- More or less important bugs fixed
- Reverted a patch which was inserting wrong record in lock table
- Languages added: Lithuanian, Indonesian
- Layout issues fixed
- Difficulty can be set for each task
- Priority areas can be defined for a project
- Users are informed when a task they worked on is invalidated
- Project tasks can be exported to GeoJSON
- Performance enhancements
- Fixed bug with Potlatch2 not launching.
- Fixed issue with static resources being cached by browser.
- Project creation workflow is made easier. KML can also be used as source.
- Projects list can be filtered to show only user's projects
- Projects can have a limited validity and be automatically archived after a given date.
- Stats tab layout has been redesigned.
- Project managers can now assign tasks to contributors.
- Fixed issue with automatic unlock.
- A link to overpass turbo were added to user profile page.
- Transifex is now used for translations.
- More languages were added. We now support de, es, fr, ja, pt, zw_TW.
- Fixed a bunch of more or less blocker bugs.
- Task can be downloaded as .osm. Loads directly in JOSM.
- Scaleline on map
- Auto recenter and zoom on task
- Added a project manager role
- Fixed concurrency issues when modifying a task state
- DB schema cleanup
- Several UI enhancements for the project creation
- HTML is no longer allowed in markdown fields
- Layout enhancements in translations management in project edit page
- iD users are asked to accept the license
Initial Tasking Manager V2 release.