All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- feat: url, staticfiles and template name provider (#15) (fa5ea7)
- chore: update sponsor url (b9ca1b)
fix(syntax): allow dash(-) in tag name (5b53bc)
chore: change extension description (4f15b8)
chore: remove unwanted activation event (6a4da4)
refac: change comment func name (1d5bd8)
chore: update sponsor url (a99e07)
docs(readme): update installation guide (58e225)
fix(snippets): use lowercase in models/classes prefix (77452c)
chore: update github username (fb3696)
- improve(comment): support multi line commenting (fd5f30)
- docs(readme): improve comment feature section (6bbeab)
- improve(comment): support multi selection commenting (d18385)
- build(wepack): fix and change config (74161c8)
- chore(vscode): problemWatcher applyTo allDocuments (c92837a)
- fix(snippets): form method body quote (fd0218d)
- improve(snippets): add empty tag (5d8825d)
- docs(readme): update layout and texts (357bfff)
- build: ignore all config scripts (b524d46)
- feat: jump to template (50aaec3)
- fix(snippet): tag blocktrans body (9a6b00f)
- chore: add bmac link to github funding (ba0db19)
- chore(pkg): remove snippets keyword (b8eaa87)
- chore: add vscode sponsor link (b8214e5)
- fix(tm-grammer): allow @ in tag name (da56482)
- improve(tm-grammer): change tag/var bracket color (920956d)
- improve(snippets): add new imports (66f9f8f)
- fix(snippets): tags and filters (fc758d9)
- docs(readme): change support section (d3f906b)
- refactor: remove unwanted script (0cc851d)
- textmate grammer: escape quote and don't highlight nested tag/var
- readme: feature-highlighting gif renamed
- readme: feature-highlighting gif regenerated
- readme: feature-highlighting gif renamed
- readme: feature-highlighting gif
- textmate grammer: don't highlight inside comments and strings
- readme: feature-highlighting gif updated
- textmate token: keyword.operator.comparison
- snippets: comment
- snippets: description cleaned
- readme: buymeacoffee icon
- buymeacoffee link
- readme layout
- snippets:
- render tags in multiline instead of single
- cursor points improved
- Initial release