For more info see
- test full install
- windows 7
- disable updates
- Windows 7 / Python
- new branch
- python3, gtk, 32 bit, no choco
- python linter
- github actions
- vim: editorconfig check
- hello world - show hi/hello.txt
- deploy with subdirs to windows 7 32 bit
- arch: unit tests, MVP, mock OS
- classes: powershell, wmi, exec
- versions
- defer to ubiquity, [x] disclaimer, static cfg
- download iso, progress page
- checks
- locale/dynamic preseed
- distro picker
- user
- install type, disk sizing
- Downloads
- If pwsh<3, install .NET 4.5. Check for and download
Start-Process -FilePath D:\path\to\dotnetfx45_full_x86_x64.exe -ArgumentList "/q /norestart" -Wait -Verb RunAs
echo $?
- If pwsh<3, install Powershell 3 for Windows 7 w/WMI, WinRM.
Check pending updates on restart
Require 6.1.7601 (64 bit)
$mount test
distros $vmlinux = (dir 'D:' -file -filter 'vmlinu' -recurse).FullName.toLower() -replace '^\w:','' -replace '\','/' $initrd = (dir 'D:' -file -filter 'initrd' -recurse).FullName.toLower() -replace '^\w:','' -replace '\','/'
#$global:data.iso_url = 'ubuntu-18.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso' #$global:data.iso_url = 'deepin-15.11-amd64.iso' import and modify grub /boot/grub/grub.cfg prefix (usb) to all paths grep linux grub.cfg | sed -r 's|([ \t=])/|\1(usb)/|g; s| file=[^ ]+ | |g s|iso-scan/filename=[^ ]+||g' add "kernel-params" to distros.ps1 - e.g. automatic-ubiquity inject preseed: file=, iso-scan/filename= reduce timeout or add if not exists. 3s
distro test - debug mode
- preseed on success command that writes to a shared folder to let host know it all worked!
- install vbox additions
- log files
- snapshot
- shut down VM after startup
- copy .iso back to host, if not exists
- test waits for shutdown of VM and moves to next distro
- on a very long timeout, kill it and mark as failure.
- check that a snapshot was created
- preseed on success command that writes to a shared folder to let host know it all worked!
Ubuntu 19.10 errors - can't umount /cdrom
Download all dependencies and package, if compatible
- 18.04's grubx64.efi
- PopOS's shimx64.efi
- windowsZones.xml
- 7z.exe (may not need it)
List of legal Qs
- best way to list 3rd party licenses
- license for shimx64?
- gpl2 usable?
nvidia R&D
full-disk: wait X min, screenshot
- branch
- checkout various commit-id's or stashes
debug boolean in $data
- branch
- fast - skip extra packages
- install vbox guest additions
- install openssh-server
How to help doc
- relax risk
Win 7. VM. Test
Win 7, EFI/MBR, 32/64 bit (hardware) testing
reboot-continue (to delete swap)
Advanced options
icons: os-uninstall, Windows files,
- (also,
- get recovery key and tell user to write it down.
- requires secure boot.
uninstall - bcd import, delete part2, expand C:, delete tunic grub
log dump
pre-install: bit-torrent client seeding ubuntu installs
32 bit
if laptop install TLP
- ico
- Spash (during free space calc)
- screenshot(s)
- download to temp file and move
- hash password
- distros: key, sig url
- nsis - ico
- grub protection task
- test bcd restore
- grub-installer update-grub workaround in preseed.cfg
- grub move to $ESP/tunic
- refactor - squash + hide, cli api, globals
- keyboard select -
- detect pending updates. refuse to install
Help me
GPL headers
calc avilable as partition gap + sizemin - 2.1
required vs supported
cards: checks, input, advanced, progress
- Always show (even if briefly)
- if all succeed, go to next
- if fail, exit, re-check buttons.
- C: size, free
- disk number: 1
- Shrink Windows by: 10 GB
- available space
- "Tunic will use available space."
- [Clean] button
- Username(current) + Password + Password
- Computer name
- Distro: [Linux Mint, Cinnamon, 64 bit]
- Advanced
- Agree
- Continue
- ISO URL or file: https://...
- Browse Config files (dir of generated preseed.cfg, grub.cfg, ks.cfg)
- Skip shrink partition (clean, disable swap, defrag, reboot-cont)
- Skip Ubiquity UI
- Reboot now
- everything is non null
- shrink <= available
- either: shrink size or unused space is > ubuntu requirement + iso + new-efi
- accept = checked
- PSJob in background
- Abort button
- if, MBR unhide Continue button
- Converting to EFI n/a (don't auto-reboot if this is done)
- Remove swap
- Defragmenting Done
- Add swap
- Partitioning In Progress
- Downloading To do
- enable Continue
(Get-WinSystemLocale).name -eq 'en-US' (Get-WinSystemLocale).textInfo.culturename -eq 'en' (Get-Culture).TwoLetterISOLanguageName -eq 'en' (Get-Culture).Name -eq 'en-US' (New-Object System.Globalization.RegionInfo (Get-Culture).Name).TwoLetterISORegionName -eq 'US'
$form = None while($true) { if(! $form ) $form.close() source view.ps1 $ } <# Failed testing, usu. because of paths. @{ name='Pop!_OS - 19.10'; url=''; } @{ name='Pop!_OS - 18.04/LTS'; url=''; }, @{ name='Deepin 15.11'; url=''; } #>
insmod ntfs insmod part_gpt
source /boot/grub/grub.var.cfg source /boot/grub/grub.params.cfg
set iso_path="$real_iso_path automatic-ubiquity"
set efi="$root"
search --set=ntfs --file "$real_iso_path"
loopback loop ($ntfs)"$real_iso_path"
set root=(loop)
source /boot/grub/grub.cfg
set root="$efi"
set timeout=3
#TODO: win menu goes there
linux /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/linuxmint.seed boot=casper iso-scan/filename=${iso_path} quiet splash --
initrd /casper/initrd.lz
linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz file=/isodevice${tunic_dir}/preseed.cfg automatic-ubiquity boot=casper iso-scan/filename=${iso_path} toram noprompt --
initrd (loop)/casper/initrd.lz
pip install pyinstaller
pip install pywin32 wmi
pip install wmi
--- windows7
sed -rn '/^\s*+#/d; /\{/d; s/remove-item//i; s/new-object//i; s/start-process//i; s/write-host//i; s/out-null//i; s/[gs]et-content//i; s/test-path//i; s/where-object//i; s/^.*\b(\w+-\w+).*$/\1/p' tunic.ps1 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | grep -Ev 'as-is|import-module|new-itemproperty|pop-os|re-part|set-loca|windirstat|xfce|7-zip|desktop-amd|remove-item|restart-computer|re-enabl' | sort | uniq -c | sort
r!xsel -o
/disable-windowserrorreporting /enable-windowserrorreporting enable-computerrestore disable-computerrestore
get-culture /get-timezone
/complete-bitstransfer /resume-bitstransfer /start-bitstransfer
/confirm-securebootuefi /optimize-volume /get-partitionsupportedsize /resize-partition /get-volume /get-disk /dismount-diskimage /get-partition