All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning for all versions v1.0.0
and beyond (still considered experimental prior to v1.0.0).
- #101 Timeout configuration
- #104 Customize rpc client configurations
- #105 Make HTTP timeout configurable
- #106 Improve log context by adding topic id and actor type to logger
- #98 RPC nodes as an array, with rpc-looping management
- #107 uallo values to get over uint64 (eg minStake)
- #100 Update v0.8.0 chain dependencies
- #87 Update v0.7.0 chain + whitelist coverage
- #89 Added linter
- #92 Context handling
- #91 Add Feemarket support
- #94 Gas price update interval
- #96 Final chain update to v0.7.0 tag
- #82 Adjust adapter log levels
- #83 Added missing params to .env example
- #88 New topic case + handle window-related errorcodes
- #95 Use CanSubmitXPayload methods
- #66 Smart worker detection of submission windows + persistent error management + query retrials + reg/stake robustness + improved logging
- #81 Timeout height handling on tx submission
- #90 Added unit tests on CI/CD
- #75 Configurable fee awareness
- #73 Removal of legacy ECR workflow
- #74 Improve logging
- #76 Account sequence mismatch using expected number + other error handling improvements
- #77 More idiomatic buildcommit functions, use of errorsmod, error handling + duplicated error logs
- #63 Loss Function Library support.
- #65 Introduced different retry delays for account sequence.
- #68 Logging configuration
- #69 Update to allora-chain v0.6.1 dependencies.
- #62 Fix security email
- #53 Update to v0.5.0 chain dependencies. Validate bundles before sending.
- #55 Passive set retrial optimization.
- #56 Improve logs
- #57 Reduced severity of nonce failure to Warning.
- #41 MSE insteead of MAE, Reputer data validation, refactoring.
- #42 Update to v0.4.0 version of the chain. This contains breaking changes in types.
- #37 Fix covering nil pointer when params are not available
- #38 Fix error handling (nil pointer dereference) on registration.
- #40 Forecasting fixes
- #31 SubmitTx fix: if set to false but properly configured, it should still not submit.
- Metrics center for monitoring and alerting via Prometheus
- Edgecase fixes
- UX improvements e.g. JSON support (no Golang interactions needed)
Genesis release.