class: middle, center, title-slide count: false
Microgrid architectures
Bertrand Cornélusse
In this lecture we review microgrids architectures, that is which components form a microgrid and how to interconnect them.
In the next lectures we will focus on the components themselves, on features that are important for operation, both from a technical point of view and from an economical point of view.
An alternating current (AC) microgrid is a microgrid where components are coupled through one AC bus (if there is only one voltage level).
- Most microgrids are AC
- Typically, AC microgrids where the demand > 5kW are three-phase!
- Required if you want to connect to the public grid (in Belgium)
- Equipment in general require less components per unit of power transferred
- Easy to generate a rotating field for motors
- (Three-phase power transfer is a constant expression, if the phases are balanced)
Most common: radial architecture
- Subject to availability issues (one single path to a load)
- provide a redundant path to each load (more robust than radial)
- provide spatially diverse paths (more robust than 1)
- ring-type distribution (Can isolate a fault and still feed all but problematic zone)
- ladder type distribution (yet more connection possibilities)
Note: a more complex system also needs more complex protection schemes.
See chapter 7 of [1] for more information.
Let's take the example of a house or a small company that is running at low-voltage (230V or 400V) and has a grid connection plus a backup diesel generator, some PV panels, a battery, and some appliances.
class: middle, center, black-slide
<iframe width="600" height="450" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>Automatic transfer switch principle
Power electronic circuits are interfaces
- between devices (DERs and loads) and the power distribution grid
- between the microgrid and the distribution grid (PCC)
Purpose: enable a controllable (bidirectional) flow between devices
*DER: sources of electric power that are not directly connected to a bulk power transmission system. Distributed energy resources include both generators and energy storage technologies. (T.Ackermann, G.Andersson, and L.Söder, “Distributed Generation: A Definition,” Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 57, issue 3, April 2001, pp. 195–204.)
Grid-following converters (Fig (b)): can be represented as an ideal current source setting the active and reactive power injected into / withdrawn from the grid.
Grid-forming converters (Fig (a)): can be represented as an ideal AC voltage source setting the voltage amplitue and frequency of the local electrical grid.
Grid-supporting converters (Fig (c)): "inbetween the two others", implementing functions to support the grid, e.g. droop control.
All these functions are achieved using several nested control loops.
Here it is a three-phase inverter from SMA.
Source: website of SMA
Requires a network signal to work!
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<iframe width="600" height="450" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>.grid[
Source: website of Victron.
- Centralized: power conversion is performed at a single power electronic interface. Example:
]] .kol-1-2[.width-80[
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- Distributed: power conversion functions are spread among converters
- may lead to parallel or cascade structures
class: middle, center
Synergrid is the federation of electricity and gas network operators in Belgium. Synergrid establishes prescriptions for a series of topics related to distribution systems.
In the "Technical Prescription C10/11 of Synergrid, edition 2.1 (01.09.2019) (English translation)", you can find the rules that apply to a new installation.
"This document C10/11 lays down the technical requirements relating to the connection of power generating plants capable to operate in parallel to the distribution network. The objectives of this document are the following:
- ensuring proper operation of the distribution networks;
- improving the safety of staff active in these networks;
- protecting the distribution network’s infrastructure;
- and contributing to the general system stability. "
Applies to:
- Plants < 25MW connected to the distribution grid
- Any energy source
- Without limitation regarding the possibility of actually injecting energy to the distribution network; this means, for example, that it is also applicable to power-generating plants equipped with a zero export relay. (...)
- ...
But not to:
- Off-grid systems
- Backup systems (not actually able to feed in the grid)
- ... (elevators)
A power backup system (as specified in § 4.1.9) will only operate in parallel with the distribution network for a short time in the following sporadic cases:
- During tests
- In case of islanding / reconnection after a network faults ("make-before-break")
- ...
There are maximum durations depending on the cases.
In case of infringment, either: .grid[ .kol-1-2[
- all rules of C10/11 apply to the backup system
- or parallel operation made impossible ] .kol-1-2[<iframe src="" width="240" height="135" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe>] ]
- Each power-generating unit must be equipped with an automatic separation system
- If the power-generating plant includes an energy storage system,
- an EnFluRi sensor must be provided to control the power injected on the distribution network.
- the EnFluRi sensor is a directional power sensor having a communication link with the energy storage system.
- the power injected into the distribution network is limited to the maximum power of the other means of power-generation.
The power-generating units which synchronize with the voltage on the distribution network (such as synchronous machines, island equipment ...), have to be equipped with a synchrocheck relay (equipped with a synchroscope) of a type homologated by Synergrid.
The synchrocheck is set as follows unless determined otherwise by the DSO:
- Voltage difference < 5 %
- Phase difference < 5°
- Observation time = 0,5 seconds
E.g. Specific for a small power-generating plant (D.7.1.1)
By default, the power generation unit must operate according to the following rules:
- When the voltage
$\leq 105 % U_n$ :$\cos \phi = 1 (Q=0)$ - When the voltage $ > 105 % U_n $ : free operation with
$1 \geq \cos \phi > 0.9$ under-excited. (no overexcited operation allowed)
class: middle, center
- The distribution system is DC
- Requires DC to DC converters to adapt voltage to devices
- DC to AC to power AC loads, or to inject in the public grid
- AC to DC to convert AC generation to DC (e.g. from public grid to microgrid)
- DC microgrids are not widespread but gain some interest
.grid[ .kol-1-2[.center[:)]
- DC systems enable a simpler integration of distributed energy resources (DERs*), since many of them are either DC by nature or require a DC interface anyway
- Parallel distributed architectures are simpler to realize in DC:
- unnecessary frequency control and phase synchronization
- Frequency control is not necessary in DC systems
- unwanted harmonic content may by easier to filter too] .kol-1-2[.center[:(]
- Autonomous distributed control harder in DC than in AC because no information carried through the signal (frequency, phase)
- There are stability issues due to DC-DC conversion stages
- It is more difficult to clear fault currents: the signal “does not go through zero”. Hence protections are more costly and harder to set up.] ]
class: middle, center
By teams of 2, write a little report and draw an electrical diagram of the demonstration board:
- wiring diagram
- protections
- equipment ratings (voltage, current, power)
- types of controllers and regulations
- cable sections
- try to get some datasheets to understand how components work, can do and cannot do
[1] Kwasinski, Alexis, Wayne Weaver, and Robert S. Balog. Microgrids and other local area power and energy systems. Cambridge University Press, 2016.
[2] Rocabert, J., Luna, A., Blaabjerg, F., & Rodríguez, P. (2012). Control of power converters in AC microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 27(11), 4734–4749.
class: end-slide, center count: false
The end.