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ADHERENT scripts execution

Paolo Viceconte edited this page Mar 1, 2022 · 12 revisions

This wiki describes how run the python scripts related to the simulation and experimental results obtained in the ADHERENT paper. It is assumed here that a proper setup has been configured by following the ADHERENT setup configuration wiki.

In this wiki, Section 1 needs to be performed first. From Section 2 on, each section addresses a different component of the ADHERENT pipeline and is independent from the other sections. Therefore, you are not required to follow the wiki in order. Just follow Section 1 and then directly one or more sections you are interested in, before concluding with Section 8.

1. Restart the docker container

  • Connect the joystick to your laptop via bluetooth or usb.

  • Restart the container:

    docker restart adherent
  • For ⚠️ each terminal from which you need to access the container, run:

    xhost +
    docker exec -it adherent bash

    and, within the container, reach the ADHERENT scripts folder by:

    cd adherent/scripts

2. Retargeting

  • Retarget an example motion using Whole-Body Geometric Retargeting (WBGR) by:


    Wait for the motion to be retargeted and press Enter to visualize the retargeted motion.

  • Retarget an example motion using Kinematically-Feasible Whole-Body Geometric Retargeting (KFWBGR) by:

    python --KFWBGR
  • Obtain mirrored retargeted MoCap data while using WBGR by:

    python --mirroring

    and while using KFWBGR by:

    python --KFWBGR --mirroring
  • Run the script with --save and the retargeted MoCap will be saved in the retargeted_motion.txt file in the same folder of the script. You can then visualize the latest retargeted motion (without performing retargeting computations again) by:

    python --latest
  • Visualize all the retargeted MoCap data included in our training dataset by varying the --dataset, --portion and --mirrored arguments. For instance, visualize the mirrored MoCap from the portion n.2 of the dataset D2 by:

    python --dataset D2 --portion 2 --mirrored
  • Compare WBGR and KFWBGR by visualizing - one after the other - the retargeted motions obtained using WBGR and KFWBGR on the same MoCap data (as in the supplementary video submitted with the paper) by:


3. Features extraction

  • Etract the I/O features for the network from one of the retargeted motions included in our training dataset by varying the --dataset, --portion and --mirrored arguments of the dedicated script. The features are first computed in the global frame and then transformed in the local frame to be used by the network. Use --plot_global or --plot_local if you want to visualize the global or local features, respectively. For instance, extract the features from the mirrored portion n.6 of the dataset D3 and visualize them globally by:

    python --dataset D3 --portion 6 --mirrored --plot_global

4. Training

  • Launch a new training by:

  • To monitor the training online by exploiting tensorboard, check the Savepath printed on the terminal by the above script. Access the docker container from another terminal and reach the scripts folder (see Section 1 above) and then run:

    tensorboard --logdir <Savepath>

    Open in the browser the link returned in the terminal by the above command and wait for the first training data to be saved (this may require some time).

5. Interactive trajectory generation

  • Access the docker container from three different terminals (see Section 1 above) and run:

    Terminal 1:

    yarpserver --write

    Terminal 2:

    python --deactivate_bezier_plot

    Terminal 3:

  • Once you see the simulated robot and the motion and facing directions coming from the joystick, press Enter to start the trajectory generation and interactively provide joystick inputs to the trajectory generator.

  • The generated trajectory resulting from the given joystick inputs will be visualized in the simulator. You can optionally use --plot_trajectory_blending, --plot_footsteps and --plot_blending_coefficients to visualize further details on the generated trajectory, but the additional plots will slow down the process.

  • After 1000 inference steps (unless differently specified with --save_every_N_iterations), the files:

    • blending_coefficients.txt
    • footsteps.txt
    • joystick_input.txt
    • postural.txt

    will be stored in the /adherent/datasets/inference folder.

  • You can visualize the generated trajectory (along with the correspondent joystick inputs, footsteps and blending coefficients) via:


6. Trajectory control in simulation

  • Access the docker container from four different terminals (see Section 1 above) and run:

    Terminal 1:

    yarpserver --write

    Terminal 2:

    gazebo /iit/sources/robotology-superbuild/src/icub-gazebo/icub_base_est/icub_world.sdf

    If the gazebo simulation doesn't start automatically, press Play (an error will appear on the terminal until the simulation starts).

    ⚠️ Reduce the simulation RTF to 0.5 (or less) by setting the Physics->real_time_units parameter to 500 (or less), since joint velocity measurements are significantly noisy with high RTFs. If you skip this step, the trajectory control could fail due to the noisy measurements.

    Terminal 3:

    YARP_CLOCK=/clock yarprobotinterface --config launch-wholebodydynamics.xml

    Terminal 4:

  • Inspect the original and scaled footsteps (according to the --footstep_scaling argument) while waiting for the trajectory optimization computations.

  • When suggested on the terminal, press Enter to start the trajectory control.

  • Once the trajectory control is over, data are saved in a dedicated folder within the /adherent/datasets/trajectory_control_simulation folder. Inspect the data of the latest controlled trajectory by:

    python --<data_to_plot>

    where <data_to_plot> is plot_CoM_ZMP_DCM, plot_feet_cartesian_tracking, plot_feet_wrenches, plot_joints_position_tracking or plot_joints_velocity_tracking, depending on the data you want to inspect. If you want to inspect data related to other controlled trajectories, set --data_path accordingly.

7. Additional plots

  • Reproduce the simulated results summarized in Fig.5 in the paper (Success/failures for different combinations of footstep and velocity scaling) by performing Section 6 above (Trajectory control in simulation) with varying parameters for the python script:

    • --trajectory_path:

      • use ../datasets/inference/experiments/1_forward/ for forward walking (Fig. 5, left)
      • use ../datasets/inference/experiments/6_backward/ for backward walking (Fig. 5, center)
      • use ../datasets/inference/experiments/4_left/ for side walking (Fig. 5, right)
    • --time_scaling: use integers '1', '2', '3' or '4' (this is the inverse of the velocity scaling in the Fig.5, which takes value in {1, 0.5, 0.33, 0.25})

    • --footstep_scaling: use '0.2', '0.4', '0.6', '0.8' or '1.0'

    For instance, reproduce the {footstep_scaling=0.6, velocity_scaling=1.0} side walking by:

    python --trajectory_path ../datasets/inference/experiments/4_left/ --time_scaling 1 --footstep_scaling 0.6
  • Reproduce Fig.6 in the paper (ADHERENT-generated vs. human-retargeted joint trajectories) by:

  • Reproduce Fig.7 in the paper (ADHERENT Postural vs. Fixed Postural) by:

  • Reproduce Fig.8 in the paper (blending coefficients activations) by:


8. Stop the docker container

Type exit to exit the current terminal within the docker container and then run:

docker stop adherent

At this stage, you will have a stopped container, ready to be reactivated (Section 1 above) to follow this wiki again. If you want instead to clean the entire setup, please follow these steps.

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