- #210 - Set up CI with Azure Pipelines contributed by azure-pipelines[bot]
- #211 - ParameterExpressionRenamer contributed by StefH
- #212 - Make ExpressionPromoter plugable contributed by david-garcia-garcia
- #213 - Generating Parameterized SQL (by sspekinc) contributed by StefH
- #214 - UseParameterizedNamesInDynamicQuery=false contributed by StefH
- #216 - Add sourcelink contributed by StefH
- #217 - Use GitHubReleaseNotes contributed by StefH
- #218 - Codecov integration contributed by StefH
- #71 - Issue: Increase code-coverage
- #119 - Feature: How to keep parameter input name of query
- #179 - Feature: Implement SourceLink
- #184 - Feature: Generate Parameterized SQL
- #204 - Cannot GroupJoin when source is Linq-To-Entities
- #209 - Feature: use Azure Pipelines for building
- #208 - Fix New() support for Type + Fix GroupJoin() not working when using Linq-To-Entities (2) contributed by StefH
- #136 - Expressions on dynamic objects
- #147 - Question: Making some queries dynamic possible
- #173 - Error when trying to access an object declared on another lambda
- #181 - Question: QueryValidator
- #199 - Feature: Add EvaluateGroupByAtDatabase logic to Join and GroupJoin
- #203 - How to query complex entities
- #205 - Documentation of supported operations
- #206 - Issue: new() expression cannot handle complex types
- #201 - Fix Parsing Config not passed down to expression parser in JOIN contributed by david-garcia-garcia
- #165 - Consider fit the rule of AnonymousTypes for EFCore2.1?
- #202 - Feature: support Explicit cast Operator
- #200 - Fix for parsing Guid and string in the same condition contributed by OlegNadymov
- #191 - Feature: re-enable support for uap10
- #197 - Added EvaluateGroupByAtDatabase For EF Core 2.1 contributed by StefH
- #196 - Question: Not applicable aggregate method 'Any' exists
- #190 - Add SonarCloud (#186) contributed by StefH
- #193 - Fix for ParseLambda with itType and resultType: correct order of arguments contributed by OlegNadymov
- #195 - Fix the problem with inner double quotes contributed by OlegNadymov
- #186 - Feature: include SonarCloud code checks
- #187 - Add custom static classes for parsing
- #177 - Feature: Remove built-in references from netstandard2.0 target contributed by hazzik
- #189 - Fix conversion from a non-nullable value type to the nullable value type contributed by StefH
- #53 - Question: External Methods call
- #178 - Question: No generic method 'Contains' on type 'System.Linq.Enumerable
- #180 - Question: GroupBy fails for field named SHORT
- #188 - Issue: Implicitly conversion from a non-nullable value type to the nullable form of that value type is broken?
- #172 - Issue: DynamicQueryableExtensions.OrderBy extension method not using ParsingConfig parameter
- #143 - Question : How to orderby an attribute of a List
- #155 - Question: OrderByDescending availability
- #170 - Question: Support to build Expressions besides LambdaExpressions
- #168 - Fixed ConstantExpressionHelper.cs (#167) contributed by StefH
- #167 - Issue: Memory leak in
- #156 - Fix parsing config contributed by jogibear9988
- #158 - Fix157 contributed by jogibear9988
- #157 - Issue : SkipWhile Method not found in mono
- #161 - Error ( to on EF 6.2) "No generic method 'OrderBy' on type System.Linq.Queryable"
- #160 - Question: Generic ParseLambda method
- #159 - Performance fix (#153) contributed by StefH
- #151 - Parse Query Syntax like Code
- #153 - Issue: Performance while working with EF core
- #137 - Feature: Add support for querying a IQueryable<dynamic> contributed by NickDarvey
- #150 - Feature: Support Binary & For String and Int contributed by jogibear9988
- #139 - Question: How to get related entities only one field
- #140 - Question: Possible to write this using Dynamic Linq?
- #141 - Question: Is there TryParseLambda
- #142 - Question: GroupJoin issue
- #146 - Question: where should support question be posted (here or SO)
- #135 - Add DbGeography to predefined types to allow advanced spatial queries. contributed by czielin
- #59 - Cant compile DynamicLinqWebDocs
- #95 - Has no assembly version number.
- #126 - How to make a request with Collate in order to get Accent Insensitive results?
- #129 - ToDynamicList/ToDynamicArray cannot actually cast to specified type in .net core 2
- #131 - Adding LIKE operator for EF6
- #132 - System.Linq.Dynamic.Core.Exceptions.ParseException in IQueryable<object> filled with anonymous type
- #133 - Possibility to parse an Expression<T, bool> to a valid expression string
- #134 - Accessing DbGeography methods/properties
- #117 - New features contributed by jogibear9988
- #123 - appveyor contributed by StefH
- #114 - Dynamic Linq Query not usable with ORM Provider
- #120 - Error with parsing
- #121 - [Question] Count() method
- #122 - Join with int list
- #124 - OrderBy produces error.
- #125 - Not compatable with dotnet Core 2.
- #115 - Dynamic Linq Query not usable with ORM Provider (fix for #114) contributed by jogibear9988
- #116 - Bugfix DynamicLinq when using IQueryable contributed by jogibear9988
- #108 - [Question] Nullable property inside Join statement
- #109 - Not able to build with VS2017
- #111 - [Bug] Incorrect Nullable<> parsing
- #112 - Support NETStandard 2.0
- #113 - .pdb is missing in nuget
- #8 - Remove useless dependences contributed by yyjdelete
- #37 - Support strings as Enum Parameter Objects contributed by jogibear9988
- #38 - Support more comparisons with strings contributed by jogibear9988
- #39 - Exception friendly Type loading contributed by jogibear9988
- #47 - * Add unit test and fix public methods access. contributed by jotab123
- #55 - Fix Nullable Enums from String contributed by jogibear9988
- #56 - Create .editorconfig contributed by jogibear9988
- #68 - Work on #66 -> Should work now. Tests will follow on VS2017 support! contributed by jogibear9988
- #69 - Fix - when method has object parameter and ValueType value is passed into this method, result is exception in System.Dynamic.Utils.ExpressionUtils.ValidateOneArgument. contributed by DavidCizek
- #76 - Fix - shift operators work only for int, short, ushort, byte, sbyte. contributed by DavidCizek
- #77 - New features: Hexadecimal integers and array initializers contributed by DavidCizek
- #78 - New feature: GroupJoin contributed by Maschmi
- #80 - [Feature] Usage of cached Lambda Expressions contributed by jogibear9988
- #85 - [Fix] Guid? == null comparison contributed by jogibear9988
- #86 - [Fix] Fixed null in Parameter and added functionality Binary And and Or with different Types contributed by jogibear9988
- #92 - [Feature] Adds support for decimal qualifiers. Resolves #91 contributed by pferraris
- #93 - [Bug] Fix uap10 build in appveyor contributed by StefH
- #99 - Added DynamicEnumerable Async extension methods contributed by StefH
- #100 - Feature: NullPropagation operator contributed by StefH
- #103 - support group by with 2 parameters, add tolist contributed by jogibear9988
- #1 - SymbolTable.DoesMethodHaveParameterArray throws exception when accessing a dynamic created property
- #2 - UnitTest : GroupByAndSelect_TestDynamicSelectMember fails
- #3 - Add "SelectMany"
- #4 - Illegal one-byte branch at position: 9. Requested branch was: 143
- #5 - Only parameterless constructors and initializers are supported in LINQ to Entities
- #6 - Add support for dotnet5.4 framework
- #7 - Add SelectMany with resultSelector
- #9 - Add Null-coalescing operator support
- #10 - Support explicit integer qualifiers
- #11 - IN does not support negative and parse of negative integers with qualifiers.
- #12 - parsing negative float or double with qualifier
- #13 - Add isnull sql function "isnull(a, b)"
- #14 - Ampersand can be used both as logical And or as vb-like concatenation operator
- #15 - Add Skip, Take to ExpressionParser
- #16 - Add Paging support
- #17 - Windows 10 uwp support
- #18 - SelectMany over an Array throws System.IndexOutOfRangeException
- #19 - NotEqual filter not working with DateTime
- #20 - Can't install using nuget in Asp.Net 4.0 Web Pages project
- #21 - Question: why is Distinct not supported?
- #22 - DynamicExpression accessibility
- #23 - Cannot work with property which in base class.
- #24 - FirstOrDefaultAsync method is missing
- #25 - DynamicExpression gone in version
- #26 - Calling ToString on a nullable column throws error
- #27 - UWP version
- #28 - Dynamic Queries seem to lose "Include()"s
- #29 - An another project ?
- #30 - Move to .NET Core RTM
- #31 - Group by multiple columns?
- #32 - When same dynamic class is first used in Linq2Entities, it's reused for Linq2Sql
- #33 - Package install fails for UWP App
- #34 - Support for netcoreapp1.0?
- #35 - Compatibility with System.Linq.Dynamic.Library
- #36 - CreateClass Equivalent?
- #40 - Add strong naming from library
- #42 - Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DynamicLinq - ToListAsync()?
- #43 - Join with dependent subquery?
- #44 - Casting a int to a nullable int will throw an error when using linq to entities"Only parameterless constructors and initializers are supported in LINQ to Entities"
- #45 - Take() and Skip() lose ElementType
- #46 - Methods on type are not accessible error
- #48 - Add an overload to the "ToDynamicList" method which accepts a Type
- #49 - .Contains("") operation Exception
- #50 - Add functionality to optimize your queries using Linq.Expression.Optimizer
- #51 - [Question] How can I format a datetime (nullable) field value in select?
- #52 - Can I convert int to string type?
- #57 - Issue finding indexer
- #58 - Parse Lambda
- #60 - Issue with nested Calls
- #61 - String[].Contains(String) expression translated to first array element contains
- #62 - OrderBy Chaining
- #63 - Syntax IN dont work with Enums
- #65 - Support embedded quotes in string literal
- #66 - Is there Way to enter a Complex query
- #67 - Convert Project to VS2017
- #70 - Move all tests into 1 test project
- #72 - [Bug] Re-enable support for uap10.0
- #73 - [Feature] Extend OrderBy functionality
- #74 - Join on nullable and not nullable type throws exception
- #75 - GroupBy clause add an "Item" property when projects the query
- #79 - DynamicExpressionParser does not allow empty parameter lists.
- #81 - [Question] Create new nuget?
- #82 - [Feature] Add DefaultIfEmpty
- #83 - [Bug] Problem with DynamicExpressionParser.ParseLambda & external ParameterExpression
- #84 - [Bug] DynamicClassFactory not caching generated types
- #87 - [Question] Memory leak in Join method
- #88 - [Question] FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Linq.Dynamic.Core'
- #89 - [Question] System.Linq.Dynamic.Core.Exceptions.ParseException: 'No 'it' is in scope'
- #90 - [Bug] ParseIntegerLiteral Int16
- #91 - [Bug] Support for decimal qualifiers 'M' & 'm'
- #94 - [Bug] ParseException: Operator '==' incompatible with operand types 'ObjectId' and 'ObjectId'
- #96 - Async support for ToDynamicList()
- #97 - Dynamic Select with string Concatenation
- #101 - Question: OrderBy does not work with navigation properties
- #102 - Aggregate method does not work with Average function
- #104 - Add PDB to nuget package
- #106 - Using both System.Linq and System.Linq.Dynamic.Core
- #107 - Type conversions generated in cases where they're not needed.