-This function retrieves all the available equities and returns a pandas.DataFrame of them all.
-All the available equities can be found at: https://es.investing.com/equities/spain
-- Returns
-- Return type
-returns a pandas.DataFrame with all the available equities to retrieve data from
-This function retrieves the list of all the available equities
-- Returns
-- Return type
-returns list that contains all the available equity names
(equity, language='english')
-This function retrieves the company profile from an equity in the specified language from different sources.
-:param : name of the equity to the company profile from
-:type : param equity: str
-:param : language or code in which the company profile is going to be retrieved
-:type : param language: str
-- Returns
-- Return type
-returns str containing the company profile of the specified equity
-This function retrieves all the available etfs and returns a pandas.DataFrame of them all.
-All the available etfs can be found at: https://es.investing.com/etfs/spain-etfs
-- Returns
-- Return type
-returns a pandas.DataFrame with all the available etfs to retrieve data from
(country=None, columns=None, as_json=False)
-This function retrieves a dictionary with the specified columns of all the available etfs
-- Returns
-- Return type
-returns a dictionary that contains all the available etf values specified in the columns
(etf, start, end, as_json=False, order='ascending')
-This function retrieves historical data from the specified etf in the specified date range.
-:param : name of the etf to retrieve historical data from
-:type : param etf: str
-:param : start date since the data is going to be retrieved
-:type : param start: str
-:param : end date until the data is going to be retrieved
-:type : param end: str
-:param : optional parameter to indicate the order of the historical data to retrieve
-default value is ascending
-:type : param order: str
-:param : optional parameter to specify the output, default is pandas.DataFrame
-if true, return value is a JSON object containing the historical data from the specified etf
-:type : param as_json: bool
-- Returns
-- Return type
-returns pandas DataFrame (or JSON object if specified) containing the historical data of the etf
-This function retrieves the list of all the available etfs
-- Returns
-returns a list that contains all the available etf names
-- Return type
-returns list
(etf, as_json=False, order='ascending')
-This function retrieves recent historical data from the specified etf.
-The retrieved data corresponds to the last month and a half more or less.
-:param :
-:type : param country:
-:param : name of the etf to retrieve recent historical data from
-:type : param etf: str
-:param : optional parameter to indicate the order of the recent data to retrieve
-default value is ascending
-:type : param order: str
-:param : optional parameter to specify the output, default is pandas.DataFrame
-if true, return value is a JSON object containing the recent data from the specified etf
-:type : param as_json: bool
-- Returns
-- Return type
-returns pandas DataFrame (or JSON object if specified) containing the recent data of the etf
(fund, start, end, as_json=False, order='ascending')
-This function retrieves historical data from the specified fund in the specified date range.
-:param : name of the fund to retrieve historical data from
-:type : param fund: str
-:param : start date since the data is going to be retrieved
-:type : param start: str
-:param : end date until the data is going to be retrieved
-:type : param end: str
-:param : optional parameter to indicate the order of the historical data to retrieve
-default value is ascending
-:type : param order: str
-:param : optional parameter to specify the output, default is pandas.DataFrame
-if true, return value is a JSON object containing the historical data from the specified fund
-:type : param as_json: bool
-- Returns
-- Return type
-returns pandas DataFrame (or JSON object if specified) containing the historical data of the fund
(fund, as_json=False)
-This function retrieves historical data from the specified fund in the specified date range.
-:param : name of the fund to retrieve information from
-:type : param fund: str
-:param : optional parameter to specify the output, default is pandas.DataFrame
-if true, return value is a JSON object containing the information of the specified fund
-:type : param as_json: bool
-- Returns
-- Return type
-returns pandas DataFrame (or JSON object if specified) containing the information of the fund
(fund, as_json=False, order='ascending')
-This function retrieves recent historical data from the specified fund.
-The retrieved data corresponds to the last month and a half more or less.
-:param : name of the fund to retrieve recent historical data from
-:type : param fund: str
-:param : optional parameter to indicate the order of the recent data to retrieve
-default value is ascending
-:type : param order: str
-:param : optional parameter to specify the output, default is pandas.DataFrame
-if true, return value is a JSON object containing the recent data from the specified fund
-:type : param as_json: bool
-- Returns
-- Return type
-returns pandas DataFrame (or JSON object if specified) containing the recent data of the fund
-This function retrieves all the available funds and returns a pandas.DataFrame of them all.
-All the available funds can be found at: https://es.investing.com/funds/spain-funds?&issuer_filter=0
-- Returns
-- Return type
-returns a pandas.DataFrame with all the available funds to retrieve data from
(columns, as_json)
-This function retrieves a dictionary with the specified columns of all the available funds
-- Returns
-- Return type
-returns a dictionary that contains all the available fund values specified in the columns
-This function retrieves the list of all the available funds
-- Returns
-- Return type
-returns list that contains all the available fund names
(equity, start, end, as_json=False, order='ascending')
-This function retrieves historical data from the specified equity in the specified date range.
-:param : name of the equity to retrieve historical data from
-:type : param equity: str
-:param : start date since the data is going to be retrieved
-:type : param start: str
-:param : end date until the data is going to be retrieved
-:type : param end: str
-:param : optional parameter to indicate the order of the historical data to retrieve
-default value is ascending
-:type : param order: str
-:param : optional parameter to specify the output, default is pandas.DataFrame
-if true, return value is a JSON object containing the historical data from the specified equity
-:type : param as_json: bool
-- Returns
-- Return type
-returns pandas DataFrame (or JSON object if specified) containing the historical data of the equity
(equity, as_json=False, order='ascending')
-This function retrieves recent historical data from the specified equity.
-The retrieved data corresponds to the last month and a half more or less.
-:param : name of the equity to retrieve recent historical data from
-:type : param equity: str
-:param : optional parameter to indicate the order of the recent data to retrieve
-default value is ascending
-:type : param order: str
-:param : optional parameter to specify the output, default is pandas.DataFrame
-if true, return value is a JSON object containing the recent data from the specified equity
-:type : param as_json: bool
-- Returns
-- Return type
-returns pandas DataFrame (or JSON object if specified) containing the recent data of the equity