All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Autopopulate the field FORMAT of long identification line and short and long id line TYPE fields. They were missed in 1.1.3
- Add source distribution in gitlab ci
- Price and tax data types in LibrosDoc.Book. They are t.FLOAT now
- Document attributes doctype_code and version_code
- Autopopulate the identification lines fields that we can derive from their parent Document
- Example usage in the README
- Extend python requirements down to 3.7
- A Changelog! :)
- Document parsing. It was broken by initializing all lines in 08f64a0a
- Initialize lists and documents so that once created, all fields exist and can be accessed even if empty
- Pad differently strings ("A ") and numbers ("001")
- List type hint