Implement a class for a Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache. The cache should support inserting key / value pairs (the insertKeyValuePair() method), retrieving a key's value (the getValueFromKey() method), and retrieving the most recently "active" key (the getMostRecentKey() method); each of these methods should run in constant time. When a key / value pair is inserted or a key's value is retrieved, the key in question should become the most recent key. Also, the LRUCache class should store a maxSize property set to the size of the cache, which is passed in as an argument during instantiation. This size represents the maximum number of key / value pairs that the cache can hold at once. If a key / value pair is added to the cache when it has reached maximum capacity, the least recently used ("active") key / value pair should be evicted from the cache and no longer retrievable; the newly added key / value pair should effectively replace it. Inserting a key / value pair with an already existing key should simply replace the key's value in the cache with the new value and should not evict a key / value pair if the cache is full. Attempting to retrieve a value from a key that is not in the cache should return the None (null) value.
Sample input: (for an LRU Cache of size 3) insertKeyValuePair("a", 1) insertKeyValuePair("b", 2) insertKeyValuePair("c", 3) getMostRecentKey() getValueFromKey("a") getMostRecentKey() insertKeyValuePair("d", 4) getValueFromKey("b") insertKeyValuePair("a", 5) getValueFromKey("a") Sample output:
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Check this Python code.