To execute (under CI/CD), use three automation scripts:
Source materials:
- AWS Documentation: Creating a VPC for your Amazon EKS cluster
- AWS Documentation: CloudFormation template which the Terraform one is based on
- Amazon EKS Workshop: Deploying Microservices to EKS Fargate
- AWS Documentation: Amazon EKS - Getting started with Fargate
- AWS Documentation: AWS Fargate profile
- AWS Documentation: Amazon EKS control plane logging
- AWS Documentation: Fargate logging
- AWS Documentation: Create an IAM OIDC provider for your cluster
- AWS Documentation: AWS Load Balancer Controller
- Kubernetes SIGs: Issue with Fargate profile for AWS Load Balancer Controller
- AWS Documentation: Application load balancing on Amazon EKS
- AWS Documentation: Network load balancing on Amazon EKS (assigning Elastic IP to NLB)
- AWS Knowledge Center: How do I set up the AWS Load Balancer Controller on an Amazon EKS cluster for Fargate?
- AWS Documentation: Example kubectl deployment YAML file
- AWS Documentation: Example kubectl deployment YAML file (newer syntax)
- Kubernetes SIGs: Issue with ALB webhook CA verification
- Kubernetes SIGs: Issue with keepTLSSecret not honoured
- Rafay: Getting Started with Amazon EKS
- AWS Documentation: Amazon EKS cluster endpoint access control
- AWS Knowledge Center: How do I set up an Application Load Balancer using the AWS Load Balancer Controller on an Amazon EC2 node group in Amazon EKS? (about cert manager)