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Alexander Barthel edited this page May 25, 2023 · 9 revisions

Note that this page is not up-to-date an work in progress.

Compile Marble

Clone Marble using the lnm/1.1 branch from my repository clone here:

All examples below are for release builds. Adapt the paths according to you file structure and used Qt version.

The Marble installation process is terribly broken for Windows and even more for macOS. You have to copy the include files and libraries manually.



Then make -j2 and make install.



Then make -j2 and make install.


cd C:\Projekte\build-marble-release
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Qt\5.9.5\mingw53_32\bin;C:\Qt\Tools\mingw530_32\bin
cmake -Wno-dev -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DQTONLY=TRUE -DQT5BUILD=TRUE -DWITH_quazip=FALSE -DWITH_libshp=FALSE -DWITH_libgps=FALSE -DWITH_libwlocate=FALSE -DWITH_QtLocation=FALSE -DWITH_liblocation=FALSE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:\Projekte\Marble-release" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..\marble
mingw32-make -j2
mingw32-make install

Copy Files

Examples according to paths above. Adjust as needed.


Copy all header files (*.h) from C:\Projekte\marble\src\lib\astro and C:\Projekte\marble\src\lib\marble including all files the sub-directories to C:\Projekte\Marble-release\include\astro and C:\Projekte\Marble-release\include\marble.

You have to flatten the directory hierarchy. Do not copy the sub-directory structure.

Furthermore, copy C:\Projekte\build-marble-release\src\lib\astro\astrolib_export.h and C:\Projekte\build-marble-release\src\lib\marble\marble_export.h to C:\Projekte\Marble-release\include\astro and C:\Projekte\Marble-release\include\marble respectively.


Use the shell script below to finalize the installation. Adjust paths and debug/release as needed.


mkdir ~/Programme/Marble-debug/include
mkdir ~/Programme/Marble-debug/include/astro
mkdir ~/Programme/Marble-debug/include/marble
mkdir ~/Programme/Marble-debug/lib
mkdir ~/Programme/Marble-debug/lib/plugins

for i in `find  ~/Projekte/marble/src/lib/astro -name *.h` ; do cp -av $i ~/Programme/Marble-debug/include/astro ;done
for i in `find  ~/Projekte/build-marble-debug/src/lib/astro -name *.h` ; do cp -av $i ~/Programme/Marble-debug/include/astro ;done
for i in `find  ~/Projekte/marble/src/lib/marble -name *.h` ; do cp -v $i ~/Programme/Marble-debug/include/marble ;done
for i in `find  ~/Projekte/build-marble-debug/src/lib/marble -name *.h` ; do cp -av $i ~/Programme/Marble-debug/include/marble ;done
for i in `find  ~/Projekte/build-marble-debug/src/plugins -name *.so` ; do cp -av $i ~/Programme/Marble-debug/lib/plugins/ ;done
for i in `find  ~/Projekte/build-marble-debug/src/lib/marble -name *.dylib` ; do cp -av $i ~/Programme/Marble-debug/lib/ ;done


The information below is not up to date. Refer to the *.pro and BUILD.txt files for more information on environment variables used to configure the build process.

The actual build process did not change.

Compile the atools Library

Qt development packages of Core, Widgets, XML and SQL are needed with minimum version 5.6. GIT command line tools are required.

You need to install the FSX/P3D Simconnect libraries for the Windows build.



  • Import atools into the Qt Creator workspace.
  • Configure the project and enable shadow build for release or debug versions.
  • Clone atools from GIT to e.g.: C:\Projects\atools
  • Use ../build-%{CurrentProject:Name}-%{CurrentBuild:Type} for Default build directory in the Qt Creator options dialog.
  • For atools use the build directory of e.g.: C:\Projects\build-atools-release
  • Adapt the QT_BIN, GIT_BIN, SIMCONNECT, INCLUDEPATH and LIBS variables in
  • Set the build kit for atools and littlenavmap to MinGW 32bit.
  • Run qmake from Qt Creator
  • Build

Do not use the default shadow build directory names, this will break project dependencies.

The atools can be built using the mingw environment only.

Linux / macOS

Install Qt development packages. Version at least 5.6.

Create the build directories on the same level as the source directory atools.

To build the release version:

mkdir build-atools-release
cd build-atools-release
qmake ../atools/ CONFIG+=release

To build the debug version:

mkdir build-atools-debug
cd build-atools-debug
qmake ../atools/ CONFIG+=debug

Compile the littlenavmap Application

This depends on the atools library. Make sure you installed, configured and compiled all necessary tools as described in See the needed setup for Qt Creator there.

Qt development packages of Core, Widgets, XML and SQL are needed with minimum version 5.6. GIT command line tools are required. The marble widget is needed (see

Get Marble from my repository which contains a few needed improvements:

Build an install it according to the included instructions here . Use branch lnm/1.1 for the Marble build.


  • Get Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.1u from and install it.
  • Configure the projects and enable shadow build for release or debug versions.
  • Clone littlenavmap from GIT to e.g.: C:\Projects\littlenavmap. Use the same base directory as for atools.
  • For littlenavmap use the build directory of e.g.: C:\Projects\build-littlenavmap-release
  • Adapt the QT_BIN, GIT_BIN, SIMCONNECT and other variables in You should use the same values as for atools.
  • Set the build kit for atools and littlenavmap to MinGW 32bit.
  • Set a dependency to atools in Project Settings for littlenavmap.
  • Run qmake from Qt Creator for all projects
  • Build all projects from Qt Creator

Do not use the default shadow build directory names, this will break project dependencies.

Linux / macOS

Install Qt development packages. Version at least 5.6.

Build atools according to instructions in BUILD.txt.

Create all build directories on the same level as the source directories atools and littlenavmap.

To build the release version:

  • mkdir build-littlenavmap-release
  • cd build-littlenavmap-release
  • qmake ../littlenavmap/ CONFIG+=release
  • make

To build the debug version:

  • mkdir build-littlenavmap-debug
  • cd build-littlenavmap-debug
  • qmake ../littlenavmap/ CONFIG+=debug
  • make

Branches / Project Dependencies

Little Navmap has to be built using the mingw environment as Marble compiles only on the same.

Make sure to use the correct branches to avoid breaking dependencies. The branch master is the unstable development branch but all software should compile there.

For releases check the release/MAJOR.MINOR branches to get the correct dependencies. The atools branch is usually one MAJOR number ahead.

So Little Navmap branch release/1.2 should work well with atools release/2.2 for example.

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