is a script to reverse complement (multi-)sequence files.
- Synopsis
- Description
- Usage
- Options
- Output
- Run environment
- Dependencies
- Author - contact
- Citation, installation, and license
- Changelog
perl seq-file.embl > seq-file_revcom.embl
perl multi-seq_file.embl | perl -i embl > seq_file_cat_revcom.embl
This script reverse complements (multi-)sequence files. The features/annotations in RichSeq files (e.g. EMBL or GENBANK format) will also be adapted accordingly. Use option -o to specify a different output sequence format. Input files can be given directly via STDIN or as a file. If STDIN is used, the input sequence file format has to be given with option -i. Be careful to set the correct input format.
perl -o gbk seq-file.embl > seq-file_revcom.gbk
or reverse complement all sequence files in the current working directory:
for file in *.embl; do perl -o fasta "$file" > "${file%.embl}"_revcom.fasta; done
-h, -help
Help (perldoc POD)
-o=str, -outformat=str
Specify different sequence format for the output [fasta, embl, or gbk]
-i=str, -informat=str
Specify the input sequence file format, only needed for STDIN input
-v, -version
Print version number to STDOUT
The reverse complemented sequence file is printed to STDOUT. Redirect or pipe into another tool as needed.
The Perl script runs under Windows and UNIX flavors.
- BioPerl (tested version 1.007001)
Andreas Leimbach (aleimba[at]gmx[dot]de; Microbial Genome Plasticity, Institute of Hygiene, University of Muenster)
For citation, installation, and license information please see the repository main
- v0.2 (2015-12-10)
- included a POD instead of a simple usage text
- included
with Pod::Usage - included 'use autodie' pragma
- options with Getopt::Long
- output format now specified with option -o
- included version switch, -v
- allowed file and STDIN input, instead of only file; thus new option -i for input format
- output printed to STDOUT now, instead of output file
- fixed bug, that only first sequence in multi-sequence file is reverse complemented. Now all sequences in a multi-seq file are reverse complemented.
- v0.1 (2013-02-08)