A module defined to forward the packet (which generated via COAP server) to the MQTT BROKER. Then each subscriber is able to receive the packet.
1-install eclips include californium
2-run coap server as a java app in eclips
3-run a local MQTT-BROKER
4-run COAP-MQTT integration module
5-run subscriber to subscribe the topic in the MQTT-BROKER
The client has to learn about the endpoint used by a server as a part of discovery service offered by a CoAP server.
A server is discovered by a client (knowing or) learning a URI that references a resource in the namespace of the server.
The CoAP default port number 5683 MUST be supported by a server that offers resources for the resource-discovery and SHOULD be supported for providing access to other resources.
The default port number 5684 for DTLS-secured CoAP MAY be supported by a server for resource discovery and for providing access to other resources. In addition, other endpoints may be hosted at other ports, space.
A special thanks goes to Prof Luca Veltri(https://github.com/thingsstack) and Prof Marco Picone(https://github.com/piconem) for supporting and guidance.