Test automation of Demo Real World app using playwright in typescript.
- Programming Language - TypeScript
- Automation tool - Playwright
- constants Contains files with constants like API base paths and routes.
- pageFixtures.ts - Encapsulated setup and teardown using Playwright fixtures.
- locators - Contains locators / selectors. Can be imported into any file and reused.
- pages - Contains all the page objects. BasePage.ts contains wrappers and helper methods around Playwright's page fixtures. All these methods are used by all extending page objects.
- rest - Contains methods to make API calls for setup and teardown in UI tests. BaseApi.ts - Provides base request which sets up request context like baseUrl, etc. which can be used by all extending classes to make API calls promoting re-usability.
- tests - contains all the tests.
- Download this project on your local machine using:
git clone https://github.com/akshat55narang/playwright-conduit.git
- cd to
folder - Run
npm install
to install all dependencies - Run
npx playwright install
- to install all the browsers. - Run tests
npm run test
- View reports
npm run show-reports
- Report - playwright-report