Build an engaging skill that quizes a user with facts about any topic. Alexa will quiz the user with these facts at random and test their knowledge.
In the first step of this guide, we built the Voice User Interface (VUI) for our Alexa skill. On this page, we will be exploring the Alexa-Hosted code editor, and deploying our code to enable testing.
- For details on what the Alexa-Hosted skills service provides, open this page in a new tab.
Within your skill in the developer console, click on the Code tab at the top of the page. You should see folders and files within the left panel, you can change your code, select the Save button, then select Deploy. This will deploy your code into a Lambda function that is automatically managed for you by the Alexa-Hosted service.
At the bottom left corner of the page, notice the link to Logs: Amazon CloudWatch. CloudWatch is the logging service you can use to help debug your skill. We will go into more depth on how to use CloudWatch in the next step.