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Functions Exercises

Question 1.

Write a function named doubleNumber(_:) that takes in a Double and returns that number times two

//Your function here

// input: 99 
// output: 198

// input: 3.0
// output: 6.0
func double(_ number: Double) -> Double {
  return number * 2

print(double(99)) // 198.0

Question 2.

Write a function named smallest(of:and:) that takes in two Doubles and returns the smaller number. Don't use the built-in max() function.

// input: 2.3, 2.03
// output: 2.03

// input: 8.0, 3.0
// output: 3.0
// Your function here
func smallest(of num1: Double, and num2: Double) -> Double {
  let result = num1 < num2 ? num1 : num2
  return result

print(smallest(of: 2.3, and: 2.03)) // 2.03
print(smallest(of: 8.0, and: 3.0)) // 3.0

Question 3.

Write a function named smallestValue(in:) that takes in an array of Doubles and returns the smallest Double. Don't use .min()

// input: [1.0,2,3,4,5,5]
// output: 1.0

// input: [-4,-59,-348,-34,-4]
// output: -348
func smallestValue(in arr: [Double])  -> Double {
  guard var smallest = arr.first else { return 0 }
  for num in arr {
    if num < smallest {
      smallest = num
  return smallest

print(smallestValue(in: [1.0,2,3,4,5,5])) // 1.0
print(smallestValue(in: [-4,-59,-348,-34,-4])) // -348

Question 4.

Write a function named occurrences(of:in:) that counts how many Characters in a String match a specific character.

// input: "hello", "l"
// output: 2 

// input: "Now with some spaces", " "
// output: 3
func occurrences(of char: Character, in str: String) -> Int {
  let characters = str.filter { $0 == char }
  return characters.count

print(occurrences(of: "l", in: "hello")) // 2
print(occurrences(of: " ", in: "Now with some spaces")) // 3

Question 5.

Write a function called removeNils(from:) that takes an array of optional Ints and returns an array with them unwrapped with any nil values removed.

// input: [1, nil, 9, nil, 10, nil]
// output: [1, 9, 10]

// input: [1, 2, 3]
// output: [1, 2, 3]

// input: [nil]
// output: []

// input: []
// output: []
// Your function here
func removeNils(from arr: [Int?]) -> [Int] {
  let results = arr.compactMap { $0 }
  return results

print(removeNils(from: [1, nil, 9, nil, 10, nil])) // [1, 9, 10]
print(removeNils(from: [1, 2, 3])) // [1, 2, 3]
print(removeNils(from: [nil])) // []
print(removeNils(from: [])) // []

Question 6.

Write a function named average(of:) that returns the average of an array of Doubles.

// input: [1,2,3,4,5]
// output: 3

// input: [1.5, 2.25, 4.5, -1.5]
// output: 1.6875
func average(of numbers: [Double]) -> Double {
  let results = numbers.reduce(0.0, +)
  return results / Double(numbers.count)

print(average(of: [1,2,3,4,5])) // 3
print(average(of: [1.5, 2.25, 4.5, -1.5])) // 1.6875

Question 7.

Write a function named frequencyDictionary(of:) that takes a String as input and returns a dictionary that maps each Character to its number of occurrances.

// input: "hello"
// output: ["h": 1, "e": 1, "l": 2, "o": 1]

// input: "aaaaaAAA"
// output: ["a": 5, "A":3]

// input: "More words"
// output: ["M": 1, "o": 2, "r": 2, "e": 1, " ": 1, "w": 1, "d": 1, "s": 1]
func frequencyDictionary(of str: String) -> [Character: Int] {
  var dict = [Character: Int]()
  for char in str {
    if let count = dict[char] {
      dict[char] = count + 1
    } else {
      dict[char] = 1
  return dict

print(frequencyDictionary(of: "hello")) // ["o": 1, "l": 2, "e": 1, "h": 1]
print(frequencyDictionary(of: "aaaaaAAA")) // ["a": 5, "A": 3]
print(frequencyDictionary(of: "More words")) // ["o": 2, " ": 1, "w": 1, "d": 1, "M": 1, "r": 2, "e": 1, "s": 1]

Question 8.

Write a function named value(_:isGreaterThanAverageOf:) that takes in an array of Doubles and a Double and returns whether the Double is greater than the average.

// input: 4.0, [1.0,2,3,4,5]
// output: true 

// input: 3, [1,2,3,4,5]
// output: false 

// input: 100.8, [1,42,1,541,42,5]
// output: false 
// Your function here
func value(_ num: Double, isGreaterThanAverageOf numbers: [Double]) -> Bool {
  let average = numbers.reduce(0.0, +) / Double(numbers.count)
  let result = num > average ? true : false
  return result

print(value(4.0, isGreaterThanAverageOf: [1.0,2,3,4,5])) // true
print(value(3, isGreaterThanAverageOf: [1,2,3,4,5])) // false
print(value(100.8, isGreaterThanAverageOf: [1,42,1,541,42,5])) // false

Question 9.

Write a function that finds the second smallest Int an an array of Ints

// input: [1, 2, 3, 4]
// output: 2

// input: [2, 1, 3, 4]
// output: 2
// Your function here
func secondSmallest(of numbers: [Int]) -> Int {
  guard var smallest = numbers.first else { return 0 }
  var secondSmallest = Int.max
  for num in numbers {
    if num < smallest {
      secondSmallest = smallest
      smallest = num
    else if num < secondSmallest && num != smallest {
      secondSmallest = num
  return secondSmallest

print(secondSmallest(of: [1, 2, 3, 4])) // 2
print(secondSmallest(of: [2, 1, 3, 4])) // 2

Question 10.

Write a program that outputs the string representation of numbers from 1 to n.

But for multiples of three it should output “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five output “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five output “FizzBuzz”.

LeetCode - 412. Fizz Buzz

// Example 

n = 15,

func fizzBuzz(_ n: Int) -> [String] {
  var arr = [String]()
  for i in 1...n {
    if i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 == 0 {
    else if i % 3 == 0 {
    else if i % 5 == 0 {
    else {
  return arr

print(fizzBuzz(9)) // ["1", "2", "Fizz", "4", "Buzz", "Fizz", "7", "8", "Fizz"]
print(fizzBuzz(15)) // ["1", "2", "Fizz", "4", "Buzz", "Fizz", "7", "8", "Fizz", "Buzz", "11", "Fizz", "13", "14", "FizzBuzz"]