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Releases: alchemyplatform/alchemy-sdk-js

v2.2.2 (DEPRECATED!)

17 Nov 17:26
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Major Changes

Minor Changes

  • Added support for ENS resolution to the NotifyNamespace and WebsocketNamespace methods.
  • Added the batchRequests setting in AlchemySettings. Enabling this setting will automatically batch and send json-rpc requests to reduce network overhead.
  • Included new export for the Interface class from ethers to simplify encoding ABI when using eth_call.
  • Added support for the NftNamespace.getNftMetadataBatch() method to fetch metadata for multiple NFTs in a single call.
  • Added support for the NftNamespace.getNftSales() method to fetch NFT sales across different marketplaces. Thanks @xeno097!


08 Nov 20:09
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Major Changes

Minor Changes

  • Fixed a bug where AlchemyConfig.getWebsocketProvider() was not exported as a public method. This method allows you get the underlying WebsocketProvider that is implemented by ethers.
  • Added the NftNamespace.summarizeNftAttributes() method to get the summary of attribute prevalence for all NFTs in a contract.
  • Added the NftNamespace.searchContractMetadata() method to search for a keyword across ERC721 and ERC1155 contract metadata.
  • Added support for ENS resolution on several CoreNamespace methods. You should now be able to pass in an ENS domain into any param that requires an owner address.
  • Added the CoreNamespace.resolveName() and CoreNamespace.lookupAddress() methods to resolve and lookup ENS domains and their owner addresses.
  • Fixed a bug where the Accept-Encoding header was incorrectly included in requests that originated from the browser (#174).
  • Added the openSea response to NftNamespace.getContractMetadata()to match the REST endpoint (#162).


21 Oct 19:58
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Major Changes

  • Added the NotifyNamespace to the top-level Alchemy object. The NotifyNamespace is used to perform CRUD operations on webhooks in the Notify API.
  • Added the alchemy_minedTransactions subscription event to the WebsocketNamespace. This subscription emits full transaction objects or hashes that are mined on the network based on provided filters.
  • Added the NftNamespace.computeRarity() method to get the rarity attributes of the provided NFT. Thanks @xeno097!

Minor Changes


07 Oct 19:49
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Minor Changes

  • Added the AIDROPS enum to NftNamespace.getNftsForOwner().
  • Added the spamInfo field to the response for getNftsForOwner() and getNftsForContract().
  • Fixed a bug where type declarations were not available when using NodeNext module resolution. Thanks @quentinverlhac!
  • Marked Ropsten, Rinkeby, and Kovan Network enums as deprecated. Please switch over to Goerli.


29 Sep 15:55
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Major Changes

  • POTENTIALLY BREAKING: Fixed a typing bug where the totalSupply field in an NftContract should have type string instead of number.
  • Updated the Nft class to include the contract metadata in the Nft.contract field.
  • Added commonly used utility methods from ethers.js into a top-level Utils export.
  • Added the NftNamespace.verifyNftOwnership() method to replace the deprecated checkNftOwnership() method.
  • Added Contract and ContractFactory exports from ethers into the top-level exports.

Minor Changes

  • Added support for withTokenBalances in NftNamespace.getOwnersForContract().
  • Added support for the erc20 token type and pagination for CoreNamespace.getTokenBalances().
  • Added bytes field to the Media object in the NFT metadata responses to indicate the size of the media in bytes. Note that the size field is not supported by the backend and will be removed in the next version.


19 Aug 18:28
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Minor Changes

  • Added support for the pageSize parameter in GetNftsForOwnerOptions to specify the number of NFTs fetched when using alchemy.nft.getNftsForOwner().
  • Added support for a Wallet object. This object is identical to the Ethers Wallet class.
  • Added support for Arbitrum Goerli network via the Network.ARB_GOERLI enum.
  • Added support for the AStar Mainnet network via the Network.ASTAR_MAINNET enum.
  • Added typed request/response overloads for CoreNamespace.getAssetTransfers() for when the withMetadata param is true.
  • Added support the tokenUriTimeoutInMs parameter on getNftsForOwner(), getNftMetadata(), and getNftsForContract().


10 Aug 17:37
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Major Changes

  • Added the transact namespace for functionality relating to sending transactions. This includes the Flashbots methods sendPrivateTransaction and cancelPrivateTransaction.

Minor Changes

  • Removed the deprecated TOKEN enum from AssetTransfersCategory.
  • Added support for Optimism Goerli network via the Network.OPT_GOERLI enum.
  • Added the pageSize parameter in GetNftsForContractOption to specify the number of NFTs fetched when using alchemy.nft.getNftsForContract.
  • Added correct withMetadata typing to AssetTransfersResponse.


01 Aug 21:26
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What's Changed

  • Added option to hardcode URL endpoint for all SDK requests in AlchemySettings @thebrianchen in #79
  • Fixed a bug where the SDK would incorrectly include a gzip header in browser environments by @thebrianchen in #78

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1


25 Jul 22:12
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  • Top level package has moved from @alch/alchemy-sdk to alchemy-sdk for convenience. New command to install is npm install alchemy-sdk
  • Updated instantiation syntax: initializeAlchemy(settings) is now new Alchemy(settings)
  • Added three namespaces under the Alchemy object: core, nft, and ws. All Ethers.js provider methods and Alchemy Enhanced APIs (other than NFT) are under core.
  • Moved top-level methods under the Alchemy object. Instead of getNftsByOwner(alchemy, 'vitalik.eth'), now methods are called using alchemy.nft.getNftsByOwner('vitalik.eth')
  • Ethers.js Alchemy Provider methods are now directly embedded under alchemy.core
  • Ethers.js WebSocket Provider methods are now directly embedded under
  • The settings object is now a config module under alchemy.config.
  • If necessary, the full Ethers.js Provider is now available under alchemy.config.getProvider() as a promise to reduce bundle size.
  • If necessary, the full WebSocket Provider is now available under alchemy.config.getWebSocketProvider() as a promise to reduce bundle size.
  • Dynamic imports for large methods (in particular, Ethers.js methods) are now supported. Initial package size for the Alchemy SDK is 20kB, and will only download Ethers.js packages when a relevant method is called.
  • Methods including Collection in the NFT package have been renamed to Contract: for instance, getNftsForCollection is now getNftsForContract.


22 Jul 18:30
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.0.8...v1.2.0