- Preventing caching when plugin is loading, because it results in lagging on start of sublime. Instead it caches paths on first import.
- Separate standard library imports from another places with a new line.
- Find list of words when navigating path recursively.
- Search for modules from current working directory every time before checking cached files.
- Creating cache file inside of
folder not in sublime's zip file. - Fix Messing up imported keywords when contains
or any non word character. - Don't suggest import paths which has
directory. - Fix wrong import name when library is on the root of the opened project.
- Fix not importing some of the GOMODCACHE packages.
- Cache paths of GOROOT and GOMODCACHE to import faster.
- Show quick panel for multi name imports.
- Sorting imports when importing.
- Add Settings file for setting GOROOT and GOMODCACHE for other OS.
- Fix to not consider import line itself when erasing unused imports.
- Being unable to import when no project is open.
- Find libraries inside opened project.
- Find installed libraries.
- Get/Filter import keywords regex.