abump - bump pkgver in an APKBUILD file
abump [-s CVE-1,...] [-f ISSUE] [-k|--keep] PKGNAME-1.2.3
abump updates the pkgver in an APKBUILD file, updates its checksums, rebuilds it, and finally creates a new commit commit with the changes resulting.
abump operates looks for the specified package in nested directories inside the current working, assuming a layout like that of the aports repository.
-s, --security CVE1,... Include CVE in the secfixes comment section.
-f, --fixes ISSUE Include Fixes #ISSUE in the commit message. This will close the upstream issue when the commit is merged into the aports master branch.
-k, --keep Keep existing packages.
-h, --help Print help information and exit.
APORTSDIR Force operating on an alternate directory.
abump mml-1.0.0
abump glibmm2.68-2.78.0
abump telegram-desktop-4.11.8
abuild(1), apkgrel(1), newapkbuild(1), APKBUILD(5), apk(8).
Natanael Copa <ncopa@alpinelinux.org> and open source contributors.