a. Given the variable userNameOne
below, print "The username is Test User". Use Optional Binding (if let
) to print the name.
var userNameOne: String? = "Test User"
var userNameOne: String? = "Test User"
if let name = userNameOne {
print("The username is \(name)") // The username is Test User
b. Given the variable userNameTwo
below, print "The username is undefined". Use the nil coalescing operator (??
var userNameTwo: String? = nil
var userNameTwo: String? = nil
print(userNameTwo ?? "The username is undefined.") // The username is undefined.
a. Given the variables rectOneWidth
and rectOneHeight
below, print "The area of rectOne is 50". Use Optional Binding (if let
) to print the area.
var rectOneWidth: Double? = 5
var rectOneHeight: Double? = 10
var rectOneWidth: Double? = 5
var rectOneHeight: Double? = 10
if let rectOneWidth = rectOneWidth,
let rectOneHeight = rectOneHeight {
print("The are of rectOne is \(rectOneWidth * rectOneHeight)") // The are of rectOne is 50.0
b. Given the variables rectTwoWidth
and rectTwoHeight
below, print "The are of rectTwo is not able to be calculated". Use Optional Binding (if let
) to print this message.
var rectTwoWidth: Double? = nil
var rectTwoHeight: Double? = nil
var rectTwoWidth: Double? = nil
var rectTwoHeight: Double? = nil
if let rectTwoWidth = rectTwoWidth,
let rectTwoHeight = rectTwoHeight {
print("The area of rectTwo is \(rectTwoWidth * rectTwoHeight)")
} else {
print("The area of rectTwo is not able to be calculated.")
a. Given the variables userOneName
, userOneAge
, and userOneHeight
below, write code that prints "Hello Anne! You are 15 years old and 5.8 feet tall" (1 foot = 12 inches). Use optional binding.
var userOneName: String? = "Anne"
var userOneAge: Int? = 15
var userOneHeight: Double? = 70
var userOneName: String? = "Anne"
var userOneAge: Int? = 15
var userOneHeight: Double? = 70
if let userOneName = userOneName,
let userOneAge = userOneAge,
let userOneHeight = userOneHeight {
let height = String(format: "%.1f", Double(userOneHeight) / Double(12.0))
print("Hello \(userOneName)! You are \(userOneAge) years old and \(height) feet tall.")
// Hello Anne! You are 15 years old and 5.8 feet tall.
b. Given the variables userTwoName
, userTwoAge
and userTwoHeight
below, write code that prints "Hello user! You are 15 years old and I don't know how tall you are". Use optional binding
var userTwoName: String? = nil
var userTwoAge: Int? = 15
var userTwoHeight: Double? = nil
var userTwoName: String? = nil
var userTwoAge: Int? = 15
var userTwoHeight: Double? = nil
if let userTwoName = userTwoName,
let userTwoAge = userTwoAge,
let userTwoHeight = userTwoHeight {
let height = String(format: "%.1f", Double(userTwoHeight) / Double(12.0))
print("Hello \(userTwoName)! You are \(userTwoAge) years old and \(height) feet tall.")
} else {
print("Hello user! You are 15 years old and I don't know how tall you are.")
// Hello user! You are 15 years old and I don't know how tall you are.
Give the variable favoriteNumber
, write code that either prints "Your favorite number is " followed by the number, or "I don't know what your favorite number is"
is of type Int? and will either be nil
or a random number between 0 and 10. It will change each time you run your Playground.
var favoriteNumber = Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...10) : nil
var favoriteNumber = Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...10) : nil
if let favoriteNumber = favoriteNumber {
print("Your favorite number is \(favoriteNumber)")
} else {
print("I don't know what your favorite number is.")
Given the variables numOne
, numTwo
and numThree
, write code that prints "The sum of all the numbers is " followed by their sum. If a number is nil
, don't add it to the sum. If all numbers are nil
, the sum is zero.
var numOne = Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...10) : nil
var numTwo = Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...10) : nil
var numThree = Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...10) : nil
var numOne = Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...10) : nil
var numTwo = Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...10) : nil
var numThree = Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...10) : nil
var sum = 0
if numOne == nil && numTwo == nil && numThree == nil {
print("The sum is zero.")
} else {
if let numOne = numOne,
let numTwo = numTwo,
let numThree = numThree {
print("The sum of all the numbers is \(numOne + numTwo + numThree).")
if let numOne = numOne {
sum += numOne
if let numTwo = numTwo {
sum += numTwo
if let numThree = numThree {
sum += numThree
print("The sum is \(sum).")
a. Given the variable numbers
below, write code that prints "The sum of all the numbers is " followed by their sum. If a number is nil
, don't add it to the sum. If all numbers are nil
, the sum is zero.
var numbers = [Int?]()
for _ in 0..<10 {
numbers.append(Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...100) : nil)
var numbers = [Int?]()
for _ in 0..<10 {
numbers.append(Bool.random() ? Int.random(in: 0...100) : nil)
var totalSum = 0
for num in numbers {
totalSum += (num ?? 0)
b. Using the same variable, find the average of all non-nil values.
let nonNilValues = numbers.compactMap { $0 }
let nonNilValuesSum = nonNilValues.reduce(0, +)
print("The average of all the non nil values is \(nonNilValuesSum / nonNilValues.count)")