- Plugin extension to improve live mixing experience with REAPER.
- Uses discrete Mix and Solo buses (tracks) to achieve non-destructive soloing.
- Also known as Cue / PFL / Listen.
- Works by capturing solo commands and managing track routing automatically.
- Works in tandem with control surfaces, mouse, and keyboard shortcuts.
- 'Hijacks' tracks routed to Main / Master, and reroutes them through Mix and/or Solo bus when soloed/unsoloed.
- Folder tracks (parent/child structure) and are currently not supported.
- Manual routing (e.g. grouping) can be done with sends.
- REAPER Master track is used as control room / headphones output.
- Mix track is main / program / PA / stream / tape output. Freely assignable to any hardware output(s).
- Creating separate live mixing projects recommended.
- Setting REAPER default solo to not in-place recommended when working with more complex routings(Options > Solo settings).
- Tracks are soloed as PFL (post-fx).
- If no tracks are soloed then Mix is monitored.