is a Reactor
which provides steps for working with Ash resources and actions.
See the Ash Reactor Guide for more information.
Ash-related configuration for the Ash.Reactor
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
default_domain {: #ash-default_domain } |
module |
A domain to use by default when calling actions |
action name, resource, action \\ nil
Declares a step that will call a generic action on a resource.
This step has three different modes of undo.
- The result of the action is never undone. This is the default.always
- Theundo_action
will always be called.outside_transaction
- Theundo_action
will not be called when running inside atransaction
block, but will be otherwise.
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
name {: #reactor-action-name .spark-required} |
atom |
A unique name for the step. | |
resource {: #reactor-action-resource .spark-required} |
module |
The resource to call the action on. | |
action {: #reactor-action-action } |
atom |
The name of the action to call on the resource. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
domain {: #reactor-action-domain } |
module |
The Domain to use when calling the action. Defaults to the Domain set on the resource or in the ash section. |
async? {: #reactor-action-async? } |
boolean |
true |
When set to true the step will be executed asynchronously via Reactor's TaskSupervisor . |
authorize? {: #reactor-action-authorize? } |
boolean | nil |
Explicitly enable or disable authorization for the action. | |
description {: #reactor-action-description } |
String.t |
A description for the step | |
undo_action {: #reactor-action-undo_action } |
atom |
The name of the action to call on the resource when the step is to be undone. | |
undo {: #reactor-action-undo } |
:always | :never | :outside_transaction |
:never |
How to handle undoing this action |
actor source
Specifies the action actor
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
source {: #reactor-action-actor-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the actor. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-action-actor-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the actor before it is passed to the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Actor
inputs template
Specify the inputs for an action
inputs %{
author: result(:get_user),
title: input(:title),
body: input(:body)
inputs(author: result(:get_user))
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
template {: #reactor-action-inputs-template .spark-required} |
%{optional(atom) => Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value} | keyword(Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value) |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-action-inputs-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which will transform the inputs before executing the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Inputs
tenant source
Specifies the action tenant
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
source {: #reactor-action-tenant-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the tenant. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-action-tenant-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the tenant before it is passed to the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Tenant
wait_for names
Wait for the named step to complete before allowing this one to start.
Desugars to argument :_, result(step_to_wait_for)
wait_for :create_user
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
names {: #reactor-action-wait_for-names .spark-required} |
atom | list(atom) |
The name of the step to wait for. |
Target: Reactor.Dsl.WaitFor
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Action
ash_step name, impl \\ nil
Specifies a Ash.Reactor step.
This is basically a wrapper around Reactor.step
, in order to handle
any returned notifications from the run step/function.
See the Reactor.Step
behaviour for more information.
ash_step :create_post, MyApp.CreatePostStep do
argument :title, input(:title)
ash_step :create_post do
argument :title, input(:title)
run fn %{title: title}, _ ->
MyApp.Post.create(title, return_notifications?: true)
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
name {: #reactor-ash_step-name .spark-required} |
atom |
A unique name for the step. Used when choosing the return value of the Reactor and for arguments into other steps. | |
impl {: #reactor-ash_step-impl } |
module | nil |
A module that implements the Reactor.Step behaviour that provides the implementation. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
run {: #reactor-ash_step-run } |
(any -> any) | mfa | (any, any -> any) | mfa |
Provide an anonymous function which implements the run/3 callback. Cannot be provided at the same time as the impl argument. |
undo {: #reactor-ash_step-undo } |
(any -> any) | mfa | (any, any -> any) | mfa | (any, any, any -> any) | mfa |
Provide an anonymous function which implements the undo/4 callback. Cannot be provided at the same time as the impl argument. |
compensate {: #reactor-ash_step-compensate } |
(any -> any) | mfa | (any, any -> any) | mfa | (any, any, any -> any) | mfa |
Provide an anonymous function which implements the undo/4 callback. Cannot be provided at the same time as the impl argument. |
max_retries {: #reactor-ash_step-max_retries } |
:infinity | non_neg_integer |
:infinity |
The maximum number of times that the step can be retried before failing. Only used when the result of the compensate/4 callback is :retry . |
async? {: #reactor-ash_step-async? } |
boolean |
true |
When set to true the step will be executed asynchronously via Reactor's TaskSupervisor . |
transform {: #reactor-ash_step-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the entire argument map before it is passed to the step. |
argument name, source \\ nil
Specifies an argument to a Reactor step.
Each argument is a value which is either the result of another step, or an input value.
Individual arguments can be transformed with an arbitrary function before being passed to any steps.
argument :name, input(:name)
argument :year, input(:date, [:year])
argument :user, result(:create_user)
argument :user_id, result(:create_user) do
transform & &
argument :user_id, result(:create_user, [:id])
argument :three, value(3)
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
name {: #reactor-ash_step-argument-name .spark-required} |
atom |
The name of the argument which will be used as the key in the arguments map passed to the implementation. |
source {: #reactor-ash_step-argument-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the argument. See Reactor.Dsl.Argument for more information. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-ash_step-argument-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the argument before it is passed to the step. |
Target: Reactor.Dsl.Argument
wait_for names
Wait for the named step to complete before allowing this one to start.
Desugars to argument :_, result(step_to_wait_for)
wait_for :create_user
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
names {: #reactor-ash_step-wait_for-names .spark-required} |
atom | list(atom) |
The name of the step to wait for. |
Target: Reactor.Dsl.WaitFor
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.AshStep
bulk_create name, resource, action \\ nil
Declares a step which will call a create action on a resource with a collection of inputs.
Make sure to thoroughly read and understand the documentation in
before using. Read each option and note the default values. By default, bulk creates don't return records or errors, and don't emit notifications.
Caveats/differences from Ash.bulk_create/4
specifies the number of tasks that Ash will start to process batches, and has no effect on Reactor concurrency targets. It's could be possible to create a very large number of processes if a number of steps are running bulk actions with a high degree of concurrency.- Setting
will cause bothnotify?
to be set to true in the underlying call toAsh.bulk_create/4
. Notifications will then be managed by theAsh.Reactor.Notifications
Reactor middleware. - If you specify an undo action it must be a generic action which takes the bulk result as it's only argument.
This step has three different modes of undo.
- The result of the action is never undone. This is the default.always
- Theundo_action
will always be called.outside_transaction
- Theundo_action
will not be called when running inside atransaction
block, but will be otherwise.
bulk_create :create_posts, MyApp.Post, :create do
initial input(:titles)
actor result(:get_user)
tenant result(:get_organisation, [:id])
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
name {: #reactor-bulk_create-name .spark-required} |
atom |
A unique name for the step. | |
resource {: #reactor-bulk_create-resource .spark-required} |
module |
The resource to call the action on. | |
action {: #reactor-bulk_create-action } |
atom |
The name of the action to call on the resource. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
initial {: #reactor-bulk_create-initial .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
A collection of inputs to pass to the create action. Must implement the Enumerable protocol. |
assume_casted? {: #reactor-bulk_create-assume_casted? } |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not to cast attributes and arguments as input. This is an optimization for cases where the input is already casted and/or not in need of casting |
authorize_changeset_with {: #reactor-bulk_create-authorize_changeset_with } |
:filter | :error |
:filter |
If set to :error , instead of filtering unauthorized changes, unauthorized changes will raise an appropriate forbidden error |
authorize_query_with {: #reactor-bulk_create-authorize_query_with } |
:filter | :error |
:filter |
If set to :error , instead of filtering unauthorized query results, unauthorized query results will raise an appropriate forbidden error |
batch_size {: #reactor-bulk_create-batch_size } |
nil | pos_integer |
The number of records to include in each batch. Defaults to the default_limit or max_page_size of the action, or 100. |
load {: #reactor-bulk_create-load } |
atom | list(atom) |
[] |
A load statement to apply to records. Ignored if return_records? is not true. |
max_concurrency {: #reactor-bulk_create-max_concurrency } |
non_neg_integer |
0 |
If set to a value greater than 0, up to that many tasks will be started to run batches asynchronously. |
notification_metadata {: #reactor-bulk_create-notification_metadata } |
map | Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
%{} |
Metadata to be merged into the metadata field for all notifications sent from this operation. |
notify? {: #reactor-bulk_create-notify? } |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not to generate any notifications. This may be intensive for large bulk actions. |
read_action {: #reactor-bulk_create-read_action } |
atom |
The action to use when building the read query. | |
return_errors? {: #reactor-bulk_create-return_errors? } |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not to return all of the errors that occur. Defaults to false to account for large inserts. |
return_records? {: #reactor-bulk_create-return_records? } |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not to return all of the records that were inserted. Defaults to false to account for large inserts. |
return_stream? {: #reactor-bulk_create-return_stream? } |
boolean |
false |
If set to true , instead of an Ash.BulkResult , a mixed stream is returned. |
rollback_on_error? {: #reactor-bulk_create-rollback_on_error? } |
boolean |
true |
Whether or not to rollback the transaction on error, if the resource is in a transaction. |
select {: #reactor-bulk_create-select } |
atom | list(atom) |
A select statement to apply to records. Ignored if return_records? is not true . |
skip_unknown_inputs {: #reactor-bulk_create-skip_unknown_inputs } |
atom | String.t | list(atom | String.t) |
A list of inputs that, if provided, will be ignored if they are not recognized by the action. Use :* to indicate all unknown keys. |
sorted? {: #reactor-bulk_create-sorted? } |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not to sort results by their input position, in cases where return_records? is set to true . |
stop_on_error? {: #reactor-bulk_create-stop_on_error? } |
boolean |
false |
If true , the first encountered error will stop the action and be returned. Otherwise, errors will be skipped. |
success_state {: #reactor-bulk_create-success_state } |
:success | :partial_success |
:success |
Bulk results can be entirely or partially successful. Chooses the Ash.BulkResult state to consider the step a success. |
timeout {: #reactor-bulk_create-timeout } |
timeout |
If none is provided, the timeout configured on the domain is used (which defaults to 30_000 ). |
transaction {: #reactor-bulk_create-transaction } |
:all | :batch | false |
:batch |
Whether or not to wrap the entire execution in a transaction, each batch, or not at all. |
upsert_fields {: #reactor-bulk_create-upsert_fields } |
atom | list(atom) |
The fields to upsert. If not set, the action's upsert_fields is used. |
upsert_identity {: #reactor-bulk_create-upsert_identity } |
atom |
The identity to use for the upsert | |
upsert? {: #reactor-bulk_create-upsert? } |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not this action should be executed as an upsert. |
domain {: #reactor-bulk_create-domain } |
module |
The Domain to use when calling the action. Defaults to the Domain set on the resource or in the ash section. |
async? {: #reactor-bulk_create-async? } |
boolean |
true |
When set to true the step will be executed asynchronously via Reactor's TaskSupervisor . |
authorize? {: #reactor-bulk_create-authorize? } |
boolean | nil |
Explicitly enable or disable authorization for the action. | |
description {: #reactor-bulk_create-description } |
String.t |
A description for the step | |
undo_action {: #reactor-bulk_create-undo_action } |
atom |
The name of the action to call on the resource when the step is to be undone. | |
undo {: #reactor-bulk_create-undo } |
:always | :never | :outside_transaction |
:never |
How to handle undoing this action |
actor source
Specifies the action actor
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
source {: #reactor-bulk_create-actor-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the actor. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-bulk_create-actor-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the actor before it is passed to the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Actor
tenant source
Specifies the action tenant
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
source {: #reactor-bulk_create-tenant-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the tenant. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-bulk_create-tenant-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the tenant before it is passed to the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Tenant
wait_for names
Wait for the named step to complete before allowing this one to start.
Desugars to argument :_, result(step_to_wait_for)
wait_for :create_user
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
names {: #reactor-bulk_create-wait_for-names .spark-required} |
atom | list(atom) |
The name of the step to wait for. |
Target: Reactor.Dsl.WaitFor
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.BulkCreate
bulk_update name, resource, action \\ nil
Declares a step which will call an update action on a resource with a collection of inputs.
Make sure to thoroughly read and understand the documentation in
before using. Read each option and note the default values. By default, bulk updates don't return records or errors, and don't emit notifications.
Caveats/differences from Ash.bulk_update/4
specifies the number of tasks that Ash will start to process batches, and has no effect on Reactor concurrency targets. It's could be possible to create a very large number of processes if a number of steps are running bulk actions with a high degree of concurrency.- Setting
will cause bothnotify?
to be set to true in the underlying call toAsh.bulk_create/4
. Notifications will then be managed by theAsh.Reactor.Notifications
Reactor middleware. - If you specify an undo action it must be a generic action which takes the bulk result as it's only argument.
This step has three different modes of undo.
- The result of the action is never undone. This is the default.always
- Theundo_action
will always be called.outside_transaction
- Theundo_action
will not be called when running inside atransaction
block, but will be otherwise.
bulk_update :publish_posts, MyApp.Post, :publish do
initial input(:posts),
actor result(:get_user)
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
name {: #reactor-bulk_update-name .spark-required} |
atom |
A unique name for the step. | |
resource {: #reactor-bulk_update-resource .spark-required} |
module |
The resource to call the action on. | |
action {: #reactor-bulk_update-action } |
atom |
The name of the action to call on the resource. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
initial {: #reactor-bulk_update-initial .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
A collection of inputs to pass to the create action. Must implement the Enumerable protocol. |
allow_stream_with {: #reactor-bulk_update-allow_stream_with } |
:keyset | :offset | :full_read |
:keyset |
The 'worst' strategy allowed to be used to fetch records if the :stream strategy is chosen. See the!/2 docs for more. |
assume_casted? {: #reactor-bulk_update-assume_casted? } |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not to cast attributes and arguments as input. This is an optimization for cases where the input is already casted and/or not in need of casting |
atomic_update {: #reactor-bulk_update-atomic_update } |
map |
A map of atomic updates to apply. See Ash.Changeset.atomic_update/3 for more. |
authorize_changeset_with {: #reactor-bulk_update-authorize_changeset_with } |
:filter | :error |
:filter |
If set to :error , instead of filtering unauthorized changes, unauthorized changes will raise an appropriate forbidden error |
authorize_query_with {: #reactor-bulk_update-authorize_query_with } |
:filter | :error |
:filter |
If set to :error , instead of filtering unauthorized query results, unauthorized query results will raise an appropriate forbidden error |
authorize_query? {: #reactor-bulk_update-authorize_query? } |
boolean |
true |
If a query is given, determines whether or not authorization is run on that query. |
batch_size {: #reactor-bulk_update-batch_size } |
nil | pos_integer |
The number of records to include in each batch. Defaults to the default_limit or max_page_size of the action, or 100. |
filter {: #reactor-bulk_update-filter } |
map | keyword |
A filter to apply to records. This is also applied to a stream of inputs. | |
load {: #reactor-bulk_update-load } |
atom | list(atom) |
[] |
A load statement to apply to records. Ignored if return_records? is not true. |
lock {: #reactor-bulk_update-lock } |
any |
A lock statement to add onto the query. | |
max_concurrency {: #reactor-bulk_update-max_concurrency } |
non_neg_integer |
0 |
If set to a value greater than 0, up to that many tasks will be started to run batches asynchronously. |
notification_metadata {: #reactor-bulk_update-notification_metadata } |
map | Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
%{} |
Metadata to be merged into the metadata field for all notifications sent from this operation. |
notify? {: #reactor-bulk_update-notify? } |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not to generate any notifications. This may be intensive for large bulk actions. |
page {: #reactor-bulk_update-page } |
keyword |
[] |
Pagination options, see the pagination docs for more. |
read_action {: #reactor-bulk_update-read_action } |
atom |
The action to use when building the read query. | |
return_errors? {: #reactor-bulk_update-return_errors? } |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not to return all of the errors that occur. Defaults to false to account for large inserts. |
return_records? {: #reactor-bulk_update-return_records? } |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not to return all of the records that were inserted. Defaults to false to account for large inserts. |
return_stream? {: #reactor-bulk_update-return_stream? } |
boolean |
false |
If set to true , instead of an Ash.BulkResult , a mixed stream is returned. |
reuse_values? {: #reactor-bulk_update-reuse_values? } |
boolean |
false |
Whether calculations are allowed to reuse values that have already been loaded, or must refetch them from the data layer. |
rollback_on_error? {: #reactor-bulk_update-rollback_on_error? } |
boolean |
true |
Whether or not to rollback the transaction on error, if the resource is in a transaction. |
select {: #reactor-bulk_update-select } |
atom | list(atom) |
A select statement to apply to records. Ignored if return_records? is not true . |
skip_unknown_inputs {: #reactor-bulk_update-skip_unknown_inputs } |
atom | String.t | list(atom | String.t) |
A list of inputs that, if provided, will be ignored if they are not recognized by the action. Use :* to indicate all unknown keys. |
sorted? {: #reactor-bulk_update-sorted? } |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not to sort results by their input position, in cases where return_records? is set to true . |
stop_on_error? {: #reactor-bulk_update-stop_on_error? } |
boolean |
false |
If true , the first encountered error will stop the action and be returned. Otherwise, errors will be skipped. |
strategy {: #reactor-bulk_update-strategy } |
list(:atomic | :atomic_batches | :stream) |
[:atomic] |
The strategy or strategies to enable. :stream is used in all cases if the data layer does not support atomics. |
stream_batch_size {: #reactor-bulk_update-stream_batch_size } |
pos_integer |
Batch size to use if provided a query and the query must be streamed. | |
stream_with {: #reactor-bulk_update-stream_with } |
:keyset | :offset | :full_read |
The specific strategy to use to fetch records. See!/2 docs for more. |
success_state {: #reactor-bulk_update-success_state } |
:success | :partial_success |
:success |
Bulk results can be entirely or partially successful. Chooses the Ash.BulkResult state to consider the step a success. |
timeout {: #reactor-bulk_update-timeout } |
timeout |
If none is provided, the timeout configured on the domain is used (which defaults to 30_000 ). |
transaction {: #reactor-bulk_update-transaction } |
:all | :batch | false |
:batch |
Whether or not to wrap the entire execution in a transaction, each batch, or not at all. |
domain {: #reactor-bulk_update-domain } |
module |
The Domain to use when calling the action. Defaults to the Domain set on the resource or in the ash section. |
async? {: #reactor-bulk_update-async? } |
boolean |
true |
When set to true the step will be executed asynchronously via Reactor's TaskSupervisor . |
authorize? {: #reactor-bulk_update-authorize? } |
boolean | nil |
Explicitly enable or disable authorization for the action. | |
description {: #reactor-bulk_update-description } |
String.t |
A description for the step | |
undo_action {: #reactor-bulk_update-undo_action } |
atom |
The name of the action to call on the resource when the step is to be undone. | |
undo {: #reactor-bulk_update-undo } |
:always | :never | :outside_transaction |
:never |
How to handle undoing this action |
actor source
Specifies the action actor
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
source {: #reactor-bulk_update-actor-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the actor. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-bulk_update-actor-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the actor before it is passed to the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Actor
inputs template
Specify the inputs for an action
inputs %{
author: result(:get_user),
title: input(:title),
body: input(:body)
inputs(author: result(:get_user))
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
template {: #reactor-bulk_update-inputs-template .spark-required} |
%{optional(atom) => Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value} | keyword(Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value) |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-bulk_update-inputs-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which will transform the inputs before executing the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Inputs
tenant source
Specifies the action tenant
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
source {: #reactor-bulk_update-tenant-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the tenant. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-bulk_update-tenant-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the tenant before it is passed to the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Tenant
wait_for names
Wait for the named step to complete before allowing this one to start.
Desugars to argument :_, result(step_to_wait_for)
wait_for :create_user
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
names {: #reactor-bulk_update-wait_for-names .spark-required} |
atom | list(atom) |
The name of the step to wait for. |
Target: Reactor.Dsl.WaitFor
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.BulkUpdate
change name, change
Declares a step that will modify a changeset.
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
name {: #reactor-change-name .spark-required} |
atom |
A unique name for this step. | |
change {: #reactor-change-change .spark-required} |
(any, any -> any) | module |
The module and options for a change. Also accepts a function that takes the changeset and the context. See Ash.Resource.Change.Builtins for builtin changes. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
initial {: #reactor-change-initial .spark-required} |
module | Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
The initial value to work from, either a resource or a changeset | |
description {: #reactor-change-description } |
String.t | nil |
An optional description for the change | |
only_when_valid? {: #reactor-change-only_when_valid? } |
boolean |
false |
If the change should only be run on valid changes. By default, all changes are run unless stated otherwise here. |
where {: #reactor-change-where } |
(any, any -> any) | module | list((any, any -> any) | module) |
[] |
Validations that should pass in order for this change to apply. These validations failing will result in this change being ignored. |
fail_if_invalid? {: #reactor-change-fail_if_invalid? } |
boolean |
false |
Fail if the result of the change is an invalid changeset |
argument name, source \\ nil
Specifies an argument to a Reactor step.
Each argument is a value which is either the result of another step, or an input value.
Individual arguments can be transformed with an arbitrary function before being passed to any steps.
argument :name, input(:name)
argument :year, input(:date, [:year])
argument :user, result(:create_user)
argument :user_id, result(:create_user) do
transform & &
argument :user_id, result(:create_user, [:id])
argument :three, value(3)
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
name {: #reactor-change-argument-name .spark-required} |
atom |
The name of the argument which will be used as the key in the arguments map passed to the implementation. |
source {: #reactor-change-argument-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the argument. See Reactor.Dsl.Argument for more information. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-change-argument-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the argument before it is passed to the step. |
Target: Reactor.Dsl.Argument
wait_for names
Wait for the named step to complete before allowing this one to start.
Desugars to argument :_, result(step_to_wait_for)
wait_for :create_user
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
names {: #reactor-change-wait_for-names .spark-required} |
atom | list(atom) |
The name of the step to wait for. |
Target: Reactor.Dsl.WaitFor
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Change
create name, resource, action \\ nil
Declares a step that will call a create action on a resource.
This step has three different modes of undo.
- The result of the action is never undone. This is the default.always
- Theundo_action
will always be called.outside_transaction
- Theundo_action
will not be called when running inside atransaction
block, but will be otherwise.
create :create_post, MyApp.Post, :create do
inputs %{
title: input(:post_title),
author_id: result(:get_user, [:id])
actor result(:get_user)
tenant result(:get_organisation, [:id])
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
name {: #reactor-create-name .spark-required} |
atom |
A unique name for the step. | |
resource {: #reactor-create-resource .spark-required} |
module |
The resource to call the action on. | |
action {: #reactor-create-action } |
atom |
The name of the action to call on the resource. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
initial {: #reactor-create-initial } |
nil | module | Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
The initial value passed into the action. | |
upsert_identity {: #reactor-create-upsert_identity } |
atom |
The identity to use for the upsert | |
upsert? {: #reactor-create-upsert? } |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not this action should be executed as an upsert. |
domain {: #reactor-create-domain } |
module |
The Domain to use when calling the action. Defaults to the Domain set on the resource or in the ash section. |
async? {: #reactor-create-async? } |
boolean |
true |
When set to true the step will be executed asynchronously via Reactor's TaskSupervisor . |
authorize? {: #reactor-create-authorize? } |
boolean | nil |
Explicitly enable or disable authorization for the action. | |
description {: #reactor-create-description } |
String.t |
A description for the step | |
undo_action {: #reactor-create-undo_action } |
atom |
The name of the action to call on the resource when the step is to be undone. | |
undo {: #reactor-create-undo } |
:always | :never | :outside_transaction |
:never |
How to handle undoing this action |
actor source
Specifies the action actor
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
source {: #reactor-create-actor-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the actor. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-create-actor-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the actor before it is passed to the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Actor
inputs template
Specify the inputs for an action
inputs %{
author: result(:get_user),
title: input(:title),
body: input(:body)
inputs(author: result(:get_user))
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
template {: #reactor-create-inputs-template .spark-required} |
%{optional(atom) => Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value} | keyword(Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value) |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-create-inputs-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which will transform the inputs before executing the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Inputs
tenant source
Specifies the action tenant
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
source {: #reactor-create-tenant-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the tenant. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-create-tenant-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the tenant before it is passed to the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Tenant
wait_for names
Wait for the named step to complete before allowing this one to start.
Desugars to argument :_, result(step_to_wait_for)
wait_for :create_user
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
names {: #reactor-create-wait_for-names .spark-required} |
atom | list(atom) |
The name of the step to wait for. |
Target: Reactor.Dsl.WaitFor
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Create
destroy name, resource, action \\ nil
Declares a step that will call a destroy action on a resource.
This step has three different modes of undo.
- The result of the action is never undone. This is the default.always
- Theundo_action
will always be called.outside_transaction
- Theundo_action
will not be called when running inside atransaction
block, but will be otherwise.
destroy :delete_post, MyApp.Post, :destroy do
initial input(:post)
actor result(:get_user)
tenant result(:get_organisation, [:id])
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
name {: #reactor-destroy-name .spark-required} |
atom |
A unique name for the step. | |
resource {: #reactor-destroy-resource .spark-required} |
module |
The resource to call the action on. | |
action {: #reactor-destroy-action } |
atom |
The name of the action to call on the resource. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
initial {: #reactor-destroy-initial .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
The record to update. | |
return_destroyed? {: #reactor-destroy-return_destroyed? } |
boolean |
false |
Whether or not the step should return the destroyed record upon completion. |
domain {: #reactor-destroy-domain } |
module |
The Domain to use when calling the action. Defaults to the Domain set on the resource or in the ash section. |
async? {: #reactor-destroy-async? } |
boolean |
true |
When set to true the step will be executed asynchronously via Reactor's TaskSupervisor . |
authorize? {: #reactor-destroy-authorize? } |
boolean | nil |
Explicitly enable or disable authorization for the action. | |
description {: #reactor-destroy-description } |
String.t |
A description for the step | |
undo_action {: #reactor-destroy-undo_action } |
atom |
The name of the action to call on the resource when the step is to be undone. | |
undo {: #reactor-destroy-undo } |
:always | :never | :outside_transaction |
:never |
How to handle undoing this action |
actor source
Specifies the action actor
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
source {: #reactor-destroy-actor-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the actor. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-destroy-actor-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the actor before it is passed to the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Actor
inputs template
Specify the inputs for an action
inputs %{
author: result(:get_user),
title: input(:title),
body: input(:body)
inputs(author: result(:get_user))
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
template {: #reactor-destroy-inputs-template .spark-required} |
%{optional(atom) => Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value} | keyword(Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value) |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-destroy-inputs-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which will transform the inputs before executing the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Inputs
tenant source
Specifies the action tenant
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
source {: #reactor-destroy-tenant-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the tenant. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-destroy-tenant-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the tenant before it is passed to the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Tenant
wait_for names
Wait for the named step to complete before allowing this one to start.
Desugars to argument :_, result(step_to_wait_for)
wait_for :create_user
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
names {: #reactor-destroy-wait_for-names .spark-required} |
atom | list(atom) |
The name of the step to wait for. |
Target: Reactor.Dsl.WaitFor
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Destroy
read_one name, resource, action \\ nil
Declares a step that will call a read action on a resource returning a single record.
read_one :post_by_id, MyApp.Post, :read do
inputs %{id: input(:post_id)}
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
name {: #reactor-read_one-name .spark-required} |
atom |
A unique name for the step. | |
resource {: #reactor-read_one-resource .spark-required} |
module |
The resource to call the action on. | |
action {: #reactor-read_one-action } |
atom |
The name of the action to call on the resource. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
fail_on_not_found? {: #reactor-read_one-fail_on_not_found? } |
boolean |
false |
When set to true the step will fail if the resource is not found. |
domain {: #reactor-read_one-domain } |
module |
The Domain to use when calling the action. Defaults to the Domain set on the resource or in the ash section. |
async? {: #reactor-read_one-async? } |
boolean |
true |
When set to true the step will be executed asynchronously via Reactor's TaskSupervisor . |
authorize? {: #reactor-read_one-authorize? } |
boolean | nil |
Explicitly enable or disable authorization for the action. | |
description {: #reactor-read_one-description } |
String.t |
A description for the step |
actor source
Specifies the action actor
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
source {: #reactor-read_one-actor-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the actor. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-read_one-actor-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the actor before it is passed to the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Actor
inputs template
Specify the inputs for an action
inputs %{
author: result(:get_user),
title: input(:title),
body: input(:body)
inputs(author: result(:get_user))
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
template {: #reactor-read_one-inputs-template .spark-required} |
%{optional(atom) => Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value} | keyword(Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value) |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-read_one-inputs-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which will transform the inputs before executing the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Inputs
tenant source
Specifies the action tenant
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
source {: #reactor-read_one-tenant-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the tenant. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-read_one-tenant-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the tenant before it is passed to the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Tenant
wait_for names
Wait for the named step to complete before allowing this one to start.
Desugars to argument :_, result(step_to_wait_for)
wait_for :create_user
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
names {: #reactor-read_one-wait_for-names .spark-required} |
atom | list(atom) |
The name of the step to wait for. |
Target: Reactor.Dsl.WaitFor
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.ReadOne
read name, resource, action \\ nil
Declares a step that will call a read action on a resource.
read :read_posts, MyApp.Post, :read
read :read_posts_in_range, MyApp.Post, :read_in_range do
inputs %{min_date: input(:min_date), max_date: input(:max_date)}
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
name {: #reactor-read-name .spark-required} |
atom |
A unique name for the step. | |
resource {: #reactor-read-resource .spark-required} |
module |
The resource to call the action on. | |
action {: #reactor-read-action } |
atom |
The name of the action to call on the resource. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
domain {: #reactor-read-domain } |
module |
The Domain to use when calling the action. Defaults to the Domain set on the resource or in the ash section. |
async? {: #reactor-read-async? } |
boolean |
true |
When set to true the step will be executed asynchronously via Reactor's TaskSupervisor . |
authorize? {: #reactor-read-authorize? } |
boolean | nil |
Explicitly enable or disable authorization for the action. | |
description {: #reactor-read-description } |
String.t |
A description for the step |
actor source
Specifies the action actor
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
source {: #reactor-read-actor-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the actor. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-read-actor-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the actor before it is passed to the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Actor
inputs template
Specify the inputs for an action
inputs %{
author: result(:get_user),
title: input(:title),
body: input(:body)
inputs(author: result(:get_user))
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
template {: #reactor-read-inputs-template .spark-required} |
%{optional(atom) => Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value} | keyword(Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value) |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-read-inputs-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which will transform the inputs before executing the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Inputs
tenant source
Specifies the action tenant
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
source {: #reactor-read-tenant-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the tenant. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-read-tenant-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the tenant before it is passed to the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Tenant
wait_for names
Wait for the named step to complete before allowing this one to start.
Desugars to argument :_, result(step_to_wait_for)
wait_for :create_user
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
names {: #reactor-read-wait_for-names .spark-required} |
atom | list(atom) |
The name of the step to wait for. |
Target: Reactor.Dsl.WaitFor
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Read
transaction name, resources
Creates a group of steps which will be executed inside a data layer transaction.
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
name {: #reactor-transaction-name .spark-required} |
atom |
A unique name for the step. | |
resources {: #reactor-transaction-resources .spark-required} |
module | list(module) |
A resource or list of resources to consider in the transaction. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
return {: #reactor-transaction-return } |
atom |
The name of the step whose result will be returned as the return value of the transaction. | |
timeout {: #reactor-transaction-timeout } |
pos_integer | :infinity |
15000 |
How long to allow the transaction to run before timing out. |
wait_for names
Wait for the named step to complete before allowing this one to start.
Desugars to argument :_, result(step_to_wait_for)
wait_for :create_user
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
names {: #reactor-transaction-wait_for-names .spark-required} |
atom | list(atom) |
The name of the step to wait for. |
Target: Reactor.Dsl.WaitFor
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Transaction
update name, resource, action \\ nil
Declares a step that will call an update action on a resource.
This step has three different modes of undo.
- The result of the action is never undone. This is the default.always
- Theundo_action
will always be called.outside_transaction
- Theundo_action
will not be called when running inside atransaction
block, but will be otherwise.
update :publish_post, MyApp.Post, :update do
initial input(:post)
inputs %{
published: value(true)
actor result(:get_user)
tenant result(:get_organisation, [:id])
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
name {: #reactor-update-name .spark-required} |
atom |
A unique name for the step. | |
resource {: #reactor-update-resource .spark-required} |
module |
The resource to call the action on. | |
action {: #reactor-update-action } |
atom |
The name of the action to call on the resource. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
initial {: #reactor-update-initial .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
The record to update. | |
domain {: #reactor-update-domain } |
module |
The Domain to use when calling the action. Defaults to the Domain set on the resource or in the ash section. |
async? {: #reactor-update-async? } |
boolean |
true |
When set to true the step will be executed asynchronously via Reactor's TaskSupervisor . |
authorize? {: #reactor-update-authorize? } |
boolean | nil |
Explicitly enable or disable authorization for the action. | |
description {: #reactor-update-description } |
String.t |
A description for the step | |
undo_action {: #reactor-update-undo_action } |
atom |
The name of the action to call on the resource when the step is to be undone. | |
undo {: #reactor-update-undo } |
:always | :never | :outside_transaction |
:never |
How to handle undoing this action |
actor source
Specifies the action actor
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
source {: #reactor-update-actor-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the actor. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-update-actor-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the actor before it is passed to the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Actor
inputs template
Specify the inputs for an action
inputs %{
author: result(:get_user),
title: input(:title),
body: input(:body)
inputs(author: result(:get_user))
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
template {: #reactor-update-inputs-template .spark-required} |
%{optional(atom) => Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value} | keyword(Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value) |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-update-inputs-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which will transform the inputs before executing the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Inputs
tenant source
Specifies the action tenant
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
source {: #reactor-update-tenant-source .spark-required} |
Reactor.Template.Element | Reactor.Template.Input | Reactor.Template.Result | Reactor.Template.Value |
What to use as the source of the tenant. |
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
transform {: #reactor-update-tenant-transform } |
(any -> any) | module | nil |
An optional transformation function which can be used to modify the tenant before it is passed to the action. |
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Tenant
wait_for names
Wait for the named step to complete before allowing this one to start.
Desugars to argument :_, result(step_to_wait_for)
wait_for :create_user
Name | Type | Default | Docs |
names {: #reactor-update-wait_for-names .spark-required} |
atom | list(atom) |
The name of the step to wait for. |
Target: Reactor.Dsl.WaitFor
Target: Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Update