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Configuration Reference for AACS (Alexa Auto Client Service)

This document explains the various fields of the AACS configuration. The AACS configuration is similar to the Auto SDK configuration, with a few additional fields unique to AACS.

Table of Contents

Auto SDK Modules

You configure a module in AACS in a similar way as you configure a module in the Auto SDK. For example, the Auto SDK specifies a module in the configuration as aace.<module>, and AACS specifies a module in the configuration as aacs.<module>. See the Auto SDK's documentation for information about the Auto SDK configuration.

The following example shows the syntax for configuring the CBL module in AACS, which is the same as the syntax in the Auto SDK:

    "aacs.cbl" : {
        "enableUserProfile": false

Optionally, you can also configure the timeout value of AASB synchronous messages in aacs.messageBroker, as detailed in Core Module README for configuring the MessageBroker. The default timeout duration is 500 ms.

    "aacs.messageBroker": {
        "defaultMessageTimeout": 1000

The aacs.alexa module has a structure that is slightly different from its Auto SDK counterpart as explained in the following list:

  • In AACS, there is no avsDeviceSDK node, because most of the configuration required for this section is done within AACS. The only required configuration from avsDeviceSDK is deviceInfo, and it is specified directly under aacs.alexa.
  • aacs.alexa contains a node called localMediaSource, which explicitly specifies which media sources are available.

The following example shows deviceInfo and localMediaSource in the configuration for aacs.alexa:

    "aacs.alexa": {
        "deviceInfo": {
            "clientId": "",
            "productId": "",
            "deviceSerialNumber": "",
            "manufacturerName": "",
            "description": ""
        "localMediaSource": {
            "types": ["FM_RADIO"]


Type: JSON Object

Specifies which local media sources are available and handled in the application. If your application prefers AACS to handle the local media sources, use useDefaultLocalMediaSource instead.


Type: String Array

Specifies the available local media sources. Possible values are BLUETOOTH, USB, FM_RADIO, AM_RADIO, SATELLITE_RADIO, LINE_IN, COMPACT_DISC, SIRIUS_XM, DAB, and DEFAULT

AACS Module Enablement

AACS allows your application to enable/disable certain modules using AACS configuration file. To enable or disable certain modules, add certain JSON blocks to the AACS configuration inside "aacs.modules" block, as shown in the following examples:

  • APL module is disabled by default. To enable APL, add the following configuration to the configuration file:
"aacs.modules": {
    "aacs.apl": {
        "APL": {
            "enabled": true
  • Custom Domain module is disabled by default. Similarly to APL, to enable Custom Domain, add the following configuration to aacs.modules in the configuration file:
"aacs.customDomain": {
  "CustomDomain": {
      "enabled": true

Note: If Custom Domain module is enabled, you must provide a valid aacs.customDomain configuration to configure the engine with your custom interfaces. Otherwise, the engine will fail to start. See Required Engine Configuration for Custom Domain module.

  • Authorization and CBL cannot be enabled at the same time. CBL module is deprecated in version 3.1, your application should use the Authorization modules instead. To disable CBL, add the following configuration to aacs.modules in the configuration file:
"aacs.cbl": {
  "CBL": {
    "enabled": false

If your application uses the deprecated CBL module, disable the Authorization module in the configuration:

"aacs.authorization": {
  "Authorization": {
    "enabled": false

For configuring module enablement, more information can be found at Configurating the MessageBroker


aacs.general is used for most configurable values of AACS that are not required for the Auto SDK, as shown in the following example:

    "aacs.general" : {
        "version": "1.0",
        "persistentSystemService": false,
        "startServiceOnBootEnabled": true,
        "syncSystemPropertyChange": false,
        "intentTargets" : {...}


Type: String Indicates the version of AACS to be used. Releases of AACS will have current and minimum-supported versions. Versions outside this range will not be compatible and the service will not start as a result.


Type: Boolean

When persistentSystemService is set to false (default), AACS starts as a foreground service, which has higher priority on the Android system. If you have system-level control over your device, you may set this field to true to run AACS as a truly persistent service. Doing so also hides the AACS notification that is displayed when the service is run in the foreground.


Type: Boolean

When startServiceOnBootEnabled is set to true, AACS automatically starts running when the device is booted up. For the service to start on boot, it must have been run at least once after it was installed. When startServiceOnBootEnabled is set to false, AACS requires the application to send an intent to start the service.


Type: Boolean

This field is optional. When syncSystemPropertyChange is set to true, AACS handles synchronizing the time zone and locale settings of Alexa with the device settings so your application does not need to implement this feature if it is expected in your UX. When it's not present, it's default to false.


Type: Boolean

This field is optional. When updateSystemPropertyAllowed is set to true, AACS updates the system settings if the corresponding Alexa's property is changed, only if AACS AAR is in a system application. For this release, only time zone property is supported. When it's not present, it's default to false.


Type: JSON Object

This field is optional. Specifies a target for messages of every topic. There is a JSON object for every message topic supported in AACS, where the key is the topic name.

Note: If there are any extensions that require message handling, their topic will need to be added here.


Type: String

Specifies the package name of the application that receives messages for this particular module.


Type: String

Specifies the class name within the application that receives messages for this particular module.

Default Platform Handlers

AACS provides the default platform implementation for certain services, which you can enable through the configuration in aacs.defaultPlatformHandlers. For a full explanation of default platform handlers, see the AACS README.

"aacs.defaultPlatformHandlers": {
    "useDefaultLocationProvider": true,
    "useDefaultNetworkInfoProvider": true,
    "useDefaultExternalMediaAdapter": true,
    "useDefaultPropertyManager": true,
    "audioInput": {
        "audioType": {
            "VOICE": {
                "useDefault": true,
                "audioSource": "MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC"
            "COMMUNICATION": {
                "useDefault": true,
                "audioSource": "MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC",
    "audioOutput": {
        "audioType": {
            "TTS": {
                "useDefault": true
            "ALARM": {
                "useDefault": true
            "MUSIC": {
                "useDefault": false
            "NOTIFICATION": {
                "useDefault": true
            "EARCON": {
                "useDefault": true
            "RINGTONE": {
                "useDefault": true
            "COMMUNICATION": {
                "useDefault": true


Type: Boolean

Set to true to enable the default LocationProvider platform implementation in AACS. If useDefaultLocationProvider is set to false, your application must separately handle the messages for this topic.


Type: Boolean

Set to true to enable the default NetworkInfoProvider platform implementation in AACS. If useDefaultNetworkInfoProvider is set to false, your application must separately handle the messages for this topic.


Type: Boolean

Set to true to enable the default ExternalMediaAdapter platform implementation in AACS. If useDefaultExternalMediaAdapter is set to false, your application must separately handle the messages for this topic.


Type: Boolean

Set to true to enable the default PropertyManager platform implementation in AACS. This enables synchronous managing of properties using AACS's ContentProvider. If useDefaultPropertyManager is set to false, your application must separately handle the messages for this topic.


Type: Boolean

Set to true to enable the default CustomDomain message dispatcher in AACS. If CustomDomain module is enabled and useDefaultCustomDomainMessageDispatcher is set to false, your application must separately handle the messages for topic CustomDomain.


Type: JSON Object

Configures AudioInput in AACS based on the audio type. This JSON object consists of JSON nodes for the audio types that contain this information. Available audio types are COMMUNICATION and VOICE.


Type: Boolean

Set to true to enable the default AudioInput platform implementation for the given audio type. If useDefault is set to false, AudioInput for the given audio type must be handled in your application.


Type: String

Specifies the Android audio source for the given audio type. This assumes that the useDefault field is set to true. Available Audio sources are MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC, MediaRecorder.AudioSource.DEFAULT, MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_RECOGNITION, MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_COMMUNICATION and EXTERNAL.

If you do not specify a value, the default audio source is MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC. It is recommended to set handleAudioFocus to true. This will ensure that When Alexa is in LISTENING, THINKING and EXPECTING state, AACS will request audio focus resulting in other playing media to be ducked or paused.

Using EXTERNAL for audioSource means AACS fetches the audio stream from an external application, and it requires a valid externalSource object to be present in the JSON object. The following sample configuration is for an external stream:

        "VOICE": {
          "useDefault": true,
          "audioSource": "EXTERNAL",
          "externalSource": {
            "type": "ACTIVITY",
            "package": "com.example.application",
            "class": ".MainActivity"

Note: When specifying both VOICE and COMMUNICATION's audioSource values as non-EXTERNAL, be sure that their audioSource values are the same.


Type: JSON Object

Configures audioOutput in AACS based on the audio type. This JSON object consists of JSON nodes for audio types that contain this information. Available audio types are TTS, ALARM, MUSIC, NOTIFICATION, EARCON, and RINGTONE.


Type: Boolean

Set to true to enable the default AudioOutput platform implementation for the given audio type. If useDefault is set to false, AudioOutput for the given audio type must be handled in your application.


Type: Boolean (Followed with detailed localMediaSourceMetadata JSON array configuration if set true)

Set to true to enable the default LocalMediaSource platform implementation to configure local media sources. By default useDefaultLocalMediaSource is treated false so if not included in the config file or set to false explicitly, please define localMediaSource JSON array in the aacs.alexa node to enable AASB LocalMediaSource messages to be delivered to your application. Refer the following sample configuration for the useDefaultLocalMediaSource.

    "useDefaultLocalMediaSource" : true,
    "localMediaSourceMetadata": [
        "supported": true,
        "mediaPackageName":"<Package Name>",
        "mediaServiceClass":"<Media Browser service class name>"
      }, {
        "supported": true,
        "mediaPackageName":"<Package Name>",
        "mediaServiceClass":"<Media Browser service class name>"
      }, {
        "supported": true,
        "mediaPackageName":"<Package Name>",
        "mediaServiceClass":"<Media Browser service class name>",
        "supportsSetPreset": true,
        "supportsSetFrequency": true
      }, {
        "supported": false,
        "mediaPackageName":"<Package Name>",
        "mediaServiceClass":"<Media Browser service class name>",
        "supportsSetPreset": true,
        "supportsSetFrequency": true
      }, {
        "supported": false,
        "mediaPackageName":"<Package Name>",
        "mediaServiceClass":"<Media Browser service class name>"
      }, {
        "supported": false,
        "mediaPackageName":"<Package Name>",
        "mediaServiceClass":"<Media Browser service class name>"
      }, {
        "supported": true,
        "mediaPackageName":"<Package Name>",
        "mediaServiceClass":"<Media Browser service class name>"
      }, {
        "supported": false,
        "mediaPackageName":"<Package Name>",
        "mediaServiceClass":"<Media Browser service class name>"
      }, {
        "supported": false,
        "mediaPackageName":"<Package Name>",
        "mediaServiceClass":"<Media Browser service class name>"
        "supported": true,
        "supportsSetPreset": true

sourceType Specifies the available local media sources. Possible values are BLUETOOTH, USB, FM_RADIO, AM_RADIO, SATELLITE_RADIO, LINE_IN, COMPACT_DISC, SIRIUS_XM, DAB, and DEFAULT. The DEFAULT source provides the facility to support all the media sources which are not listed in the given list.

Note: This feature uses NotificationListenerService to monitor active sessions, provide BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE permission to the application which includes AACS AAR to support the default local media source handling. If access is not provided, AACS would ignore the "useDefaultLocalMediaSource" : true configuration. This access is generally given by enabling the application with AACS AAR in Settings >> Apps >> Special Access >> Notification access.

Note: If OEM wishes to make the application with AACS AAR as a system application, they can avoid the Notification Access step. Please add a line <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL" /> in the AACS AndroidManifest.xml file and provide all the required permissions to the system application in the Android operating system.

Refer Local Media Source to know more about DEFAULT media source. supported configures the given Local Media Source. if supported is set true, that media source would be handled and controlled through AACS. If supported is set false, AACS would ignore the media source.

mediaPackageName and mediaServiceClass are mandatory configuration keys. mediaPackageName represents the package name of the media source and mediaServiceClass represents the The name of the class inside of package that implements the component of the media browser service. This is a requirement of the ComponentName. Please ensure that right data is provided here. Since DEFAULT player can act on behalf of all latest the media sources except Alexa music, MACC supported players and other configured local media sources, it is not full time associated to any package name and MediaBrowserService. It always represents 0th media controller of the onActiveSessionsChanged controller list.

Besides these mandatory configuration keys, following optional keys are useful for the correct mapping of metadata.

metadataTitleKey By default AACS uses METADATA_KEY_TITLE to extract the title data from the Local Media Source. If any of the media source provides this data through the different key, use this configuration field.

For example, Consider sub title as title for some reason


metadataTrackIdKey By default AACS uses METADATA_KEY_MEDIA_ID to extract the trackId from the Local Media Source. If any of the media source provides this data through the different key, use this configuration field.

metadataTrackNumberKey By default AACS uses METADATA_KEY_TRACK_NUMBER to extract the track number from the Local Media Source. If any of the media source provides this data through the different key, use this configuration field.

metadataArtistKey By default AACS uses METADATA_KEY_ARTIST to extract the artist from the Local Media Source. If any of the media source provides this data through the different key, use this configuration field.

metadataAlbumKey By default AACS uses METADATA_KEY_ALBUM to extract the title data from the Local Media Source. If any of the media source provides this data through the different key, use this configuration field.

metadataDurationKey By default AACS uses METADATA_KEY_DURATION to extract the title data from the Local Media Source. If any of the media source provides this data through the different key, use this configuration field.

supportsSetFrequency This takes a boolean value. It should be set true for AM or FM where Alexa can set the frequency in the AM or FM application.

Local Media Player like FM or AM application should be able to handle this request. To support it, these app needs to implement onPrepareFromSearch and onPlayFromSearch methods. They will receive a query string containing a json in following format.

    "payload":"98.7 FM HD 1"

Note Refer Local Media Source for more information of the ContentSelector and payload.

supportsSetPreset This takes a boolean value. It should be set true if media source can play media by preset number.

Note onPrepareFromSearch and onPlayFromSearch related details given in the above section are applicable for content type PRESET as well.

supportsSetChannel This takes a boolean value. It should be set true if media source like Sirius XM which can play media by channel name.

Note onPrepareFromSearch and onPlayFromSearch related details given in the above section are applicable for content type CHANNEL as well.