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PocketBase C++ SDK in Qt

NON OFFICIAL & EXPERIMENTAL C++ SDK for interacting with the PocketBase Web API.

Work still in progress, many breaking changes without notice as we try to match the official SDKs. Contributions are highly welcome.

Implemented Features

  • Admin Service
  • Records Service (partially)
    • Auth With Password
    • Auth with OAuth2 (In Plans)
    • Auth Refresh
    • Request Email Verification
    • Confirm Email Verification
    • Request Password Reset
    • Confirm Password Reset
    • Request Email Change
    • Confirm Email Change
    • List auth methods (Not planned)
    • List OAuth2 accounts (Not planned)
    • Unlink OAuth2 account (Not planned)
  • Crud Service
    • Search/List
      • GetList
      • GetFullList
      • GetFistListItem
    • View (getOne)
    • Create
    • Update
    • Delete
    • Realtime
  • Collections Service
  • File Service
  • Health Service
  • Backup Service (Not planned)
  • Log Service
  • Realtime Service
  • Settings Service
  • Documentation


Add the library to your dependencies:

git clone

Import it in your C++ code:

#include "client.h"

using namespace pb;
auto client = PocketBase('');

More detailed API docs and copy-paste examples could be found in the API documentation for each service or in the Services section below.

Error handling

All services return a standard response, so the error handling is straightforward:

try {
  auto result = client.collection('example')->getList(1, 50);
} catch (ClientResponseError e) {
  qDebug() << e.what(); 

All response errors are normalized and wrapped as ClientException with the following public members that you could use:

ClientException {
    url            QString      // The address of the failed request
    message        QString      // The string message
    statusCode     int          // The status code of the failed request
    response       QMap         // The JSON API error response
    isAbort        bool         // Indicates whether the request was aborted/cancelled
    originalError  std::exception_ptr // The original response error


The SDK keeps track of the authenticated token and auth model for you via the pb.authStore() service. The default AuthStore class has the following public members that you could use:

AuthStore {
    token:    String                      // Getter for the stored auth token
    model:    RecordModel|AdminModel|null // Getter for the stored auth RecordModel or AdminModel
    isValid   bool                        // Getter to loosely check if the store has an existing and unexpired token
    onTokenChanged  Signal                // Stream that gets triggered on each auth store change

    // methods
    save(token, model)             // update the store with the new auth data
    clear()                        // clears the current auth store state

To "logout" an authenticated record or admin, you can just call pb.authStore.clear().

To "listen" for changes in the auth store, you can listen to the onTokenChanged broadcast stream:

pb.authStore.onChange.listen((e) {


RecordService (API docs)

Crud handlers
// Returns a paginated records list.
πŸ”“ client.collection(collectionIdOrName)->getList(/*page*/ 1, /*perPage*/ 30, /*skipTotal*/skipTotal, /*QJsonObject*/params);

// Returns a list with all records batch fetched at once.
πŸ”“ client.collection(collectionIdOrName)->getFullList(/*batch*/ 100, /*QJsonObject*/params);

// Returns the first found record matching the specified filter.
πŸ”“ client.collection(collectionIdOrName)->getFirstListItem(filter, /*QJsonObject*/params);

// Returns a single record by its id.
πŸ”“ client.collection(collectionIdOrName)->getOne(recordId, /*QJsonObject*/params);

// Creates (aka. register) a new record.
πŸ”“ client.collection(collectionIdOrName)->create(/*QJsonObject*/body, /*QJsonObject*/params);

// Updates an existing record by its id.
πŸ”“ client.collection(collectionIdOrName)->update(recordId, /*QJsonObject*/body, /*QJsonObject*/params);

// Deletes a single record by its id.
πŸ”“ client.collection(collectionIdOrName)->deleteOne(recordId);
Realtime handlers
// Subscribe to realtime changes to the specified topic ("*" or recordId).
// It is safe to subscribe multiple times to the same topic.
// If you want to remove all subscriptions related to the topic use unsubscribe(topic).
πŸ”“ client.collection("collectionIdOrName")->subscribe( [&](const Event& data) { /* Callback Function */ } );

// Unsubscribe from all registered subscriptions to the specified topic ("*" or recordId).
// If topic is not set, then it will remove all registered collection subscriptions.
πŸ”“ client.collection("collectionIdOrName")->unsubscribe();

πŸ”“ client.collection("collectionIdOrName")->unsubscribe("topic");

πŸ”“ client.collection("collectionIdOrName")->unsubscribe(["topic1", "topic2", ...]);
Auth handlers

Available only for "auth" type collections.

// Returns all available application auth methods.
πŸ”“ client.collection(collectionIdOrName)->listAuthMethods(/*QJsonObject*/ params);

// Authenticates a record with their username/email and password.
πŸ”“ client.collection(collectionIdOrName)->authWithPassword(usernameOrEmail, password, /*QJsonObject*/ body, /*QJsonObject*/ query);

// Authenticates a record with OAuth2 code.
πŸ”“ client.collection(collectionIdOrName)->authWithOAuth2(provider, code, codeVerifier, redirectUrl, /*QJsonObject*/ createData, /*QJsonObject*/ body, /*QJsonObject*/ query);

// Refreshes the current authenticated record model and auth token.
πŸ” client.collection(collectionIdOrName)->authRefresh(/*QJsonObject*/body, /*QJsonObject*/ query);

// Sends a user password reset email.
πŸ”“ client.collection(collectionIdOrName)->requestPasswordReset(email, /*QJsonObject*/body, /*QJsonObject*/query);

// Confirms a record password reset request.
πŸ”“ client.collection(collectionIdOrName)->confirmPasswordReset(resetToken, newPassword, newPasswordConfirm, {expand?, fields?, query, body, headers});

// Sends a record verification email request.
πŸ”“ client.collection(collectionIdOrName)->requestVerification(email);

// Confirms a record email verification request.
πŸ”“ client.collection(collectionIdOrName)->confirmVerification(verificationToken);

// Sends a record email change request to the provider email.
πŸ” client.collection(collectionIdOrName)->requestEmailChange(newEmail);

// Confirms record new email address.
πŸ”“ client.collection(collectionIdOrName)->confirmEmailChange(emailChangeToken, userPassword);

AdminService (API docs)

// Authenticates an admin account by its email and password.
πŸ”“ client.admins()->authWithPassword(email, password, /*QJsonObject*/ params);

// Refreshes the current admin authenticated model and token.
πŸ” client.admins()->authRefresh(/*QJsonObject*/ params);

// Sends an admin password reset email.
πŸ”“ client.admins()->requestPasswordReset(email);

// Confirms an admin password reset request.
πŸ”“ client.admins()->confirmPasswordReset(resetToken, newPassword, newPasswordConfirm);

// Returns a paginated admins list.
πŸ” client.admins()->getList(/*page*/ 1, /*perPage*/ 30, /*skipTotal*/false, /*QJsonObject*/ params);

// Returns a list with all admins batch fetched at once.
πŸ” client.admins()->getFullList(/*batch*/ 100, /*QJsonObject*/ params);

// Returns the first found admin matching the specified filter.
πŸ” client.admins()->getFirstListItem(filter, /*QJsonObject*/ params);

// Returns a single admin by their id.
πŸ” client.admins()->getOne(id, /*QJsonObject*/ params);

// Creates a new admin.
πŸ” client.admins()->create(/*QJsonObject*/ body, /*QJsonObject*/ query);

// Updates an existing admin by their id.
πŸ” client.admins()->update(id, /*QJsonObject*/body, /*QJsonObject*/ query);

// Deletes a single admin by their id.
πŸ” client.admins()->deleteOne(id);

CollectionService (API docs)

// Returns a paginated collections list.
πŸ” client.collections()->getList(/*page*/ 1, /*perPage*/ 30, /*QJsonObject*/ params);

// Returns a list with all collections batch fetched at once.
πŸ” client.collections()->getFullList(/*batch*/ 100, /*QJsonObject*/ params);

// Returns the first found collection matching the specified filter.
πŸ” client.collections()->getFirstListItem(/*QString*/ filter, /*QJsonObject*/ query);

// Returns a single collection by its id.
πŸ” client.collections()->getOne(id, /*QJsonObject*/ params);

// Creates (aka. register) a new collection.
πŸ” client.collections()->create(/*QJsonObject*/ body, /*QJsonObject*/ query);

// Updates an existing collection by its id.
πŸ” client.collections()->update(id, /*QJsonObject*/ body, /*QJsonObject*/ query);

// Deletes a single collection by its id.
πŸ” client.collections()->deleteOne(id);

// Imports the provided collections.
πŸ” client.collections()->import(collections, /*deleteMissing*/ false, /*QJsonObject*/ params);

LogService (API docs)

// Returns a paginated logs list.
πŸ” client.logs()->getList(/*page*/ 1, /*perPage*/ 30, /*QJsonObject*/ params);

// Returns a single log by its id.
πŸ” client.logs()->getOne(id, /*QJsonObject*/ params);

// Returns logs statistics.
πŸ” client.logs()->getStats(/*QJsonObject*/ params);

SettingsService (API docs)

// Returns a map with all available app settings.
πŸ” client.settings()->getAll(/*QJsonObject*/params);

// Bulk updates app settings.
πŸ” client.settings()->update(/*QJsonObject*/params);

// Performs a S3 storage connection test.
πŸ” client.settings()->testS3(/*QJsonObject*/params);

// Sends a test email (verification, password-reset, email-change).
πŸ” client.settings()->testEmail(toEmail, template);

// Generates a new Apple OAuth2 client secret.
πŸ” client.settings()->generateAppleClientSecret(clientId, teamId, keyId, privateKey, duration);


This service is usually used with custom realtime actions. For records realtime subscriptions you can use the subscribe/unsubscribe methods available in the pb.collection() RecordService.

// Initialize the realtime connection (if not already) and register the subscription.
// You can subscribe to the `PB_CONNECT` event if you want to listen to the realtime connection connect/reconnect events.
πŸ”“ client.realtime()->subscribe("topic", [&](const Event& data) { /* Callback Function */ }, /*Optional params QJsonObject() */ );

// Unsubscribe from a subscription (If topic is empty, all subscriptions are removed).
πŸ”“ client.realtime()->unsubscribe("topic");

  // Health check
  QJsonObject health =>check(/*Optional QJsonObject{}*/);