Symbol Back
is a primitive data type arisen from ECMAScript 2015(ES6), which purpose is to be an identifier for object properties. It means that it is immutable and unique:
console.log(Symbol() === Symbol()); /** => false */
const obj = {
id: Symbol(),
Just like strings, symbols can also be used as keys for object properties:
const str = 'key';
const symbol = Symbol('key');
const obj = {
[str]: 'value',
[symbol]: 'symbol value',
Certainly, the member have to be accessed with specific declared symbol:
console.log(obj[symbol]); /** => symbol value */
console.log(obj[Symbol('key')]); /** undefined */
Can we generate an unreachable property in this way?
const obj = {
[(() => Symbol('key'))()]: 'unreachable value',
We cannot access including using
operators, except Object.getOwnPropertySymbols()
console.log(obj[Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj)[0]]); /** => 'unreachable value' */
For more details around Symbol
including its built-in methods, we can check the document from TypeScript or MDN directly.