A Mahara app for offline use.
The technology is JavaScript ES6, React, Redux, and Phonegap.
- Mahara 16.10+
- The Mahara site you're connecting to must have activated the new "mobileapi" module added in Mahara 16.10: https://reviews.mahara.org/#/c/7039/
- Once that's added, you'll need to activate the plugin by going to "Administration -> Extensions -> Plugin configuration -> module/mobileapi" and using the auto-configure tool.
- Node.js (version 4 or later)
- Ubuntu 16.04:
apt-get node-js
- Ubuntu 14.04: The apt "node-js" package for 14.04 is way too old (version 0.10). If you already have it installed, you'll need to uninstall it. Then install a modern version of Node.js from here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/#debian-and-ubuntu-based-linux-distributions
- Ubuntu 16.04:
To install all the NPM and Cordova dependencies:
npm install
For basic debugging and development, the site can be run in a Chromium browser on your local machine. (Note: Some Cordova plugins don't work in the browser, so some functionality may be missing.) To launch the browser, just run:
npm start
To rebuild the app in the browser, after you've made changes:
npm run build-browser
... and then refresh the browser.
To build the Android app, you'll need the Oracle version of Java 8. Here's how to install it on Ubuntu:
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer oracle-java8-set-default
Then download and install Android studio from https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html
Launch Android Studio and run through the first-time wizard. Then from the tools menu, launch the SDK Manager. Install:
Android SDK Tools
Android SDK Platform-tools
Android 6.0 -> SDK Platform
Android 6.0 -> Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
Once those are installed, close the SDK Manager and launch the AVD Manager. Create an Android 6 (API 23) virtual device, and launch it. (Or alternately, you could connect up a physical Android device via USB, and put it in development mode.)
Then finally, run:
npm run android
To update the app in Android after you've made changes to the code, run npm run android
You can use the cordova command-line tool. To produce an APK that can run on a normal Android device, you'll need an Java keystore to sign it with. See the Android documentation for instructions on how to generate an acceptable keystore.
`npm bin`/cordova build \
--release \
--device android \
-- \
--keystore=/PATH/TO/YOUR/KEYSTORE.keystore \
npm run build-ios
- The app currently does everything in redux using the basic synchronous data flow
- For a GUI app, it's recommended to instead use redux-thunk or redux-promise in order to improve UI responsiveness: http://redux.js.org/docs/advanced/AsyncFlow.html).
- Data is stored in LocalStorage, which is not guaranteed to be persistent in iOS! https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/cordova/storage/storage.html#disadvantages
- The best solution seems to be to move the data storage into a SQLite database file, placed in a location where iOS won't delete it.
- Camera support (instead of just gallery support)
- Tags on images
- More informative error messages
- Better control flow for situations where the user's token is no longer valid.
- Testing on iOS