing Load Balancing among multiple Laravel Portals across Amazon spot instances. We have used HAProxy to provide a high availability load balancer and proxy server that spreads requests across multiple servers. Memcached is used as a distributed memory caching system to manage sessions and secure the system. The version control mechanism used is Git and we have made the portal easily deployable with the use of Continuous Integration and Continuous deployment.

Some Objectives (see here)

  • Load balance a Laravel Portal.
  • Fail Over to other regions in Amazon.
  • Use distributed cache for session and security management.
  • Easily Deployable.
  • Have a Build and make it IDE and Developer friendly
  • Facilitate micro-feature releases

How to update one common blog ([see here] ( Blog Section 1: <your: username> Report (under a username)

Blog Section 2: Point to a Wiki Entry for Code Submission

Blog Section 3: Git Commits

Blog Section 4: Discussions on the Developer List

Blog Section 5: Airavata Jiras Created

Blog Section 6: Airavata Pull Requests

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