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Graphical User Interface Beamline 531

This is the public repository for the Advanced Light Source developmental beamline 5.3.1.

This beamline is a pilot project to study the upgrade for instrument controls and user interface from Labview (as commonly used on the ALS floor) to EPICS and bluesky.

Contact: Tanny Chavez (, Grace Luo (, Wiebke Koepp ( Beamline scientist: Antoine Wojdyla (

Getting Started

To get started, clone this repository:

$ git clone
$ cd beamline321

Optional step, create a docker network "qs_net" with access to the devices in this beamline, by using IPvlan. If this network is not defined, please comment out this network in the docker-compose.yml file in this repo before moving forward.

Create an '.env' file, where you will define


In command line, run the following commands:

$ docker compose build
$ docker-compose up -d mongo

Next, we will create a new API client for this beamline. To achieve this, we will execute the following:

$ docker compose run beamline_api bash
$ python3 src/examples/ 
$ exit

This command will provide you a key, which should be added to the .env file as "BL_API_KEY = YOUR_KEY".

Let's now ingest a the components details, as follows:

$ docker-compose up -d beamline_api
$ docker compose run manager_frontend bash
$ python3 src/epics_db/
$ exit

Save the UID at the output of this script as "BL_UID" in your .env file.

After this initial setup, you can start this GUI at any point by using the following command:

$ docker compose up

The frontend interface can be accessed at: http://localhost:8052/


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