Part of it was written by Robert Stuttaford; another part, by Adam Frey. Both gave me express permission to use it as I see fit.
(Trimmed for brevity, redacted for privacy. Some context added.)
On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 16:58, Leandro Doctors wrote:
Dear Robert,
As a way to get actual Clojure experience, I am starting to work on a Clojure implementation of MTG. I saw your MTG code [1], and would like to use it.
However, it has no license...
Would you relicense it as either as ASL2+ or AGPL3+ (with Clojure exception) so I can use it?
Thank you in advance, Leandro Doctors
On Wed, 26 Feb 2020 at 17:08, Robert Stuttaford wrote:
You can just use it :)
Robert Stuttaford Chief Technical Officer Office: [redacted] Mobile: [redacted] Linked In: Robert Stuttaford Twitter: @RobStuttaford
On Wed, 26 Feb 2020 at 17:11, Leandro Doctors wrote:
I will consider this to be a relicensing of your code to WTFPL[1] :-)
[1] Do What the Fuck You Want To Public License:
(ns mtg
(:require [clojure.spec.gen :as gen]
[clojure.spec :as s]))
(s/def ::pos-int (s/and int? (complement neg?)))
(s/def ::set string?)
(s/def ::set-number ::pos-int)
(s/def ::artist string?)
(s/def ::metadata (s/keys :req-un [::set ::set-number ::artist]))
(s/def ::name string?)
(s/def ::type #{:land :creature :artifact :enchantment :sorcery :instant :planeswalker})
(s/def ::types (s/and set? (s/+ ::type)))
(s/def ::sub-type ::type)
(s/def ::rules string?)
(s/def ::legendary? boolean?)
(s/def ::world? boolean?)
(s/def ::base-card (s/keys :req-un [::name ::types ::metadata ::rules]
:opt-un [::sub-type ::legendary? ::world?]))
#_ (->> (s/exercise ::base-card) (take 5))
(s/def ::amount ::pos-int)
(s/def ::color #{:white :blue :black :red :green})
(s/def ::colors (s/+ ::color))
(s/def ::mana (s/keys :req-un [::amount]
:opt-un [::colors]))
(s/def ::manas (s/+ ::mana))
(s/def ::cost (s/* ::manas))
(s/def ::spell (s/and ::base-card (s/keys :req-un [::cost])))
(s/def ::power int?)
(s/def ::toughness int?)
(s/def ::creature (s/and ::spell (s/keys :req-un [::power ::toughness])))
(s/def ::loyalty int?)
(s/def ::planeswalker (s/and ::spell (s/keys :req-un [::loyalty])))
(defmulti card-spec :types)
(defmethod card-spec #{:land} [_] ::base-card)
(defmethod card-spec #{:creature} [_] ::creature)
(defmethod card-spec #{:artifact} [_] ::spell)
(defmethod card-spec #{:enchantment} [_] ::spell)
(defmethod card-spec #{:sorcery} [_] ::spell)
(defmethod card-spec #{:instant} [_] ::spell)
(defmethod card-spec #{:planeswalker} [_] ::planeswalker)
(defmethod card-spec #{:artifact :creature} [_] ::creature)
(defmethod card-spec #{:enchantment :creature} [_] ::creature)
(defmethod card-spec #{:artifact :enchantment} [_] ::spell)
(s/def ::card (s/multi-spec card-spec :types))
@_Leandro Doctors|279114 said:
Hi, everybody,
I finally found the time to start implementing my long-time excuse for
playing with Clojure.spec, and started a project[1] to model the
domain of "Magic: The Gathering". (I guess you know the game?)
Hi, I saw your message about using clojure.spec to model Magic: The Gathering and I remembered that I took a crack at starting this a while ago. I don't have any plans to up date this code but you might find it useful:
@_Adam Frey|138569 said:
@_**Leandro Doctors|279114** [said](
@**Adam Frey** Thanks for the link! Any particular (licensing) condition? (I'm using AGPL3+ with a Clojure exception for my project...)
No license restrictions on my part. Free to use. I should update the repo to add a license file if I have the time
Cool! Thank you so much, @Adam Frey !
(ns mtg.card
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as gen]))
(def ^:private non-empty-string? (s/and string? not-empty))
(s/def ::name non-empty-string?)
(s/def :mtg/color
(s/def ::color-identity (s/coll-of :mtg/color :kind set?))
(s/def ::colors (s/coll-of :mtg/color :kind set?))
(s/def ::converted-mana-cost
(s/spec nat-int? :gen #(s/gen (s/int-in 0 12))))
(s/def ::layout
(s/def :mtg.mana/color
(s/def ::mana-cost
(s/spec pos-int? :gen #(s/gen (s/int-in 1 4)))))
(s/def ::display-power (s/and non-empty-string?
#(< (count %) 5)))
(s/def ::display-toughness (s/and non-empty-string?
#(< (count %) 5)))
(s/def ::power (s/spec int? :gen #(s/gen (s/int-in 0 13))))
(s/def ::toughness (s/spec int? :gen #(s/gen (s/int-in 0 13))))
(s/def :scryfall/oracle-id non-empty-string?)
(s/def :mtgjson/id non-empty-string?)
(s/def :mtg.card/type
(s/def :mtg.card/types
(s/coll-of :mtg.card/type :kind set?
:min-count 1))
(s/def :mtg.card/supertype
(s/def :mtg.card/supertypes
(s/coll-of :mtg.card/supertype :kind set?))
(s/def :mtg.card/subtype
(s/def :mtg.card/subtypes
(s/coll-of :mtg.card/subtype :kind set?))
#_(def last-spec *1)
#_(gen/generate (s/gen last-spec))
(s/def :mtg/card
:req [::name
:opt [::power