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File metadata and controls

229 lines (184 loc) · 13.3 KB


In order to extend the default configuration, you just need to add your customisation to the custom/settings.custom.json main object. You don't need to set all the values, just the one you want to be different from the default configuration.

After editing this file, run npm run dist to apply changes.

Global settings

Option Type Default Description
PLAFTORM_ID String "geotrek-rando" Unique id for your geotrek website.You need to change it. It's used for Localstorage between other things.
API_URL String (url) "tests/dataset" URL of the location where geotrek rando should find the api. If you're using Geotrek Admin, it can be either the admin server url or the rando server url (if you activate data sync on the admi nside)
BACKOFFICE_URL String (url) "" URL of your backoffice where rando can send requests like for the warning module.
ENABLE_HTML_MODE Boolean false Active HTML5 mode. Please refer to ui-router FAQ

Interface parameters

Main options

Option Type Default Description
LOGO_FILE String (file name) "" If you want to use a logo in the app. It's just the name of the file, which goes into src/images/custom. Accept .jpg, .png, .svg.
FAVICON Object (ico and png images) {} Object containing the custom favicon files you want to use. Both ico and png are required. Files go into src/images/custom.
SHOW_HOME Boolean true Enable home page
HOME_TEMPLATE_FILE Object {} For each lang you can specify a different home template. Formated like this "lang-code": "file-name.html".
SHOW_FOOTER Boolean false Display footer on all pages
FOOTER_TEMPLATE_FILE String (file name) "" Name of a custom template for the footer of the app
HEADER_TEMPLATE_FILE String(file name) "" Name of a custom template for the header of the app
ENABLE_DISTRICTS_FILTERING Boolean true Show districts filtering on results page
ENABLE_CITIES_FILTERING Boolean true Show cities filtering on results page
ENABLE_STRUCTURE_FILTERING Boolean true Show structure filtering on results page
GEO_FILTERS_AUTO_CLOSE Boolean false If true select filters menus will close when a value is selected.
RULES_FLAT_PAGES_ID string "" Specify the rules flat-page id which will be used in the detail page part about the rules.
FAVORITES_ICON String (font awesome icon) "heart" Specify the icon used for the favorites on the website. It must be a valid font awesome icon.
SHARE_ICON String (font awesome icon) "share-alt" Specify the icon used for the favorites on the website. It must be a valid font awesome icon.
PLACEHOLDER_IMAGE string(file name) "" Placeholder used for contents elements.

Favicon options

All the options are required

Option Type Default Description
ico string (file name) '' Name of the .ico file for the favicon
png string (file name) '' Name of the .png file for the favicon


Option Type Default Description
DEFAULT_LANGUAGE string (lang code) "en" Define default language of the app
AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES Object (lang) cf Available languages object Available languages of the app
ENABLED_LANGUAGES array of strings (lang codes) ` "fr", "en", "de", "nl"]`

Available languages object

    "fr": "Français",
    "en": "English",
    "de": "Deutsch",
    "nl": "Nederlands"


Option Type Default Description
ENABLE_TREKS Boolean true Enable treks service and fetching from the API
ENABLE_TOURISTIC_CONTENT Boolean true Enable touristic contents service and fetching from the API
ENABLE_TOURISTIC_EVENTS Boolean true Enable touristic events service and fetching from the API
DEFAULT_ACTIVE_CATEGORIES Array of strings (categories id) ["T"] List of default active categories.
LIST_EXCLUDE_CATEGORIES Array of strings (categories id) []
ENABLE_UNIQUE_CAT Boolean false If true, only one category can be activated at the same time in the result page filters.
FILTERS_DEFAULT_OPEN Boolean false Disable filters by default.
DEFAULT_INTEREST String "pois" Chose which interest to open by default on detail page. Possible values: "pois", "near", "children", "parents", ""

Social networks

Option Type Default Description
FACEBOOK_APP_ID String "" ID Of your Facebook app.
TWITTER_ID string "" ID of your Twitter account.
DEFAULT_SHARE_IMG String(file name) "" Name of your custom image used by default for socail networks sharing.
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID String "" ID of your Google Analytics account.


Main options

Option Type Default Description
PERMANENT_TILELAYERS_NAME  String "Carte" String used in layer selector for PERMANENT_TILELAYERS layer group.
PERMANENT_TILELAYERS Array of Layers Objects Options cf Layers Objects default Define the main leaflet tile layers used by the website.
ORTHOPHOTO_TILELAYERS_NAME  String "Ortho" String used in layer selector for ORTHOPHOTO_TILELAYERS layer group.
ORTHOPHOTO_TILELAYERS Layer Object cf Layers Objects default Define the satellite leaflet tiles used by the website.
OPTIONAL_TILELAYERS_NAME String "Optional" Default name prefix for OPTIONAL_TILELAYERS layers in layer selector.
OPTIONAL_TILELAYERS Array of Layers Objects Options Empty Array This array allows you to define other Leaflet tiles layers that will be available in layer selector.
LEAFLET_CONF Leaflet Conf Object cf Leaflet Conf Object default Basic conf of the map.
MAP_BOUNDS_CONSTRAINTS Array null Represents a rectangular area in pixel coordinates.
TREKS_TO_GEOJSON_ZOOM_LEVEL Int 14 Zoom level at which the map switch between markers and linear mode for treks.
UPDATE_MAP_ON_FILTER Boolean false If true, update map viewport each time a filter is changed.
ACTIVE_MINIMAP Boolean true If true, show minimap.
MINIMAP_ZOOM Zoom conf Object cf Zoom conf default Define max an min zoom levels for the mini-map
MINIMAP_OFFSET Int -3 Value of the difference between the map zoom and the mini-map zoom.
ALWAYS_HIGHLIGHT_TREKS Boolean false If true, always display a border around the linear versions of treks.
SHOW_FILTERS_ON_MAP boolean true If false, hide the tags filters on the top of the map.
FILTER_BY_VIEWPORT_DEFAULT  boolean false If true, "Filter with map" is checked by default

Layers objects options

Option Type Default Description
LAYER_URL String (tiles server url) "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png" for main view and http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png" for satellite view Url of the layer. It needs to be a valid tiles server url.
OPTIONS Object (Leaflet tileLayer options) {"attribution": "(c) OpenstreetMap", "minZoom": 8, "maxZoom": 17} for main view, {"id": "satellite", "attribution": "(c) MapBox Satellite"} for satellite view, empty for optional layers Leaflet tilelayer options - optional layers can have custom icon : { "icon": "path/to/icon.png" }, and custom legend { "legend": "Optionnal layer 1" } for its controls.
BOUNDS String Url of a geoJson polygon. Current layer will be displayed only when the center of the map viewport is inside this polygon.

Leaflet conf options

Option Type Default Description
CENTER_LATITUDE float(longitude) 44.83 Lat of the default centering of the map
CENTER_LONGITUDE float(longitude) 6.34 Lng of the default centering of the map
DEFAULT_ZOOM int 12 Default zoom of the map on launch
DEFAULT_MIN_ZOOM int 8 Min zoom of the map
DEFAULT_MAX_ZOOM int 17 Max zoom of the map

Zoom conf options

Option Type Default Description
MINI Int 0 Min zoom level for minimap
MAX Int 12 Max zoom level for minimap


Option Type Default Description
POI_EXPANDED Boolean false Expand POIS list.
NEAR_ELEMENTS_CATEGORIES Boolean false Sort near elements by categories.
DISPLAY_ASIDES_COUNTERS Boolean false Display side elements counters on detail page.
SHOW_ARROWS_ON_ROUTE false Show arrows indicating the direction of the route.
MARKER_BASE_ICON Leaflet Icon Object "" Base of the marker for elements. The category icon defined in the API is put above this one. You'll need to adapt custom css according to those changes.
POI_BASE_ICON Leaflet Icon Object "" Base of the marker for POIs.
SERVICE_BASE_ICON Leaflet Icon Object "" Marker used for services on a detail page.
DEPARTURE_ICON Leaflet Icon Object "" Marker used for departure of a trek on a detail page.
ARRIVAL_ICON Leaflet Icon Object "" Marker used for arrival of a trek on a detail page.
DEPARTURE_ARRIVAL_ICON Leaflet Icon Object "" Marker used if departure and arrival are on the same place of a trek on a detail page. (ex: a looping trek)


Option Default Description
API_DIR "api" API dir file
TREKS_DIR "treks" Treks dir file
TREKS_FILE "treks.geojson" Treks file
POI_FILE "pois.geojson" POI file
SERVICES_FILE "services.geojson" Service file
FLAT_FILE "flatpages.geojson" Flat pages file
TOURISTIC_EVENTS_DIR "touristicevents" Touristic events dir file
TOURISTIC_EVENTS_FILE "touristicevents.geojson" Touristic event file
TOURISTIC_CONTENTS_DIR "touristiccontents" Touristic content dir file
TOURISTIC_CONTENTS_FILE "touristiccontents.geojson" Touristic content file
DEM_FILE "dem.json" DEM file
PROFILE_FILE "profile.json" Profile file
WARNING_CAT_DIR "feedback" Warning catefories dir file
WARNING_CAT_FILE "categories.json" Warning categories file
WARNING_SUBMIT_URL "reports/report" Warning submit URL
STYLES_CONFIG_FILE "styles.json" Custom styles variables
APPROVED_BIG "images/approved-big.png" Default big image for approved label (for detail page)
APPROVED_SMALL "images/approved-small.png" Default small image for approved label (for results page)


Main options

Option Type Default Description
DURATION_FILTER array of Filters values Objects (id in hours) cf Default filters objects Values of the filter for a trek duration
ASCENT_FILTER array of Filters values Objects (id in metters) cf Default filters objects Values of the filter for a trek ascent
LENGTH_FILTER array of Filters values Objects (id in metters) cf Default filters objects Values of the filter for a trek length

Filters value options

Option Type Default Description
id Int cf Default filters objects Value used for comparison with the elements values. (ex: a 2 hours trek will be between an id of 0 and 10 by default)
label String cf Default filters objects Text shown on the filters menu on the results page.

Default filters objects


    { "id": 0, "label": "<1/2 J"},
    { "id": 10, "label": "1/2 J"},
    { "id": 24, "label": "1 J"},
    { "id": 999, "label": "> 1 J"}


    { "id": 0, "label": "<300m"},
    { "id": 300, "label": "300"},
    { "id": 600, "label": "600"},
    { "id": 1000, "label": "1000"},
    { "id": 9999, "label": ">1000m"}


    { "id": 0, "label": "<10km"},
    { "id": 10000, "label": "10km"},
    { "id": 20000, "label": "20km"},
    { "id": 30000, "label": "30km"},
    { "id": 99999, "label": ">30km"}