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Jarvis Android app #534

5 of 7 tasks
Oliv4945 opened this issue Apr 9, 2017 · 51 comments
5 of 7 tasks

Jarvis Android app #534

Oliv4945 opened this issue Apr 9, 2017 · 51 comments


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Oliv4945 commented Apr 9, 2017

I thought it would be nice to have an Android app in order to be more dedicated than the non open-source Tasker, so I am working on it.

If you can test the very preliminary beta to confirm that it works on most installations.
1. Download it here.[...]
Please find installation instruction here

Their is a lot of work still required:

  • Conversation display like Jarvis-ui
  • Mute & un-mute local/remote TTS
  • Set TTS voice regarding Jarvis' locale instead of phone's locale
  • Add possibility to use a secret key
  • Add a return button in PreferencesActivity
  • Add a preference to start STT with the app
  • Any other idea ?
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@Oliv4945 wow thanks for this great initiative!
Do you plan to publish it on Google Play? Do you need to pay for this?
Any screenshot?
Please also consider embedding "Jarvis-UI" which already has most of your TODO list.

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Thanks @alexylem

Do you plan to publish it on Google Play? Do you need to pay for this?

If it is useful, yes I can publish it.
I think there is a (small?) one time fee, I never did it but I will check.

Please also consider embedding "Jarvis-UI" which already has most of your TODO list.

I considered it but I don't think it can be ported to Android Java, or at least I don't know how.
I updated the todo list in my first post. Please find today's release here

What application name should I use ? Jarvis ?
Do you have an higher resolution icon than this one ?

Any screenshot?

Here you go, but the best way is to try it if you have an Android device :p
screenshot_2017-04-10-22-12-55_net iopush jarvis

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alexylem commented Apr 11, 2017

I think there is a (small?) one time fee

Depending on the price, I can sponsor using donation of users

I don't think it can be ported to Android Java

I was not proposing to port it, but to embed it (there must be a way to display a web page in an app). If needed I can evolve this plugin so that you can pass the recognized voice order in parameter, so that you keep your mic button native.

Do you have an higher resolution icon


What application name should I use ?

For now name it Jarvis. I was considering a new name, but people seem to prefer Jarvis:

best way is to try it if you have an Android device

I don't that's why I asked 😄

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Depending on the price, I can sponsor using donation of users

Thank you for the proposition. It is $25... consider it as my donation :-)
I will publish the app when it will be more polished and I have feedback confirming that it works for others. Maybe you can put a message on this page to request beta testers ?

I was not proposing to port it, but to embed it (there must be a way to display a web page in an app). If needed I can evolve this plugin so that you can pass the recognized voice order in parameter, so that you keep your mic button native.

There is a way to embed a navigator inside an app, but it seems that jQuery/Ajax does not run well inside, moreover the app will be simple because everything is handled by jarvis-api. I added a basic "conversation view" yesterday, so now it is just about adding few parameters and a good looking UI.

Maybe adding Jarvis-face in a second time might be fun :p

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wikijm commented Apr 11, 2017

This is very generous, thanks a lot @Oliv4945, I'm pretty sure that the community will appreciate a lot your gesture 😘

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@Oliv4945 wow thanks a lot for this donation!! it is the highest recorded to-date ❤️ 👏
I have added your name in:

Maybe you can put a message on this page to request beta testers ?

Added new page:
Give me your domotiquefacile username if you want to have write access.

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I have added your name in:

Thanks, but it is not done for now, and it is because your project worth it !

Added new page:

Great, I just registered with Oliv4945

The app have now a conversation mode... Had to fight with Android themes but it works, just some cosmetics to finish !! Apk available here

screenshot_2017-04-13-00-18-25_net iopush jarvis

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wikijm commented Apr 13, 2017

Last version crash directly at startup.
I try to using it on SAMSUNG GALAXY S5 with you Android 6.0.1.
I'll be able to test on S3 later.

Is your app generate some log?

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Oliv4945 commented Apr 13, 2017

I try to using it on SAMSUNG GALAXY S5 with you Android 6.0.1.

I tried yesterday on Android 5 & 7, so I hoped it should be ok for 6 :'(

Is your app generate some log?

There is no specific error handling for now, neverthelless I leaved debug options enabled in the apk so:

  • If use use ADB (Android Debug Bridge) it is easy thanks to adb -d logcat "net.iopush.jarvis:*" *:S
  • If not, you need to
    • Install this application
    • Start Jarvis (wait for the crash)
    • Start Syslog, then Take log
    • It will allow you to send an email, inside the zip please send me the file named logcat.txt.
    • Data should be anonymous (I did not verified) so if you fear about it before Take log you can select grep the following log:->All logs and in Grep string field put jarvis (all lower case) and have should have enough info... never tested it :p

I know it is lot of steps but it can help me a lot, thank you for your help. Did the previous apk worked ?

I have created a Github repo, so issues can be reported there.

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wikijm commented Apr 13, 2017

The previous apk worked like a charm.
Don't worry about all those steps, i'll do it with pleasure 😉 (certainly with results on your repo).

I invite you to use "Release" functionnality, to share few version of .apk.
More info here:

EDIT: New issue created here: Oliv4945/jarvis-android-app#3

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The same for me. Crash when launching the app.
Tested on Samsung S7 Edge - Android 7.0

I also catched logcat.txt using "all logs" mode but there is no "Jarvis" or "iopush" strings in it.

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Oliv4945 commented Apr 13, 2017

Ok, simple anwer : the apk file is corrupted :/
The file size is 500 ko instead of a bit more than 2 Mo for the previous versions. I just tried on my phone and it does not work if I install it from the apk too. Please wait the evening I will regenerate it :) Sorry.

It seems that we can not see full log with Syslog app if we are not root. So @wikijm are you root user, and @PsykonoyaK not ?

I invite you to use "Release" functionnality, to share few version of .apk.

I'll try, thanks

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Indeed, my phone isn't rooted. :)
I can not wait to test your app tonight!

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wikijm commented Apr 13, 2017

A root user I use, on the dark side I am 😜

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Ok, non corrupted apk uploaded in the same place, tried it on my phone and it works now,. Keep me updated in this issue please,
Sorry for the delay it will be better with Google Play :p

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Oliv4945 commented Apr 13, 2017

@Oliv4945 you now have write access
@alexylem : Thank you but how can I edit the page ? I do not see any button or link for that. Thank you

Edit: Now released in Github

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I tried the app after reupload and it works perfectly.
I also appreciate the voice return.
Good job!

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Oliv4945 commented Apr 14, 2017

New release v0.1.2

@wikijm : Thank you for your devices report. Would you mind to fill an issue for your HP Touchpad ?

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wikijm commented Apr 15, 2017

@Oliv4945 Fixed for HP Touchpad. I was using an OS without Google Apps, including Google Voice Recognition. After installing nano package, everything's works fine.

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@Oliv4945 I'm so sad not being able to test it out, would you consider sharing a demo video?

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Oliv4945 commented Apr 17, 2017

@wikijm: ok, thank you
@alexylem: I'll check how to make a screencast in Android. You can test it thanks to an Android emulator or maybe try

The app has been reported to work on phones and some tablets, so I have some minor cosmetic upgrades to do and will publish it on play store.

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Hi, v0.1.3 is released, please check release page for the change log.
If I sort out @jean-luc18 issue it should be the first release for Google Play store.

Also, I am still looking for translators :p

@alexylem : How can I edit this page ? I do not see any "edit" link. Thanks

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@Oliv4945 try again with your "Oliv4945" user. It was an issue on my side.

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V.0.1.3 installed but no changes.
Works correctly, misses written feedback and oral feedback.
Message at the bottom of the screen: "Json parsing error: No value for Jarvis"


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@jean-luc18 : New issue started here, could you please answer ?
@alexylem : It works, thank you

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New release fixing two issues : v0.1.4

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Has you publish it on google play store ?

I don't find it

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@RobyBioloid : Not yet. I am still solving bug reports.
You have to manually download it, instructions here.

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New release v0.1.5.
Fix a huge bug when using 'Start STT with the app' option.

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New release v0.2.0
Application prepared for Play Store, account opened, just waiting for Alexylem answer on future name :-)

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Oliv4945 commented May 1, 2017

New release v0.2.1
Bug correction on big screens.

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une appli android, c'est vraiment une super bonne idee ! Bravo au dev !

Moi j'ai un soucis, j'arrive pas a communiquer avec le plugin, je comprend pas.
le plugin jarvis-api est bien installé, il fonctionne bien avec le plugin jarvis-ui.
Par contre, je n'arrive pas a le faire communiquer avec l'apk. J'ai essayé avec mon telephone et ma tablette. J'ai des logs (cf ci-dessous), donc la requete part bien du telephone vers jarvis, mais l'appli me repond a chaque fois "verifier le port et l'ip du serveur".
Les parametres sont bon, j'ai essayer de changer le port, de mettre ou pas un cle (cote client et cote plugin, bien sur). Bref, je comprend pas..
J'ai la release v0.2.1
Et c'est normal que dans le get ou le post, on ne voit pas le contenu de ma phrase ?
Bref, j'ai du raté un truc, mais je vois pas quoi...Si vous avez une idee merci d'avance !
Benoit. - - [08/May/2017 16:38:43] "GET /?action=get_config&key=1234567890 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [08/May/2017 16:38:53] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [08/May/2017 16:38:53] "GET /?action=get_config&key=1234567890 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [08/May/2017 16:38:53] "GET /?action=get_config&key=1234567890 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [08/May/2017 16:38:58] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

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Oliv4945 commented May 8, 2017

Bonjour Benoît, merci de ton retour encourageant.
Pour ton problème j'ai ouvert un ticket ici, si on peut y continuer la discussion ça permet d'isoler les soucis. Merci :)

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NikoS34 commented May 10, 2017

Bonjour Oliv', c'est du très bon boulot et une telle appli mobile manquait vraiment pour ce super projet qu'est Jarvis !
J'ai testé sans souci ta version v0.2.1 sur plusieurs devices Android (post correspondant mis à jour), quelques petites remarques :

  • dans les "Preferences" (qui d'ailleurs s'appelle "Options" dans le menu...) ça serait cool de pouvoir gérer plusieurs profils (ip/port/...) pour choisir le PI à "piloter" avec ton appli ?
  • "Ne pas répondre dans l'application" coupe effectivement le TTS dans l'appli mobile, mais je m'attendais donc à retrouver le TTS sur le PI or ce n'est à priori pas le cas, normal ou pas ?
  • Je n'ai pas trouvé d'effet visible à "Ne pas répondre sur le serveur" ?
  • l'affichage de l'historique des questions/réponses peut être sympa mais ça serait mieux si on pouvait choisir ou pas cet affichage (avec une limite ?) dans les "Preferences".
  • une petite proposition pour activer le micro sans toucher le bouton : détecter un "shake"...
  • le support du mode "conversation" de Jarvis est-il envisagé ???


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Oliv4945 commented May 10, 2017


Bonjour Oliv', c'est du très bon boulot et une telle appli mobile manquait vraiment pour ce super projet qu'est Jarvis !

merci :-)

De bonnes idées, j'ai créé un sujet ici pour en discuter. Si d'autres veulent en parler ou proposer d'autres sujets

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Je rêvais de pouvoir tester ton app et je n'ai pas android.
Mais j'ai trouvé un émulateur en ligne qui me permet de le faire:

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@NikoS34 : Deux soucis de réglés dans la nouvelle version v0.2.2
@alexylem : Super ! J'avais essayé pour voir, les émulateurs était toujours occupés :/ ça fonctionne du coup ? Reconnaissance et audio inclus ?

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Application is available on Google Play Store :p
See it here

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J'ai un problème avec l'application mais aussi en API sur un même problème avec le tuto sur TASK.
Mon problème est le suivant : je mets bien l'adresse ip et le port et ensuite je test : "Bonjour" il est censé me répondre "bonjour sebastien" sur la raspberry pi3 sauf qu'il me dit : "erreur je ne cromprends pas 'bonjour' " (franchement j'espère que c'est une blague) et il m'affiche : ERROR: No JSON object could be decoded
Et quand j'écris dans la console "Bonjour" il me répond bien "bonjour sebastien"

C'est très embêtant :/

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Oliv4945 commented Jul 5, 2017

Bonsoir @sebogoss11

Si le problème est aussi présent sur le navigateur, c'est donc Jarvis API. Merci de poster la question ici, et de ne pas faire deux issues pour la même chose.

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NathanCrombez commented Jul 13, 2017

Great work, it works like a charm on my Nexus 5 :)
Just one thing that I didn't check, does it work on conversation mode ? You know when yo first press the vocal command button, say a command, Jarvis say or do something and then Jarvis is waiting for another answer. How does it work in that case, do you have to press the vocal command button once again ?
I mean in this case :
*CA VA*==say "très bien et toi?"
>*OUI*==say "ravi de l'entendre"
>*NON*==say "j'en suis navré, dois-je te laisser tranquille?"
>>*OUI*==say "Au revoir $username"; exit
>>*NON*==say "Ok je reste"


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@NathanCrombez good question...
I never tried but it should work by pressing the mic button each time you want to answer. Test and tell me :-)

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@Oliv4945 I just tried and it works perfectly :) You just have to press the mic button for each answer. Very good work, thank you ;)

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Super boulot :)

Est-il possible d'ajouter la fonctionnalité "say" pour faire parler Jarvis ?

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Merci Oliv pour cette application qui fonctionne bien sur un appareil récent.
Serait-il possible de la rendre compatible avec Android version 1.6 ?

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Oliv4945 commented Nov 20, 2017 via email

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bonjour j'ai egalement un petit soucis. applicatio installée, jarvis installe sur une raspberry pi le plugin ui fonctionne impec mais quand je test avec l'appli android j'ai le desormais celebre message flash "ERROR: No JSON object could be decoded" (samsung galaxy s8 avec option ne pas repondre sur le serveur activée)

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Oliv4945 commented Jan 2, 2018

@fredericsuretat : sujet traité dans une autre issue que vous avez ouverte.

Je ferme ce sujet vu que l'application est publiée

@Oliv4945 Oliv4945 closed this as completed Jan 2, 2018
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