Quick Note: Ickle is at a very initial stage and this path will keep changing. You may recommend / work on features you wish to add even if they are not mentioned here after a discussion with us.
Currently we do not have proper documentation site. We are simply documenting everything in a Jupyter Notebook. Want to help us creating docs? Reach out on Discord: @carishma#3453
- Dataframe and Visual Representation
- Basic properties (len, columns, shape, etc)
- Subset Selection
- Basic Methods (head, tail)
- Aggregation Methods (min, max, median, sum, etc)
- Non-Aggregation Methods (abs, copy, clip, cummin, etc)
- Additional Methods (isna, count, unique, etc)
- String-Only Methods (capitalize, center, count, find)
- Pivot Table
- Import and Export Data
- read_csv
- to_csv
- Excel
- read_excel
- to_excel
- read_json
- to_json
- read_html
- to_html
- Parquet
- read_parquet
- to_parquet
- read_xml
- to_xml
- read_sql
- to_sql
For contributing, check out - CONTRIBUTION.md