From 8ffac353bee8e0603e97799750b046d1a9b472f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: GitHub Actions Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2023 18:57:10 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update timestamp 2023-04-03T18:52:56Z --- | 6 +- bucket/115.json | 1 + bucket/163musiclyrics.json | 28 +-- bucket/1password.json | 2 +- bucket/2048Portable.json | 52 ++--- bucket/2XClient.json | 52 ++--- bucket/360Chrome.json | 52 ++--- bucket/360NetRepair.json | 40 ++-- bucket/3dstool.json | 25 ++- bucket/4stAttackPortable.json | 52 ++--- bucket/7-zip-zstd-aoks.json | 57 ++--- bucket/7zip-aoks.json | 114 +++++----- bucket/7zip-extra.json | 54 ++--- bucket/7zip-lzma.json | 76 +++---- bucket/86box-roms.json | 45 ++-- bucket/86box.json | 78 +++---- bucket/AIMPPortable.json | 52 ++--- bucket/ANotePortable.json | 52 ++--- bucket/AbiWordPortable.json | 52 ++--- bucket/AdguardHome.json | 14 +- bucket/AdvancedWgetGUI-Portable.json | 42 +--- bucket/Aida64-Ex.json | 4 +- bucket/Anaconda.json | 66 +++--- bucket/AndreaMosaicPortable.json | 52 ++--- 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services, a bucket with all the apps, and a database for fast app search. The platform surveys internet for known buckets and creates Bucket and database snapshots every 30 minutes. At this time the metrics for the **ScoopMaster** platform in its current snapshot are: -- The database indexes **80664** manifests. -- The harvester gathers data from **1370** buckets. -- The Bucket provides last versions for all the **17575** apps. +- The database indexes **80774** manifests. +- The harvester gathers data from **1390** buckets. +- The Bucket provides last versions for all the **17579** apps. The system uses the platform in two ways:
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" try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", - " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", + "if(!(is_admin)) { error \"Admin rights are required, please run 'sudo scoop uninstall $app'\"; exit 1 }", + "Get-ChildItem \"$dir\" -Filter 'sarasa*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Remove-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts' -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", + " Remove-Item \"$env:windir\\Fonts\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", "}", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + "Write-Host \"The 'Sarasa-Gothic' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" ] }, - "url": "", - "version": "0.40.4" + "checkver": { + "url": "", + "regex": "sarasa-gothic-ttf-([\\d.]+)\\.7z" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version.7z#/dl.7z_" + } } diff --git a/bucket/Sarasa-Term-TC.json b/bucket/Sarasa-Term-TC.json index ff7e60078d9..619c2366347 100644 --- a/bucket/Sarasa-Term-TC.json +++ b/bucket/Sarasa-Term-TC.json @@ -3,12 +3,15 @@ "This is a reduced version of 'SarasaGothic-TC' from nerd-fonts. Only includes 1 fontface with different weights.", "For more details about different Sarasa fonts, check" ], + "version": "0.40.4", + "license": "OFL-1.1", + "homepage": "", + "url": "", + "hash": "e4d36ba6b403da02c8e0e1266c73a9c9853f79bf83fd026549e07071162142d4", + "checkver": "github", "autoupdate": { "url": "$version/sarasa-gothic-ttf-$version.7z#/dl.7z_" }, - "checkver": "github", - "hash": "e4d36ba6b403da02c8e0e1266c73a9c9853f79bf83fd026549e07071162142d4", - "homepage": "", "installer": { "script": [ "Invoke-ExternalCommand 7z -ArgumentList('e', \"$dir\\dl.7z_\" ,\"-o$dir\", '*-term-tc-*.ttf') | Out-Null", @@ -19,7 +22,6 @@ "}" ] }, - "license": "OFL-1.1", "uninstaller": { "script": [ "Get-ChildItem $dir -filter 'sarasa*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", @@ -28,7 +30,5 @@ "}", "Write-Host \"The 'Sarasa-Gothic' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" ] - }, - "url": "", - "version": "0.40.4" + } } diff --git a/bucket/SauerbratenPortable.json b/bucket/SauerbratenPortable.json index eb47bb5ba43..9de6e97641a 100644 --- a/bucket/SauerbratenPortable.json +++ b/bucket/SauerbratenPortable.json @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ { - 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No need to add again.\"'", - " 'exit 1'", - " '}'", - " '$taskname = \"AudioFlyoutStartup\"'", - " '$description = \"Start AudioFlyout on Windows startup\"'", - " \"`$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute '$current\\AudioFlyout.exe'\"", - " '$settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet'", - " '$principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserId SYSTEM -LogonType ServiceAccount -RunLevel Highest'", - " '$trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtStartup'", - " 'Register-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Settings $settings -Principal $principal -Trigger $trigger -TaskName $taskname -Description $description | Out-Null'", - " 'Write-Host -f Yellow \"AudioFlyout has been added to startup programs (as a scheduled task)\"'", - " 'Write-Host \"Run `\"audioflyout-remove-startup`\" to remove it from startup programs\"'", - ")", - "$cont_remove = @(", - " 'if (Get-ScheduledTask -Taskname \"AudioFlyoutStartup\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {'", - " 'Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName \"AudioFlyoutStartup\" -Confirm:0'", - " 'Write-Host -f Yellow \"AudioFlyout has been removed from startup programs\"'", - " '} else {'", - " 'Write-Host \"AudioFlyout has not been added to startup programs. No action needed.\"'", - " '}'", - ")", - "Set-Content \"$dir\\audioflyout-add-startup-script.ps1\" -Value ($cont_add -join \"`r`n\") -Encoding Ascii", - "Set-Content \"$dir\\audioflyout-remove-startup.ps1\" -Value ($cont_remove -join \"`r`n\") -Encoding Ascii" - ] - }, - "uninstaller": { - "script": "sudo sudo \"$dir\\audioflyout-remove-startup.ps1\"" - }, - "bin": [ - "AudioFlyout.exe", - "audioflyout-add-startup.ps1", - "audioflyout-remove-startup.ps1" - ], - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "AudioFlyout.exe", - "AudioFlyout" - ] - ], - "checkver": "github", - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - } + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + }, + "bin": [ + "AudioFlyout.exe", + "audioflyout-add-startup.ps1", + "audioflyout-remove-startup.ps1" + ], + "checkver": "github", + "depends": "sudo", + "description": "Replace the Volume/SMTC UI with a custom one.", + "extract_dir": "ADeltaX\\AudioFlyout", + "hash": "31f5c5c584f3254079363db81163047a116cc39b8dbb00254e9571fbac6ddc64", + "homepage": "", + "installer": { + "script": [ + "$current = current_dir $dir", + "$cont_add = @(", + " 'if (Get-ScheduledTask -Taskname \"AudioFlyoutStartup\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {'", + " 'Write-Host \"AudioFlyout has already been added startup programs. No need to add again.\"'", + " 'exit 1'", + " '}'", + " '$taskname = \"AudioFlyoutStartup\"'", + " '$description = \"Start AudioFlyout on Windows startup\"'", + " \"`$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute '$current\\AudioFlyout.exe'\"", + " '$settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet'", + " '$principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserId SYSTEM -LogonType ServiceAccount -RunLevel Highest'", + " '$trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtStartup'", + " 'Register-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Settings $settings -Principal $principal -Trigger $trigger -TaskName $taskname -Description $description | Out-Null'", + " 'Write-Host -f Yellow \"AudioFlyout has been added to startup programs (as a scheduled task)\"'", + " 'Write-Host \"Run `\"audioflyout-remove-startup`\" to remove it from startup programs\"'", + ")", + "$cont_remove = @(", + " 'if (Get-ScheduledTask -Taskname \"AudioFlyoutStartup\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {'", + " 'Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName \"AudioFlyoutStartup\" -Confirm:0'", + " 'Write-Host -f Yellow \"AudioFlyout has been removed from startup programs\"'", + " '} else {'", + " 'Write-Host \"AudioFlyout has not been added to startup programs. No action needed.\"'", + " '}'", + ")", + "Set-Content \"$dir\\audioflyout-add-startup-script.ps1\" -Value ($cont_add -join \"`r`n\") -Encoding Ascii", + "Set-Content \"$dir\\audioflyout-remove-startup.ps1\" -Value ($cont_remove -join \"`r`n\") -Encoding Ascii" + ] + }, + "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later", + "notes": "Run \"audioflyout-add-startup\" (with admin rights) to add AudioFlyout to startup programs", + "pre_install": [ + "If([int][System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build -le 17763) {", + " Write-Host 'AudioFlyout only supports Windows 10 version 1809 (build 17763) or later.'", + " exit 1", + "}" + ], + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "AudioFlyout.exe", + "AudioFlyout" + ] + ], + "uninstaller": { + "script": "sudo sudo \"$dir\\audioflyout-remove-startup.ps1\"" + }, + "url": "", + "version": "" } diff --git a/bucket/auto-unlocker.json b/bucket/auto-unlocker.json index 6f989c3b81a..10e8ee5c2c4 100644 --- a/bucket/auto-unlocker.json +++ b/bucket/auto-unlocker.json @@ -9,10 +9,7 @@ "hash": "1304bb7072073ac2f5c47886e2f688930918cc4fb25986d1b6ffe230bedf354b" } }, - "persist": [ - "tools", - "backup" - ], + "persist": "backup", "checkver": { "url": "", "jsonpath": "$", diff --git a/bucket/auto-wiiware-patcher.json b/bucket/auto-wiiware-patcher.json index 252038de157..bdf71893b6d 100644 --- a/bucket/auto-wiiware-patcher.json +++ b/bucket/auto-wiiware-patcher.json @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ { - "version": "2.2.2", - "description": "WiiWare patching for Wiimmfi made easy.", - "homepage": "", - "license": "AGPL-3.0-only", - "url": "", - "hash": "a99c40f1fae6e3e66250761079a59288d602cf123be94ab7281ed3bf28a6d137", - "bin": "WiiWarePatcher.bat", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "WiiWarePatcher.bat", - "Auto WiiWare Patcher" - ] - ], - "persist": [ - "backup-wads", - "wiimmfi-wads" - ], - "checkver": "github", - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/WiiWarePatcher.bat" - } + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/WiiWarePatcher.bat" + }, + "bin": "WiiWarePatcher.bat", + "checkver": "github", + "description": "WiiWare patching for Wiimmfi made easy.", + "hash": "a99c40f1fae6e3e66250761079a59288d602cf123be94ab7281ed3bf28a6d137", + "homepage": "", + "license": "AGPL-3.0-only", + "persist": [ + "backup-wads", + "wiimmfi-wads" + ], + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "WiiWarePatcher.bat", + "Auto WiiWare Patcher" + ] + ], + "url": "", + "version": "2.2.2" } diff --git a/bucket/autohotkey2.json b/bucket/autohotkey2.json index be72a330775..602a3ac95dd 100644 --- a/bucket/autohotkey2.json +++ b/bucket/autohotkey2.json @@ -1,36 +1,36 @@ { - "architecture": { - "32bit": { - "bin": [ - [ - "autohotkey32.exe", - "autohotkey2" - ] - ] - }, - "64bit": { - "bin": [ - [ - "autohotkey64.exe", - "autohotkey2" - ] - ] - } - }, - "autoupdate": { - "hash": { - "url": "$" - }, - "url": "$" - }, - "checkver": { - "regex": "([\\d.]+[-a-z]*[\\d.]+)", - "url": "" - }, - "description": "The ultimate automation scripting language for Windows.", - "hash": "8f28c38a0b2af6ac96c4a7e1a2c0f296b2410f845d9aca8487843a1edac4271d", - "homepage": "", - "license": "GPL-2.0-or-later", - "url": "", - "version": "2.0.2" + "version": "2.0.2", + "description": "The ultimate automation scripting language for Windows.", + "homepage": "", + "license": "GPL-2.0-or-later", + "url": "", + "hash": "8f28c38a0b2af6ac96c4a7e1a2c0f296b2410f845d9aca8487843a1edac4271d", + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "bin": [ + [ + "autohotkey64.exe", + "autohotkey2" + ] + ] + }, + "32bit": { + "bin": [ + [ + "autohotkey32.exe", + "autohotkey2" + ] + ] + } + }, + "checkver": { + "url": "", + "regex": "([\\d.]+[-a-z]*[\\d.]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$", + "hash": { + "url": "$" + } + } } diff --git a/bucket/autologon.json b/bucket/autologon.json index 852f0048559..59267a0e104 100644 --- a/bucket/autologon.json +++ b/bucket/autologon.json @@ -1,40 +1,71 @@ { - "homepage": "", - "description": "Bypass password screen during logon.", + "version": "3.10", + "description": "Autologon. 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"SysInternals/Autologon", - "/accepteula" + "SysInternals\\Autologon" ] ] }, - "64bit": { - "bin": "Autologon.exe", + "arm64": { + "bin": [ + "Autologon64a.exe", + [ + "Autologon64a.exe", + "Autologon" + ] + ], "shortcuts": [ [ - "Autologon.exe", - "SysInternals/Autologon", - "/accepteula" + "Autologon64a.exe", + "SysInternals\\Autologon" ] ] } + }, + "checkver": "Autologon\\s+v([\\d.]+)[\\w-]+)\\}' | Out-Null", - "$key_1 = $Matches['key_1']", - "(Select-String \"$dir\\Avisynth_Template.reg\" -Pattern '\"\\{([\\w-]+)\\}\"')[0] -match '\\{(?[\\w-]+)\\}' | Out-Null", - "$key_2 = $Matches['key_2']", - "$content2 = Get-Content \"$dir\\Avisynth_Template.reg\"", - "$targets = @('\"Apartment\"', '\"%INSTALLDIR%\\AviSynth.dll\"', '\"%INSTALLDIR%\\AviSynth.dll,0\"', '\"%INSTALLDIR%\"', '\"\"', \"\"\"{$key_2}\"\"\", \"\"\"{$key_1}\"\"\", '\"%INSTALLDIR%\\plugins\"')", - "foreach ($item in $targets) {", - " $content2 = $content2.Replace($item, '-')", - "}", - "$content2 = $content2 -replace ('@=\"[\\w?\\s]+\"', '@=-')", - 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"persist": "users", "post_install": [ - "Remove-Item \"$dir\\`$PLUGINSDIR\" -Recurse", - "Remove-Item \"$dir\\`$TEMP\" -Recurse" + "Remove-Item -Force -Recurse \"$dir\\`$PLUGINSDIR\"", + "Remove-Item -Force -Recurse \"$dir\\`$TEMP\"" ], "checkver": { "url": "", - "regex": "BaiduNetdisk_(\\d+.\\d+.\\d+.\\d+).exe" + "regex": "BaiduNetdisk_([\\d.]+).exe" }, "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version.exe#dl.7z" + "url": "$version.exe#/dl.7z" } } diff --git a/bucket/baidupcs-go.json b/bucket/baidupcs-go.json index 666bc7a1a45..30eceda434e 100644 --- a/bucket/baidupcs-go.json +++ b/bucket/baidupcs-go.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "version": "3.9.1", - "description": "iikira/BaiduPCS-Go 原版基础上集成了分享链接/秒传链接转存功能", + "description": "The terminal utility for Baidu Network Disk, which supports sharing link generation and file matching upload function .", "homepage": "", "license": "Apache-2.0", "architecture": { @@ -16,12 +16,9 @@ } }, "bin": "BaiduPCS-Go.exe", - "persist": [ - "config", - "Downloads" - ], + "persist": "appdata", "env_set": { - 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We strongly advise Bandizip users to stop using Bandizip 6.xx immediately and to use Bandizip 7.xx instead.", - "If you still want to use the earlier version of Bandizip at your own risk, you may download its setup file on the link below. Using the program must be done solely under the user's responsibility, and Bandisoft takes no responsibility for any types of damage caused by using the program.", - "", - "最近,在 Bandizip 6.xx 版本中发现了一个安全漏洞,当程序解压缩档案时系统有可能会被受到此漏洞的攻击。 我们强烈建议 Bandizip 用户立刻停止使用 Bandizip 6.xx 并更新至 Bandizip 7.xx.", - "如果您仍然使用 Bandizip 的早期版本并 承担一切后果 ,您可以点击下方链接下载安装程序。 使用该程序必须完全由用户负责,Bandisoft 对使用该程序造成的任何类型的损坏不承担任何责任。", - "", - "最近、Bandizip 6.xx にセキュリティの脆弱性が発見されました。これにより、プログラムがアーカイブを展開すると、システムが攻撃を受けやすくなる可能性があります。 Bandizip をお使いのユーザー様は、Bandizip 6.xx の使用をすぐに中止し、代わりに Bandizip 7.xx を使用することを強くお勧めします。", - "それでも以前のバージョンの Bandizip を自己責任で使用したい場合は、以下のリンクからセットアップファイルをダウンロードできます。 プログラムの使用は、ユーザーの責任の下でのみ行う必要があり、Bandisoft は、プログラムの使用によって生じたいかなる種類の損害についても責任を負いません。" - ], "url": "", - "hash": "fb3f9db5e0a93aeca35f975cb54893bbc46eecedecf4d9b1088dbb1c378569b1", + "hash": "FB3F9DB5E0A93AECA35F975CB54893BBC46EECEDECF4D9B1088DBB1C378569B1", "architecture": { "64bit": { "pre_install": "Rename-Item \"$dir\\Bandizip64.exe\" 'Bandizip.exe'" @@ -26,11 +16,12 @@ "pre_install": "Rename-Item \"$dir\\Bandizip32.exe\" 'Bandizip.exe'" } }, - 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Please backup it if needed", + "bin": [ + [ + "start.exe", + "CleanMyWechat" ] - }, + ], "shortcuts": [ [ "start.exe", "CleanMyWechat" ] ], - "uninstaller": { - "script": [ - "Get-ChildItem -Path \"$persist_dir\" -Filter \"config.json\" | Remove-Item -Force", - "Get-ChildItem -Path \"$dir\" -Filter \"config.json\" -File | Move-Item -Destination \"$persist_dir\" -Force" - ] - }, - "checkver":"github", + "checkver": "github", "autoupdate": { - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "$version/" - } - } + "url": "$version/" } } diff --git a/bucket/clickmonitorddc.json b/bucket/clickmonitorddc.json index fcaa4f8cf02..f05f7ab5f34 100644 --- a/bucket/clickmonitorddc.json +++ b/bucket/clickmonitorddc.json @@ -1,20 +1,25 @@ { "version": "7.2", - "description": "ClickMonitorDDC is a lightweight utility that permits you to quickly adjust the contrast and brightness of your DDC compliant monitor directly from the systray.", - "homepage": "", + "homepage": "", + "description": "ClickMonitorDDC", "license": "Freeware", - "url": "", + "url": "", "hash": "13aad46478bd8b57f411399aa6d07b74304650bb536cf470a722c6de1ddf5e61", + "pre_install": [ + "function CreateFile ($name, $value = $null) {", + " if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\$name\")) {", + " Set-Content \"$dir\\$name\" $value -Encoding Ascii", + " }", + "}", + "CreateFile 'ClickMonitorDDC.xml' ", + "Rename-Item \"$dir\\ClickMonitorDDC_*.exe\" \"$dir\\ClickMonitorDDC.exe\"" + ], + "persist": "ClickMonitorDDC.xml", + "bin": "ClickMonitorDDC.exe", "shortcuts": [ [ "ClickMonitorDDC.exe", "ClickMonitorDDC" ] - ], - "pre_install": [ - "Get-ChildItem \"$dir\" 'ClickMonitorDDC*.exe' | Select-Object -First 1 | Rename-Item -NewName 'ClickMonitorDDC.exe'", - "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\ClickMonitorDDC.xml\")) { Set-Content -Encoding ASCII -Path \"$dir\\ClickMonitorDDC.xml\" -Value '' }" - ], - "persist": "ClickMonitorDDC.xml" - + ] } diff --git a/bucket/clink-portable.json b/bucket/clink-portable.json index 5e05d6dcc4d..24caf0cb346 100644 --- a/bucket/clink-portable.json +++ b/bucket/clink-portable.json @@ -1,14 +1,7 @@ { - "version": "1.4.23", - "description": "Powerful Bash-style command line editing for cmd.exe", - "homepage": "", - "license": "GPL-3.0-only", - "notes": [ - "Run 'clink inject' to start clink on the current cmd", - "Run 'clink autorun install' to auto start clink" - ], - "url": "", - "hash": "64564d61c7eb2fb4ab3dd6afc98093d3fcf5396acdcf904526720369adaeabd7", + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$matchTag/clink.$version.$" + }, "bin": [ [ "clink.bat", @@ -16,12 +9,19 @@ "--profile d:\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\clink-portable\\current\\profile\\" ] ], - "persist": "profile", "checkver": { "github": "", "regex": "/v(?[\\d.]+)/clink\\.([\\d.]+)\\.(?[\\w.]+)\\.zip" }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$matchTag/clink.$version.$" - } + "description": "Powerful Bash-style command line editing for cmd.exe", + "hash": "64564d61c7eb2fb4ab3dd6afc98093d3fcf5396acdcf904526720369adaeabd7", + "homepage": "", + "license": "GPL-3.0-only", + "notes": [ + "Run 'clink inject' to start clink on the current cmd", + "Run 'clink autorun install' to auto start clink" + ], + "persist": "profile", + "url": "", + "version": "1.4.23" } diff --git a/bucket/clipboard-online.json b/bucket/clipboard-online.json index 301d5daf728..2705de226ad 100644 --- a/bucket/clipboard-online.json +++ b/bucket/clipboard-online.json @@ -1,48 +1,30 @@ { - "version": "0.2.7", - "description": "Share content between Windows and iOS/Android", "homepage": "", - "license": "Unknown", - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "123252db2add7af730062878737a8e989017a42a70c47f90560103800b9a9a69" - } - }, - "bin": "clipboard-online.exe", - "pre_install": [ - "$config = \"$persist_dir\\config.json\"", - "if (!(Test-Path $config)) {", - " @{", - " 'port' = '8086'", - " 'authkey' = ''", - " 'logLevel' = 'warning'", - " 'tempDir' = './temp'", - " 'reserveHistory' = $false", - " 'notify' = @{", - " 'copy' = $false", - " 'paste' = $false", - " }", - " } | ConvertToPrettyJson | Set-Content \"$dir\\config.json\" -Encoding Ascii", - "}" - ], - "notes": "By default, config.json and tempDir are stored in '$persist_dir'.", - "persist": [ - "config.json", - "temp" - ], + "description": "An application to share cilpboard text between Windows and iOS.", + "version": "0.2.7", + "license": "null", + "url": "", + "hash": "123252db2add7af730062878737a8e989017a42a70c47f90560103800b9a9a69", "shortcuts": [ [ "clipboard-online.exe", "clipboard-online" ] ], + "pre_install": [ + "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\config.json\")) {", + " Write-Host 'File config.json does not exists. Creating.' -f Yellow", + " Start-Process -FilePath \"$dir\\clipboard-online.exe\"", + " while (!(Test-Path \"$dir\\config.json\")) {", + " Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500", + " }", + " Start-Sleep 1", + " Stop-Process -Name clipboard-online", + "}" + ], + "persist": "config.json", "checkver": "github", "autoupdate": { - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "$version/clipboard-online.exe" - } - } + "url": "$version/clipboard-online.exe" } } diff --git a/bucket/clipjump.json b/bucket/clipjump.json index e1a1be9683f..57e26f3bd4f 100644 --- a/bucket/clipjump.json +++ b/bucket/clipjump.json @@ -1,10 +1,41 @@ { - "url": "", - "version": "12.5", - "bin": [ - ["clipjump_x64\\clipjump_x64.exe", "clipjump", ""] - ], - "shortcuts": [ - ["clipjump_x64\\clipjump_x64.exe", "Clipjump 12.5"] + "version": "12.5", + "description": "A Multiple-Clipboard management utility for Windows", + "homepage": "", + "license": { + "identifier": "Apache License V2.0", + "url": "" + }, + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "sha512:a78e91b121301bffda6e0061d628f6e8b220e19bea4d54427299c6c36f38008ee29c6e9aff29d90e5c3817e835101bad9ecd90676d46de3b40e0a5971c1d2e24", + "extract_dir": "Clipjump_x64", + "pre_install": [ + "Get-ChildItem \"$dir\\Clipjump_x64.exe\" | Rename-Item -NewName \"$dir\\Clipjump.exe\"" + ] + }, + "32bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "sha512:2be13b0ca7dbc18ac8cde4c5edd3a0a53a52786ab7ea1dc783aa58e0e766b9430ec2aca2f8d9ab43dd7e7afd24698d07b1b74e9b571690e0a35aaf8ac92b2981", + "extract_dir": "Clipjump" + } + }, + "persist": [ + "plugins", + "cache" + ], + "bin": [ + "Clipjump.exe", + [ + "clipjump.exe", + "cj" ] + ], + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "Clipjump.exe", + "Clipjump" + ] + ] } diff --git a/bucket/clockres.json b/bucket/clockres.json index 2da261d8b28..a719cae0179 100644 --- a/bucket/clockres.json +++ b/bucket/clockres.json @@ -1,32 +1,39 @@ { - 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Kernel-mode device driver that filters the system's keyboard class driver in order to convert caps-lock characters into control characters.", - "homepage": "", + "homepage": "", + "description": "This is a kernel-mode driver that demonstrates keyboard input filtering just above the keyboard class driver in order to turn caps-locks into control keys.", "license": { "identifier": "Freeware", "url": "" }, + "version": "2.0", "url": "", "hash": "2d8c06374da140beda79ac1940ab2b06a56a9af182dba70a6338313d768a2ac2", - "installer": { - "script": [ - "if (!(is_admin)) { throw 'Aministrator privileges are required' }", - "Push-Location $dir", - "& './ctrl2cap.exe' /install", - "Pop-Location" - ] + "checkver": { + "url": "", + "re": "Ctrl2Cap\\s(?:v|V)?([\\d.]+)" }, - "uninstaller": { - "script": [ - "Push-Location $dir", - "& './ctrl2cap.exe' /uninstall", - "Pop-Location" - ] - }, - "checkver": "Ctrl2Cap\\s+v([\\d.]+)falsefalse' | Out-Null", - "}", - "# Disable tracking", - "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\Config\\UserSettings.xml\")) {", - " New-Item -Force -Path \"$persist_dir\\Config\\UserSettings.xml\" -ItemType File -Value 'false' | Out-Null", - "}" + "persist": [ + "Cache", + "Config", + "Log" ], "shortcuts": [ [ "dandanplay.exe", - "弹弹play" + "DandanPlay" ] ], - "persist": [ - "Config", - "Log", - "Cache" - ], + "notes": "[Break Change] Developer remove x86 package from version 11.2.0", "checkver": { - "regex": "dandanplay-x64_([\\d.]+).zip" + "url": "", + "regex": "dandanplay-x64_([\\d\\.]+)\\.zip" }, "autoupdate": { - "url": "$" + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "$" + } + } } } diff --git a/bucket/darker.json b/bucket/darker.json index 7d155deb89d..09d39c3ea8f 100644 --- a/bucket/darker.json +++ b/bucket/darker.json @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ { - "version": "", - "description": "Darker. 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" Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" - ] - } + "autoupdate": { + "extract_dir": "HackGen_v$version", + "url": "$version/HackGen_v$" + }, + "checkver": "github", + "depends": "sudo", + "description": "HackGen is a composite font of Hack, GenJyuu-Gothic.", + "extract_dir": "HackGen_v2.8.0", + "hash": "89ed3f0d8f6c3976a76594e659067a3fa57840a0cb44c601f8b36cc21f87b7c5", + "homepage": "", + "installer": { + "script": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", + "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", + "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", + " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", + " exit 1", + "}", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", + "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", + " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", + "}" + ] + }, + "license": { + "identifier": "OFL-1.1" + }, + "notes": "You may need to restart the system to use recently installed fonts.", + "uninstaller": { + "script": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", + "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", + "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", + " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", + " exit 1", + "}", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", + " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", + " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", + "}", + "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + ] + }, + "url": "", + "version": "2.8.0" } diff --git a/bucket/hactool.json b/bucket/hactool.json index aa1292e1f01..0fa5fc9bb23 100644 --- a/bucket/hactool.json +++ b/bucket/hactool.json @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ { - 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[ - "hatari.exe", - "Hatari" - ] - ], - "url": "" - } - }, - "autoupdate": { - "architecture": { - "32bit": { - "extract_dir": "hatari-$version_windows", - "url": "$version/hatari-$" - }, - "64bit": { - "extract_dir": "hatari-$version_windows64", - "url": "$version/hatari-$" - } - } - }, - "checkver": { - "regex": ": Version ([\\d.]+)", - "url": "" - }, - "description": "An Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon emulator that aims to emulate the hardware of a ST as accurately as possible", - "homepage": "", - "license": "GPL-2.0-or-later", - "version": "2.4.1" + "version": "2.4.1", + "description": "An Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon emulator that aims to emulate the hardware of a ST as accurately as possible", + "homepage": "", + "license": "GPL-2.0-or-later", + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "422441ba8070bc769a6bd256fedc1a65b1332769eee7e9d0b02a8dd374d88fcb", + "extract_dir": "hatari-2.4.1_windows64", + "bin": "hatari.exe", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "hatari.exe", + "Hatari" + ] + ] + }, + "32bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "eb06a822fdd77bea60f254a50c0158478dd036de4c25cbc7f0e08cff9280eebe", + "extract_dir": "hatari-2.4.1_windows", + "bin": "hatari.exe", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "hatari.exe", + "Hatari" + ] + ] + } + }, + "checkver": { + "url": "", + "regex": ": Version ([\\d.]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "$version/hatari-$", + "extract_dir": "hatari-$version_windows64" + }, + "32bit": { + "url": "$version/hatari-$", + "extract_dir": "hatari-$version_windows" + } + } + } } diff --git a/bucket/haxedevelop.json b/bucket/haxedevelop.json index 9b7a91c02ed..876f57d1e34 100644 --- a/bucket/haxedevelop.json +++ b/bucket/haxedevelop.json @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@ { - 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Right now it supports launching games from the Epic Games Store using Legendary, a CLI alternative to the Epic Games Launcher.", + "homepage": "", + "license": "GPLv3", + "url": "", "checkver": { - "github": "" + "github": "", + "regex": "Heroic-([\\d.]+)\\.exe" }, "autoupdate": { - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "$version/Heroic-$version-Setup-x64.exe#/dl.7z" - }, - "arm64": { - "url": "$version/Heroic-$version-Setup-arm64.exe#/dl.7z" - } - }, - "hash": { - "url": "$baseurl/latest.yml", - "regex": "url:\\s(?[\\w.-]+)\\n\\s+sha512:\\s$sha512" - } + "url": "$version/Heroic-$version.exe", } } diff --git a/bucket/hex2dec.json b/bucket/hex2dec.json index 055b4404602..0291973b42f 100644 --- a/bucket/hex2dec.json +++ b/bucket/hex2dec.json @@ -1,32 +1,16 @@ { "version": "1.1", - "description": "Hex2dec. 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" - \u53bb\u9009\u9879\u65e0\u7528\u9879: \u4eca\u65e5\u770b\u70b9\u3001\u68c0\u67e5\u66f4\u65b0\u3001\u663e\u793a\u4e3b\u64ad\u4e0a\u7ebf\u63d0\u9192\u3001\u9000\u51fa\u540e\u5173\u95ed\u64ad\u653e\u5f15\u64ce\u7b49;", - " - \u5220\u9664\u5783\u573e\u6587\u4ef6: \u4eca\u65e5\u770b\u70b9\u3001\u6e38\u620f\u7a0b\u5e8f\u3001\u7231\u5947\u827a\u5ba2\u6237\u7aef\u63d2\u4ef6\u3001\u81ea\u52a8\u5347\u7ea7\u3001\u9519\u8bef\u62a5\u544a\u7b49;" - ], - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "KwMusic.exe", - "Kuwo Music" - ] - ], - "uninstaller": { - "script": [ - "Start-Process \"$dir\\!)\u5378\u8f7d\u6e05\u9664.bat\" -WorkingDirectory \"$dir\" -Wait -Verb RunAs", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' has been uninstalled.\" -Foreground Magenta" - ] - }, - "url": "", - "version": "" + "version": "", + "description": "酷我音乐去广告破解版 - zd423", + "homepage": "", + "license": { + "identifier": "Proprietary", + "url": "" + }, + "notes": [ + "特点描述: ", + " - 反汇编处理, 破解豪华 VIP 会员, 显示尊贵身份标识, 畅享豪华 VIP 特权;", + " 注: 由于网络验证、破解并不涉及部分腾讯版权歌曲、HiFi 发烧音乐专辑;", + " - 禁止首次启动时跳出烦人的隐私政策弹窗;", + " - 逆向修改模块移除各种广告及各种无用项; ", + " - 逆向修改退出软件为强制结束进程驻留程序 (KwService.exe);", + " - 去升级, 禁止后台偷偷下载安装包强制升级; 去主菜单项: 升级音乐盒、铃声制作;", + " - 去选项无用项: 今日看点、检查更新、显示主播上线提醒、退出后关闭播放引擎等;", + " - 删除垃圾文件: 今日看点、游戏程序、爱奇艺客户端插件、自动升级、错误报告等;" + ], + "url": "", + "hash": "3688c5e845e40c627fb19379807e91f481e0f08c639721a6c9fd6c671caa0f2a", + "extract_dir": "KwMusic", + "installer": { + "script": "Start-Process \"$dir\\!)绿化处理.bat\" -WorkingDirectory \"$dir\" -Wait -Verb RunAs" + }, + "uninstaller": { + "script": [ + "Start-Process \"$dir\\!)卸载清除.bat\" -WorkingDirectory \"$dir\" -Wait -Verb RunAs", + "Write-Host \"The '$app' has been uninstalled.\" -Foreground Magenta" + ] + }, + "bin": "KwMusic.exe", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "KwMusic.exe", + "Kuwo Music" + ] + ], + "checkver": { + "url": "", + "regex": "(?s)(?KwMusic_([\\d.]+).*?\\.(?:7z|zip|rar))" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$matchFilename", + "hash": { + "url": "", + "mode": "extract", + "regex": "^$sha256([\\s]+)$basename" + } + } } diff --git a/bucket/lagarith-lossless-video-codec.json b/bucket/lagarith-lossless-video-codec.json index e07c9f6793a..0c27e7ccd49 100644 --- a/bucket/lagarith-lossless-video-codec.json +++ b/bucket/lagarith-lossless-video-codec.json @@ -1,63 +1,57 @@ { - "version": "1.3.27", - "homepage": "", - "description": "A lossless video codec intended for editing and archiving. The codec offers better compression than other codecs like Huffyuv, Alparysoft, and CorePNG.", - "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later", - "url": "", - "hash": "2752a26d08251553469e35d2327544b7b2692fa6a4f3decacc0b464ac4c9af65", - "architecture": { - "32bit": { - "extract_dir": "Lagarith_1327\\lagarith32", - "pre_install": "Copy-Item \"$dir\\lagarith.dll\" \"$env:windir\\System32\\LAGARITH.DLL\" -Force", - "uninstaller": { - "script": "Remove-Item \"$env:windir\\System32\\LAGARITH.DLL\" -Force" - } - }, - "64bit": { - "extract_dir": "Lagarith_1327\\lagarith64", - "pre_install": [ - "foreach ($sysDir in \"$env:windir\\System32\\LAGARITH.DLL\", \"$env:windir\\SysWOW64\\LAGARITH.DLL\") {", - " Copy-Item \"$dir\\lagarith.dll\" $sysDir -Force", - "}" - ], - "uninstaller": { - "script": [ - "foreach ($sysDir in \"$env:windir\\System32\\LAGARITH.DLL\", \"$env:windir\\SysWOW64\\LAGARITH.DLL\") {", - " Remove-Item $sysDir -Force", - "}" - ] - } - } - }, - "post_install": [ - "if (!(is_admin)) { error \"$app requires admin rights to $cmd\"; break }", - "# Register the Lagarith Lossless Video Codec", - "New-Item 'HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\MediaResources\\icm\\VIDC.LAGS' -Force | Out-Null", - "foreach ($name in 'Description', 'FriendlyName') {", - " Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\MediaResources\\icm\\VIDC.LAGS' -Name $name -Value 'Lagarith lossless codec [LAGS]' -Force", - "}", - "Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\MediaResources\\icm\\VIDC.LAGS' -Name 'Driver' -Value 'LAGARITH.DLL' -Force", - "Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\drivers.desc' -Name 'LAGARITH.DLL' -Value 'Lagarith lossless codec [LAGS]' -Force", - "Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Drivers32' -Name 'VIDC.LAGS' -Value 'LAGARITH.DLL' -Force" - ], - "pre_uninstall": [ - "if (!(is_admin)) { error \"$app requires admin rights to $cmd\"; break }", - "$newDir = $dir.Replace($version, 'current')", - "# Unregister the Lagarith Lossless Video Codec", - "Remove-Item 'HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\MediaResources\\icm\\VIDC.LAGS' -Force -Recurse", - "Remove-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\drivers.desc' -Name 'LAGARITH.DLL' -Force", - "Remove-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Drivers32' -Name 'VIDC.LAGS' -Force" - ], - "checkver": "Lagarith\\s(?:Installer|Codec)\\s\\(v([\\d.]+)\\)", - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$", + "version": "1.3.27", + "homepage": "", + "description": "A lossless video codec intended for editing and archiving. The codec offers better compression than other codecs like Huffyuv, Alparysoft, and CorePNG.", + "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later", + "url": "", + "hash": "2752a26d08251553469e35d2327544b7b2692fa6a4f3decacc0b464ac4c9af65", + "extract_dir": "Lagarith_1327", "architecture": { - "32bit": { - "extract_dir": "Lagarith_$cleanVersion\\lagarith32" - }, - "64bit": { - "extract_dir": "Lagarith_$cleanVersion\\lagarith64" - } + "32bit": { + "pre_install": [ + "if (!(is_admin)) { error \"$app requires admin rights to $cmd\"; break }", + "Copy-Item \"$dir\\lagarith32\\Lagarith.dll\" \"$env:windir\\System32\\LAGARITH.DLL\" -Force" + ], + "uninstaller": { + "script": "Remove-Item \"$env:windir\\System32\\LAGARITH.DLL\" -Force" + } + }, + "64bit": { + "pre_install": [ + "if (!(is_admin)) { error \"$app requires admin rights to $cmd\"; break }", + "Copy-Item \"$dir\\lagarith32\\Lagarith.dll\" \"$env:windir\\System32\\LAGARITH.DLL\" -Force", + "Copy-Item \"$dir\\lagarith64\\Lagarith.dll\" \"$env:windir\\SysWOW64\\LAGARITH.DLL\" -Force" + ], + "uninstaller": { + "script": [ + "foreach ($sysDir in \"$env:windir\\System32\\LAGARITH.DLL\", \"$env:windir\\SysWOW64\\LAGARITH.DLL\") {", + " Remove-Item $sysDir -Force", + "}" + ] + } + } + }, + "post_install": [ + "Remove-Item \"$dir\\install.bat\", \"$dir\\lagarith.inf\"", + "# Register the Lagarith Lossless Video Codec", + "New-Item 'HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\MediaResources\\icm\\VIDC.LAGS' -Force | Out-Null", + "foreach ($name in 'Description', 'FriendlyName') {", + " Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\MediaResources\\icm\\VIDC.LAGS' -Name $name -Value 'Lagarith lossless codec [LAGS]' -Force", + "}", + "Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\MediaResources\\icm\\VIDC.LAGS' -Name 'Driver' -Value 'LAGARITH.DLL' -Force", + "Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\drivers.desc' -Name 'LAGARITH.DLL' -Value 'Lagarith lossless codec [LAGS]' -Force", + "Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Drivers32' -Name 'VIDC.LAGS' -Value 'LAGARITH.DLL' -Force" + ], + "pre_uninstall": [ + "if (!(is_admin)) { error \"$app requires admin rights to $cmd\"; 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Consider it like open source alternative to Evernote.", - "homepage": "", - "version": "0.7.51", - "license": "MPL-2.0", - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "126ececb7adf870b1a2b6ab968b2748cab7cec45c5a356d9155055a7f1016e5b" - }, - "32bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "b2362eb1c3e24187614ba41e5548dac2f35f2d411d1902d7f8f616dad14cec5c" - } - }, - "bin": "laverna.exe", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "laverna.exe", - "Laverna" - ] - ], - "checkver": { - "github": "" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "$version/laverna-$" - }, - "32bit": { - "url": "$version/laverna-$" - } - } - } + "architecture": { + "32bit": { + "hash": "b2362eb1c3e24187614ba41e5548dac2f35f2d411d1902d7f8f616dad14cec5c", + "url": "" + }, + "64bit": { + "hash": "126ececb7adf870b1a2b6ab968b2748cab7cec45c5a356d9155055a7f1016e5b", + "url": "" + } + }, + "autoupdate": { + "architecture": { + "32bit": { + "url": "$version/laverna-$" + }, + "64bit": { + "url": "$version/laverna-$" + } + } + }, + "bin": "laverna.exe", + "checkver": { + "github": "" + }, + "description": "Laverna is a JavaScript note taking application with Markdown editor and encryption support. Consider it like open source alternative to Evernote.", + "homepage": "", + "license": "MPL-2.0", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "laverna.exe", + "Laverna" + ] + ], + "version": "0.7.51" } diff --git a/bucket/lavfilters.json b/bucket/lavfilters.json index 592829eeb98..00f0a078723 100644 --- a/bucket/lavfilters.json +++ b/bucket/lavfilters.json @@ -1,9 +1,16 @@ { - "##": "manual un/installation with run un/install_*.bat as administrator. | TODO: un/installer script.", "version": "0.77.2", - "description": "Open-Source DirectShow Media Splitter and Decoders.", + "description": "FFmpeg based DirectShow splitter and decoders", "homepage": "", - "license": "GPL-2.0-only", + "license": { + "identifier": "GPL-2.0-only", + "url": "" + }, + "notes": [ + "Please do not move or delete this app manually!", + "If you want to reset the settings, you can just delete the item \"LAV\" at \"HKCU\\Software\" in the registry." + ], + "depends": "sudo", "architecture": { "64bit": { "url": "", @@ -14,6 +21,18 @@ "hash": "cb4875fb50806b4ef599905a5d18026cca2a967d698dd08e25a7784b71ed66ff" } }, + "pre_install": [ + "if (-not $global) {", + " Write-Host -Foreground Red \"$app should be installed globally.\"", + " break", + "}" + ], + "installer": { + "script": "\"$env:COMSPEC\" /c \"regsvr32 /s `\"$dir\\`\" & regsvr32 /s `\"$dir\\`\" & regsvr32 /s `\"$dir\\`\"\"" + }, + "uninstaller": { + "script": "\"$env:COMSPEC\" /c \"regsvr32 /u /s `\"$dir\\`\" & regsvr32 /u /s `\"$dir\\`\" & regsvr32 /u /s `\"$dir\\`\"\"" + }, "checkver": "github", "autoupdate": { "architecture": { diff --git a/bucket/ldmdump.json b/bucket/ldmdump.json index dd230aeb608..26ff1515da8 100644 --- a/bucket/ldmdump.json +++ b/bucket/ldmdump.json @@ -1,30 +1,18 @@ { "version": "1.02", - "description": "LDMDump. Logical Disk Manager Configuration Dump", - "homepage": "", + "description": "Dump the contents of the Logical Disk Manager's on-disk database, which describes the partitioning of Windows 2000 Dynamic disks.", + "homepage": "", "license": { "identifier": "Freeware", - "url": "" + "url": "" }, "url": "", "hash": "21247eb36b5c68598a491bb6b2e7c9b0ee2698da7aa430ea7ac405f5b2580812", - "pre_install": [ - "$sysint = 'HKCU:\\SOFTWARE\\Sysinternals'", - "$fin = \"$sysint\\LdmDump\"", - "New-Item $sysint, $fin -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' | Out-Null", - "Set-ItemProperty -Path $fin -Name 'EulaAccepted' -Value 1 -Type 'DWord' -Force | Out-Null" - ], - "uninstaller": { - "script": [ - "if ($purge) {", - " $sysInt = 'HKCU:\\SOFTWARE\\Sysinternals'", - " Remove-Item \"$sysInt\\LdmDump\" -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' -Force -Recurse", - " if ((Get-ChildItem $sysInt).Count -eq 0) { Remove-Item $sysInt -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' -Force -Recurse }", - "}" - ] - }, "bin": "ldmdump.exe", - "checkver": "LDMDump\\s+v([\\d.]+)([\\d.]+)" - 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Ported from the MultiBit Bitcoin client.", - "license": "MIT", - "url": [ - "", - "" - ], - "hash": [ - "d74a0e33767250ca0f8a2e962de342de0d69140339b025a7f8cb7d6f51dbd5f9", - "027ad8d5ed0e000e5d60e0a17c9d62218456898eeec8130ae1779557fb5fb7ef" - ], - "pre_install": "Set-Content \"$dir\\MultiDoge.bat\" '@start javaw.exe -jar \"%~dp0\\MultiDoge.jar\" %*' -Encoding ASCII", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "MultiDoge.bat", - "MultiDoge", - "", - "MultiDoge.ico" - ] - ], - "checkver": { - "github": "" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/multidoge-exe-full.jar#/multidoge.jar" - }, - "notes": [ - "[WARNING]: If you really want to use this for production or what, KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR YOUR DATA!!!", - "[WARNING]: THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', I am not responsible for any data lost." - ] + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/multidoge-exe-full.jar#/multidoge.jar" + }, + "checkver": { + "github": "" + }, + "description": "MultiDoge is a desktop Dogecoin client, powered by dogecoinj. Ported from the MultiBit Bitcoin client.", + "hash": [ + "d74a0e33767250ca0f8a2e962de342de0d69140339b025a7f8cb7d6f51dbd5f9", + "027ad8d5ed0e000e5d60e0a17c9d62218456898eeec8130ae1779557fb5fb7ef" + ], + "homepage": "", + "license": "MIT", + "notes": [ + "[WARNING]: If you really want to use this for production or what, KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR YOUR DATA!!!", + "[WARNING]: THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', I am not responsible for any data lost." + ], + "pre_install": "Set-Content \"$dir\\MultiDoge.bat\" '@start javaw.exe -jar \"%~dp0\\MultiDoge.jar\" %*' -Encoding ASCII", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "MultiDoge.bat", + "MultiDoge", + "", + "MultiDoge.ico" + ] + ], + "url": [ + "", + "" + ], + "version": "0.1.7" } diff --git a/bucket/multipar.json b/bucket/multipar.json index 698a950891d..61b2bde8bb3 100644 --- a/bucket/multipar.json +++ b/bucket/multipar.json @@ -1,24 +1,17 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "hash": { - "regex": "MultiPar [\\d.]+ beta[\\s\\S.]+?MD5:$md5", - "url": "" - }, - "url": "$version/MultiPar$" - }, - "checkver": { - "regex": "MultiPar ([\\d.]+) beta", - "url": "" - }, - "description": "Parchive tool.", + "version": "", + "description": "Parchive tool", + "homepage": "", + "license": "GPL-2.0-only", + "url": "", "hash": "md5:72909ea45889cec681e5f458e43f6666", - "homepage": "", - "license": "Unknown", - "persist": "MultiPar.ini", - "pre_install": [ - "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\MultiPar.ini\")) {", - " New-Item -Path \"$dir\\MultiPar.ini\" -ItemType file | Out-Null", - "}" + "bin": [ + "MultiPar.exe", + "par1j.exe", + "par2j.exe", + "par2j64.exe", + "sfv_md5.exe", + "tool\\par2_rename.exe" ], "shortcuts": [ [ @@ -26,6 +19,18 @@ "MultiPar" ] ], - "url": "", - "version": "" + "pre_install": [ + "if (-not (Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\MultiPar.ini\")) {", + " New-Item \"$dir\\MultiPar.ini\" -ItemType \"file\" | Out-Null", + "}" + ], + "persist": "MultiPar.ini", + "checkver": "MultiPar ([\\d.]+) beta", + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/MultiPar$", + "hash": { + "url": "", + "regex": "MultiPar [\\d.]+ beta[\\s\\S.]+?MD5:$md5" + } + } } diff --git a/bucket/myhash.json b/bucket/myhash.json index 3e6352642ad..7ace2e4e54f 100644 --- a/bucket/myhash.json +++ b/bucket/myhash.json @@ -1,19 +1,28 @@ { "homepage": "", - 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"checkver": { - "url": "", - "regex": "Version ([\\d.]+)" + "url": "", + "re": "

Version (?[\\d.]+)

" }, "installer": { @@ -25,4 +24,3 @@ "script": "jp-util-font $false $dir '*.TTC'" } } - diff --git a/bucket/myrica.json b/bucket/myrica.json index ab7e5f2100f..b47d4e24556 100644 --- a/bucket/myrica.json +++ b/bucket/myrica.json @@ -1,28 +1,30 @@ { - "homepage": "", - "description": "Japanese monospace font for programming: Inconsolata + GenShinGothic", - "license": { - "identifier": "Freeware", - "url": "" - }, - "depends": [ - "jp-util-font" - ], + "homepage": "", + "license": "SIL Open Font License (OFL) Version 1.1", "version": "2.012.20180119", - "url": "", - "hash": "f73dca7a5999d02351534dbdc184e0e2f9f1a8294de5ff931bb535a5327c68c0", - - "checkver": { - "url": "", - "regex": "Version ([\\d.]+)" - }, + "url": "", + "hash": "189698851150814728a093830dd61b685dd98a01f29e36738d9271420726202b", "installer": { - "script": "jp-util-font $true $dir '*.TTC'" + "script": [ + "$fontdir = \"$env:LocalAppData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\"", + "If(!(test-path $fontdir)) {", + " New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $fontdir", + "}", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -filter '*.TTC' | ForEach-Object {", + " New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts' -Name 'Myrica Monospace & Myrica Proportional & Myrica Narrow (TrueType)' -Value \"$fontdir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force | Out-Null", + " Copy-Item $_.Fullname -destination \"$fontdir\"", + "}" + ] }, "uninstaller": { - "script": "jp-util-font $false $dir '*.TTC'" + "script": [ + "Get-ChildItem $dir -filter '*.TTC' | ForEach-Object {", + " $fontdir = \"$env:LocalAppData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\"", + " Remove-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts' -Name 'Myrica Monospace & Myrica Proportional & Myrica Narrow (TrueType)' -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", + " Remove-Item \"$fontdir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", + "}" + ] } } - diff --git a/bucket/mysql8.json b/bucket/mysql8.json index dc4355cec38..8ef71adf452 100644 --- a/bucket/mysql8.json +++ b/bucket/mysql8.json @@ -3,8 +3,16 @@ "description": "The world's most popular open-source database, supported by an active community.", "homepage": "", "license": "GPL-2.0-only", + "notes": [ + "Run 'mysqld --standalone' or 'mysqld --console' to start the Database,", + "or run following command as administrator to register MySQL as a service. See:", + "", + "mysqld --install MySQL8 --defaults-file=\"$dir\\my.ini\"", + "", + "To stop and/or delete the Service run 'sc stop MySQL8' and 'sc delete MySQL8'." + ], "suggest": { - "Visual C/C++ Redistributable 2017": "extras/vcredist2017" + "Visual C/C++ Redistributable": "extras/vcredist2022" }, "architecture": { "64bit": { @@ -14,7 +22,6 @@ } }, "pre_install": [ - "Get-Service mysql8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Service", "$ini = \"$dir\\my.ini\"", "if (!(Test-Path \"$ini\")) {", " # Using $dir instead of $persist_dir, causes this error:", @@ -27,27 +34,10 @@ "post_install": [ "if (!(Test-Path \"$dir\\data\\auto.cnf\")) {", " warn 'Initializing data directory ...'", - " $null = mysqld --initialize-insecure", + " Invoke-ExternalCommand -FilePath \"$dir\\bin\\mysqld.exe\" -ArgumentList '--initialize-insecure'", " warn 'Database has been initialized (username: root, password: )'", - "}", - "$MySQLService = 'mysql8'", - "if (Get-Service $MySQLService -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Start-Service) {", - " echo 'MySQL Windows Service has started: $MySQLService'", - "} else {", - " # Register the windows service", - " $null = mysqld --install $MySQLService --defaults-file=\"$dir\\my.ini\"", - " Get-Service $MySQLService -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Start-Service", - " echo 'MySQL Windows Service has been installed and has started: $MySQLService'", "}" ], - "uninstaller": { - "script": "Get-Service mysql8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Service" - }, - "notes": [ - "MySQL has been installed as a Windows Service: mysql8", - "", - "To stop and/or delete the Service run `Stop-Service mysql8` and `Remove-Service mysql8`." - ], "bin": [ "bin\\ibd2sdi.exe", "bin\\innochecksum.exe", diff --git a/bucket/n_m3u8dl-cli.json b/bucket/n_m3u8dl-cli.json index 1dd26fb95ba..3dd9d7746ab 100644 --- a/bucket/n_m3u8dl-cli.json +++ b/bucket/n_m3u8dl-cli.json @@ -1,15 +1,27 @@ { - "homepage": "", - "description": "m3u8 commandline downloader writtern in .NET", "version": "3.0.2", + "description": "[.NET] m3u8 downloader 开源的命令行m3u8/HLS/dash下载器,支持普通AES-128-CBC解密,多线程,自定义请求头等. 支持简体中文,繁体中文和英文. English Supported.", + "homepage": "", "license": "MIT", - "url": "", + "suggest": { + "ffmpeg": [ + "ffmpeg", + "ffmpeg-nightly" + ] + }, + "url": "", "hash": "b9e50e69e722b427d8bcafd1ecaa355d3ae79d9dae6b5fd87095fdb01bef8195", - "bin": "n_m3u8dl-cli.exe", + "bin": [ + "N_m3u8DL-CLI.exe", + [ + "N_m3u8DL-CLI.exe", + "N_m3u8DL" + ] + ], "checkver": { "github": "" }, "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/N_m3u8DL-CLI_v$version.exe#/n_m3u8dl-cli.exe" + "url": "$version/N_m3u8DL-CLI_v$version.exe#/N_m3u8DL-CLI.exe" } } diff --git a/bucket/nagstamon.json b/bucket/nagstamon.json index f7a43e459a5..b3d0df138a2 100644 --- a/bucket/nagstamon.json +++ b/bucket/nagstamon.json @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "version": "3.10.1", "description": "A status monitor for the desktop, which connects to multiple Nagios, Icinga, Opsview, Centreon, Op5 Monitor/Ninja, Checkmk and Thruk monitoring servers.", - "homepage": "", + "homepage": "", "license": "GPL-2.0-only", "architecture": { "64bit": { @@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ ] ], "notes": "The default configuration directory of Nagstamon is %HOME%\\.nagstamon\\", - "checkver": "github", + "checkver": { + "github": "" + }, "autoupdate": { "architecture": { "64bit": { @@ -34,6 +36,9 @@ "url": "$version/Nagstamon-$", "extract_dir": "Nagstamon-$version-win32" } + }, + "hash": { + "url": "$baseurl/sha256sums.txt" } } } diff --git a/bucket/namdhc.json b/bucket/namdhc.json index 4d0b73f413a..36cdd942b2b 100644 --- a/bucket/namdhc.json +++ b/bucket/namdhc.json @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/namDHC_v$" - }, - "bin": "chdman.exe", - "checkver": "github", - "description": "GUI for chdman, a tool for compressing disk images included with MAME", - "hash": "62971adbb7ef4b3ce69b1066cc0da079c11021dc13e2527b74154c2b98c01df6", - "homepage": "", - "license": "GPL-3.0-only", - "notes": "chdman is included. Run NamDHC from shortcut, or you can utilize chdman directly on PATH.", - "persist": "namDHC.ini", - "pre_install": "if(!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\namDHC.ini\")) { Set-Content \"$dir\\namDHC.ini\" (@('[Settings]', 'checkForUpdatesAtStartup=no') -join \"`r`n\") -Encoding Unicode | Out-Null }", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "namDHC.exe", - "namDHC" - ] - ], - "url": "", - "version": "1.13" + "version": "1.13", + "description": "GUI for chdman, a tool for compressing disk images included with MAME", + "homepage": "", + "license": "GPL-3.0-only", + "notes": "chdman is included. Run NamDHC from shortcut, or you can utilize chdman directly on PATH.", + "url": "", + "hash": "62971adbb7ef4b3ce69b1066cc0da079c11021dc13e2527b74154c2b98c01df6", + "bin": "chdman.exe", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "namDHC.exe", + "namDHC" + ] + ], + "pre_install": "if(!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\namDHC.ini\")) { Set-Content \"$dir\\namDHC.ini\" (@('[Settings]', 'checkForUpdatesAtStartup=no') -join \"`r`n\") -Encoding Unicode | Out-Null }", + "persist": "namDHC.ini", + "checkver": "github", + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/namDHC_v$" + } } diff --git a/bucket/nanarun.json b/bucket/nanarun.json index 45433e5c498..b26d61862ce 100644 --- a/bucket/nanarun.json +++ b/bucket/nanarun.json @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ { - "architecture": { - "32bit": { - "extract_dir": "Win32" - }, - "64bit": { - "extract_dir": "x64" - } - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/NanaRun_$matchMajor_$matchPreview_$" - }, - "bin": [ - [ - "MinSudo.exe" - ] - ], - "checkver": { - "regex": "releases/download/([\\d.]+)/NanaRun_(?[\\d.]+)_(?\\w+)_", - 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To modify service, run 'ServiceControl.bat'.", - "persist": [ - "Config.ini", - "Hosts.ini", - "IPFilter.ini", - "Routing.txt", - "WhiteList.txt" - ], - "pre_install": [ - "Remove-Item -Recurse \"$dir\\Pcap_DNSProxy-bin\"" - ], - "url": "", - "version": "" + "homepage": "", + "description": "A tool based on WinPcap/LibPcap which can filter DNS poisoning.", + "license": "GPL-2.0-only", + "version": "", + "url": "", + "hash": "42c6f30ec34298dc65477b48c5167e12d78c532ed330b6955a8017250cd35873", + "architecture": { + "32bit": { + "bin": [ + [ + "Pcap_DNSProxy_x86.exe", + "pcap-dnsproxy" + ] + ] + }, + "64bit": { + "bin": [ + [ + "Pcap_DNSProxy.exe", + "pcap-dnsproxy" + ] + ] + } + }, + "extract_dir": "Pcap_DNSProxy-bin/Windows", + "persist": [ + "Config.ini", + "Hosts.ini", + "IPFilter.ini", + "Routing.txt", + "WhiteList.txt" + ], + "pre_install": [ + "Remove-Item -Recurse \"$dir\\Pcap_DNSProxy-bin\"" + ], + "notes": "This app requires WinPcap, if you have not installed, run setup from 'Tools' folder. To modify service, run 'ServiceControl.bat'.", + "_checkver": "github", + "_autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/Pcap_DNSProxy-$version-bin.7z" + } } diff --git a/bucket/pchunter.json b/bucket/pchunter.json index 052f8c9d10e..86efccde4ed 100644 --- a/bucket/pchunter.json +++ b/bucket/pchunter.json @@ -1,36 +1,36 @@ { - "version": "1.5.6", - "description": "PC Hunter是一个Windows系统信息查看软件,同时也是一个手工杀毒辅助软件。 from: zzhaq/scoop-av", - "homepage": "", - "license": "MIT", - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "d3f5c6c803f230ada1b99ceae7186ce2cd23612e9ceb2942b9a1b59aa9ada47d", - "extract_dir": "PCHunter_free", - "bin": [ - "PCHunter64.exe" - ], - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "PCHunter64.exe", - "PCHunter64" - ] - ] - }, - "32bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "d3f5c6c803f230ada1b99ceae7186ce2cd23612e9ceb2942b9a1b59aa9ada47d", - "extract_dir": "PCHunter_free", - "bin": [ - "PCHunter32.exe" - ], - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "PCHunter32.exe", - "PCHunter32" - ] - ] - } - } + "version": "1.5.6", + "description": "PC Hunter是一个Windows系统信息查看软件,同时也是一个手工杀毒辅助软件。", + "homepage": "", + "license": "MIT", + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "d3f5c6c803f230ada1b99ceae7186ce2cd23612e9ceb2942b9a1b59aa9ada47d", + "extract_dir": "PCHunter_free", + "bin": [ + "PCHunter64.exe" + ], + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "PCHunter64.exe", + "PCHunter64" + ] + ] + }, + "32bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "d3f5c6c803f230ada1b99ceae7186ce2cd23612e9ceb2942b9a1b59aa9ada47d", + "extract_dir": "PCHunter_free", + "bin": [ + "PCHunter32.exe" + ], + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "PCHunter32.exe", + "PCHunter32" + ] + ] + } + } } diff --git a/bucket/pcman-lite.json b/bucket/pcman-lite.json index a02fe34d0a4..63cf27cf085 100644 --- a/bucket/pcman-lite.json +++ b/bucket/pcman-lite.json @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ { - "##": "This package is not ported to the official buckets because ReadMe file written in English is not available.", - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - }, - "bin": "PCMan\\PCMan.exe", - "checkver": { - "regex": "tree/v([\\w.-]+)", - "url": "" - }, - "description": "Free, open-source telnet BBS client.", - "hash": "42dde7521f2f0cd7044087c997ca6084714722025bd9128e498372b92cfe7a71", - "homepage": "", - "license": { - "identifier": "Freeware", - "url": "" - }, - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "PCMan\\PCMan.exe", - "PCMan" - ] - ], - "suggest": { - "vcredist2019": "extras/vcredist2019" - }, - "url": "", - "version": "9.5.0-beta3" + "##": "This package is not ported to the official buckets because ReadMe file written in English is not available.", + "homepage": "", + "description": "Free, open-source telnet BBS client.", + "license": { + "identifier": "Freeware", + "url": "" + }, + "suggest": { + "vcredist2019": "extras/vcredist2019" + }, + "version": "9.5.0-beta3", + "bin": "PCMan\\PCMan.exe", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "PCMan\\PCMan.exe", + "PCMan" + ] + ], + "url": "", + "hash": "42dde7521f2f0cd7044087c997ca6084714722025bd9128e498372b92cfe7a71", + "checkver": { + "url": "", + "regex": "tree/v([\\w.-]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + } } diff --git a/bucket/pdb2pdb.json b/bucket/pdb2pdb.json index 76415160295..ac8dc893b63 100644 --- a/bucket/pdb2pdb.json +++ b/bucket/pdb2pdb.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "bin": "pdb2pdb.exe", - "url": "", - "version": "2021.0409.1" + "url": "", + "version": "2021.0409.1", + "bin": "pdb2pdb.exe" } diff --git a/bucket/pdb2xml.json b/bucket/pdb2xml.json index 393b65f697e..8288a05bcd8 100644 --- a/bucket/pdb2xml.json +++ b/bucket/pdb2xml.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "bin": "pdb2xml.exe", - "url": "", - "version": "2021.0409.1" + "url": "", + "version": "2021.0409.1", + "bin": "pdb2xml.exe" } diff --git a/bucket/pdbdump.json b/bucket/pdbdump.json index e369cd16631..ac6f2c63f80 100644 --- a/bucket/pdbdump.json +++ b/bucket/pdbdump.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "bin": "pdbdump.exe", - "url": "", - "version": "20201001" + "url": "", + "version": "20201001", + "bin": "pdbdump.exe" } diff --git a/bucket/pdm.json b/bucket/pdm.json index 25767d043a3..676f5589c30 100644 --- a/bucket/pdm.json +++ b/bucket/pdm.json @@ -1,23 +1,17 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$match1" - }, - "bin": "venv\\Scripts\\pdm.exe", - "checkver": { - "re": "*/pdm-(?[\\d.]+)-.*\\.whl)", - "replace": "${version}", - 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Schedules move and delete commands for the next reboot.", - "homepage": "", + "description": "Enumerate the list of file rename and delete commands that will be executed the next boot.", + "homepage": "", "license": { "identifier": "Freeware", - "url": "" + "url": "" }, - "url": "", - "hash": "527143fc701ff297e57419d5200df82edb95b1dd564adaa50d40c5c93f6b36f6", - "pre_install": [ - "$sysint = 'HKCU:\\SOFTWARE\\Sysinternals'", - "$fin = \"$sysint\\PendMove\"", - "New-Item $sysint, $fin -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' | Out-Null", - "Set-ItemProperty -Path $fin -Name 'EulaAccepted' -Value 1 -Type 'DWord' -Force | Out-Null" - ], - "uninstaller": { - "script": [ - "if ($purge) {", - " $sysInt = 'HKCU:\\SOFTWARE\\Sysinternals'", - " Remove-Item \"$sysInt\\PendMove\", \"$sysInt\\PendMoves\" -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' -Force -Recurse", - " if ((Get-ChildItem $sysInt).Count -eq 0) { Remove-Item $sysInt -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' -Force -Recurse }", - "}" - ] + "url": "", + "hash": "377c0a8efbf39a78add4a9fe421ae140400b1a0a1e7f7f447793c690001410a3", + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "bin": [ + [ + "pendmoves64.exe", + "pendmoves" + ] + ] + }, + "32bit": { + "bin": "pendmoves.exe" + }, + "arm64": { + "bin": [ + [ + "pendmoves64a.exe", + "pendmoves" + ] + ] + } + }, + "checkver": { + "url": "", + "regex": "#*.?PendMoves*.?v([\\d.]+)" }, - "bin": "pendmoves.exe", - "checkver": "PendMoves v([\\d.]+)", "autoupdate": { - "url": "" + "url": "" } } diff --git a/bucket/pewpew.json b/bucket/pewpew.json index 3f819c5396d..42c5ccd344a 100644 --- a/bucket/pewpew.json +++ b/bucket/pewpew.json @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "version": "1.0.0", - "description": "A flexible HTTP command line stress tester for websites and web services", + "description": "A Flexible HTTP command line stress tester for websites and web services.", "homepage": "", + "version": "1.0.0", "license": "MIT", "architecture": { "64bit": { diff --git a/bucket/phacoxs-injector.json b/bucket/phacoxs-injector.json index 91fb847c9d4..0b121081172 100644 --- a/bucket/phacoxs-injector.json +++ b/bucket/phacoxs-injector.json @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ { - "version": "1.1.4", - "description": "This is a program that allows you to inject games into the Virtual Console of the Wii U. It is compatible with NES, SNES, N64, GBA and NDS games.", - "homepage": "", - "license": "GPL-3.0-only", - "url": "", - "hash": "ee32481b36ca19168bc54fc6012e82d70488baaf7ca395102b100b512628ba3c", - "extract_dir": "PhacoxsInjector", - "bin": [ - "PhacoxsInjector.exe", - "VCN64Config.exe" - ], - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "PhacoxsInjector.exe", - "Phacox's Injector" - ], - [ - "VCN64Config.exe", - "VCN64Config Editor" - ] - ], - "pre_install": "Set-Content \"$dir\\resources\\pack\\encryptKeyWith\" 'd7b00402659ba2abd2cb0db27fa2b656' -Encoding Ascii", - "checkver": "github", - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - } + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + }, + "bin": [ + "PhacoxsInjector.exe", + "VCN64Config.exe" + ], + "checkver": "github", + "description": "This is a program that allows you to inject games into the Virtual Console of the Wii U. It is compatible with NES, SNES, N64, GBA and NDS games.", + "extract_dir": "PhacoxsInjector", + "hash": "ee32481b36ca19168bc54fc6012e82d70488baaf7ca395102b100b512628ba3c", + "homepage": "", + "license": "GPL-3.0-only", + "pre_install": "Set-Content \"$dir\\resources\\pack\\encryptKeyWith\" 'd7b00402659ba2abd2cb0db27fa2b656' -Encoding Ascii", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "PhacoxsInjector.exe", + "Phacox's Injector" + ], + [ + "VCN64Config.exe", + "VCN64Config Editor" + ] + ], + "url": "", + "version": "1.1.4" } diff --git a/bucket/php3.0.11.json b/bucket/php3.0.11.json index c4386a8cb75..fa1e4174907 100644 --- a/bucket/php3.0.11.json +++ b/bucket/php3.0.11.json @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ { - "bin": "php.exe", - "env_set": { - "PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR": "$persist_dir;$dir\\conf.d;" - }, - "hash": "17a7492ed0b08c49a6a81bb64fbc3121e03d3d20990f13eea298b48256e36fbc", - "homepage": "", - "license": "GPL", - "persist": [ - "conf.d" - ], - "post_install": "iex(gc $bucketsdir\\$bucket\\bin\\postinstall.ps1 -Raw)", - 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{", + " $sysInt = 'HKCU:\\SOFTWARE\\Sysinternals'", + " Remove-Item \"$sysInt\\PsLoggedon\" -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' -Force -Recurse", + " if ((Get-ChildItem $sysInt).Count -eq 0) { Remove-Item $sysInt -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' -Force -Recurse }", + "}" + ] }, + "checkver": "PsLoggedOn\\s+v([\\d.]+)QQ_(?([\\d.]+))_[(](?([\\d]+))[)]_Installer\\.rar)", - "replace": "${ver}.${build}", - "reverse": true, - "url": "" - }, - "depends": "sudo", - "description": "\u817e\u8baf QQ PC \u7248\u53bb\u5e7f\u544a\u7279\u522b\u7248\uff0c\u7531 @Dreamcast \u7ec4\u88c5\u6253\u5305\u800c\u6210\uff08\u5b89\u88c5\u7248\uff09", - "hash": "157a02cfbf8c3fc73abb616b857057574cb19e0859b714c65ad489010cb775fc", - "homepage": "", - "installer": { - "script": [ - "Stop-Process -Name TXP*,tad*,QQP*,QQC*,QQ -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null", - "Rename-Item \"$dir\\*.exe\" 'installer.exe'", - "sudo Start-Process -filepath \"$dir\\installer.exe\" -ArgumentList /DIR=\"$dir\",/SILENT -WorkingDirectory 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\u4e09\u4e2a\u529f\u80fd\u56fe\u6807\uff0c\u9700\u8981\u7684\u81ea\u5df1\u52fe\u9009\u76f8\u5173\u9009\u9879\u5b89\u88c5 (\u5b89\u88c5\u7248)\uff0c\u6216\u7ec4\u4ef6\u529f\u80fd\u5207\u6362\u91cc\u5f00\u542f (\u7eff\u8272\u7248)", - "\u2464 9.3.8 \u5f00\u59cb\u5b98\u65b9\u5bf9\u64a4\u56de\u6d88\u606f\u76f8\u5173\u505a\u4e86\u5f88\u591a\u6539\u52a8\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u76ee\u524d\u7684\u9632\u64a4\u56de\u4fee\u6539\u9ed8\u8ba4\u4f7f\u7528\u6709 bug\uff0c\u542f\u7528\u540e\u4f1a\u5bfc\u81f4\u7fa4\u5185\u64a4\u56de\u6d88\u606f\u91cd\u65b0\u7f16\u8f91\u4e0d\u80fd\u7528\uff0c\u597d\u53cb\u5bf9\u8bdd\u5219\u65e0\u6b64\u95ee\u9898", - " \u2514\u2014 \u89e3\u51b3\u529e\u6cd5\u662f\u8fdb QQ \u7684\u7cfb\u7edf\u8bbe\u7f6e \u2014 \u4f1a\u8bdd\u7a97\u53e3 \u2014 \u52fe\u9009 \u201c\u64a4\u56de\u6d88\u606f\u8bbe\u7f6e\u201d \uff0c\u7136\u540e\u201c\u81ea\u5b9a\u4e49\u6d88\u606f\u64a4\u56de\u201d \u91cc\u9009\u62e9\u9664\u4e86\u300a\u65e0\u300b\u4e4b\u5916\u7684\u5176\u4ed6\u4efb\u610f\u9009\u9879\u5373\u53ef", - "\u2465 \u9ed8\u8ba4\u6574\u5408\u7684 NtrQQ \u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u88ab\u4e00\u4e9b\u6740\u8f6f\u8bef\u62a5\u548c\u62e6\u622a\uff0c\u81f3\u4e8e\u600e\u4e48\u505a\u6211\u5c31\u4e0d\u591a\u8bf4\u4e86\uff0c\u76f8\u5173\u4f7f\u7528\u4e0a\u7684\u95ee\u9898\u4e0d\u8981\u95ee\u6211\uff0c\u6709\u95ee\u9898\u8bf7\u5230\u5b98\u65b9\u8bba\u575b \u53cd\u9988", - " NtrQQ \u91cc\u5173\u95ed\u4e86\u4e3b\u9762\u677f\u6700\u5c0f\u9ad8\u5bbd\u7684\u9009\u9879\uff0c\u60f3\u8981\u7f29\u7684\u66f4\u7a84\u66f4\u5c0f\u7684\u624b\u52a8\u53bb NtrQQ.ini \u91cc\u5f00\u542f: KillMainPanelSize=1", - " \u66f4\u591a NtrQQ \u9009\u9879\u8bbe\u7f6e\u53ef\u4ee5\u81ea\u884c\u7ffb\u9605 NtrQQ.ini\uff0cLance.Moe \u90fd\u6709\u8be6\u7ec6\u8bf4\u660e", - "", - "\u4f7f\u7528 'scoop install vcredist-aio' \u6216 'scoop install vcredist-mix' \u5b89\u88c5\u8fd0\u884c\u5e93" - ], - "post_install": "@('installer.exe') | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item \"$dir\\$_\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "Bin\\QQScLauncher.exe", - "QQ" - ] - ], - "suggest": { - "vcredist": [ - "meta/vcredist-aio", - "meta/vcredist-mix" - ] - }, - "uninstaller": { - "script": [ - "Stop-Process -Name TXP*,tad*,QQP*,QQC*,QQ -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null", - "sudo Start-Process -filepath \"$dir\\unins000.exe\" -ArgumentList /VERYSILENT -WorkingDirectory \"$dir\" -Wait", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' has been uninstalled.\" -Foreground Magenta" - ] - }, - "url": "", - "version": "" + "version": "", + "description": "腾讯 QQ PC 版去广告特别版,由 @Dreamcast 组装打包而成(安装版)", + "homepage": "", + "license": { + "identifier": "Proprietary", + "url": "" + }, + "notes": [ + "① 所有的修改版都有被锁的风险,是否使用自己斟酌,本人不承担任何责任!", + "② 安装使用 QQ 前请先自行安装齐全 Visual C++ 和 Universal C 运行库,最新运行库合集下载: 密码: 9527", + "③ 安装使用 QQ 前请先自行安装好 Adobe Flash Player 最新版组件,QQ 秀正常显示必备,但非必需,最新和谐版下载: 密码: 6666", + "④ 默认去除了主面板 < 勋章墙 >< 腾讯文档 > 三个功能图标,需要的自己勾选相关选项安装 (安装版),或组件功能切换里开启 (绿色版)", + "⑤ 9.3.8 开始官方对撤回消息相关做了很多改动,所以目前的防撤回修改默认使用有 bug,启用后会导致群内撤回消息重新编辑不能用,好友对话则无此问题", + " └— 解决办法是进 QQ 的系统设置 — 会话窗口 — 勾选 “撤回消息设置” ,然后“自定义消息撤回” 里选择除了《无》之外的其他任意选项即可", + "⑥ 默认整合的 NtrQQ 可能会被一些杀软误报和拦截,至于怎么做我就不多说了,相关使用上的问题不要问我,有问题请到官方论坛 反馈", + " NtrQQ 里关闭了主面板最小高宽的选项,想要缩的更窄更小的手动去 NtrQQ.ini 里开启: KillMainPanelSize=1", + " 更多 NtrQQ 选项设置可以自行翻阅 NtrQQ.ini,Lance.Moe 都有详细说明", + "", + "使用 'scoop install vcredist-aio' 或 'scoop install vcredist-mix' 安装运行库" + ], + "depends": "sudo", + "suggest": { + "vcredist": [ + "meta/vcredist-aio", + "meta/vcredist-mix" + ] + }, + "url": "", + "hash": "157a02cfbf8c3fc73abb616b857057574cb19e0859b714c65ad489010cb775fc", + "installer": { + "script": [ + "Stop-Process -Name TXP*,tad*,QQP*,QQC*,QQ -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null", + "Rename-Item \"$dir\\*.exe\" 'installer.exe'", + "sudo Start-Process -filepath \"$dir\\installer.exe\" -ArgumentList /DIR=\"$dir\",/SILENT -WorkingDirectory \"$dir\" -Wait" + ] + }, + "post_install": "@('installer.exe') | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item \"$dir\\$_\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }", + "uninstaller": { + "script": [ + "Stop-Process -Name TXP*,tad*,QQP*,QQC*,QQ -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null", + "sudo Start-Process -filepath \"$dir\\unins000.exe\" -ArgumentList /VERYSILENT -WorkingDirectory \"$dir\" -Wait", + "Write-Host \"The '$app' has been uninstalled.\" -Foreground Magenta" + ] + }, + "bin": [ + [ + "Bin\\QQScLauncher.exe", + "QQ" + ] + ], + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "Bin\\QQScLauncher.exe", + "QQ" + ] + ], + "checkver": { + "url": "", + "regex": "(?s)(?QQ_(?([\\d.]+))_[(](?([\\d]+))[)]_Installer\\.rar)", + "replace": "${ver}.${build}", + "reverse": true + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$matchFilename", + "hash": { + "url": "", + "mode": "extract", + "regex": "^$sha256([\\s]+)$basename" + } + } } diff --git a/bucket/qq-ntr-mod-portable.json b/bucket/qq-ntr-mod-portable.json index 334be68b5db..b90e7068611 100644 --- a/bucket/qq-ntr-mod-portable.json +++ b/bucket/qq-ntr-mod-portable.json @@ -1,80 +1,80 @@ { - "version": "", - "description": "腾讯 QQ PC 版去广告特别版, 由 @Dreamcast 组装打包而成(绿色版 With NtrQQ)", - "homepage": "", - "license": { - "identifier": "Proprietary", - "url": "" - }, - "notes": [ - "默认绿化后只是去广告和去校验和小清新的一些功能, 更多的功能需要运行 \"$env:SCOOP\\apps\\qq-ntr-mod-np\\current\\组件功能切换.bat\"", - "绿色版的 “组件功能切换” 功能, 现已完美实现了所有安装版的选项切换功能, 按提示操作即可", - "感谢网友 “喵星人” 最初制作的脚本加持!", - "", - "注意: ", - "① 所有的修改版都有被锁的风险, 是否使用自己斟酌, 本人不承担任何责任!", - "② 安装使用 QQ 前请先自行安装齐全 Visual C++ 和 Universal C 运行库, 最新运行库合集下载: 密码: 9527", - "③ 安装使用 QQ 前请先自行安装好 Adobe Flash Player 最新版组件, QQ 秀正常显示必备, 但非必需, 最新和谐版下载: 密码: 6666", - "④ 默认去除了主面板 < 勋章墙 >< 腾讯文档 > 三个功能图标, 需要的自己勾选相关选项安装 (安装版), 或组件功能切换里开启 (绿色版)", - "⑤ 9.3.8 开始官方对撤回消息相关做了很多改动, 所以目前的防撤回修改默认使用有 bug, 启用后会导致群内撤回消息重新编辑不能用, 好友对话则无此问题", - "└— 解决办法是进 QQ 的系统设置 — 会话窗口 — 勾选 “撤回消息设置” , 然后“自定义消息撤回” 里选择除了《无》之外的其他任意选项即可", - "⑥ 默认整合的 NtrQQ 可能会被一些杀软误报和拦截, 至于怎么做我就不多说了, 相关使用上的问题不要问我, 有问题请到官方论坛 反馈", - "NtrQQ 里关闭了主面板最小高宽的选项, 想要缩的更窄更小的手动去 NtrQQ.ini 里开启: KillMainPanelSize=1", - "更多 NtrQQ 选项设置可以自行翻阅 NtrQQ.ini, Lance.Moe 都有详细说明", - "", - "提示: ", - "本地普通会员 的功能, 经几个网友和我自己测试发现, 确实有较高的几率反复出现示开启消息漫游验证的问题, 补丁方面无法解决此问题, 本身也是为了好看和 YY, 没什么实际作用, 不用也不会有广告, 所以是否要用各位自己决定吧", - "聊天记录 --> 复制粘贴效果改为文本方式, 以旧版纯本文的方式来复制粘贴聊天消息, 此功能已知有个小小不完善, 文本模式下如果不带上人名复制单人的多行消息时, 那么只能粘贴到多行消息的第一行, 带上人名一起复制则无此问题, 气泡模式下也无此问题", - "", - "使用 'scoop install vcredist-aio' 或 'scoop install vcredist-mix' 安装运行库" - ], - "depends": "sudo", - "suggest": { - "vcredist": [ - "meta/vcredist-aio", - "meta/vcredist-mix" - ] - }, - "url": "", - "hash": "fa757ce3184314ad835b98cf7509781621833f082d981816c4412b6fe1b47548", - "extract_dir": "QQ", - "installer": { - "script": [ - "Stop-Process -Name TXP*,tad*,QQP*,QQC*,QQ -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null", - "sudo Start-Process -filepath \"$dir\\绿化.bat\" -WorkingDirectory \"$dir\" -Wait" - ] - }, - "uninstaller": { - "script": [ - "Stop-Process -Name TXP*,tad*,QQP*,QQC*,QQ -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null", - "sudo Start-Process -filepath \"$dir\\卸载.bat\" -WorkingDirectory \"$dir\" -Wait", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' has been uninstalled.\" -Foreground Magenta" - ] - }, - "bin": [ - [ - "Bin\\QQScLauncher.exe", - "QQ" - ] - ], - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "Bin\\QQScLauncher.exe", - "QQ" - ] - ], - "checkver": { - "url": "", - "regex": "(?s)(?QQ_(?([\\d.]+))_[(](?([\\d]+))[)]_Portable_With_NtrQQ_.*?\\.(?:7z|zip|rar))", - "replace": "${ver}.${build}", - "reverse": true - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$matchFilename", - "hash": { - "url": "", - "mode": "extract", - "regex": "^$sha256([\\s]+)$basename" - } - } + "autoupdate": { + "hash": { + "mode": "extract", + "regex": "^$sha256([\\s]+)$basename", + "url": "" + }, + "url": "$matchFilename" + }, + "bin": [ + [ + "Bin\\QQScLauncher.exe", + "QQ" + ] + ], + "checkver": { + "regex": "(?s)(?QQ_(?([\\d.]+))_[(](?([\\d]+))[)]_Portable_With_NtrQQ_.*?\\.(?:7z|zip|rar))", + "replace": "${ver}.${build}", + "reverse": true, + "url": "" + }, + "depends": "sudo", + "description": "\u817e\u8baf QQ PC \u7248\u53bb\u5e7f\u544a\u7279\u522b\u7248, \u7531 @Dreamcast \u7ec4\u88c5\u6253\u5305\u800c\u6210\uff08\u7eff\u8272\u7248 With NtrQQ\uff09", + "extract_dir": "QQ", + "hash": "fa757ce3184314ad835b98cf7509781621833f082d981816c4412b6fe1b47548", + "homepage": "", + "installer": { + "script": [ + "Stop-Process -Name TXP*,tad*,QQP*,QQC*,QQ -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null", + "sudo Start-Process -filepath \"$dir\\\u7eff\u5316.bat\" -WorkingDirectory \"$dir\" -Wait" + ] + }, + "license": { + "identifier": "Proprietary", + "url": "" + }, + "notes": [ + "\u9ed8\u8ba4\u7eff\u5316\u540e\u53ea\u662f\u53bb\u5e7f\u544a\u548c\u53bb\u6821\u9a8c\u548c\u5c0f\u6e05\u65b0\u7684\u4e00\u4e9b\u529f\u80fd, \u66f4\u591a\u7684\u529f\u80fd\u9700\u8981\u8fd0\u884c \"$env:SCOOP\\apps\\qq-ntr-mod-np\\current\\\u7ec4\u4ef6\u529f\u80fd\u5207\u6362.bat\"", + "\u7eff\u8272\u7248\u7684 \u201c\u7ec4\u4ef6\u529f\u80fd\u5207\u6362\u201d \u529f\u80fd, \u73b0\u5df2\u5b8c\u7f8e\u5b9e\u73b0\u4e86\u6240\u6709\u5b89\u88c5\u7248\u7684\u9009\u9879\u5207\u6362\u529f\u80fd, \u6309\u63d0\u793a\u64cd\u4f5c\u5373\u53ef", + "\u611f\u8c22\u7f51\u53cb \u201c\u55b5\u661f\u4eba\u201d \u6700\u521d\u5236\u4f5c\u7684\u811a\u672c\u52a0\u6301!", + "", + "\u6ce8\u610f: ", + "\u2460 \u6240\u6709\u7684\u4fee\u6539\u7248\u90fd\u6709\u88ab\u9501\u7684\u98ce\u9669, \u662f\u5426\u4f7f\u7528\u81ea\u5df1\u659f\u914c, \u672c\u4eba\u4e0d\u627f\u62c5\u4efb\u4f55\u8d23\u4efb!", + "\u2461 \u5b89\u88c5\u4f7f\u7528 QQ \u524d\u8bf7\u5148\u81ea\u884c\u5b89\u88c5\u9f50\u5168 Visual C++ \u548c Universal C \u8fd0\u884c\u5e93, \u6700\u65b0\u8fd0\u884c\u5e93\u5408\u96c6\u4e0b\u8f7d: \u5bc6\u7801: 9527", + "\u2462 \u5b89\u88c5\u4f7f\u7528 QQ \u524d\u8bf7\u5148\u81ea\u884c\u5b89\u88c5\u597d Adobe Flash Player \u6700\u65b0\u7248\u7ec4\u4ef6, QQ \u79c0\u6b63\u5e38\u663e\u793a\u5fc5\u5907, \u4f46\u975e\u5fc5\u9700, \u6700\u65b0\u548c\u8c10\u7248\u4e0b\u8f7d: \u5bc6\u7801: 6666", + "\u2463 \u9ed8\u8ba4\u53bb\u9664\u4e86\u4e3b\u9762\u677f < \u52cb\u7ae0\u5899 >< \u817e\u8baf\u6587\u6863 > \u4e09\u4e2a\u529f\u80fd\u56fe\u6807, \u9700\u8981\u7684\u81ea\u5df1\u52fe\u9009\u76f8\u5173\u9009\u9879\u5b89\u88c5 (\u5b89\u88c5\u7248), \u6216\u7ec4\u4ef6\u529f\u80fd\u5207\u6362\u91cc\u5f00\u542f (\u7eff\u8272\u7248)", + "\u2464 9.3.8 \u5f00\u59cb\u5b98\u65b9\u5bf9\u64a4\u56de\u6d88\u606f\u76f8\u5173\u505a\u4e86\u5f88\u591a\u6539\u52a8, \u6240\u4ee5\u76ee\u524d\u7684\u9632\u64a4\u56de\u4fee\u6539\u9ed8\u8ba4\u4f7f\u7528\u6709 bug, \u542f\u7528\u540e\u4f1a\u5bfc\u81f4\u7fa4\u5185\u64a4\u56de\u6d88\u606f\u91cd\u65b0\u7f16\u8f91\u4e0d\u80fd\u7528, \u597d\u53cb\u5bf9\u8bdd\u5219\u65e0\u6b64\u95ee\u9898", + "\u2514\u2014 \u89e3\u51b3\u529e\u6cd5\u662f\u8fdb QQ \u7684\u7cfb\u7edf\u8bbe\u7f6e \u2014 \u4f1a\u8bdd\u7a97\u53e3 \u2014 \u52fe\u9009 \u201c\u64a4\u56de\u6d88\u606f\u8bbe\u7f6e\u201d , \u7136\u540e\u201c\u81ea\u5b9a\u4e49\u6d88\u606f\u64a4\u56de\u201d \u91cc\u9009\u62e9\u9664\u4e86\u300a\u65e0\u300b\u4e4b\u5916\u7684\u5176\u4ed6\u4efb\u610f\u9009\u9879\u5373\u53ef", + "\u2465 \u9ed8\u8ba4\u6574\u5408\u7684 NtrQQ \u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u88ab\u4e00\u4e9b\u6740\u8f6f\u8bef\u62a5\u548c\u62e6\u622a, \u81f3\u4e8e\u600e\u4e48\u505a\u6211\u5c31\u4e0d\u591a\u8bf4\u4e86, \u76f8\u5173\u4f7f\u7528\u4e0a\u7684\u95ee\u9898\u4e0d\u8981\u95ee\u6211, \u6709\u95ee\u9898\u8bf7\u5230\u5b98\u65b9\u8bba\u575b \u53cd\u9988", + "NtrQQ \u91cc\u5173\u95ed\u4e86\u4e3b\u9762\u677f\u6700\u5c0f\u9ad8\u5bbd\u7684\u9009\u9879, \u60f3\u8981\u7f29\u7684\u66f4\u7a84\u66f4\u5c0f\u7684\u624b\u52a8\u53bb NtrQQ.ini \u91cc\u5f00\u542f: KillMainPanelSize=1", + "\u66f4\u591a NtrQQ \u9009\u9879\u8bbe\u7f6e\u53ef\u4ee5\u81ea\u884c\u7ffb\u9605 NtrQQ.ini, Lance.Moe \u90fd\u6709\u8be6\u7ec6\u8bf4\u660e", + "", + "\u63d0\u793a: ", + "\u672c\u5730\u666e\u901a\u4f1a\u5458 \u7684\u529f\u80fd, \u7ecf\u51e0\u4e2a\u7f51\u53cb\u548c\u6211\u81ea\u5df1\u6d4b\u8bd5\u53d1\u73b0, \u786e\u5b9e\u6709\u8f83\u9ad8\u7684\u51e0\u7387\u53cd\u590d\u51fa\u73b0\u793a\u5f00\u542f\u6d88\u606f\u6f2b\u6e38\u9a8c\u8bc1\u7684\u95ee\u9898, \u8865\u4e01\u65b9\u9762\u65e0\u6cd5\u89e3\u51b3\u6b64\u95ee\u9898, \u672c\u8eab\u4e5f\u662f\u4e3a\u4e86\u597d\u770b\u548c YY, \u6ca1\u4ec0\u4e48\u5b9e\u9645\u4f5c\u7528, \u4e0d\u7528\u4e5f\u4e0d\u4f1a\u6709\u5e7f\u544a, \u6240\u4ee5\u662f\u5426\u8981\u7528\u5404\u4f4d\u81ea\u5df1\u51b3\u5b9a\u5427", + "\u804a\u5929\u8bb0\u5f55 --> \u590d\u5236\u7c98\u8d34\u6548\u679c\u6539\u4e3a\u6587\u672c\u65b9\u5f0f, \u4ee5\u65e7\u7248\u7eaf\u672c\u6587\u7684\u65b9\u5f0f\u6765\u590d\u5236\u7c98\u8d34\u804a\u5929\u6d88\u606f, \u6b64\u529f\u80fd\u5df2\u77e5\u6709\u4e2a\u5c0f\u5c0f\u4e0d\u5b8c\u5584, \u6587\u672c\u6a21\u5f0f\u4e0b\u5982\u679c\u4e0d\u5e26\u4e0a\u4eba\u540d\u590d\u5236\u5355\u4eba\u7684\u591a\u884c\u6d88\u606f\u65f6, \u90a3\u4e48\u53ea\u80fd\u7c98\u8d34\u5230\u591a\u884c\u6d88\u606f\u7684\u7b2c\u4e00\u884c, \u5e26\u4e0a\u4eba\u540d\u4e00\u8d77\u590d\u5236\u5219\u65e0\u6b64\u95ee\u9898, \u6c14\u6ce1\u6a21\u5f0f\u4e0b\u4e5f\u65e0\u6b64\u95ee\u9898", + "", + "\u4f7f\u7528 'scoop install vcredist-aio' \u6216 'scoop install vcredist-mix' \u5b89\u88c5\u8fd0\u884c\u5e93" + ], + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "Bin\\QQScLauncher.exe", + "QQ" + ] + ], + "suggest": { + "vcredist": [ + "meta/vcredist-aio", + "meta/vcredist-mix" + ] + }, + "uninstaller": { + "script": [ + "Stop-Process -Name TXP*,tad*,QQP*,QQC*,QQ -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null", + "sudo Start-Process -filepath \"$dir\\\u5378\u8f7d.bat\" -WorkingDirectory \"$dir\" -Wait", + "Write-Host \"The '$app' has been uninstalled.\" -Foreground Magenta" + ] + }, + "url": "", + "version": "" } diff --git a/bucket/qqmusic-zd423.json b/bucket/qqmusic-zd423.json index f7d19614f57..8a5b890d457 100644 --- a/bucket/qqmusic-zd423.json +++ b/bucket/qqmusic-zd423.json @@ -1,48 +1,48 @@ { - "version": "18.59", - "description": "QQ 音乐去广告绿色版 - zd423", - "homepage": "", - "license": { - "identifier": "Proprietary", - "url": "" - }, - "notes": [ - "特点描述: ", - " - 反汇编处理,去我的音乐页面右侧广告及歌单页面右侧广告", - " - 去组件检测上报行为,删除 QQMusicUp.exe, QQMusicExternal.exe", - " - 禁止检测升级,去后续提示版本过低无法使用限制,去菜单检测更新", - " - 禁止在系统后台 %AppData%\\Tencent 里生成产品日志 logs 文件夹", - " - 删除无用的辅助程序,电脑管家下载、在线升级程序(已脱离)等文件" - ], - "url": "音乐_v18.59_去广告绿色版.7z", - "hash": "7e80cc9705bb10c8f6914924a6265a6342105c6a9b85d31b3f351251c67d4f7e", - "extract_dir": "QQMusic", - "installer": { - "script": "Start-Process \"$dir\\!)绿化处理.bat\" -WorkingDirectory \"$dir\" -Wait -Verb RunAs" - }, - "uninstaller": { - "script": [ - "Start-Process \"$dir\\!)卸载清除.bat\" -WorkingDirectory \"$dir\" -Wait -Verb RunAs", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' has been uninstalled.\" -Foreground Magenta" - ] - }, - "bin": "QQMusic.exe", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "QQMusic.exe", - "QQ Music" - ] - ], - "checkver": { - "url": "", - "regex": "(?s)(?QQ音乐_v(([\\d.]+)).*?\\.(?:7z|zip|rar))" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$matchFilename", - "hash": { - "url": "", - "mode": "extract", - "regex": "^$sha256([\\s]+)$basename" - } - } + "autoupdate": { + "hash": { + "mode": "extract", + "regex": "^$sha256([\\s]+)$basename", + "url": "" + }, + "url": "$matchFilename" + }, + "bin": "QQMusic.exe", + "checkver": { + "regex": "(?s)(?QQ\u97f3\u4e50_v(([\\d.]+)).*?\\.(?:7z|zip|rar))", + "url": "" + }, + "description": "QQ \u97f3\u4e50\u53bb\u5e7f\u544a\u7eff\u8272\u7248 - zd423", + "extract_dir": "QQMusic", + "hash": "7e80cc9705bb10c8f6914924a6265a6342105c6a9b85d31b3f351251c67d4f7e", + "homepage": "", + "installer": { + "script": "Start-Process \"$dir\\!)\u7eff\u5316\u5904\u7406.bat\" -WorkingDirectory \"$dir\" -Wait -Verb RunAs" + }, + "license": { + "identifier": "Proprietary", + "url": "" + }, + "notes": [ + "\u7279\u70b9\u63cf\u8ff0: ", + " - \u53cd\u6c47\u7f16\u5904\u7406\uff0c\u53bb\u6211\u7684\u97f3\u4e50\u9875\u9762\u53f3\u4fa7\u5e7f\u544a\u53ca\u6b4c\u5355\u9875\u9762\u53f3\u4fa7\u5e7f\u544a", + " - \u53bb\u7ec4\u4ef6\u68c0\u6d4b\u4e0a\u62a5\u884c\u4e3a\uff0c\u5220\u9664 QQMusicUp.exe, QQMusicExternal.exe", + " - \u7981\u6b62\u68c0\u6d4b\u5347\u7ea7\uff0c\u53bb\u540e\u7eed\u63d0\u793a\u7248\u672c\u8fc7\u4f4e\u65e0\u6cd5\u4f7f\u7528\u9650\u5236\uff0c\u53bb\u83dc\u5355\u68c0\u6d4b\u66f4\u65b0", + " - \u7981\u6b62\u5728\u7cfb\u7edf\u540e\u53f0 %AppData%\\Tencent \u91cc\u751f\u6210\u4ea7\u54c1\u65e5\u5fd7 logs \u6587\u4ef6\u5939", + " - \u5220\u9664\u65e0\u7528\u7684\u8f85\u52a9\u7a0b\u5e8f\uff0c\u7535\u8111\u7ba1\u5bb6\u4e0b\u8f7d\u3001\u5728\u7ebf\u5347\u7ea7\u7a0b\u5e8f(\u5df2\u8131\u79bb)\u7b49\u6587\u4ef6" + ], + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "QQMusic.exe", + "QQ Music" + ] + ], + "uninstaller": { + "script": [ + "Start-Process \"$dir\\!)\u5378\u8f7d\u6e05\u9664.bat\" -WorkingDirectory \"$dir\" -Wait -Verb RunAs", + "Write-Host \"The '$app' has been uninstalled.\" -Foreground Magenta" + ] + }, + "url": "\u97f3\u4e50_v18.59_\u53bb\u5e7f\u544a\u7eff\u8272\u7248.7z", + "version": "18.59" } diff --git a/bucket/qqplayer.json b/bucket/qqplayer.json index a8e3395a36d..d8b37aaca6e 100644 --- a/bucket/qqplayer.json +++ b/bucket/qqplayer.json @@ -1,27 +1,22 @@ { - "##": "QQ影音", + "homepage": "", + "description": "QQPlayer software is a free application that helps you play videos, movies and music.", "version": "", - "description": "[QQ影音] - QQ影音是由腾讯公司推出的一款支持任何格式影片和音乐文件的本地播放器", "license": "Freeware", - "homepage": "", "url": "", "hash": "3c687ff13a6646093b9a30c51801639d47a1c28976048ada0ba59edbc4ac1d9b", - "bin": "QQPlayer.exe", + "post_install": "Remove-Item \"$dir\\`$PLUGINSDIR\" -Recurse -Force", "shortcuts": [ [ "QQPlayer.exe", "QQ影音" - ], - [ - "uninst.exe", - "卸载QQ影音" ] ], - "post_install": "Remove-Item \"$dir\\`$PLUGINSDIR\" -Force -Recurse", + "checkver": { + "regex": "QQPlayerSetup([\\d.]+).exe" + }, "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version.exe#/dl.7z", - "hash": { - "mode": "download" - } - } + "url": "$version.exe#/dl.7z" + }, + "notes": "We don't persist your QQPlayer data, they are still storaged in '%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Tencent\\QQPlayer'." } diff --git a/bucket/qrencode.json b/bucket/qrencode.json index 1e60a1a5cff..a624ae83b04 100644 --- a/bucket/qrencode.json +++ b/bucket/qrencode.json @@ -1,15 +1,14 @@ { "version": "4.1.1", "description": "Encode input data in a QR Code and save as a PNG image", - "homepage": "", - "license": "Freeware", + "homepage": "", "url": "", "hash": "sha1:eb3afc0f87bf9f1c9af143fcd205c29c07f605bf", "extract_dir": "QREncode-4.1.1_Win32", "bin": "qrencode.exe", "checkver": { - "sourceforge": "qrencode-for-windows", - "reverse": "true" + "url": "", + "regex": "QREncode-([\\d.]+)_Win32\\(static\\)\\.zip" }, "autoupdate": { "url": "$version_Win32(static).zip" diff --git a/bucket/qtfiles.json b/bucket/qtfiles.json index 29cbff0f692..413b5d0a2cc 100644 --- a/bucket/qtfiles.json +++ b/bucket/qtfiles.json @@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ "homepage": "", "license": { "identifier": "MPL-2.0", - "url": "" + "url": "" }, "architecture": { "64bit": { "url": 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"$version/qtpass-$version.exe" } } diff --git a/bucket/quasar.json b/bucket/quasar.json index 20c896707cc..d9c0c03fdcf 100644 --- a/bucket/quasar.json +++ b/bucket/quasar.json @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ { - "version": "", - "description": "Mod downloader, manager, updater and workspace-building tool for Super Smash Bros Ultimate and later on, other Switch games.", - "homepage": "", - "license": "GPL-3.0-only", - "url": "", - "hash": "06fa8847a8c67b5058529bf83ade88291f175f37c7af3b047dc40d4095d2662a", - "bin": [ - [ - "Quasar.exe", - "Quasar" - ] - ], - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "Quasar.exe", - "Quasar" - ] - ], - "checkver": "github", - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/QuasarSetup.$version.msi" - } + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/QuasarSetup.$version.msi" + }, + "bin": [ + [ + "Quasar.exe", + "Quasar" + ] + ], + "checkver": "github", + "description": "Mod downloader, manager, updater and workspace-building tool for Super Smash Bros Ultimate and later on, other Switch games.", + "hash": "06fa8847a8c67b5058529bf83ade88291f175f37c7af3b047dc40d4095d2662a", + "homepage": "", + "license": "GPL-3.0-only", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "Quasar.exe", + "Quasar" + ] + ], + "url": "", + "version": "" } diff --git a/bucket/quicker-fast.json b/bucket/quicker-fast.json index fe0b41e1a4c..e8f6dd20f3a 100644 --- a/bucket/quicker-fast.json +++ b/bucket/quicker-fast.json @@ -1,49 +1,49 @@ { "##": "This package is not ported to the official buckets because ReadMe file written in English is not available. Extracting the .msi using 7-zip (which is by default in Scoop) causes path error. Therefore renaming it to .msi_.", - "homepage": "", - "description": "Make key shortcuts for programs, folders, URLs, and commands (fast update channel)", - "version": "", - "license": { - "identifier": "Shareware", - "url": "" - }, - "depends": "uniextract2", "architecture": { "32bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "a461ff61117a8043fb2dd7c6777d3437a61cac66fbe3a64236159bc58feca8d4" + "hash": "a461ff61117a8043fb2dd7c6777d3437a61cac66fbe3a64236159bc58feca8d4", + "url": "" }, "64bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "a22ae0e6f8acae16d44b7eb33c4bf306a8aa7e7535a9e914dfc696e80e026710" + "hash": "a22ae0e6f8acae16d44b7eb33c4bf306a8aa7e7535a9e914dfc696e80e026710", + "url": "" + } + }, + "autoupdate": { + "architecture": { + "32bit": { + "url": "" + }, + "64bit": { + "url": "" + } } }, + "bin": "Quicker\\Quicker.exe", + "checkver": { + "regex": "(?sm)
.*?.*?([\\d.]+).*?", + "url": "" + }, + "depends": "uniextract2", + "description": "Make key shortcuts for programs, folders, URLs, and commands (fast update channel)", + "homepage": "", "installer": { "script": [ "uniextract \"$original_dir\\quicker.msi_\" \"$dir\"", "Start-Sleep 10" ] }, + "license": { + "identifier": "Shareware", + "url": "" + }, "persist": "Quicker\\Quicker.exe.config", - "bin": "Quicker\\Quicker.exe", "shortcuts": [ [ "Quicker\\Quicker.exe", "Quicker" ] ], - "checkver": { - "url": "", - "regex": "(?sm)
.*?.*?([\\d.]+).*?" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "architecture": { - "32bit": { - "url": "" - }, - "64bit": { - "url": "" - } - } - } + "version": "" } diff --git a/bucket/quiltflower.json b/bucket/quiltflower.json index 46efd7dce15..f925529c693 100644 --- a/bucket/quiltflower.json +++ b/bucket/quiltflower.json @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/quiltflower-$version.jar#/quiltflower.jar" - }, - "bin": "quiltflower.jar", - "checkver": { - "github": "" - }, - "description": "Quiltflower is a fork of Fernflower and ForgeFlower adding additional features for use with the Quilt toolchain.", - "hash": "21923293ada63ffc663cba26126fa108a65bb2019a5112b2adb987f05f4cbd1b", - "homepage": "", - "license": "Apache 2.0", - "suggest": { - "JDK": [ - "java/oraclejdk", - "java/openjdk" - ] - }, - "url": "", - "version": "1.9.0" + "homepage": "", + "version": "1.9.0", + "description": "Quiltflower is a fork of Fernflower and ForgeFlower adding additional features for use with the Quilt toolchain.", + "license": "Apache 2.0", + "hash": "21923293ada63ffc663cba26126fa108a65bb2019a5112b2adb987f05f4cbd1b", + "url": "", + "bin": "quiltflower.jar", + "suggest": { + "JDK": [ + "java/oraclejdk", + "java/openjdk" + ] + }, + "checkver": { + "github": "" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/quiltflower-$version.jar#/quiltflower.jar" + } } diff --git a/bucket/r-4.1.0.json b/bucket/r-4.1.0.json index 0008aceb5b5..7d43926f32c 100644 --- a/bucket/r-4.1.0.json +++ b/bucket/r-4.1.0.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ { - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "hash": "md5:c15084c4902c604fd71bddd01f3189fd", - "pre_install": [ - "copy-item -recurse \"$dir\\bin\\x64\" \"$dir\\bin\\curr_arch\"", - "Rename-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R,2.exe\" 'R.exe'" - ], - "url": "" - } - }, - "homepage": "", - "innosetup": true, - "installer": { - "script": [ - "Remove-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R,*.exe\" -Force", - "Copy-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R.exe\" \"$dir\\bin\\Rscript.exe\"" - ] - }, - "license": "GPL-2.0", - "notes": [ - "You'll need to type 'r.ps1' or 'r.cmd' to run R, because in Powershell 'r' runs the last command. Alternatively 'rterm' can be used to start the interactive R terminal session.", - "", - "You can remove Powershell's 'r' command with:", - " rm alias:\\r", - "", - "... but this only affects your current session: if you'd like to remove it for all future sessions you need to add the command above to your Powershell profile.", - "", - "Annoying, right?! You might want to check out Pshazz (scoop install pshazz)--this has a plugin to remove some crazy aliases from Powershell, as well as many other improvements." - ], - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "bin\\curr_arch\\Rgui.exe", - "Rgui-4.1.0" - ] - ], - "version": "4.1.0" + "homepage": "", + "version": "4.1.0", + "license": "GPL-2.0", + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "md5:c15084c4902c604fd71bddd01f3189fd", + "pre_install": [ + "copy-item -recurse \"$dir\\bin\\x64\" \"$dir\\bin\\curr_arch\"", + "Rename-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R,2.exe\" 'R.exe'" + ] + } + }, + "innosetup": true, + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "bin\\curr_arch\\Rgui.exe", + "Rgui-4.1.0" + ] + ], + "installer": { + "script": [ + "Remove-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R,*.exe\" -Force", + "Copy-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R.exe\" \"$dir\\bin\\Rscript.exe\"" + ] + }, + "notes": [ + "You'll need to type 'r.ps1' or 'r.cmd' to run R, because in Powershell 'r' runs the last command. Alternatively 'rterm' can be used to start the interactive R terminal session.", + "", + "You can remove Powershell's 'r' command with:", + " rm alias:\\r", + "", + "... but this only affects your current session: if you'd like to remove it for all future sessions you need to add the command above to your Powershell profile.", + "", + "Annoying, right?! You might want to check out Pshazz (scoop install pshazz)--this has a plugin to remove some crazy aliases from Powershell, as well as many other improvements." + ] } diff --git a/bucket/r-4.1.1.json b/bucket/r-4.1.1.json index 5e5762c13e9..29792b6aaf8 100644 --- a/bucket/r-4.1.1.json +++ b/bucket/r-4.1.1.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ { - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "hash": "md5:419bdd6ae29ab26c6bf998d7769b9578", - "pre_install": [ - "copy-item -recurse \"$dir\\bin\\x64\" \"$dir\\bin\\curr_arch\"", - "Rename-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R,2.exe\" 'R.exe'" - ], - "url": "" - } - }, - "homepage": "", - "innosetup": true, - "installer": { - "script": [ - "Remove-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R,*.exe\" -Force", - "Copy-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R.exe\" \"$dir\\bin\\Rscript.exe\"" - ] - }, - "license": "GPL-2.0", - "notes": [ - "You'll need to type 'r.ps1' or 'r.cmd' to run R, because in Powershell 'r' runs the last command. Alternatively 'rterm' can be used to start the interactive R terminal session.", - "", - "You can remove Powershell's 'r' command with:", - " rm alias:\\r", - "", - "... but this only affects your current session: if you'd like to remove it for all future sessions you need to add the command above to your Powershell profile.", - "", - "Annoying, right?! You might want to check out Pshazz (scoop install pshazz)--this has a plugin to remove some crazy aliases from Powershell, as well as many other improvements." - ], - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "bin\\curr_arch\\Rgui.exe", - "Rgui-4.1.1" - ] - ], - "version": "4.1.1" + "homepage": "", + "version": "4.1.1", + "license": "GPL-2.0", + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "md5:419bdd6ae29ab26c6bf998d7769b9578", + "pre_install": [ + "copy-item -recurse \"$dir\\bin\\x64\" \"$dir\\bin\\curr_arch\"", + "Rename-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R,2.exe\" 'R.exe'" + ] + } + }, + "innosetup": true, + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "bin\\curr_arch\\Rgui.exe", + "Rgui-4.1.1" + ] + ], + "installer": { + "script": [ + "Remove-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R,*.exe\" -Force", + "Copy-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R.exe\" \"$dir\\bin\\Rscript.exe\"" + ] + }, + "notes": [ + "You'll need to type 'r.ps1' or 'r.cmd' to run R, because in Powershell 'r' runs the last command. Alternatively 'rterm' can be used to start the interactive R terminal session.", + "", + "You can remove Powershell's 'r' command with:", + " rm alias:\\r", + "", + "... but this only affects your current session: if you'd like to remove it for all future sessions you need to add the command above to your Powershell profile.", + "", + "Annoying, right?! You might want to check out Pshazz (scoop install pshazz)--this has a plugin to remove some crazy aliases from Powershell, as well as many other improvements." + ] } diff --git a/bucket/r-4.1.2.json b/bucket/r-4.1.2.json index ce53968cf10..415cee784bc 100644 --- a/bucket/r-4.1.2.json +++ b/bucket/r-4.1.2.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ { - "homepage": "", - "version": "4.1.2", - "license": "GPL-2.0", - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "md5:776384c989ea061728e781b6b9ce5b92", - "pre_install": [ - "copy-item -recurse \"$dir\\bin\\x64\" \"$dir\\bin\\curr_arch\"", - "Rename-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R,2.exe\" 'R.exe'" - ] - } - }, - "innosetup": true, - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "bin\\curr_arch\\Rgui.exe", - "Rgui-4.1.2" - ] - ], - "installer": { - "script": [ - "Remove-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R,*.exe\" -Force", - "Copy-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R.exe\" \"$dir\\bin\\Rscript.exe\"" - ] - }, - "notes": [ - "You'll need to type 'r.ps1' or 'r.cmd' to run R, because in Powershell 'r' runs the last command. Alternatively 'rterm' can be used to start the interactive R terminal session.", - "", - "You can remove Powershell's 'r' command with:", - " rm alias:\\r", - "", - "... but this only affects your current session: if you'd like to remove it for all future sessions you need to add the command above to your Powershell profile.", - "", - "Annoying, right?! You might want to check out Pshazz (scoop install pshazz)--this has a plugin to remove some crazy aliases from Powershell, as well as many other improvements." - ] + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "hash": "md5:776384c989ea061728e781b6b9ce5b92", + "pre_install": [ + "copy-item -recurse \"$dir\\bin\\x64\" \"$dir\\bin\\curr_arch\"", + "Rename-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R,2.exe\" 'R.exe'" + ], + "url": "" + } + }, + "homepage": "", + "innosetup": true, + "installer": { + "script": [ + "Remove-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R,*.exe\" -Force", + "Copy-Item \"$dir\\bin\\R.exe\" \"$dir\\bin\\Rscript.exe\"" + ] + }, + "license": "GPL-2.0", + "notes": [ + "You'll need to type 'r.ps1' or 'r.cmd' to run R, because in Powershell 'r' runs the last command. Alternatively 'rterm' can be used to start the interactive R terminal session.", + "", + "You can remove Powershell's 'r' command with:", + " rm alias:\\r", + "", + "... but this only affects your current session: if you'd like to remove it for all future sessions you need to add the command above to your Powershell profile.", + "", + "Annoying, right?! You might want to check out Pshazz (scoop install pshazz)--this has a plugin to remove some crazy aliases from Powershell, as well as many other improvements." + ], + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "bin\\curr_arch\\Rgui.exe", + "Rgui-4.1.2" + ] + ], + "version": "4.1.2" } diff --git a/bucket/racket-minimal-cs.json b/bucket/racket-minimal-cs.json index 507d2c958cd..d48c71fec11 100644 --- a/bucket/racket-minimal-cs.json +++ b/bucket/racket-minimal-cs.json @@ -1,22 +1,10 @@ { - "version": "8.8", - "homepage": "", - "license": "LGPL-3.0-or-later", - "description": "Racket minimal on Chez Scheme.", "architecture": { "64bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "1de15c2b4e15ce2a17392922863eff613ce3c62473912e656e001ca47ffd4091" + "hash": "1de15c2b4e15ce2a17392922863eff613ce3c62473912e656e001ca47ffd4091", + "url": "" } }, - "bin": [ - "racket.exe", - "raco.exe" - ], - "checkver": { - "url": "", - "re": "Version ([\\d.]+)" - }, "autoupdate": { "architecture": { "64bit": { @@ -24,8 +12,20 @@ } }, "hash": { - "url": "$version/", - "regex": "$basename[\\s\\S]*?\"checksum\">$sha1" + "regex": "$basename[\\s\\S]*?\"checksum\">$sha1", + "url": "$version/" } - } + }, + "bin": [ + "racket.exe", + "raco.exe" + ], + "checkver": { + "re": "Version ([\\d.]+)", + "url": "" + }, + "description": "Racket minimal on Chez Scheme.", + "homepage": "", + "license": "LGPL-3.0-or-later", + "version": "8.8" } diff --git a/bucket/radarr.json b/bucket/radarr.json index 100a3203063..449fa1de4f0 100644 --- a/bucket/radarr.json +++ b/bucket/radarr.json @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "version": "", + "description": "A fork of Sonarr to work with movies à la Couchpotato.", "homepage": "", - "description": "A movie collection manager with several features for Usenet and BitTorrent users.", - "license": "GPL-3.0", + "license": "GPL-3.0-only", "architecture": { "64bit": { "url": "", @@ -15,10 +15,9 @@ }, "extract_dir": "Radarr", "bin": [ - "Radarr.Console.exe", [ "Radarr.Console.exe", - "Radarr" + "radarr" ] ], "shortcuts": [ diff --git a/bucket/rakudo-star-aoks.json b/bucket/rakudo-star-aoks.json index 67c68477984..c327d9486a0 100644 --- a/bucket/rakudo-star-aoks.json +++ b/bucket/rakudo-star-aoks.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ { + "version": "2023.02-01", + "description": "The Rakudo Star Bundle contains the Rakudo Compiler, a collection of modules from the Raku ecosystem, and the language documentation.", + "homepage": "", + "license": "Artistic-2.0", "architecture": { "64bit": { - "hash": "0916144d8418faf83e664f968a29be451f04d6d3f099c18ff1d91721bd6a9bb7", - "url": "" + "url": "", + "hash": "0916144d8418faf83e664f968a29be451f04d6d3f099c18ff1d91721bd6a9bb7" } }, + "extract_dir": "rakudo", + "env_add_path": [ + "bin", + "share\\perl6\\site\\bin" + ], + "checkver": { + "url": "", + "regex": "rakudo-star-([\\d.-]+)-win-x86_64-(?\\w+)\\.msi" + }, "autoupdate": { "architecture": { "64bit": { + "url": "$version-win-x86_64-$matchCompiler.msi", "hash": { - "regex": "SHA256\\s+$sha256", - "url": "$url.checksums.txt" - }, - "url": "$version-win-x86_64-$matchCompiler.msi" + "url": "$url.checksums.txt", + "regex": "SHA256\\s+$sha256" + } } } }, - "checkver": { - "regex": "rakudo-star-([\\d.-]+)-win-x86_64-(?\\w+)\\.msi", - "url": "" - }, - "description": "The Rakudo Star Bundle contains the Rakudo Compiler, a collection of modules from the Raku ecosystem, and the language documentation.", - "env_add_path": [ - "bin", - "share\\perl6\\site\\bin" - ], - "extract_dir": "rakudo", - "homepage": "", - "license": "Artistic-2.0", "notes": [ " You may want to set your environment variable \"RAKULIB\", usually pointing to \"$HOME\\.raku\"", " doing so, just run", " [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable(\"RAKULIB\",\"$HOME\\.raku\",\"User\") __OR__", " Set-Variable RAKULIB \"$HOME\\.raku\"" - ], - "version": "2023.02-01" + ] } diff --git a/bucket/rammap.json b/bucket/rammap.json index 80cf24151b0..36b6fc0aaeb 100644 --- a/bucket/rammap.json +++ b/bucket/rammap.json @@ -1,21 +1,29 @@ { - "homepage": "", + "version": "1.61", "description": "An advanced physical memory usage analysis utility that presents usage information in different ways on its several different tabs.", + "homepage": "", "license": { "identifier": "Freeware", - "url": "" + "url": "" }, - "version": "1.61", "url": "", "hash": "691fa6a7e43babc26e37f9d65a74e7e1ea17eb3d4440141aa7eab6cd5b4c39a9", - "checkver": { - "url": "", - "re": "RAMMap\\s(?:v|V)?([\\d.]+)" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "" - }, "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "bin": [ + [ + "RAMMap64.exe", + "RAMMap" + ] + ], + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "RAMMap64.exe", + "SysInternals/RAMMap", + "/accepteula" + ] + ] + }, "32bit": { "bin": "RAMMap.exe", "shortcuts": [ @@ -26,15 +34,27 @@ ] ] }, - "64bit": { - "bin": "RAMMap.exe", + "arm64": { + "bin": [ + [ + "RAMMap64a.exe", + "RAMMap" + ] + ], "shortcuts": [ [ - "RAMMap.exe", + "RAMMap64a.exe", "SysInternals/RAMMap", "/accepteula" ] ] } + }, + "checkver": { + "url": "", + "regex": "#.*?v([\\d.]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "" } } diff --git a/bucket/raven-reader.json b/bucket/raven-reader.json index 796ca099527..61cf0025430 100644 --- a/bucket/raven-reader.json +++ b/bucket/raven-reader.json @@ -1,19 +1,13 @@ { - "version": "1.0.79", "homepage": "", - "description": "An open source desktop news/RSS reader with flexible settings to optimize your experience.", + "description": "Open source desktop news reader", "license": "MIT", - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "sha512:293ca46e3388cc2769327eb04bdd50a15edaa0d9f8fc38e7cd6bc654ce290366b800c9eb1f810b2e8e8b340bfba92435ff6bf8dc4440095dfbd26ac19e0fdd5f" - } - }, - "extract_dir": "$PLUGINSDIR", - "pre_install": "Expand-7zipArchive \"$dir\\app-64.7z\" $dir -Removal", + "version": "1.0.79", + "url": "", + "hash": "2d0e888495fcc4bd5be4e5864b6ed14b2d8bab2085b39816715949c5451ce75c", "shortcuts": [ [ - "Raven Reader.exe", + "Raven-1.0.52_portable.exe", "Raven Reader" ] ], @@ -21,14 +15,6 @@ "github": "" }, "autoupdate": { - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "$version/Raven-Reader-Setup-$version.exe#/", - "hash": { - "url": "$baseurl/latest.yml", - "regex": "sha512:\\s$base64" - } - } - } + "url": "$version/Raven-$version_portable.exe" } } diff --git a/bucket/rawaccel.json b/bucket/rawaccel.json index 847752b870f..9d02b9b957e 100644 --- a/bucket/rawaccel.json +++ b/bucket/rawaccel.json @@ -1,32 +1,35 @@ { "version": "1.6.1", - "description": "kernel mode mouse accel", - "homepage": "", - "license": "MIT", - "url": "", + "homepage": "", + "url": "", "hash": "0ff7b09e34e846df33ae617eac8ae1c30587e0cd6c5dac9c76eb15a371b4b574", - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "extract_dir": "RawAccel" - } + "installer": { + "script": [ + "Move-Item \"$dir\\RawAccel\\*\" -Destination \"$dir\"", + "Remove-Item -Recurse \"$dir\\RawAccel\"" + ] }, - "shortcuts": [ + "bin": [ [ - "installer.exe", - "Raw Accel Installer" - 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}, - "hash": { - "url": "$url.sha256" } - }, - "pre_install": [ - "# Kill all instances of rbxfpsunlocker", - "ps rbxfpsunlocker -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | kill -PassThru", - "# Create settings file if it does not exist", - "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\settings\" -PathType Leaf)) {", - " (New-Item -Type File \"$persist_dir\\settings\" -Force) | Out-Null", - "}" - ], - "post_install": "rbxfpsunlocker", - "uninstaller": { - "script": "ps rbxfpsunlocker -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | kill -PassThru" } } diff --git a/bucket/rbxlx-to-rojo.json b/bucket/rbxlx-to-rojo.json index 81ac6609643..d7568e54dd5 100644 --- a/bucket/rbxlx-to-rojo.json +++ b/bucket/rbxlx-to-rojo.json @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ { - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "hash": "ddac1c4c100c5ce0df327a1aae345fbf421209cc8c2e1840d1eeef1b212362a8", - "url": "" - } - }, - "autoupdate": { - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "$version/rbxlx-to-rojo.exe" - } - } - }, - "bin": "rbxlx-to-rojo.exe", - "checkver": "github", - "description": "Quickly convert any Roblox place file (XML only) into a Rojo file system.", - "homepage": "", - "license": "MPL-2.0", - "notes": [ - "You will need at least Rojo 0.5.0-alpha.12 to be able to use the generated filesystem.", - "You can run 'scoop install rojo' to install it, if you didn't do so already.", - "" - ], - "suggest": { - "Rojo": "rojo" - }, - "version": "1.0.1" + "version": "1.0.1", + "description": "Quickly convert any Roblox place file (XML only) into a Rojo file system.", + "homepage": "", + "license": "MPL-2.0", + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "ddac1c4c100c5ce0df327a1aae345fbf421209cc8c2e1840d1eeef1b212362a8" + } + }, + "bin": "rbxlx-to-rojo.exe", + "checkver": "github", + "autoupdate": { + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "$version/rbxlx-to-rojo.exe" + } + } + }, + "suggest": { + "Rojo": "rojo" + }, + "notes": [ + "You will need at least Rojo 0.5.0-alpha.12 to be able to use the generated filesystem.", + "You can run 'scoop install rojo' to install it, if you didn't do so already.", + "" + ] } diff --git a/bucket/rcvPortable.json b/bucket/rcvPortable.json index 49e76d1f036..bb3f876aa34 100644 --- a/bucket/rcvPortable.json +++ b/bucket/rcvPortable.json @@ -1,30 +1,28 @@ { - "homepage": "", - "description": "File recovery utility", - "version": "1.53.1087", - "license": "", - "url": "", - "hash": "md5:faac7830c9535b30111975e98b11e7fd", - "bin": "rcvPortable/rcvPortable.exe", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "rcvPortable/rcvPortable.exe", - "rcvPortable" - ] - ], - "persist": "Data", - "checkver": { - "url": "", - "re": "Version \\s+([\\w\\.]* for Win" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version_online.paf.exe?20190321", - "hash": { - "url": "", - "regex": "MD5 Hash: +[\\w]{32}" - } - }, - "installer": { - - } + "autoupdate": { + "hash": { + "regex": "MD5 Hash: +[\\w]{32}", + "url": "" + }, + "url": "$version_online.paf.exe?20190321" + }, + "bin": "rcvPortable/rcvPortable.exe", + "checkver": { + "re": "Version \\s+([\\w\\.]* for Win", + "url": "" + }, + "description": "File recovery utility", + "hash": "md5:faac7830c9535b30111975e98b11e7fd", + "homepage": "", + "installer": {}, + "license": "", + "persist": "Data", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "rcvPortable/rcvPortable.exe", + "rcvPortable" + ] + ], + "url": "", + "version": "1.53.1087" } diff --git a/bucket/reaper-v5.99.json b/bucket/reaper-v5.99.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ddfe60229ff --- /dev/null +++ b/bucket/reaper-v5.99.json @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +{ + "homepage": "", + "version": "5.99", + "license": { + "identifier": "Proprietary", + "url": "" + }, + "description": "Digital Audio Workstation", + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "892E48E85873EC39929C1358DA425A97A61E1FCD6516FEC5DBEB01E44DB11918" + }, + "32bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "4674FE1E22C702AFA4C4D99FE5F28B5D58CD309B44ACE10C0A0F65490E9E3453" + } + }, + "bin": [ + "reaper.exe", + "reamote.exe" + ], + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "reaper.exe", + "Reaper" + ], + [ + "reamote.exe", + "ReaMote" + ] + ], + "installer": { + "script": [ + "Move-Item \"$dir\\`$INSTDIR`$_8_\\*\" -Destination \"$dir\"", + "Remove-Item \"$dir\\`$*\", \"$dir\\Uninst*\" -Recurse -Force" + ] + }, + "checkver": { + "url": "", + "regex": "REAPER v(5\\.[\\d]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "$majorVersion.x/reaper$cleanVersion_x64-install.exe#/dl.7z" + }, + "32bit": { + "url": "$majorVersion.x/reaper$cleanVersion-install.exe#/dl.7z" + } + } + }, + "notes": "This is version 5.99, the last version compatible with licenses purchased with the 4.x version. For the latest version of Reaper (requiring a newer license key), see the scoop-extras bucket. The portable version of Reaper does not include ReWire." +} diff --git a/bucket/recaf.json b/bucket/recaf.json index 790001e1706..87a0e89dc81 100644 --- a/bucket/recaf.json +++ b/bucket/recaf.json @@ -1,23 +1,24 @@ { - "version": "2.21.13", "homepage": "", - "description": "The modern Java bytecode editor", + "description": "A modern Java bytecode editor", + "version": "2.21.13", "license": "MIT", + "hash": "9d6cff1f9d4a7363027f53f4e85c8b74e235a2884463b7475fc1b83aee2d000e", + "url": "", "suggest": { - "JDK": "java/openjdk" - }, - "url": "", - "hash": "", - "pre_install": "Set-Content \"$dir\\recaf.bat\" '@start javaw.exe -jar \"%~dp0recaf.jar\" %*' -Encoding Ascii", - "bin": "recaf.jar", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "recaf.bat", - "Recaf" + "JDK": [ + "java/oraclejdk", + "java/openjdk" ] - ], + }, "checkver": "github", "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/recaf-$version-J8-jar-with-dependencies.jar#/recaf.jar" - } + "url": "$version/recaf-$version-J8-jar-with-dependencies.jar" + }, + "bin": "recaf.bat", + "pre_install": [ + "\"@echo off", + "FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR /S /B \"\"$dir\\recaf*.jar\"\"') DO SET V=%%I", + "start \"\"recaf\"\" /B javaw -jar \"\"%V%\"\" %*\" | out-file -en oem \"$dir\\recaf.bat\"" + ] } diff --git a/bucket/recmono-linear.json b/bucket/recmono-linear.json index 698918f105a..1de24debb58 100644 --- a/bucket/recmono-linear.json +++ b/bucket/recmono-linear.json @@ -1,46 +1,46 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": [ - "$version/Recursive_Code/RecMonoLinear/RecMonoLinear-Bold-$version.ttf", - "$version/Recursive_Code/RecMonoLinear/RecMonoLinear-BoldItalic-$version.ttf", - "$version/Recursive_Code/RecMonoLinear/RecMonoLinear-Italic-$version.ttf", - "$version/Recursive_Code/RecMonoLinear/RecMonoLinear-Regular-$version.ttf" - ] - }, - "checkver": "github", - "description": "Recursive Mono & Sans is a variable font family for code & UI", - "hash": [ - "b52f2fa50af7e8f27e2fd655628c2a515dfe4da967312befd3a5e78b935ea7ee", - "02529f67cb9939962585ee9f5f46e847ac029335edd55a22ac31bcd1a0dd785e", - "1c8334043bd94276e3523bc2778615bf1b82a0bf10cea7b72b23b94016bcb49e", - "3f2948e76bbc6665af00dd3b358cfe617d673689a5491082d08cf70b868d3713" - ], - "homepage": "", - "installer": { - "script": [ - "if(!(is_admin)) { error \"Admin rights are required.\"; 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" Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}" - ], + "license": "OFL-1.1", "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", + "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", + "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", + " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", + " exit 1", + "}", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", + " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}" + "}", + "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" ] }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - } + "url": "", + "version": "0.40.4-0" } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-fixed-slab-cl-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-fixed-slab-cl-nerd-font.json index d0a52f9fff8..5e66f4c891a 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-fixed-slab-cl-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-fixed-slab-cl-nerd-font.json @@ -1,66 +1,100 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "hash": "7dc1657baf11fc8e8ea178adef2d6b11fde74b3c6b94d262eb9f15c63485a087", + "version": "0.40.4-0", + "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", "homepage": "", + "license": "OFL-1.1", + "url": "", + "hash": "7dc1657baf11fc8e8ea178adef2d6b11fde74b3c6b94d262eb9f15c63485a087", + "pre_install": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", + "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", + " scoop uninstall $app", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", + " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + "}" + ], "installer": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", + "if (-not $global) {", + " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", + " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", + "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "license": "OFL-1.1", + "pre_uninstall": [ + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}" + ], "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", - " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + "}" ] }, - "url": "", - "version": "0.40.4-0" + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + } } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-fixed-slab-hc-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-fixed-slab-hc-nerd-font.json index 9ea1f17069f..9e59f091c33 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-fixed-slab-hc-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-fixed-slab-hc-nerd-font.json @@ -1,100 +1,66 @@ { - "version": "0.40.4-0", - "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", - "homepage": "", - "license": "OFL-1.1", - "url": "", + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + }, + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, "hash": "674568c6d6527184c71ec56b3feb665cd91efb8980327a7b4f3e34977a66ce4d", - "pre_install": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", - "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", - " scoop uninstall $app", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", - " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " exit 1", - "}" - ], + "homepage": "", "installer": { "script": [ - "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", + "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", + "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", + " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", + " exit 1", + "}", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", - "if (-not $global) {", - " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", - " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", - " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", - " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", - " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", - " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", - "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "pre_uninstall": [ - "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", - " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}" - ], + "license": "OFL-1.1", "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", + "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", + "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", + " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", + " exit 1", + "}", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", + " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}" + "}", + "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" ] }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - } + "url": "", + "version": "0.40.4-0" } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-fixed-slab-sc-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-fixed-slab-sc-nerd-font.json index ad06beeae79..8ca229ae1ef 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-fixed-slab-sc-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-fixed-slab-sc-nerd-font.json @@ -1,66 +1,100 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "hash": "f045ea6b7597644fdadcfcd59006d8caa73838cce6fbf1c8489b89ed76dd0d98", + "version": "0.40.4-0", + "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", "homepage": "", + "license": "OFL-1.1", + "url": "", + "hash": "f045ea6b7597644fdadcfcd59006d8caa73838cce6fbf1c8489b89ed76dd0d98", + "pre_install": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", + "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", + " scoop uninstall $app", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", + " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + "}" + ], "installer": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", + "if (-not $global) {", + " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", + " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", + "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "license": "OFL-1.1", + "pre_uninstall": [ + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}" + ], "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", - " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + "}" ] }, - "url": "", - "version": "0.40.4-0" + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + } } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-fixed-slab-tc-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-fixed-slab-tc-nerd-font.json index 69cb0038250..d24ce8300db 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-fixed-slab-tc-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-fixed-slab-tc-nerd-font.json @@ -1,66 +1,100 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "hash": "d9094223b365dfe2ef468d256c7f72ddb6f2a016167767ea84025772e6e15f5e", + "version": "0.40.4-0", + "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", "homepage": "", + "license": "OFL-1.1", + "url": "", + "hash": "d9094223b365dfe2ef468d256c7f72ddb6f2a016167767ea84025772e6e15f5e", + "pre_install": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", + "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", + " scoop uninstall $app", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", + " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + "}" + ], "installer": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", + "if (-not $global) {", + " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", + " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", + "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "license": "OFL-1.1", + "pre_uninstall": [ + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}" + ], "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", - " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + "}" ] }, - "url": "", - "version": "0.40.4-0" + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + } } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-gothic-cl-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-gothic-cl-nerd-font.json index 0968c8961ca..dd18dd83701 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-gothic-cl-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-gothic-cl-nerd-font.json @@ -1,66 +1,100 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "hash": "d019f7b4e6a74c2a56b422db1e1ffdaa62154acdbf76cb90a81ae8e057b5745e", + "version": "0.40.4-0", + "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", "homepage": "", + "license": "OFL-1.1", + "url": "", + "hash": "d019f7b4e6a74c2a56b422db1e1ffdaa62154acdbf76cb90a81ae8e057b5745e", + "pre_install": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", + "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", + " scoop uninstall $app", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", + " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + "}" + ], "installer": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", + "if (-not $global) {", + " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", + " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", + "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "license": "OFL-1.1", + "pre_uninstall": [ + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}" + ], "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", - " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + "}" ] }, - "url": "", - "version": "0.40.4-0" + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + } } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-gothic-hc-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-gothic-hc-nerd-font.json index f72eb9fb6eb..87e016aa972 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-gothic-hc-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-gothic-hc-nerd-font.json @@ -1,66 +1,100 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "hash": "781b2785a0f77045e360b2ee8219b2aa35fd2b54a0f2bcf124ec2f1b86c26a36", + "version": "0.40.4-0", + "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", "homepage": "", + "license": "OFL-1.1", + "url": "", + "hash": "781b2785a0f77045e360b2ee8219b2aa35fd2b54a0f2bcf124ec2f1b86c26a36", + "pre_install": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", + "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", + " scoop uninstall $app", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", + " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + "}" + ], "installer": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", + "if (-not $global) {", + " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", + " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", + "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "license": "OFL-1.1", + "pre_uninstall": [ + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}" + ], "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", - " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + "}" ] }, - "url": "", - "version": "0.40.4-0" + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + } } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-gothic.json b/bucket/sarasa-gothic.json index ee676cac5f0..7c725996b40 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-gothic.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-gothic.json @@ -1,12 +1,33 @@ { - "homepage": "", - "version": "0.40.4", - "description": "This is SARASA GOTHIC, a CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans.", - "license": "OFL-1.1", - "url": "", - "hash": "3d5968cec598a26b102a9f16c470fcfa9c739539882863caef51c32d6311f52d", - "checkver": "github", "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/sarasa-gothic-ttc-$version.7z" - } + "url": "$version/sarasa-gothic-ttf-$version.7z" + }, + "checkver": "github", + "depends": "sudo", + "description": "This is SARASA GOTHIC, a CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans.", + "hash": "e4d36ba6b403da02c8e0e1266c73a9c9853f79bf83fd026549e07071162142d4", + "homepage": "", + "installer": { + "script": [ + "if(!(is_admin)) { error \"Admin rights are required, please run 'sudo scoop uninstall $app'\"; exit 1 }", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -filter 'sarasa*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts' -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $_.Name -Force | Out-Null", + " Copy-Item $_.FullName -destination \"$env:windir\\Fonts\"", + "}" + ] + }, + "license": "SIL Open Font License", + "notes": "You may need to restart the system to use recently installed fonts.", + "uninstaller": { + "script": [ + "if(!(is_admin)) { error \"Admin rights are required, please run 'sudo scoop uninstall $app'\"; exit 1 }", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -filter 'sarasa*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Remove-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts' -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", + " Remove-Item \"$env:windir\\Fonts\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", + "}", + "Write-Host \"The 'Sarasa Gothic' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + ] + }, + "url": "", + "version": "0.40.4" } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-mono-cl-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-mono-cl-nerd-font.json index 1d856b28eb1..e5082301b56 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-mono-cl-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-mono-cl-nerd-font.json @@ -1,66 +1,100 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "hash": "67207a8d78d69ee0d4449828f06f11ee9d0ab2f416eec007ca4e92b75aa9cfb7", + "version": "0.40.4-0", + "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", "homepage": "", + "license": "OFL-1.1", + "url": "", + "hash": "67207a8d78d69ee0d4449828f06f11ee9d0ab2f416eec007ca4e92b75aa9cfb7", + "pre_install": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", + "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", + " scoop uninstall $app", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", + " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + "}" + ], "installer": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", + "if (-not $global) {", + " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", + " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", + "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "license": "OFL-1.1", + "pre_uninstall": [ + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}" + ], "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", - " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + "}" ] }, - "url": "", - "version": "0.40.4-0" + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + } } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-mono-j-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-mono-j-nerd-font.json index fc28b582387..441a127e643 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-mono-j-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-mono-j-nerd-font.json @@ -1,66 +1,100 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "hash": "e457b856947d8b210ad8e77267b9cc537e15a9da79306af8b1e214ff7dcc44a9", + "version": "0.40.4-0", + "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", "homepage": "", + "license": "OFL-1.1", + "url": "", + "hash": "e457b856947d8b210ad8e77267b9cc537e15a9da79306af8b1e214ff7dcc44a9", + "pre_install": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", + "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", + " scoop uninstall $app", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", + " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + "}" + ], "installer": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", + "if (-not $global) {", + " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", + " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", + "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "license": "OFL-1.1", + "pre_uninstall": [ + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}" + ], "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", - " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + "}" ] }, - "url": "", - "version": "0.40.4-0" + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + } } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-mono-sc-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-mono-sc-nerd-font.json index 605c118d77f..ac10a690065 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-mono-sc-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-mono-sc-nerd-font.json @@ -1,100 +1,66 @@ { - "version": "0.40.4-0", - "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", - "homepage": "", - "license": "OFL-1.1", - "url": "", + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + }, + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, "hash": "b62f03c237680dc3df1dda17f4c066385508fff8f1980700fee033a432ce56c3", - "pre_install": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", - "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", - " scoop uninstall $app", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", - " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " exit 1", - "}" - ], + "homepage": "", "installer": { "script": [ - "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", + "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", + "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", + " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", + " exit 1", + "}", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", - "if (-not $global) {", - " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", - " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", - " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", - " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", - " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", - " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", - "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "pre_uninstall": [ - "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", - " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}" - ], + "license": "OFL-1.1", "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", + "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", + "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", + " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", + " exit 1", + "}", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", + " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}" + "}", + "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" ] }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - } + "url": "", + "version": "0.40.4-0" } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-mono-slab-hc-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-mono-slab-hc-nerd-font.json index 9cc02c16f3b..ae8a55f6487 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-mono-slab-hc-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-mono-slab-hc-nerd-font.json @@ -1,66 +1,100 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "hash": "ecaf54842ea872606c6487c0d9ac8cce33ac6fab8ee948890f9ab739f20fedd0", + "version": "0.40.4-0", + "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", "homepage": "", + "license": "OFL-1.1", + "url": "", + "hash": "ecaf54842ea872606c6487c0d9ac8cce33ac6fab8ee948890f9ab739f20fedd0", + "pre_install": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", + "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", + " scoop uninstall $app", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", + " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + "}" + ], "installer": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", + "if (-not $global) {", + " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", + " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", + "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "license": "OFL-1.1", + "pre_uninstall": [ + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}" + ], "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", - " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + "}" ] }, - "url": "", - "version": "0.40.4-0" + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + } } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-mono-slab-j-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-mono-slab-j-nerd-font.json index 5b6897139d6..e2b946651c0 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-mono-slab-j-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-mono-slab-j-nerd-font.json @@ -1,66 +1,100 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "hash": "4d9d00587b4af0c3696143b2def3abe765a8eac1a3b27c7e01958a31e1a3057b", + "version": "0.40.4-0", + "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", "homepage": "", + "license": "OFL-1.1", + "url": "", + "hash": "4d9d00587b4af0c3696143b2def3abe765a8eac1a3b27c7e01958a31e1a3057b", + "pre_install": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", + "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", + " scoop uninstall $app", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", + " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + "}" + ], "installer": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", + "if (-not $global) {", + " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", + " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", + "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "license": "OFL-1.1", + "pre_uninstall": [ + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}" + ], "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", - " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + "}" ] }, - "url": "", - "version": "0.40.4-0" + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + } } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-mono-slab-sc-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-mono-slab-sc-nerd-font.json index b310f37ac66..67d740f0820 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-mono-slab-sc-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-mono-slab-sc-nerd-font.json @@ -1,66 +1,100 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "hash": "aa311a96dbb6c6d35c69a3914c83445c07beb3778877e3ac46f2bc8f06ab914f", + "version": "0.40.4-0", + "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", "homepage": "", + "license": "OFL-1.1", + "url": "", + "hash": "aa311a96dbb6c6d35c69a3914c83445c07beb3778877e3ac46f2bc8f06ab914f", + "pre_install": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", + "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", + " scoop uninstall $app", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", + " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + "}" + ], "installer": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", + "if (-not $global) {", + " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", + " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", + "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "license": "OFL-1.1", + "pre_uninstall": [ + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}" + ], "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", - " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + "}" ] }, - "url": "", - "version": "0.40.4-0" + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + } } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-term-cl-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-term-cl-nerd-font.json index 518bdda088d..8be5292780d 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-term-cl-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-term-cl-nerd-font.json @@ -1,66 +1,100 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "hash": "7293e96e237d94a28e92ccda8f132e42ef244da5a299a64d871160258f9e2662", + "version": "0.40.4-0", + "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", "homepage": "", + "license": "OFL-1.1", + "url": "", + "hash": "7293e96e237d94a28e92ccda8f132e42ef244da5a299a64d871160258f9e2662", + "pre_install": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", + "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", + " scoop uninstall $app", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", + " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + "}" + ], "installer": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", + "if (-not $global) {", + " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", + " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", + "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "license": "OFL-1.1", + "pre_uninstall": [ + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}" + ], "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", - " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + "}" ] }, - "url": "", - "version": "0.40.4-0" + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + } } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-term-hc-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-term-hc-nerd-font.json index fd7ec6fba44..e1c784b5c75 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-term-hc-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-term-hc-nerd-font.json @@ -1,66 +1,100 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "hash": "0d81d5469c5eafa8df08aeb11648a886e2d790d70741e1301ecaf9ee4df2bfe6", + "version": "0.40.4-0", + "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", "homepage": "", + "license": "OFL-1.1", + "url": "", + "hash": "0d81d5469c5eafa8df08aeb11648a886e2d790d70741e1301ecaf9ee4df2bfe6", + "pre_install": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", + "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", + " scoop uninstall $app", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", + " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + "}" + ], "installer": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", + "if (-not $global) {", + " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", + " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", + "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "license": "OFL-1.1", + "pre_uninstall": [ + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}" + ], "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", - " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + "}" ] }, - "url": "", - "version": "0.40.4-0" + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + } } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-term-sc-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-term-sc-nerd-font.json index 86db32c4188..1947ab86fbc 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-term-sc-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-term-sc-nerd-font.json @@ -1,100 +1,66 @@ { - "version": "0.40.4-0", - "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", - "homepage": "", - "license": "OFL-1.1", - "url": "", + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + }, + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, "hash": "38d65c64005b23cb2a320032058954ff8bfa3314258eabb80c78ecddccb972d6", - "pre_install": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", - "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", - " scoop uninstall $app", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", - " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " exit 1", - "}" - ], + "homepage": "", "installer": { "script": [ - "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", + "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", + "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", + " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", + " exit 1", + "}", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", - "if (-not $global) {", - " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", - " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", - " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", - " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", - " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", - " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", - "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "pre_uninstall": [ - "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", - " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}" - ], + "license": "OFL-1.1", "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", + "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", + "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", + " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", + " exit 1", + "}", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", + " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}" + "}", + "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" ] }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - } + "url": "", + "version": "0.40.4-0" } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-term-slab-cl-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-term-slab-cl-nerd-font.json index 2e59b5b7a48..da453108b12 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-term-slab-cl-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-term-slab-cl-nerd-font.json @@ -1,66 +1,100 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "hash": "a20ef22a8674b5c00f79a28c77dcc3bfabce305a678f6ac45d063c22227178dd", + "version": "0.40.4-0", + "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", "homepage": "", + "license": "OFL-1.1", + "url": "", + "hash": "a20ef22a8674b5c00f79a28c77dcc3bfabce305a678f6ac45d063c22227178dd", + "pre_install": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", + "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", + " scoop uninstall $app", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", + " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + "}" + ], "installer": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", + "if (-not $global) {", + " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", + " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", + "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "license": "OFL-1.1", + "pre_uninstall": [ + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}" + ], "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", - " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + "}" ] }, - "url": "", - "version": "0.40.4-0" + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + } } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-ui-cl-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-ui-cl-nerd-font.json index 22a8a353980..3b8b1099f8a 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-ui-cl-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-ui-cl-nerd-font.json @@ -1,100 +1,66 @@ { - "version": "0.40.4-0", - "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", - "homepage": "", - "license": "OFL-1.1", - "url": "", + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + }, + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, "hash": "e87863038efd8fc2ecf5d12142640aacb46a85463fa60c88fe72cdb6257009de", - "pre_install": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", - "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", - " scoop uninstall $app", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", - " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " exit 1", - "}" - ], + "homepage": "", "installer": { "script": [ - "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", + "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", + "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", + " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", + " exit 1", + "}", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", - "if (-not $global) {", - " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", - " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", - " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", - " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", - " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", - " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", - "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "pre_uninstall": [ - "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", - " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}" - ], + "license": "OFL-1.1", "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", + "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", + "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", + " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", + " exit 1", + "}", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", + " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}" + "}", + "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" ] }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - } + "url": "", + "version": "0.40.4-0" } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-ui-hc-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-ui-hc-nerd-font.json index e40918316bf..0919ad7c0cf 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-ui-hc-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-ui-hc-nerd-font.json @@ -1,66 +1,100 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "hash": "bd02eb8b763f2f52ae698258845df0610af6e49ee2b07025d6745e90934d7855", + "version": "0.40.4-0", + "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", "homepage": "", + "license": "OFL-1.1", + "url": "", + "hash": "bd02eb8b763f2f52ae698258845df0610af6e49ee2b07025d6745e90934d7855", + "pre_install": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", + "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", + " scoop uninstall $app", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", + " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + "}" + ], "installer": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", + "if (-not $global) {", + " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", + " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", + " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", + "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "license": "OFL-1.1", + "pre_uninstall": [ + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}" + ], "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", - " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}", - "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + "}" ] }, - "url": "", - "version": "0.40.4-0" + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + } } diff --git a/bucket/sarasa-ui-j-nerd-font.json b/bucket/sarasa-ui-j-nerd-font.json index 9f78a5216bb..a9d1a0b229a 100644 --- a/bucket/sarasa-ui-j-nerd-font.json +++ b/bucket/sarasa-ui-j-nerd-font.json @@ -1,100 +1,66 @@ { - "version": "0.40.4-0", - "description": "CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans (Nerd Fonts patched)", - "homepage": "", - "license": "OFL-1.1", - "url": "", + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/" + }, + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" + }, "hash": "de1231172d75ad062c4339f6b673376564b67a29feca0bf9e4269438a0709fa7", - "pre_install": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", - "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", - " scoop uninstall $app", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Cannot install '$app' for current user.\" -Foreground DarkRed", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \" font can only be installed system-wide.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Use the following commands to install '$app' system-wide:\" -Foreground Magenta", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" scoop install gsudo\"", - " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " exit 1", - "}" - ], + "homepage": "", "installer": { "script": [ - "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", + "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", + "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", + " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", + " exit 1", + "}", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", - "if (-not $global) {", - " $acl = Get-Acl $fontInstallDir", - " $allApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-1\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", - " $allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(\"S-1-15-2-2\"), \"ReadAndExecute\", \"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit\", \"None\", \"Allow\")", - " $acl.SetAccessRule($allApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", - " $acl.SetAccessRule($allRestrictedApplicationPackagesAccessRule)", - " Set-Acl -AclObject $acl $fontInstallDir", - "}", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" ] }, - "pre_uninstall": [ - "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", - " try {", - " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", - " } catch {", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Error \" -Background DarkRed -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Cannot uninstall '$app'.\" -Foreground DarkRed", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Reason \" -Background DarkCyan -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" The '$app' is currently being used by another application,\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \" so it cannot be deleted.\" -Foreground DarkCyan", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Suggestion \" -Background Magenta -Foreground White -NoNewline", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " Write-Host \" Close all applications that are using '$app' (e.g. vscode),\" -Foreground Magenta", - " Write-Host \" and then try again.\" -Foreground Magenta", - " Write-Host \"\"", - " exit 1", - " }", - " }", - "}" - ], + "license": "OFL-1.1", "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", + "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", + "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", + " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", + " exit 1", + "}", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", + " Get-ChildItem $fontInstallDir -Filter $_.Name | ForEach-Object {", + " try {", + " Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.FullName -ErrorVariable LockError -ErrorAction Stop", + " } catch {", + " error \"'$app' is being used by another process.\"", + " error \"Please close all applications (e.g. vscode) that are using '$app' before uninstall or upgrade.\"", + " exit 1", + " }", + " }", + "}", + "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "}" + "}", + "Write-Host \"The '$app' Font family has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" ] }, - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.-]+)" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - } + "url": "", + "version": "0.40.4-0" } diff --git a/bucket/scoop-helper.json b/bucket/scoop-helper.json index 89ba13b7e61..d6a804a8e43 100644 --- a/bucket/scoop-helper.json +++ b/bucket/scoop-helper.json @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { - "version": "1.0.5", - "description": "scoop helper functions", - "homepage": "", - "license": "CC0-1.0", - "url": "", - "hash": "ceccb5d64e4e0598f872997993a55898cd5900c72f2a62f6348f0233d0183f71" + "description": "scoop helper functions", + "hash": "ceccb5d64e4e0598f872997993a55898cd5900c72f2a62f6348f0233d0183f71", + "homepage": "", + "license": "CC0-1.0", + "url": "", + "version": "1.0.5" } diff --git a/bucket/scoop-hook.json b/bucket/scoop-hook.json index 39f48f11f5e..40179c6b272 100644 --- a/bucket/scoop-hook.json +++ b/bucket/scoop-hook.json @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ { - 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The ShellExView utility displays the details of shell extensions installed on your computer, and allows you to easily disable and enable each shell extension.", + "license": "Freeware", "architecture": { "64bit": { - "url": "", + "url": "", "hash": "73248fb48ee6387cadbd6bdde5265cbef465cea7fca8f3b72eac5c408f4e7ccb" }, "32bit": { - "url": "", + "url": "", "hash": "b0f5e6bea715be67460d24e4ffe5256297ffd990cc4f5bfa902f9d5af0d1196d" } }, + "bin": "shexview.exe", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "shexview.exe", + "ShellExView" + ] + ], + "persist": [ + "shexview_lng.ini", + "shexview.cfg" + ], + "pre_install": [ + "function CreateFile ($name) {", + " if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\$name\")) {", + " New-Item -Force -Path \"$persist_dir\" -Name $name -ItemType \"file\"", + " }", + "}", + "'shexview_lng.ini', 'shexview.cfg' | % {CreateFile $_}" + ], + "notes": "Please download the languages file from", + "checkver": { + "url": "", + "xpath": "/XML_DIZ_INFO/Program_Info/Program_Version" + }, "autoupdate": { "architecture": { "64bit": { @@ -23,12 +46,5 @@ "url": "" } } - }, - "bin": "shexview.exe", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "shexview.exe", - "NirSoft\\ShellExView - Lists the installed shell extensions" - ] - ] + } } diff --git a/bucket/shotcut-video.json b/bucket/shotcut-video.json index 8eb1a4b558d..e402c563944 100644 --- a/bucket/shotcut-video.json +++ b/bucket/shotcut-video.json @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ { - "version": "22.12.21", - "description": "Video editor", - "homepage": "", - "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later", - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "d8d9e92118b8953841b12f87366012ce22462fa55abf8aa78043cd23fc7cd953" - } - }, - "extract_dir": "Shotcut", - "bin": "shotcut.exe", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "shotcut.exe", - "Shotcut" - ] - ], - "checkver": { - "github": "" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "$version/shotcut-win64-$" - } - }, - "hash": { - "url": "$baseurl/sha256sums.txt" - } - } + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "hash": "d8d9e92118b8953841b12f87366012ce22462fa55abf8aa78043cd23fc7cd953", + "url": "" + } + }, + "autoupdate": { + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "$version/shotcut-win64-$" + } + }, + "hash": { + "url": "$baseurl/sha256sums.txt" + } + }, + "bin": "shotcut.exe", + "checkver": { + "github": "" + }, + "description": "Video editor", + "extract_dir": "Shotcut", + "homepage": "", + "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "shotcut.exe", + "Shotcut" + ] + ], + "version": "22.12.21" } diff --git a/bucket/similarimagefinder.json b/bucket/similarimagefinder.json index d2470c8acba..3993b5a1823 100644 --- a/bucket/similarimagefinder.json +++ b/bucket/similarimagefinder.json @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ { - "architecture": { - "32bit": { - "hash": "5e50d02f56bd1d6b733d059ca6d25cd83481039b752c886cc3c6a9d338ac0383", - "url": "" - }, - "64bit": { - "hash": "157d6df264118cc6e98c7ce57cbfe473b9034ff37025ef5c5beffeaac18c7c81", - "url": "" - } - }, - "autoupdate": { - "architecture": { - "32bit": { - "url": "" - }, - "64bit": { - "url": "" - } - } - }, - "bin": "ImageFinder.exe", - "checkver": { - "regex": "ImageFinder
[\\w\\W]*Version ([\\d.]+)  ", - "url": "" - }, - "homepage": "", - "license": "freeware", - "persist": "settings.ini", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "ImageFinder.exe", - "ImageFinder" - ] - ], - "version": "1.005" + "homepage": "", + "version": "1.005", + "license": "freeware", + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "157d6df264118cc6e98c7ce57cbfe473b9034ff37025ef5c5beffeaac18c7c81" + }, + "32bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "5e50d02f56bd1d6b733d059ca6d25cd83481039b752c886cc3c6a9d338ac0383" + } + }, + "bin": "ImageFinder.exe", + "persist": "settings.ini", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "ImageFinder.exe", + "ImageFinder" + ] + ], + "checkver": { + "url": "", + "regex": "ImageFinder
[\\w\\W]*Version ([\\d.]+)  " + }, + "autoupdate": { + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "" + }, + "32bit": { + "url": "" + } + } + } } diff --git a/bucket/simple-note.json b/bucket/simple-note.json index 9df91d03c64..d59da643f97 100644 --- a/bucket/simple-note.json +++ b/bucket/simple-note.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ { - "version": "2.21.0", - "description": "Simplenote is an easy way to keep notes, lists, ideas and more. Your notes stay in sync with all your devices for free.", - "homepage": "", - "license": "GPL-2.0-only", - "url": "", - "hash": "sha512:5aebf329adcbc008b68b86cced8a6c94d5b9a22b4131601e2ceb220d7d20eea906b3edc6b8e6e2ddd04c1f5791ea63d69370584abc460693ede0a1ec3c2aa95c", - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "installer": { - "script": "Expand-7zipArchive \"$dir\\`$PLUGINSDIR\\app-64.7z\" \"$dir\"" - } - }, - "32bit": { - "installer": { - "script": "Expand-7zipArchive \"$dir\\`$PLUGINSDIR\\app-32.7z\" \"$dir\"" - } - } - }, - "post_install": "Remove-Item \"$dir\\`$PLUGINSDIR\" -Recurse", - "bin": "SimpleNote.exe", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "SimpleNote.exe", - "SimpleNote" - ] - ], - "checkver": { - "github": "" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/Simplenote-win-$version.exe#/dl.7z", - "hash": { - "url": "$baseurl/latest.yml", - "regex": "sha512:\\s+$base64" - } - } + "architecture": { + "32bit": { + "installer": { + "script": "Expand-7zipArchive \"$dir\\`$PLUGINSDIR\\app-32.7z\" \"$dir\"" + } + }, + "64bit": { + "installer": { + "script": "Expand-7zipArchive \"$dir\\`$PLUGINSDIR\\app-64.7z\" \"$dir\"" + } + } + }, + "autoupdate": { + "hash": { + "regex": "sha512:\\s+$base64", + "url": "$baseurl/latest.yml" + }, + "url": "$version/Simplenote-win-$version.exe#/dl.7z" + }, + "bin": "SimpleNote.exe", + "checkver": { + "github": "" + }, + "description": "Simplenote is an easy way to keep notes, lists, ideas and more. 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It may not be possible to install add-ons normally.", + "Simple Sticky Notes adds itself to startup on first run.", + "It stores its settings at \"HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Simnet\\Simple Sticky Notes\".", + "It also stores add-on content at \"C:\\Users\\\\AppData\\Roaming\\Simnet\\Simple Sticky Notes\"." + ], "url": "", "hash": "789461d94c4fd4b48b7b4d43bf1a24e13fe4c21091471fa57d1ea3bf7db3e4b2", "innosetup": true, - "bin": "ssn.exe", + "pre_install": [ + "if(!(Test-Path \"HKCU:\\SOFTWARE\\Simnet\\Simple Sticky Notes\")) { New-Item -Path \"HKCU:\\SOFTWARE\\Simnet\\Simple Sticky Notes\" -Force | Out-Null }", + "if(Test-Path \"HKCU:\\SOFTWARE\\Simnet\\Simple Sticky Notes\") { New-ItemProperty -Path \"HKCU:\\SOFTWARE\\Simnet\\Simple Sticky Notes\" -Name CheckUpdates -Value 0 -PropertyType DWord -Force | Out-Null }", + "if(Test-Path \"HKCU:\\SOFTWARE\\Simnet\\Simple Sticky Notes\") { New-ItemProperty -Path \"HKCU:\\SOFTWARE\\Simnet\\Simple Sticky Notes\" -Name DBLocation -Value \"$persist_dir\\\" -PropertyType String -Force | Out-Null }", + "if(!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\")) { New-Item -Path \"$persist_dir\" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null }" + ], "shortcuts": [ [ "ssn.exe", @@ -17,9 +25,8 @@ ] ], "checkver": { - "useragent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", - "url": "", - "regex": ":\\s([\\d.]+)
" + "url": "", + "regex": "Sticky Notes release is ([\\d.]+)" }, "autoupdate": { "url": "" diff --git a/bucket/simple64.json b/bucket/simple64.json index 0b83fe21e51..d0fa762cae1 100644 --- a/bucket/simple64.json +++ b/bucket/simple64.json @@ -3,18 +3,23 @@ "description": "Nintendo 64 emulator", "homepage": "", "license": { - "identifier": "GPL-3.0", - "url": "" + "url": "", + "identifier": "GPL-3.0" + }, + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "26078c2ead77fca5e69b9419998b46d11eefd06dd8cad84cb3f7b46323ab0d9b" + } }, - "url": "", - "hash": "26078c2ead77fca5e69b9419998b46d11eefd06dd8cad84cb3f7b46323ab0d9b", "extract_dir": "simple64", - "pre_install": [ - "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\simple64-gui.ini\")) {", - " New-Item \"$dir\\simple64-gui.ini\" -Type File | Out-Null", - " Set-Content \"$dir\\simple64-gui.ini\" '[General]'", - " Add-Content \"$dir\\simple64-gui.ini\" 'version=2'", - " Add-Content \"$dir\\simple64-gui.ini\" 'configDirPath=$APP_PATH$/config'", + "post_install": [ + "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\mupen64plus-gui.ini.bak\")) {", + " Set-Content \"$dir\\mupen64plus-gui.ini\" '[General]'", + " Add-Content \"$dir\\mupen64plus-gui.ini\" 'version=2'", + " Add-Content \"$dir\\mupen64plus-gui.ini\" 'configDirPath=$APP_PATH$/config'", + "} else {", + " Copy-Item \"$persist_dir\\mupen64plus-gui.ini.bak\" \"$dir\\mupen64plus-gui.ini\" -Force", "}" ], "bin": [ @@ -30,11 +35,22 @@ ] ], "persist": "config", + "uninstaller": { + "script": [ + "'mupen64plus-gui.ini' | ForEach-Object {", + " Copy-Item \"$dir\\$_\" \"$persist_dir\\$_.bak\" -Force", + "}" + ] + }, "checkver": { "github": "", - "regex": "v([\\d\\.]+)\\/simple64-win64-(?[\\da-f]{7})\\." + "regex": "v([\\d.]+)/simple64-win64-(?[\\da-f]{7})\\.zip" }, "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/simple64-win64-$" + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "$version/simple64-win64-$" + } + } } } diff --git a/bucket/simpread-sync.json b/bucket/simpread-sync.json index 5249bd116c8..a052db00f69 100644 --- a/bucket/simpread-sync.json +++ b/bucket/simpread-sync.json @@ -1,15 +1,31 @@ { - "version": "0.8.0", - "description": "简悦 · 同步助手 · 命令行 · 伪", - "homepage": "", - "license": "MIT", - "url": "", - "hash": "d5918fb90f37df24244a8abc47899f0905d51ef4ef94f1bdc9ffafe81309608a", - "bin": "simpread-sync.exe", - "checkver": { - "github": "" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/" - } + "architecture": { + "32bit": { + "hash": "d747749923f257a4d66b2e7df7b16b4a2ef3996a9b161366673264f496c8e0b9", + "url": "" + }, + "64bit": { + "hash": "d5918fb90f37df24244a8abc47899f0905d51ef4ef94f1bdc9ffafe81309608a", + "url": "" + } + }, + "autoupdate": { + "architecture": { + "32bit": { + "url": "$version/" + }, + "64bit": { + "url": "$version/" + } + }, + "hash": { + "url": "$baseurl/checksums.txt" + } + }, + "bin": "simpread-sync.exe", + "checkver": "github", + "description": "CLI for simpread sync helper", + "homepage": "", + "license": "MIT", + "version": "0.8.0" } diff --git a/bucket/sirikali-aoks.json b/bucket/sirikali-aoks.json index e15e0847eff..29f6bcfa152 100644 --- a/bucket/sirikali-aoks.json +++ b/bucket/sirikali-aoks.json @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ { - "version": "1.5.0", - "description": "A Qt/C++ GUI front end to sshfs, ecryptfs-simple, cryfs, gocryptfs, securefs, fscrypt and encfs.", - "homepage": "", - "license": "GPL-2.0-or-later", - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "714ad1677e8966cfe3de026d64f386ecd9a058f97cad2fad2a3aa1dad89ceab0" - } - }, - "##": "see installer options here -", - "installer": { - "file": "SiriKali.setup.exe", - "args": [ - "/VERYSILENT", - "/NOCANCEL", - "/NORESTART", - "/DIR=\"$dir\"", - "/SUPPRESSMSGBOXES", - "/CLOSEAPPLICATIONS", - "/NORESTARTAPPLICATIONS" - ] - }, - "bin": "sirikali.exe", - "depends": "nonportable/sshfs-np", - "checkver": { - "github": "" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "$version/SiriKali-$version.setup.exe#/SiriKali.setup.exe" - } - } - } + "##": "see installer options here -", + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "hash": "714ad1677e8966cfe3de026d64f386ecd9a058f97cad2fad2a3aa1dad89ceab0", + "url": "" + } + }, + "autoupdate": { + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "$version/SiriKali-$version.setup.exe#/SiriKali.setup.exe" + } + } + }, + "bin": "sirikali.exe", + "checkver": { + "github": "" + }, + "depends": "nonportable/sshfs-np", + "description": "A Qt/C++ GUI front end to sshfs, ecryptfs-simple, cryfs, gocryptfs, securefs, fscrypt and encfs.", + "homepage": "", + "installer": { + "args": [ + "/VERYSILENT", + "/NOCANCEL", + "/NORESTART", + "/DIR=\"$dir\"", + "/SUPPRESSMSGBOXES", + "/CLOSEAPPLICATIONS", + "/NORESTARTAPPLICATIONS" + ], + "file": "SiriKali.setup.exe" + }, + "license": "GPL-2.0-or-later", + "version": "1.5.0" } diff --git a/bucket/skm.json b/bucket/skm.json index 5a3f5c8a5a0..673d00a3a86 100644 --- a/bucket/skm.json +++ b/bucket/skm.json @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { - "description": "SKM is a simple and powerful SSH Keys Manager.", - "homepage": "", "version": "0.8.6", + "description": "A simple and powerful SSH keys manager", + "homepage": "", "license": "MIT", "architecture": { "64bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "7424c465d7a0f804a13ac217d29fdd2520ef734d373c67475cbe7b1c0489d0e9" + "url": "", + "hash": "217281f38041f1612ba2b2d7f5a0b7e85029224c9749eed3fc8a3d30997e427a" } }, "bin": "skm.exe", @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "autoupdate": { "architecture": { "64bit": { - "url": "" + "url": "$version/skm_$version_Windows_x86_64.tar.gz" } } } diff --git a/bucket/slam.json b/bucket/slam.json index 8eb0072ba8b..cf84d3382fc 100644 --- a/bucket/slam.json +++ b/bucket/slam.json @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ { - "version": "1.5.4", - "description": "Source Live Audio Mixer.", - "homepage": "", - "license": "MIT", - "url": "", - "hash": "bd50edfc6285e3d323cb47d37220c05f4c5db2c2760a04797e8b03038e0bced8", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "SLAM.exe", - "SLAM" - ] - ], - "checkver": { - "github": "" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/SLAM_v$" - } + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/SLAM_v$" + }, + "checkver": { + "github": "" + }, + "description": "Source Live Audio Mixer.", + "hash": "bd50edfc6285e3d323cb47d37220c05f4c5db2c2760a04797e8b03038e0bced8", + "homepage": "", + "license": "MIT", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "SLAM.exe", + "SLAM" + ] + ], + "url": "", + "version": "1.5.4" } diff --git a/bucket/smali.json b/bucket/smali.json index 8cd6b11c603..984e9640ea8 100644 --- a/bucket/smali.json +++ b/bucket/smali.json @@ -1,25 +1,22 @@ { - "version": "2.5.2", - "description": "smali is an assembler for the dex format used by dalvik, Android's Java VM implementation.", "homepage": "", - "license": { - "identifier": "BSD-3-Clause", - "url": "" - }, + "description": "smali/baksmali is an assembler/disassembler for the dex format used by dalvik, Android's Java VM implementation.", + "version": "2.5.2", + "hash": "9544299578b16f771d8aa8eaefe0d3718ca03478c16f3c356f2fcf1366bfb116", + "url": "", "suggest": { "JDK": [ "java/oraclejdk", "java/openjdk" ] }, - "url": "", - "hash": "9544299578b16f771d8aa8eaefe0d3718ca03478c16f3c356f2fcf1366bfb116", - "bin": "smali.jar", "checkver": { - "url": "", - "regex": "\"name\": *\"v([\\d.]+)\"" + "url": "", + "re": "smali-(?[\\d.]+).jar" }, "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version.jar#/smali.jar" - } + "url": "$version.jar" + }, + "bin": "smali.bat", + "pre_install": "\"@java -jar \"\"$dir\\smali-$version.jar\"\" %*\" | out-file -en oem \"$dir\\smali.bat\"" } diff --git a/bucket/smartsniff.json b/bucket/smartsniff.json index 74db015b6d7..d22fabca489 100644 --- a/bucket/smartsniff.json +++ b/bucket/smartsniff.json @@ -1,34 +1,37 @@ { - "homepage": "", - "checkver": "SmartSniff v(\\d+\\.\\d\\d)", + "homepage": "", + "description": "SmartSniff is a network monitoring utility that allows you to capture TCP/IP packets that pass through your network adapter.", "version": "2.29", - "license": "freeware", - "description": "SmartSniff allows you to capture TCP/IP packets that pass through your network adapter, and view the captured data as sequence of conversations between clients and servers. You can view the TCP/IP conversations in Ascii mode (for text-based protocols, like HTTP, SMTP, POP3 and FTP.) or as hex dump. (for non-text base protocols, like DNS) SmartSniff provides 2 methods for capturing TCP/IP packets : * Raw Sockets (Only for Windows 2000/XP or greater): Allows you to capture TCP/IP packets on your network without installing a capture driver. This method has some limitations and problems. * WinPcap Capture Driver: Allows you to capture TCP/IP packets on all Windows operating systems. (Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003) In order to use it, you have to download and install WinPcap Capture Driver from this Web site. (WinPcap is a free open-source capture driver.) This method is generally the preferred way to capture TCP/IP packets with SmartSniff, and it works better than the Raw Sockets method.", "architecture": { "64bit": { - "url": "", + "url": "", "hash": "c819762aefd4199826823024feb8ea953e56095c44229f6680d9e054c7cc0450" }, "32bit": { - "url": "", + "url": "", "hash": "d5ce6ef59020617a411bae4d0aa8a0d86d61d0855c00e1694de9a86e6188be1b" } }, + "bin": "smsniff.exe", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "smsniff.exe", + "SmartSniff" + ] + ], + "checkver": "SmartSniff v([\\d.]+)", "autoupdate": { "architecture": { "64bit": { - "url": "" + "url": "" }, "32bit": { - "url": "" + "url": "" } } }, - "bin": "smsniff.exe", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "smsniff.exe", - "NirSoft\\SmartSniff - Captures TCP_IP packets" - ] - ] + "notes": "This application requires admin rights. Always use sudo to start it or use shortcut", + "suggest": { + "sudo": "sudo" + } } diff --git a/bucket/smiley-sans.json b/bucket/smiley-sans.json index 9cc6952dca7..5dc2ab98820 100644 --- a/bucket/smiley-sans.json +++ b/bucket/smiley-sans.json @@ -1,32 +1,53 @@ { "version": "1.1.1", - "description": "得意黑(Smiley Sans)是一款在人文观感和几何特征中寻找视觉平衡的现代窄斜体", + "description": "Smiley Sans (得意黑). A condensed and oblique Chinese typeface seeking a visual balance between the humanist and the geometric.", "homepage": "", - "license": "OFL-1.1", + "license": { + "identifier": "OFL-1.1", + "url": "" + }, "url": "", "hash": "17c30d067b90ef6fb259caaf66e4339e30d70d5f197485da8f305c040d41413f", - "checkver": { - "github": "" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/smiley-sans-v$" - }, "installer": { "script": [ "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", + "$windows11Version22H2BuildNumber = 22621", + "$doesPerUserFontInstallationHaveIssue = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows11Version22H2BuildNumber", + "if ($doesPerUserFontInstallationHaveIssue -and !$global) {", + " scoop uninstall $app", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \"Currently, on Windows 11 Version 22H2 (OS Build 22621) or later,\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"Font installation only works when installing font for all users.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \"Please use following commands to install '$app' Font for all users.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" scoop install sudo\"", + " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \"See for more details.\" -Foreground Magenta", " exit 1", "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$windows10Version1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows10Version1809BuildNumber", + "if (!$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported -and !$global) {", + " scoop uninstall $app", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \"For Windows version before Windows 10 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763),\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"Font can only be installed for all users.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \"Please use following commands to install '$app' Font for all users.\" -Foreground DarkRed", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " Write-Host \" scoop install sudo\"", + " Write-Host \" sudo scoop install -g $app\"", + " Write-Host \"\"", + " exit 1", + "}", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", - " $value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", + " $value = if ($global) { $_.Name } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" }", " New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", " Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $fontInstallDir", "}" @@ -34,22 +55,22 @@ }, "uninstaller": { "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($global) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($global) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", "Get-ChildItem $dir -Filter '*.ttf' | ForEach-Object {", " Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name $_.Name.Replace($_.Extension, ' (TrueType)') -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", " Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\$($_.Name)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", "}", - "Write-Host \"Font family 'Smiley Sans' has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + "if ($cmd -eq \"uninstall\") {", + " Write-Host \"Font family 'Smiley Sans' has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta", + "}" ] + }, + "checkver": { + "github": "" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/smiley-sans-v$" } } diff --git a/bucket/smplayer.json b/bucket/smplayer.json index 7c76584cbcd..7bc8e518138 100644 --- a/bucket/smplayer.json +++ b/bucket/smplayer.json @@ -1,44 +1,53 @@ { - 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" - } + "url": "$version/smplayer-portable-$version.0-x64.7z" }, "32bit": { - "url": "$version/smplayer-$version-win32-qt5.6.exe#/dl.7z", - "hash": { - "url": "", - "find": "SMPlayer Windows 32 bit.*\\n.*\\n.*\\n.*\\n.*\\n.*\\n.*SHA256: ([a-fA-F0-9]{64})" - } + "url": "$version/smplayer-portable-$version.0-win32-qt5.6.7z" } } } diff --git a/bucket/snes9x.json b/bucket/snes9x.json index 17a4a096ca5..5153441740c 100644 --- a/bucket/snes9x.json +++ b/bucket/snes9x.json @@ -1,12 +1,23 @@ { "version": "1.62.3", - "description": "Nintendo SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) emulator", + "description": "SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) emulator", "homepage": "", "license": { - "url": "", - "identifier": "Non-commercial" + "identifier": "Non-commercial", + "url": "" }, "architecture": { + "32bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "70e520d81e2f92ee77070e3b8c61ffec42e7dee7f49bea40c8ae5e83fa934e66", + "bin": "snes9x.exe", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "snes9x.exe", + "Snes9X" + ] + ] + }, "64bit": { "url": "", "hash": "a681e000c2b215878bd55151c8633d24beb423d10b45bb7dcd9e522fbeb4ea2a", @@ -22,17 +33,6 @@ "Snes9X" ] ] - 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It's developed and maintained by the DBA Team of Xiaomi AI&Cloud.", "homepage": "", "license": "Apache-2.0", - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "8bca6dbc9f66339babff12a44858114ecb41969bb86833e892029d76814c10ad" - } + "url": "", + "hash": "8bca6dbc9f66339babff12a44858114ecb41969bb86833e892029d76814c10ad", + "installer": { + "script": "Move-Item $dir\\ $dir\\soar.exe" }, "bin": "soar.exe", "checkver": { - "url": "", - "regex": "/releases/tag/(?:v|V)?([\\d.]+)" + "url": "", + "regex": "\\/releases\\/tag\\/(?:v|V)?([\\d.]+)" }, "autoupdate": { - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "$version/" - } - } + "url": "$version/" } } diff --git a/bucket/sockscap64.json b/bucket/sockscap64.json index eb14589438a..2023fb426fb 100644 --- a/bucket/sockscap64.json +++ b/bucket/sockscap64.json @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "version": "4.7", - "description": "SocksCap64, developed by Taro. It's designed to reduce delays of cross-regional online game. It can also assist you to speed up of the network through the socks proxy server, reduce ping of online games. SocksCap64 currently support the SOCKS 4/SOCKS 5/HTTP/Shadowsocks protocols, supports TCP and UDP.", "homepage": "", + "description": "SocksCap64, developed by Taro. It’s designed to reduce delays of cross-regional online game. It can also assist you to speed up of the network through the socks proxy server, reduce ping of online games. SocksCap64 currently support the SOCKS 4/SOCKS 5/HTTP/Shadowsocks protocols, supports TCP and UDP.", + "version": "4.7", "license": "Freeware", "url": "", "hash": "1b9e3941597ae817daa96f284d7e62211ffb1e3c9018b1a26d4cfc527b391778", diff --git a/bucket/sogouwbinput-xingkbjm.json b/bucket/sogouwbinput-xingkbjm.json index 2c182c5987d..346f8a46f41 100644 --- a/bucket/sogouwbinput-xingkbjm.json +++ b/bucket/sogouwbinput-xingkbjm.json @@ -1,44 +1,44 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "hash": { - "mode": "extract", - "regex": "^$sha256([\\s]+)$basename", - "url": "" - }, - "url": "$matchFilename#/installer.exe" - }, - "checkver": { - "regex": "(?s)(?SogouWBInput_v(?[\\w.]+)[(]([\\d.]+)[)]_xingkbjm_noad\\.exe)", - "reverse": true, - "url": "" - }, - "description": "\u641c\u72d7\u4e94\u7b14\u8f93\u5165\u6cd5 - \u661f\u7a7a\u4e0d\u5bc2\u5bde\u7cbe\u7b80\u7248", - "hash": "bcbcb78721baa27c0d80675a15993beb0d1881d9ee95c66e54d9c80904c5c4a4", - "homepage": "", - "installer": { - "script": "sudo Start-Process -filepath \"$dir\\installer.exe\" -WorkingDirectory \"$dir\" -ArgumentList \"/S /D=$dir\" -Wait" - 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This project is run by community volunteers and is not affiliated with Steam or Scrap.TF. You use this program at your own risk, and accept the responsibility to make backups and prevent unauthorized access to your computer!", - "", - "REMEMBER: Always make backups of your maFiles directory! If you lose your encryption key or delete maFiles by accident AND you didn't save your revocation code, you are screwed." - ], - "url": "", - "hash": "93a78a1e06d464dce620998569577eadd78c9619042b20854b558cbb1d3d46b7", - "bin": [ - [ - "Steam Desktop Authenticator.exe", - "steam-authenticator" - ] - ], - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "Steam Desktop Authenticator.exe", - "Steam Authenticator" - ] - ], - "persist": "maFiles", - "checkver": "github", - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/SDA-$" - } + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/SDA-$" + }, + "bin": [ + [ + "Steam Desktop Authenticator.exe", + "steam-authenticator" + ] + ], + "checkver": "github", + "description": "Desktop implementation of Steam's mobile authenticator app.", + "hash": "93a78a1e06d464dce620998569577eadd78c9619042b20854b558cbb1d3d46b7", + "homepage": "", + "license": "MIT", + "notes": [ + "DISCLAIMER: The app provide no support for you when using Steam Desktop Authenticator! This project is run by community volunteers and is not affiliated with Steam or Scrap.TF. You use this program at your own risk, and accept the responsibility to make backups and prevent unauthorized access to your computer!", + "", + "REMEMBER: Always make backups of your maFiles directory! If you lose your encryption key or delete maFiles by accident AND you didn't save your revocation code, you are screwed." + ], + "persist": "maFiles", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "Steam Desktop Authenticator.exe", + "Steam Authenticator" + ] + ], + "url": "", + "version": "1.0.10" } diff --git a/bucket/stella.json b/bucket/stella.json index 483b4b395b6..5392384e0b3 100644 --- a/bucket/stella.json +++ b/bucket/stella.json @@ -1,35 +1,43 @@ { + "homepage": "", "version": "6.7", - "description": "Multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator", - "homepage": "", - "license": "GPL-2.0-only", - "url": "", - "hash": "3ef669ac03ef677035bcdfc13fc1e5c1c120550c357f43e475b78f764ac39db4", + "license": "GPL-2.0-or-later", + "description": "Atari 2600 VCS emulator", + "depends": "extras/vcredist2017", "architecture": { - "32bit": { + "64bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "01e4c8f50aad70481642215cdcdffe915bc99e8336bdaae043694677dc614a91", "shortcuts": [ [ - "32-bit/Stella.exe", + "Stella.exe", "Stella" ] ] }, - "64bit": { + "32bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "1a0f55f67a86e1bf629f413faf89b1237e7d3e7dae94be9ae27e5a7bc49a5eca", "shortcuts": [ [ - "64-bit/Stella.exe", + "Stella.exe", "Stella" ] ] } }, - "extract_dir": "Stella-6.7", - "persist": "config", + "innosetup": true, "checkver": { "github": "" }, "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/Stella-$", - "extract_dir": "Stella-$version" + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "$version/Stella-$version-x64.exe" + }, + "32bit": { + "url": "$version/Stella-$version-win32.exe" + } + } } } diff --git a/bucket/streams.json b/bucket/streams.json index 041bcce873c..ab54bd3d45f 100644 --- a/bucket/streams.json +++ b/bucket/streams.json @@ -1,31 +1,32 @@ { - "version": "1.6", + "homepage": "", "description": "Reveal NTFS alternate streams.", - "homepage": "", "license": { - "identifier": "Proprietary", + "identifier": "Freeware", "url": "" }, - "notes": "Introduction: ", + "version": "1.6", "url": "", - "hash": "9eb0dc6e03bd139a850bdd48c0915276801c0d0ceba21ec1831799351e2268fc", - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "post_install": [ - "@('streams.exe', 'streams64a.exe') | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item \"$dir\\$_\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }", - "Rename-Item \"$dir\\streams64.exe\" 'streams.exe' -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue" - ] - }, - "32bit": { - "post_install": "@('streams64.exe', 'streams64a.exe') | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item \"$dir\\$_\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }" - } - }, - "bin": "streams.exe", + "hash": "97614bf16b54f1cc8adcaebf9f08f827b7b7d472861ec44b02d07a0fb711f6a8", "checkver": { "url": "", - "regex": "Streams v([\\d.]+)" + "re": "Streams\\s(?:v|V)?([\\d.]+)" }, "autoupdate": { "url": "" + }, + "architecture": { + "32bit": { + "bin": "streams.exe" + }, + "64bit": { + "bin": [ + [ + "streams64.exe", + "streams" + ], + "streams64.exe" + ] + } } } diff --git a/bucket/ b/bucket/ index af351b79562..7b9d753905a 100644 --- a/bucket/ +++ b/bucket/ @@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ { - "version": "", - "description": "Mouse gesture recognition utility for Windows which allows you to create powerful mouse gestures that save you time. 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If you encounter issues please post an issue on the github page.", + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "$", + "extract_dir": "subgit-$version" + }, + "32bit": { + "url": "$", + "extract_dir": "subgit-$version" + } + } }, + "bin": "bin\\subgit.bat", "persist": "daemon-shared", + "env_add_path": "bin", "pre_install": [ - "$root=(scoop which subgit | split-path -res -par | split-path -par)", - "Write-Host \"To uninstall service type:\"", - "Write-Host \"#sc.exe stop \"SubgitService\"\"", - "Write-Host \"#sc.exe delete \"SubgitService\"\"" + "$daemon_shared = \"$persist_dir\\daemon-shared\"", + "if((test-path $daemon_shared\\ -and (test-path $dir\\bin\\subgit.bat)) {", + " Write-Output \"Stopping subgit shared daemon at $(Convert-Path $daemon_shared)\"", + " subgit daemon stop \"$daemon_shared\"", + "} else {", + " Write-Host -f Yellow \"Subgit shared daemon is not running or it was not installed via scoop.\"", + "}" ], - "post_install": [ - "$root=(scoop which subgit | split-path -res -par | split-path -par)", - "Write-Host \"To install service type:\"", - "Write-Host \"#sc.exe create \"SubgitService\" type= own start= auto error= normal binpath= \"$root\\bin\\subgit.bat daemon start $root\\daemon-shared\" displayname= \"Subgit Service\"\"", - "Write-Host \"#sc.exe start \"SubgitService\"\"" - ] + "post_install": "subgit daemon start \"$dir\\daemon-shared\"", + "uninstaller": { + "script": [ + "$daemon_shared = \"$persist_dir\\daemon-shared\"", + "if((test-path $daemon_shared\\ -and (test-path $dir\\bin\\subgit.bat)) {", + " Write-Output \"Stopping subgit shared daemon at $(Convert-Path $daemon_shared)\"", + " subgit daemon stop \"$daemon_shared\"", + "} else {", + " Write-Host -f Yellow \"Subgit shared daemon is not running or it was not installed via scoop.\"", + "}" + ] + }, + "suggest": { + "JDK": [ + "java/adoptopenjdk", + "java/oraclejdk", + "java/openjdk", + "java/zulu" + ] + }, + "notes": "If you don't have some flavor of Java7 or higher installed, subgit won't work at all, so if you get errors trying to run the 'subgit' command you probably need to install a jdk from the java bucket. Run 'scoop bucket add java' then install a jdk." } diff --git a/bucket/subinacl.json b/bucket/subinacl.json index f89fa38e79e..e0488bcda97 100644 --- a/bucket/subinacl.json +++ b/bucket/subinacl.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "bin": "subinacl.exe", - "url": "", - "version": "5.2.3790.1180" + "url": "", + "version": "5.2.3790.1180", + "bin": "subinacl.exe" } diff --git a/bucket/sublime-merge-dev.json b/bucket/sublime-merge-dev.json index d5e2baf5e54..e42e6689a99 100644 --- a/bucket/sublime-merge-dev.json +++ b/bucket/sublime-merge-dev.json @@ -1,5 +1,22 @@ { - "version": "2085", + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "hash": "a81be55bb04359914673d58868a3f8dad15cc69777147e2844a6b3ef48815432", + "url": "" + } + }, + "autoupdate": { + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "$" + } + } + }, + "bin": "smerge.exe", + "checkver": { + "jsonpath": "$.latest_version", + "url": "" + }, "description": "A Git client with snappy UI, three-way merge tool, side-by-side diffs, syntax highlighting, and more. (Dev version)", "homepage": "", "license": { @@ -7,29 +24,12 @@ "url": "" }, "notes": "Sublime Merge may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however a license must be purchased for continued use. There is currently no enforced time limit for the evaluation. For more information please see", - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "a81be55bb04359914673d58868a3f8dad15cc69777147e2844a6b3ef48815432" - } - }, - "bin": "smerge.exe", + "persist": "Data", "shortcuts": [ [ "sublime_merge.exe", "Sublime Merge Dev" ] ], - "persist": "Data", - "checkver": { - "url": "", - "jsonpath": "$.latest_version" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "$" - } - } - } + "version": "2085" } diff --git a/bucket/sublime-text-4.json b/bucket/sublime-text-4.json index 50d2a19634c..9ed5ac3a0b4 100644 --- a/bucket/sublime-text-4.json +++ b/bucket/sublime-text-4.json @@ -1,73 +1,73 @@ { - "version": "4-4143", - "description": "A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose", - "homepage": "", - "license": { - "identifier": "Shareware", - "url": "" - }, - "notes": "Add Sublime Text as a context menu option by running: \"reg import '$dir\\install-context.reg'\"", - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": [ - "", - "", - "" - ], - "hash": [ - "889e7d6d0de115deefbb8d48af5e754f7566100d8a6615902da64798cd663cac", - "45914fc3b299e90d9e3c5c84a4c3747c942918462e8b18348ec43383b87ed810", - "0253faa4f5e35be203aefa838594965e43aa97129e305d1b8ee1811098e0ae85" - ] - }, - "32bit": { - "url": [ - "", - "", - "" - ], - "hash": [ - "0cd27c5df4834b672720f28d481d1f5eb060ad9fa096f364866e490be38b34e0", - "45914fc3b299e90d9e3c5c84a4c3747c942918462e8b18348ec43383b87ed810", - "0253faa4f5e35be203aefa838594965e43aa97129e305d1b8ee1811098e0ae85" - ] - } - }, - "post_install": [ - "$file = \"$dir\\install-context.reg\"", - "if (Test-Path $file) {", - " $sublimepath = \"$dir\\sublime_text.exe\".Replace('\\', '\\\\')", - " $content = (Get-Content $file).Replace('$sublime', $sublimepath)", - " if ($global) { $content = $content.Replace('HKEY_CURRENT_USER', 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE') }", - " Set-Content $file $content -Encoding Ascii -Force", - "}", - "$file = \"$dir\\uninstall-context.reg\"", - "if ((Test-Path $file) -and $global) {", - " (Get-Content $file).Replace('HKEY_CURRENT_USER', 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE') | Set-Content -Path $file -Encoding Ascii -Force", - "}" - ], - "bin": "subl.exe", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "sublime_text.exe", - "Sublime Text 4" - ] - ], - "persist": "Data", - "checkver": { - "url": "", - "jsonpath": "$.latest_version", - "regex": "((\\d)\\d+)", - "replace": "$2-$1" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "$" - }, - "32bit": { - "url": "$" - } - } - } + "architecture": { + "32bit": { + "hash": [ + "0cd27c5df4834b672720f28d481d1f5eb060ad9fa096f364866e490be38b34e0", + "45914fc3b299e90d9e3c5c84a4c3747c942918462e8b18348ec43383b87ed810", + "0253faa4f5e35be203aefa838594965e43aa97129e305d1b8ee1811098e0ae85" + ], + "url": [ + "", + "", + "" + ] + }, + "64bit": { + "hash": [ + "889e7d6d0de115deefbb8d48af5e754f7566100d8a6615902da64798cd663cac", + "45914fc3b299e90d9e3c5c84a4c3747c942918462e8b18348ec43383b87ed810", + "0253faa4f5e35be203aefa838594965e43aa97129e305d1b8ee1811098e0ae85" + ], + "url": [ + "", + "", + "" + ] + } + }, + "autoupdate": { + "architecture": { + "32bit": { + "url": "$" + }, + "64bit": { + "url": "$" + } + } + }, + "bin": "subl.exe", + "checkver": { + "jsonpath": "$.latest_version", + "regex": "((\\d)\\d+)", + "replace": "$2-$1", + "url": "" + }, + "description": "A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose", + "homepage": "", + "license": { + "identifier": "Shareware", + "url": "" + }, + "notes": "Add Sublime Text as a context menu option by running: \"reg import '$dir\\install-context.reg'\"", + "persist": "Data", + "post_install": [ + "$file = \"$dir\\install-context.reg\"", + "if (Test-Path $file) {", + " $sublimepath = \"$dir\\sublime_text.exe\".Replace('\\', '\\\\')", + " $content = (Get-Content $file).Replace('$sublime', $sublimepath)", + " if ($global) { $content = $content.Replace('HKEY_CURRENT_USER', 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE') }", + " Set-Content $file $content -Encoding Ascii -Force", + "}", + "$file = \"$dir\\uninstall-context.reg\"", + "if ((Test-Path $file) -and $global) {", + " (Get-Content $file).Replace('HKEY_CURRENT_USER', 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE') | Set-Content -Path $file -Encoding Ascii -Force", + "}" + ], + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "sublime_text.exe", + "Sublime Text 4" + ] + ], + "version": "4-4143" } diff --git a/bucket/sublime-text-dev.json b/bucket/sublime-text-dev.json index 0f1eadd5fc7..84cbbadc8f8 100644 --- a/bucket/sublime-text-dev.json +++ b/bucket/sublime-text-dev.json @@ -1,38 +1,26 @@ { + "version": "4148", + "description": "A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. 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This versions contains enough LaTeX packages to compile R Markdown documents. More can be installed by the user.", "homepage": "", - "license": "", "url": "", - "hash": "a7cdfec328275266225baaf610b0db482f70c8b820a98e825292b883688bad1d", "extract_dir": "TinyTeX", - "env_add_path": "bin\\win32", - "persist": "texmf-config", + "license": "", + "hash": "a7cdfec328275266225baaf610b0db482f70c8b820a98e825292b883688bad1d", + "version": "2023.04", + "notes": "For full documentation, see", + "pre_install": [ + "try{if (Test-Path $(appdir tinytex-min)) { throw \"You already have Tinytex-min installed. Run scoop uninstall tinytex-min if you want to use TinyTeX.\"}}", + "catch{", + "Write-Host \"--> Another tinytex installation has been already found. Cancelling current installation...\" -f red", + "scoop uninstall $app", + "throw $_", + "}", + "try{if (Test-Path $(appdir tinytex-extra)) { throw \"You already have Tinytex-full installed. Run scoop uninstall tinytex-extra if you want to use TinyTeX.\"}}", + "catch{", + "Write-Host \"--> Another tinytex installation has been found. Cancelling current installation...\" -f red", + "scoop uninstall $app", + "throw $_", + "}" + ], + "post_install": [ + "echo \"--> Running tlmgr path add\"", + "Start-Process \"cmd.exe\" \"/c `\"$dir\\bin\\win32\\tlmgr.bat path add`\"\" -Wait -NoNewWindow", + "echo \"--> Updating tlmgr itself\"", + "Invoke-Expression \"$dir\\bin\\win32\\tlmgr.bat update --self\"", + "if (Test-Path $env:TMP\\tinytex-pkg-installed-$(Get-Date -Format ddMMyyHH).txt) {", + "$tinytex_tmp_file=\"$env:TMP\\tinytex-pkg-installed-$(Get-Date -Format ddMMyyHH).txt\"", + "$tinytex_pkg_installed = (Invoke-Expression \"$dir\\bin\\win32\\tlmgr.bat info --list --only-installed --data name\")", + "$tinytex_reinstall=\"$env:TMP\\installed_old_packages.ps1\"", + "((Get-Content $tinytex_tmp_file) | Where { $tinytex_pkg_installed -NotContains $_}) | % {\"Invoke-Expression '$dir\\bin\\win32\\tlmgr.bat install {0}'\" -f $_} > $tinytex_reinstall", + "if ((Get-Content $tinytex_reinstall) -ne $null) {", + "echo \"--> Reinstalling previous user packages\"", + "Invoke-Expression \"$tinytex_reinstall\"", + "}", + "Remove-Item $env:TMP/installed_old_packages.ps1, $tinytex_tmp_file", + "}" + ], + "uninstaller": { + "script": [ + "tlmgr info --list --only-installed --data name > $env:TMP/tinytex-pkg-installed-$(Get-Date -Format ddMMyyHH).txt", + "echo \"--> Running tlmgr path remove\"", + "Start-Process \"cmd.exe\" \"/c `\"$dir\\bin\\win32\\tlmgr.bat path remove`\"\" -Wait -NoNewWindow" + ] + }, "checkver": { "github": "" }, "autoupdate": { "url": "$version/TinyTeX-1-v$" - }, - "notes": [ - "This versions contains about 90 LaTeX packages enough to compile common R Markdown documents.", - "For full documentation, see" - ] + } } diff --git a/bucket/tortoise-svn.json b/bucket/tortoise-svn.json index 525e769eed7..d30a5fb9ce2 100644 --- a/bucket/tortoise-svn.json +++ b/bucket/tortoise-svn.json @@ -1,92 +1,92 @@ { - "architecture": { - "32bit": { - "hash": "e9471c6011292719282e292983f89516a81606f4ce5e226503f10480fae3dc6d", - "url": "" - }, - "64bit": { - "hash": "b04b8004b0048593868bf938cec4a6d412113ac7b7135fdf51e55b3251b5863b", - "url": "" - } - }, - "autoupdate": { - "architecture": { - "32bit": { - "url": "$matchRelease/Application/TortoiseSVN-$version-win32-svn-$matchSvn.msi" - }, - "64bit": { - "url": "$matchRelease/Application/TortoiseSVN-$version-x64-svn-$matchSvn.msi" - } - } - }, - "bin": [ - "bin\\svn.exe", - "bin\\svnadmin.exe", - "bin\\svnbench.exe", - "bin\\svndumpfilter.exe", - "bin\\svnlook.exe", - "bin\\svnmucc.exe", - "bin\\svnrdump.exe", - "bin\\svnserve.exe", - "bin\\svnsync.exe", - "bin\\svnversion.exe" - ], - "checkver": { - "re": "tortoisesvn/storage/(?[\\d.]+)/Application/TortoiseSVN-([\\d.]+)-x64-svn-(?[\\d.]+).msi", - "url": "" - }, - "description": "An Apache\u2122 Subversion (SVN)\u00ae client, implemented as a Windows shell extension.", - "extract_dir": "Program Files\\TortoiseSVN", - "homepage": "", - "license": "GPL-2.0-only", - "notes": [ - "To add TortoiseSVN as a context menu option, run '$dir\\tortoisesvn-install.reg'", - "For file associations, run '$dir\\tortoisesvn-install-tools.reg'" - ], - "post_install": [ - "$null, $bucket = find_manifest($app)", - "$bucketdir = Find-BucketDirectory($bucket)", - "$escdir = $dir -replace \"\\\\\",\"\\\\\"", - "(gc \"$bucketdir\\..\\scripts\\tortoise-svn\\tortoisesvn-install.reg.templ\") | % {$_ -replace \"%TSVNHOME%\",\"$escdir\"} | out-file -enc oem \"$dir\\tortoisesvn-install.reg\"", - "(gc \"$bucketdir\\..\\scripts\\tortoise-svn\\tortoisesvn-install-tools.reg.templ\") | % {$_ -replace \"%TSVNHOME%\",\"$escdir\"} | out-file -enc oem \"$dir\\tortoisesvn-install-tools.reg\"", - "cp \"$bucketdir\\..\\scripts\\tortoise-svn\\tortoisesvn-uninstall.reg\" \"$dir\"", - "sudo New-Item -Path \"$env:CommonProgramFiles\\TortoiseOverlays\" -Target \"$dir\\Common\\TortoiseOverlays\" -ItemType Junction | Out-Null" - ], - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "bin\\TortoiseIDiff.exe", - "TortoiseIDiff" - ], - [ - "bin\\TortoiseMerge.exe", - "TortoiseMerge" - ], - [ - "bin\\TortoiseProc.exe", - "TortoiseSVN", - "/command:rtfm" - ], - [ - "bin\\TortoiseProc.exe", - "TortoiseSVN Project Monitor", - "/command:monitor" - ], - [ - "bin\\TortoiseProc.exe", - "TortoiseSVN Repository Browser", - "/command:repobrowser" - ], - [ - "bin\\TortoiseProc.exe", - "TortoiseSVN Settings", - "/command:settings" - ] - ], - "uninstaller": { - "script": [ - "sudo reg import \"$dir\\tortoisesvn-uninstall.reg\"", - "sudo Remove-Item \"$Env:CommonProgramFiles\\TortoiseOverlays\"" - ] - }, - "version": "" + "homepage": "", + "description": "An Apache™ Subversion (SVN)® client, implemented as a Windows shell extension.", + "version": "", + "license": "GPL-2.0-only", + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "b04b8004b0048593868bf938cec4a6d412113ac7b7135fdf51e55b3251b5863b" + }, + "32bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "e9471c6011292719282e292983f89516a81606f4ce5e226503f10480fae3dc6d" + } + }, + "extract_dir": "Program Files\\TortoiseSVN", + "bin": [ + "bin\\svn.exe", + "bin\\svnadmin.exe", + "bin\\svnbench.exe", + "bin\\svndumpfilter.exe", + "bin\\svnlook.exe", + "bin\\svnmucc.exe", + "bin\\svnrdump.exe", + "bin\\svnserve.exe", + "bin\\svnsync.exe", + "bin\\svnversion.exe" + ], + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "bin\\TortoiseIDiff.exe", + "TortoiseIDiff" + ], + [ + "bin\\TortoiseMerge.exe", + "TortoiseMerge" + ], + [ + "bin\\TortoiseProc.exe", + "TortoiseSVN", + "/command:rtfm" + ], + [ + "bin\\TortoiseProc.exe", + "TortoiseSVN Project Monitor", + "/command:monitor" + ], + [ + "bin\\TortoiseProc.exe", + "TortoiseSVN Repository Browser", + "/command:repobrowser" + ], + [ + "bin\\TortoiseProc.exe", + "TortoiseSVN Settings", + "/command:settings" + ] + ], + "post_install": [ + "$null, $bucket = find_manifest($app)", + "$bucketdir = Find-BucketDirectory($bucket)", + "$escdir = $dir -replace \"\\\\\",\"\\\\\"", + "(gc \"$bucketdir\\..\\scripts\\tortoise-svn\\tortoisesvn-install.reg.templ\") | % {$_ -replace \"%TSVNHOME%\",\"$escdir\"} | out-file -enc oem \"$dir\\tortoisesvn-install.reg\"", + "(gc \"$bucketdir\\..\\scripts\\tortoise-svn\\tortoisesvn-install-tools.reg.templ\") | % {$_ -replace \"%TSVNHOME%\",\"$escdir\"} | out-file -enc oem \"$dir\\tortoisesvn-install-tools.reg\"", + "cp \"$bucketdir\\..\\scripts\\tortoise-svn\\tortoisesvn-uninstall.reg\" \"$dir\"", + "sudo New-Item -Path \"$env:CommonProgramFiles\\TortoiseOverlays\" -Target \"$dir\\Common\\TortoiseOverlays\" -ItemType Junction | Out-Null" + ], + "uninstaller": { + "script": [ + "sudo reg import \"$dir\\tortoisesvn-uninstall.reg\"", + "sudo Remove-Item \"$Env:CommonProgramFiles\\TortoiseOverlays\"" + ] + }, + "notes": [ + "To add TortoiseSVN as a context menu option, run '$dir\\tortoisesvn-install.reg'", + "For file associations, run '$dir\\tortoisesvn-install-tools.reg'" + ], + "checkver": { + "url": "", + "re": "tortoisesvn/storage/(?[\\d.]+)/Application/TortoiseSVN-([\\d.]+)-x64-svn-(?[\\d.]+).msi" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "$matchRelease/Application/TortoiseSVN-$version-x64-svn-$matchSvn.msi" + }, + "32bit": { + "url": "$matchRelease/Application/TortoiseSVN-$version-win32-svn-$matchSvn.msi" + } + } + } } diff --git a/bucket/tracetcp.json b/bucket/tracetcp.json index 5e67c6d800e..a6de70979be 100644 --- a/bucket/tracetcp.json +++ b/bucket/tracetcp.json @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ { - "_autoupdate": { - "extract_dir": "tracetcp_v$version", - "url": "$version/tracetcp_v$" - }, - "_checkver": { - "github": "" - }, - "bin": "tracetcp.exe", - "description": "A command line traceroute utility for WIN32 that uses TCP SYN packets rather than ICMP/UDP packets that the usual implementations use, thus bypassing gateways that block traditional traceroute packets.", - "extract_dir": "tracetcp_v1.0.3", - "hash": "413c7acb5171a32aee2d32115e6a4b10b956c3390921aa6c35f75be1e47433e4", - "homepage": "", - "license": "Zlib", - "notes": "This app requires WinPcap, you should install it first.", - "url": "", - "version": "1.0.3" + "homepage": "", + "description": "A command line traceroute utility for WIN32 that uses TCP SYN packets rather than ICMP/UDP packets that the usual implementations use, thus bypassing gateways that block traditional traceroute packets.", + "license": "Zlib", + "version": "1.0.3", + "url": "", + "hash": "413c7acb5171a32aee2d32115e6a4b10b956c3390921aa6c35f75be1e47433e4", + "extract_dir": "tracetcp_v1.0.3", + "bin": "tracetcp.exe", + "notes": "This app requires WinPcap, you should install it first.", + "_checkver": { + "github": "" + }, + "_autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/tracetcp_v$", + "extract_dir": "tracetcp_v$version" + } } diff --git a/bucket/tradingview.json b/bucket/tradingview.json index 113d94ccee2..30bc6a0a716 100644 --- a/bucket/tradingview.json +++ b/bucket/tradingview.json @@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ ] ], "checkver": { - 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"64bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "7217c298d56936c58e36f8b98fcea50537ae935d57bc85c946c6385b6ffdd7cc" - }, - "32bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "47c95d4bb315fc89353ec6f84fff31760c3c609282b076f9082e1ae37e86d9dc" - } - }, - "extract_dir": "TrafficMonitor", - "pre_install": [ - "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\config.ini\")) { Set-Content -Encoding Ascii \"$dir\\config.ini\" @('[general]', 'check_update_when_start = false') }", - "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\global_cfg.ini\")) { Set-Content -Encoding Ascii \"$dir\\global_cfg.ini\" @('[config]', 'portable_mode = true') }", - "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\history_traffic.dat\")) { New-Item \"$dir\\history_traffic.dat\" | Out-Null }" - ], - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "TrafficMonitor.exe", - "Traffic Monitor" - ] - ], - "persist": [ - "config.ini", - "global_cfg.ini", - "history_traffic.dat", - "plugins" - ], - "checkver": "github", - "autoupdate": { - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "$version/TrafficMonitor_V$" - }, - "32bit": { - "url": "$version/TrafficMonitor_V$" - } - } + "64bit": { + "url": "$version/TrafficMonitor_V$" + }, + "32bit": { + "url": "$version/TrafficMonitor_V$" + } } + }, + "_from": "okibcn/ScoopMaster" } diff --git a/bucket/transfer.json b/bucket/transfer.json index fd94d67705d..860ebe5f9b6 100644 --- a/bucket/transfer.json +++ b/bucket/transfer.json @@ -1,40 +1,33 @@ { "homepage": "", - "description": "集合多个API的大文件传输工具 Large file transfer tool with multiple file transfer services support", - "license": "MIT", + "description": "集合多个API的大文件传输工具.", "version": "0.4.17", + "license": "MIT", "architecture": { "64bit": { - "url": "", - "hash": "b4cbeb4dcc8e0b583bc5425ee767ded321c46894b154a12a15abf7121e4ac36b" + "url": "", + "hash": "b4cbeb4dcc8e0b583bc5425ee767ded321c46894b154a12a15abf7121e4ac36b", + "bin": [ + [ + "transfer.exe", + "transfer" + ] + ] }, "32bit": { - "url": "", + "url": "", "hash": "ada3587ca95ebf691d7f0398aba5f5cbb73129dbf16761330a2a8ec870361256" } }, - "bin": "transfer.exe", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "transfer.exe", - "transfer" - 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A game changer since 1997. A media player with a heritage, and a vibrant community of 80 million active users worldwide today.", + "hash": "fb089a6903d295155cbe91487e54904219b7aa1caebd39fa17e7ef0bf9591230", + "homepage": "", + "installer": { + "script": [ + "Move-Item \"$dir\\`$_12_\\Plugins\\Milkdrop2\\*.ini\" \"$dir\\Plugins\\Milkdrop2\\\" -Force", + "Rename-Item \"$dir\\`$R0\" \"$dir\\Skins\"", + "Remove-Item \"$dir\\`$*\", \"$dir\\Microsoft.VC*.*\", \"$dir\\file000*.*\" -Force -Recurse" + ] + }, + "license": "Freeware", + "persist": [ + "Winamp.ini", + "Plugins", + "Skins" + ], + "pre_install": "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\Winamp.ini\")) { New-Item \"$dir\\Winamp.ini\" | Out-Null }", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "winamp.exe", + "Winamp" + ] + ], + "url": "", + "version": "" } diff --git a/bucket/winapp2ool.json b/bucket/winapp2ool.json index c5f204821aa..bfc340df03c 100644 --- a/bucket/winapp2ool.json +++ b/bucket/winapp2ool.json @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ { - "bin": "winapp2ool.exe", - "description": "A utility for updating and trimming Winapp2.ini, a cleaning-routines file for CCleaner and other compatible cleaners", - "hash": "59467eb6dac8716afbd617f7e01b1b32dc00056ad2dd92f4016ae721809fd1af", - "homepage": "", - "license": "GPL-3.0-only", - "notes": [ - "winapp2ool has its own update mechanism, and said updates are not pushed to Releases.", - "Therefore, I have disabled Scoop autoupdate and marked the version 1.4+ as it is on GitHub.", - "If not existing- a default winapp2.ini is created with save/read \"settings from disk\" turned on.", - "Do note it does all operations (including updates) from working directory by default- so when using the shim it", - "won't load settings or logs from \"$dir\" unless you're residing in there.", - "I recommend using the shim only for direct command-line operations.", - "Use included app shortcut for updating and UI operations.", - "If reinstalled with Scoop (after having updated), persisted winapp2.ini may cause issues with older build.", - "Fix at your leisure!" - ], - "persist": "winapp2ool.ini", - "pre_install": "if(!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\winapp2ool.ini\")) { Set-Content \"$dir\\winapp2ool.ini\" (@('[Winapp2ool]', 'saveSettingsToDisk=True', 'readSettingsFromDisk=True') -join \"`r`n\") -Encoding Unicode | Out-Null }", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "winapp2ool.exe", - "winapp2ool" - ] - ], - "url": "", - "version": "1.4+" + "version": "1.4+", + "description": "A utility for updating and trimming Winapp2.ini, a cleaning-routines file for CCleaner and other compatible cleaners", + "homepage": "", + "license": "GPL-3.0-only", + "notes": [ + "winapp2ool has its own update mechanism, and said updates are not pushed to Releases.", + "Therefore, I have disabled Scoop autoupdate and marked the version 1.4+ as it is on GitHub.", + "If not existing- a default winapp2.ini is created with save/read \"settings from disk\" turned on.", + "Do note it does all operations (including updates) from working directory by default- so when using the shim it", + "won't load settings or logs from \"$dir\" unless you're residing in there.", + "I recommend using the shim only for direct command-line operations.", + "Use included app shortcut for updating and UI operations.", + "If reinstalled with Scoop (after having updated), persisted winapp2.ini may cause issues with older build.", + "Fix at your leisure!" + ], + "url": "", + "hash": "59467eb6dac8716afbd617f7e01b1b32dc00056ad2dd92f4016ae721809fd1af", + "bin": "winapp2ool.exe", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "winapp2ool.exe", + "winapp2ool" + ] + ], + "pre_install": "if(!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\winapp2ool.ini\")) { Set-Content \"$dir\\winapp2ool.ini\" (@('[Winapp2ool]', 'saveSettingsToDisk=True', 'readSettingsFromDisk=True') -join \"`r`n\") -Encoding Unicode | Out-Null }", + "persist": "winapp2ool.ini" } diff --git a/bucket/winauth-portable.json b/bucket/winauth-portable.json index d0b035e3da8..6b13bed2294 100644 --- a/bucket/winauth-portable.json +++ b/bucket/winauth-portable.json @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ { - "version": "3.6.2", - "description": "Authenticator for a wide variety of websites and services.", - "homepage": "", - "license": "GPL-3.0-only", - "url": "", - "hash": "3f34eb1ca342ad0783cd57c84f2f73c37df3ea880768dd415f509bfdbf02a785", - "pre_install": "if(!(Test-Path \"$dir/WinAuth.xml\")) { Add-Content \"$dir/WinAuth.xml\" $null }", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "WinAuth.exe", - "WinAuth" - ] - ], - "persist": "WinAuth.xml", - "checkver": { - "url": "", - "regex": "/winauth/winauth/tree/([\\d.]+)" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/WinAuth-$" - } + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version/WinAuth-$" + }, + "checkver": { + "regex": "/winauth/winauth/tree/([\\d.]+)", + "url": "" + }, + "description": "Authenticator for a wide variety of websites and services.", + "hash": "3f34eb1ca342ad0783cd57c84f2f73c37df3ea880768dd415f509bfdbf02a785", + "homepage": "", + "license": "GPL-3.0-only", + "persist": "WinAuth.xml", + "pre_install": "if(!(Test-Path \"$dir/WinAuth.xml\")) { Add-Content \"$dir/WinAuth.xml\" $null }", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "WinAuth.exe", + "WinAuth" + ] + ], + "url": "", + "version": "3.6.2" } diff --git a/bucket/wincd-emu.json b/bucket/wincd-emu.json index 1dc98659c62..51184b65617 100644 --- a/bucket/wincd-emu.json +++ b/bucket/wincd-emu.json @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ { - "version": "4.0", - "description": "CD/DVD/BD emulator - mounts optical disc images. ", - "homepage": "", - "license": "LGPL-3.0-only", - "url": "", - "hash": "c11fd7daa78fb946512f0f7c9ad26247192a6d556819bc73fc22f09007321d6d", - "bin": "WinCDEmu.exe", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "WinCDEmu.exe", - "WinCDEmu" - ] - ] + "bin": "WinCDEmu.exe", + "description": "CD/DVD/BD emulator - mounts optical disc images. ", + "hash": "c11fd7daa78fb946512f0f7c9ad26247192a6d556819bc73fc22f09007321d6d", + "homepage": "", + "license": "LGPL-3.0-only", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "WinCDEmu.exe", + "WinCDEmu" + ] + ], + "url": "", + "version": "4.0" } diff --git a/bucket/windbg-win32.json b/bucket/windbg-win32.json index 4c64ea632e2..0438984f7f7 100644 --- a/bucket/windbg-win32.json +++ b/bucket/windbg-win32.json @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ { - "version": "10.0.22000.194", - "description": "The Windows Debugger (WinDbg) can be used to debug kernel-mode and user-mode code, analyze crash dumps, and examine the CPU registers while the code executes.", - "homepage": "", - "url": "", - "hash": "ce8ada75df63df4bd48d840e6e1dc2ca023ec71e2302c68bb08f2c14a72decd4", - "bin": [ - [ - "windbg.exe", - "windbg-win32" - ], - [ - "cdb.exe", - "cdb-win32" - ], - [ - "gflags.exe", - "gflags-win32" - ] - ], - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "windbg.exe", - "Windbg (x86)" - ], - [ - "gflags.exe", - "GFlags (x86)" - ] - ] + "bin": [ + [ + "windbg.exe", + "windbg-win32" + ], + [ + "cdb.exe", + "cdb-win32" + ], + [ + "gflags.exe", + "gflags-win32" + ] + ], + "description": "The Windows Debugger (WinDbg) can be used to debug kernel-mode and user-mode code, analyze crash dumps, and examine the CPU registers while the code executes.", + "hash": "ce8ada75df63df4bd48d840e6e1dc2ca023ec71e2302c68bb08f2c14a72decd4", + "homepage": "", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "windbg.exe", + "Windbg (x86)" + ], + [ + "gflags.exe", + "GFlags (x86)" + ] + ], + "url": "", + "version": "10.0.22000.194" } diff --git a/bucket/windbg-win64.json b/bucket/windbg-win64.json index 47d6e4ecad8..60790e7e6cf 100644 --- a/bucket/windbg-win64.json +++ b/bucket/windbg-win64.json @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ { - "version": "10.0.22000.194", - "description": "The Windows Debugger (WinDbg) can be used to debug kernel-mode and user-mode code, analyze crash dumps, and examine the CPU registers while the code executes.", - "homepage": "", - "url": "", - "hash": "68838c436c018d394ae383b541509938b9ff0309b8ac3ab4bca22354ef7cfbb1", - "bin": [ - [ - "windbg.exe", - "windbg" - ], - [ - "cdb.exe", - "cdb" - ], - [ - "gflags.exe", - "gflags" - ] - ], - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "windbg.exe", - "Windbg (x64)" - ], - [ - "gflags.exe", - "GFlags (x64)" - ] - ] + "bin": [ + [ + "windbg.exe", + "windbg" + ], + [ + "cdb.exe", + "cdb" + ], + [ + "gflags.exe", + "gflags" + ] + ], + "description": "The Windows Debugger (WinDbg) can be used to debug kernel-mode and user-mode code, analyze crash dumps, and examine the CPU registers while the code executes.", + "hash": "68838c436c018d394ae383b541509938b9ff0309b8ac3ab4bca22354ef7cfbb1", + "homepage": "", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "windbg.exe", + "Windbg (x64)" + ], + [ + "gflags.exe", + "GFlags (x64)" + ] + ], + "url": "", + "version": "10.0.22000.194" } diff --git a/bucket/windbg32.json b/bucket/windbg32.json index 762e0318471..3a6e8904d06 100644 --- a/bucket/windbg32.json +++ b/bucket/windbg32.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ ["gflags.exe", "gflags32", ""] ], "shortcuts": [ - ["windbg.exe", "Hack/Disassemblers/Windbg x86 "], - ["gflags.exe", "Hack/Disassemblers/GFlags x86"] + ["windbg.exe", "Windbg x86 "], + ["gflags.exe", "GFlags x86"] ] } diff --git a/bucket/windedit.json b/bucket/windedit.json index b3e109a09e9..29147f9e6fc 100644 --- a/bucket/windedit.json +++ b/bucket/windedit.json @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@ { - "version": "1.0.0_Prerelease_1", - "description": "A high performace text editor for huge file and long line.", - "homepage": "", - "license": "Apache-2.0", - "suggest": { - "vcredist2019": "extras/vcredist2019" - }, - "url": "", - "hash": "3a730599715013ca6405c633e684829c4cf5d7b451d26d21295773b68ae2887f", - "extract_dir": "WindEdit_1.0.0", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "WindEdit.exe", - "WindEdit" - ] - ], - "persist": [ - "global", - "plugins", - "profiles", - "terminal" - ], - "checkver": { - "url": "", - "regex": "/kingToolbox/WindEdit/releases/download/(?<path>[prerelease\\-\\d.]+)?/WindEdit_([\\d.Prerelease_]+)_Windows" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$matchPath/WindEdit_$", - "extract_dir": "WindEdit_$majorVersion.$minorVersion.0" - } + "autoupdate": { + "extract_dir": "WindEdit_$majorVersion.$minorVersion.0", + "url": "$matchPath/WindEdit_$" + }, + "checkver": { + "regex": "/kingToolbox/WindEdit/releases/download/(?<path>[prerelease\\-\\d.]+)?/WindEdit_([\\d.Prerelease_]+)_Windows", + "url": "" + }, + "description": "A high performace text editor for huge file and long line.", + "extract_dir": "WindEdit_1.0.0", + "hash": "3a730599715013ca6405c633e684829c4cf5d7b451d26d21295773b68ae2887f", + "homepage": "", + "license": "Apache-2.0", + "persist": [ + "global", + "plugins", + "profiles", + "terminal" + ], + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "WindEdit.exe", + "WindEdit" + ] + ], + "suggest": { + "vcredist2019": "extras/vcredist2019" + }, + "url": "", + "version": "1.0.0_Prerelease_1" } diff --git a/bucket/windows-repair-toolbox.json b/bucket/windows-repair-toolbox.json index eaa6d674049..d8fb8045b06 100644 --- a/bucket/windows-repair-toolbox.json +++ b/bucket/windows-repair-toolbox.json @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ { - "version": "", - "description": "Windows Repair Toolbox (freeware) is a portable program that helps you repair a Windows system.", - "homepage": "", - "url": "", - "hash": "50740f63124075cc0b474d6e1c665bf50f1c639e40de562160e8ddc6d3ceff9b", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "Windows_Repair_Toolbox.exe", - "Windows Repair Toolbox" - ] - ], - "persist": "Downloads", - "checkver": { - "url": "", - "regex": "Program version:\\s([\\d.]+)" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "" - } + "autoupdate": { + "url": "" + }, + "checkver": { + "regex": "Program version:\\s([\\d.]+)", + "url": "" + }, + "description": "Windows Repair Toolbox (freeware) is a portable program that helps you repair a Windows system.", + "hash": "50740f63124075cc0b474d6e1c665bf50f1c639e40de562160e8ddc6d3ceff9b", + "homepage": "", + "persist": "Downloads", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "Windows_Repair_Toolbox.exe", + "Windows Repair Toolbox" + ] + ], + "url": "", + "version": "" } diff --git a/bucket/windows-toolbox.json b/bucket/windows-toolbox.json index f7d3fbb10d2..2d42e606a30 100644 --- a/bucket/windows-toolbox.json +++ b/bucket/windows-toolbox.json @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ { - 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"homepage": "", - "description": "Update Manager for Windows. Manage updates of Microsoft products.", - "version": "1.1b", - "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later", - "url": "", - "hash": "585f10d7d75779b8a74859a9b70a925370f593b239ecf8b8c328ed59c71b276a", - "bin": "wumgr.exe", - "pre_install": "if(!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\wumgr.ini\")) { New-Item \"$dir\\wumgr.ini\" -Type File | Out-Null }", - "persist": "wumgr.ini", - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "wumgr.exe", - "Update Manager for Windows" - ] - ], - "checkver": { - "github": "", - "regex": "WuMgr_v([\\w.]+)\\.zip" - }, - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$matchHead/WuMgr_v$" - } + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$matchHead/WuMgr_v$" + }, + "bin": "wumgr.exe", + "checkver": { + "github": "", + "regex": "WuMgr_v([\\w.]+)\\.zip" + }, + "description": "Update Manager for Windows. Manage updates of Microsoft products.", + "hash": "585f10d7d75779b8a74859a9b70a925370f593b239ecf8b8c328ed59c71b276a", + "homepage": "", + "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later", + "persist": "wumgr.ini", + "pre_install": "if(!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\wumgr.ini\")) { New-Item \"$dir\\wumgr.ini\" -Type File | Out-Null }", + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "wumgr.exe", + "Update Manager for Windows" + ] + ], + "url": "", + "version": "1.1b" } diff --git a/bucket/windows-update-minitool.json b/bucket/windows-update-minitool.json index 93fa3553864..543abad1897 100644 --- a/bucket/windows-update-minitool.json +++ b/bucket/windows-update-minitool.json @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ { - "architecture": { - "32bit": { - "bin": [ - [ - "wumt_x64.exe", - "wumt" - ] - ], - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "wumt_x86.exe", - "Windows Update MiniTool" - ] - ] - }, - "64bit": { - "bin": [ - [ - "wumt_x86.exe", - "wumt" - ] - ], - "shortcuts": [ - [ - "wumt_x86.exe", - "Windows Update MiniTool" - ] - ] - } - }, - "autoupdate": { - "hash": { - "mode": "extract", - "regex": "^$sha256([\\s]+)$basename", - "url": "" - }, - "url": "$matchFilename" - }, - "checkver": { - "regex": "(?s)(?<filename>wumt_v(([\\d.]+)).*?\\.(?:7z|zip|rar))", - "reverse": true, - "url": "" - }, - "description": "Alternative to standard Windows Update.", - "hash": "1bd6fbd5e65d9e88f47cb43f60e0e694b702513fde26afb18a0d1396bcb7307d", - "homepage": "", - "license": { - "identifier": "Freeware" - }, - "url": "", - "version": "22.04.2022" + "version": "22.04.2022", + "description": "Alternative to standard Windows Update.", + "homepage": "", + "license": { + "identifier": "Freeware" + }, + "url": "", + "hash": "1bd6fbd5e65d9e88f47cb43f60e0e694b702513fde26afb18a0d1396bcb7307d", + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "bin": [ + [ + "wumt_x86.exe", + "wumt" + ] + ], + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "wumt_x86.exe", + "Windows Update MiniTool" + ] + ] + }, + "32bit": { + "bin": [ + [ + "wumt_x64.exe", + "wumt" + ] + ], + "shortcuts": [ + [ + "wumt_x86.exe", + "Windows Update MiniTool" + ] + ] + } + }, + "checkver": { + "url": "", + "regex": "(?s)(?<filename>wumt_v(([\\d.]+)).*?\\.(?:7z|zip|rar))", + "reverse": true + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$matchFilename", + "hash": { + "url": "", + "mode": "extract", + "regex": "^$sha256([\\s]+)$basename" + } + } } diff --git a/bucket/windows11-fixer-lite.json b/bucket/windows11-fixer-lite.json index 39a7b9b0436..03e7e712fca 100644 --- a/bucket/windows11-fixer-lite.json +++ b/bucket/windows11-fixer-lite.json @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ { - 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"Copy-Item \"$dir\\YaHeiFiraIconHybrid-Regular.ttf\" -Destination $fontInstallDir" - ] - }, - "uninstaller": { - "script": [ - "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", - "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", - "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", - "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", - "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", - " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", - " exit 1", - "}", - "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", - "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", - "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", - "Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name \"YaHei Fira Icon Hybrid Regular (TrueType)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\YaHeiFiraIconHybrid-Regular.ttf\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", - "Write-Host \"The 'YaHei Fira Icon Hybrid' Font has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" - ] - } + "description": "\u9002\u7528\u4e8e Vim \u53ca\u7ec8\u7aef\u56fe\u6807\u7684\u4e2d\u82f1\u6587\u6df7\u5408\u5b57\u4f53", + "hash": "e07bdbb4ff178c84af21202c9ecf4bd8b105d0ef34c46f33f25d83cc62005d19", + "homepage": "", + "installer": { + "script": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", + "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", + "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", + " error \"Administrator rights are required to install $app.\"", + " exit 1", + "}", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", + "New-Item $fontInstallDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null", + "$value = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"YaHeiFiraIconHybrid-Regular.ttf\" } else { \"$fontInstallDir\\YaHeiFiraIconHybrid-Regular.ttf\" }", + "New-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name \"YaHei Fira Icon Hybrid Regular (TrueType)\" -Value $value -Force | Out-Null", + "Copy-Item \"$dir\\YaHeiFiraIconHybrid-Regular.ttf\" -Destination $fontInstallDir" + ] + }, + "license": "Apache-2.0", + "uninstaller": { + "script": [ + "$currentBuildNumber = [int] (Get-ItemProperty \"HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\").CurrentBuildNumber", + "$windows1809BuildNumber = 17763", + "$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported = $currentBuildNumber -ge $windows1809BuildNumber", + "$isFontInstallationForAllUsers = $global -or !$isPerUserFontInstallationSupported", + "if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers -and !(is_admin)) {", + " error \"Administrator rights are required to uninstall $app.\"", + " exit 1", + "}", + "$fontInstallDir = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"$env:windir\\Fonts\" } else { \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts\" }", + "$registryRoot = if ($isFontInstallationForAllUsers) { \"HKLM\" } else { \"HKCU\" }", + "$registryKey = \"${registryRoot}:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\"", + "Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryKey -Name \"YaHei Fira Icon Hybrid Regular (TrueType)\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", + "Remove-Item \"$fontInstallDir\\YaHeiFiraIconHybrid-Regular.ttf\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", + "Write-Host \"The 'YaHei Fira Icon Hybrid' Font has been uninstalled and will not be present after restarting your computer.\" -Foreground Magenta" + ] + }, + "url": "", + "version": "1.002" } diff --git a/bucket/yank-note.json b/bucket/yank-note.json index 33239a20955..ce6bc67b666 100644 --- a/bucket/yank-note.json +++ b/bucket/yank-note.json @@ -1,15 +1,14 @@ { - "homepage": "", - "license": "AGPL-3.0-or-later", - "description": "A Hackable Markdown Note Application for Programmers.", "version": "3.51.0", + "description": "A hackable markdown note application for programmers", + "homepage": "", + "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "architecture": { "64bit": { "url": "", "hash": "650e5fa6ed900074eaf399a7037e43c35485b450c4d9a0c6d32e7179b2498192" } }, - "bin": "Yank Note.exe", "shortcuts": [ [ "Yank Note.exe", diff --git a/bucket/yarn-completion.json b/bucket/yarn-completion.json index d0555d47e5b..72d908137cb 100644 --- a/bucket/yarn-completion.json +++ b/bucket/yarn-completion.json @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ { - "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version.nupkg" - }, - "checkver": { - "regex": "<h2>([\\d.]+)</h2>", - "url": "" - }, - "description": "A Yarn tab completion for PowerShell.", - "hash": "f8b805c7eb59fc3ce43fdd078ba75198b240f167a65c3b54250fb65bc07c668d", - "homepage": "", - "license": { - "identifier": "Apache-2.0", - "url": "" - }, - "notes": [ - "Use the module by running: 'Import-Module yarn-completion'", - "Add it to your $PROFILE to make it permanent" - ], - "pre_install": "Remove-Item \"$dir\\_rels\", \"$dir\\package\", \"$dir\\*Content*.xml\" -Recurse", - "psmodule": { - "name": "yarn-completion" - }, - "url": "", - "version": "0.1.2" + "version": "0.1.2", + "description": "A Yarn tab completion for PowerShell.", + "homepage": "", + "license": { + "identifier": "Apache-2.0", + "url": "" + }, + "notes": [ + "Use the module by running: 'Import-Module yarn-completion'", + "Add it to your $PROFILE to make it permanent" + ], + "url": "", + "hash": "f8b805c7eb59fc3ce43fdd078ba75198b240f167a65c3b54250fb65bc07c668d", + "pre_install": "Remove-Item \"$dir\\_rels\", \"$dir\\package\", \"$dir\\*Content*.xml\" -Recurse", + "psmodule": { + "name": "yarn-completion" + }, + "checkver": { + "url": "", + "regex": "<h2>([\\d.]+)</h2>" + }, + "autoupdate": { + "url": "$version.nupkg" + } } diff --git a/bucket/yarr.json b/bucket/yarr.json index 86fe712b239..123c98c24f2 100644 --- a/bucket/yarr.json +++ b/bucket/yarr.json @@ -1,22 +1,42 @@ { - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "hash": "18bbc85d17e9b853e44ee78d213b31327151fe8408986237cbbc9dccb7c18ef8", - "url": "" - } - }, - "autoupdate": { - "architecture": { - "64bit": { - "url": "$version/yarr-v$" - } - } - }, - "bin": "yarr.exe", - "checkver": "github", - "description": "yet another rss reader", - "homepage": "", - "license": "MIT", - "notes": "the database of yarr is stored at %APPDATA%\\yarr", - "version": "2.3" + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "hash": "18bbc85d17e9b853e44ee78d213b31327151fe8408986237cbbc9dccb7c18ef8", + "url": "" + } + }, + "autoupdate": { + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "$version/yarr-v$" + } + } + }, + "bin": [ + [ + "yarr.exe", + "yarr", + "-db", + "$persist_dir\\db\\storage.db" + ] + ], + "persist": [ + "db" + ], + "checkver": "github", + "description": "yet another rss reader", + "homepage": "", + "license": "MIT", + "version": "2.3", + "installer": { + "script": [ + "Remove-Item \"$dir\\db\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue", + "Remove-Item \"$dir\\db.original\" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue" + ] + }, + "uninstaller": { + "script": [ + "Remove-Item \"$dir\" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue" + ] + } } diff --git a/bucket/yj.json b/bucket/yj.json index 6063991f655..1c9372b8f24 100644 --- a/bucket/yj.json +++ b/bucket/yj.json @@ -1,13 +1,21 @@ { - "version": "5.1.0", "homepage": "", - "description": "Convert between YAML, TOML, JSON, and HCL. Preserves map order.", + "description": "Convert between YAML, TOML, JSON, and HCL", "license": "Apache-2.0", - "url": "", - "hash": "b9a3091fa55ec4afd1b6584dbda8568178d4d22536830c6335c766cebfaaccf2", + "version": "5.1.0", + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "b9a3091fa55ec4afd1b6584dbda8568178d4d22536830c6335c766cebfaaccf2" + } + }, "bin": "yj.exe", "checkver": "github", "autoupdate": { - "url": "$version/yj.exe" + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "$version/yj.exe" + } + } } } diff --git a/bucket/ynote.json b/bucket/ynote.json index 7e77ede88fc..e0d55bc8bd5 100644 --- a/bucket/ynote.json +++ b/bucket/ynote.json @@ -1,30 +1,27 @@ { + "homepage": "", + "description": "有道云笔记", "version": "6.10.1", - "description": "Note app with cloud service, a production of Netease Inc.", - "license": "", + "license": "unknown", + "architecture": { + "64bit": { + "url": "", + "hash": "5BD9AB33DB9F48AEEA2A171652C4918455D002BED1847D8ECB64C29E4E16C22E" + } + }, "extract_dir": "", - 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