Fri 5 Apr 13:38:54 BST 2019
- 00dc003 FAB-14144 Integration test reformat
- ade6b17 FAB-14730 Add getPrivateDataHash
- ab0a573 FAB-14919 Update proto copy to fix build
- d1c03f0 Upgrade nodeenv to Node 10
- 04276dd FAB-14571 Upgrade node version to 10.15.2
- 11f7d09 Revert "Upgrade nodeenv to Node 10"
- 3b08ffa FAB-14722 send metadata when handling params
- 9f725f4 Retire dormant fabric-chaincode-node maintainers
- 7d6d6e0 Upgrade nodeenv to Node 10
- e198775 FAB-14440 Port of gRPC loader fix
- 541582b FAB-14442 Boolean return values
- ff7f09c FAB-13051 add package-lock.json files
- 1ee762c FAB-14537 components ref components
- 7b258b9 FAB-14414 adding own network for tests
- 805d1a4 FAB-14246 generateSchema for maps
- e634779 FAB-13048 Addition tx logging
- 8521ea9 FAB-14095 metadata ignore contract fcns
- 4cbd4c2 FAB-14133 updated property tag to handle array type
- 4c68291 FAB-14093 [FAB-14097] schema update
- 486ea6d FAB-13692 add submitTx by default to txns
- 01cac04 FAB-14071 added schema ref to generated metadata
- c52de4a FAB-13319 update to set default value for metadata
- cc6ebdf FAB-13925 Updated to handle numeric type conversion
- a072c81 FAB-13938 adding npm ignore
- bfd7142 FAB-13909 fix for unknown transaction shim.error
- 8d87135 FAB-13048 adding logging
- a53d637 FAB-13874 Publish nodeenv image with stable tag
- 19a48f4 FAB-13864 adding description to param
- 26e6fb6 FAB-12846 added ability to specify arrays
- 7940bde FAB-13816 Fixed format of generated metadata
- a4e725e FAB-13789 Fix env variables, update metadata layout
- 3b2d186 FAB-13431 Publish nodeenv image to nexus
- 7dc48bd FAB-13462 reintroducing devmode tests
- 8e813ef FAB-12959 metadata generate command
- 081f11d FAB-13699 Reformatted gulp test-e2e tasks
- 90cae9a FAB-13551 Updated Gulp Version
- 1456c48 FAB-13380 Fix docs for testing chaincode
- 0269cd5 FAB-13462 Add dev mode test logging + disable
- dfef7e4 Configure Stale ProBot
- d5f65b2 FAB-13429Fix command in fabric-chaincode-api tutorial
- b7532c5 FAB-13426 Fix type definition for protobuf bytes
- 90bfcf4 FAB-11555 Create fabric-nodeenv image
- c6ece0c FAB-12072 inversion of control
- 588accf FAB-13319 Adding default annotation
- 35686d7 FAB-13229 master prepare next release
Tue 11 Dec 08:58:56 GMT 2018
- 5ac251c FAB-13217 default name of contract
- 1a5d311 FAB-13205 Return type is 100pc symetric
- 520ab29 FAB-13131 Chaincode Release notes
- e845805 fixing FV test metadata
- 844076c FAB-13172 Supplying INFO only from file
- 830ee39 beta -> snapshot
- 2a4f112 FAB-13148 Info annotation
- 4b182f4 FAB-13047 beta2
- 83628fd [FAB-13134 ] Correct super type name
- 66ed193 FAB-12609 adding FV test for annotations
- 586dfbf FAB-13047 beta.2
- b42c60c FAB-13109 Serialzed form of primitives
- 81170d7 FAB-12072 add isContract
- cd06d8f FAB-12999 Refactor to support param validation
- 84fe5f2 FAB-12961 remove incorrect utf8 check
- e347539 FAB-12961 Return type marshaling
- 1bd6e4f FAB-12958 no using package.json for contract specs
- fc42f59 FAB-12921 Fix s390x build failures
- daa54f9 FAB-12498 Test suite framework
- e8845dd FAB-12886 namespace and transactionId -> name
- 5df1b1d FAB-12920 fixes to GetMetadata and _loadAndValidate
- cb51b1a FAB-12894 fix node shim module exports path
- 0021a78 FAB-12845 make returns match schema
- 48d1148 FAB-12837 adding object and property annotations
- a5d566d FAB-12885 Added token/expectations.proto
- 2cd99b5 FAB-12856 Add Credentials to publish npm modules
- 97e2428 FAB-12562 Allow importing metadata files
- 1877f2c FAB-12564 Schema meta-data
- 4d6d889 FAB-12781 Pipeline Changes
- e60e886 FAB-12825 Add reflect-metadata to shim
- 52a0381 FAB-12818 Removing context from metadata params
- b6c39fd FAB-12781 Update pipeline scripts
- 06377b3 FAB-12750 - Build configuration in package.json
- 8286f24 FAB-12609 adding transaction annotations
- fcb538f FAB-12681 ChaincodeNode test zip name
- 6193f20 FAB-12681 ChaincodeNode return to snapshot publish
- a80235b FAB-12681 Chaincode Node - prepare for 1.4.0-beta
- 39a0224 FAB-12510 added checks to ensure dev mode
- b8dfde0 FAB-12561 basic metadata
- 4ecf61b request for maintainer rights
- 79e1906 FAB-12539 type definitions for state based EP APIs
- b3f0835 FAB-12580 Peer can’t tolerate ping frequency
- f18b221 FAB-12538 chaincode handler for key-level metadata
- 98c325d FAB-12537 CC convenience layer for state-based EP
- d43ceca FAB-12456 Adding eslint to chaincode-node
- 8506291 FAB-12336 Allow no args to be passed for Init Command
- d5e5f27 FAB-12482 fix dependencies
- 92f3798 FAB-12422 added module-path CLI option
- bfbd290 FAB-12429 contract-api documentation
- 264cf80 FAB-12405 fix success response format for contractapi
- 82708ca FAB-12239 added CLI option for cc name
- abe38f1 FAB-12227 Namespace:Function
- b247234 FAB-12131 ensure keepalive pings from chaincode
- f2994eb FAB-11926 check for simple keys for getStateByRange
Thu Nov 1 13:07:44 EDT 2018
- 79e1906 FAB-12539 type definitions for state based EP APIs
- b3f0835 FAB-12580 Peer can’t tolerate ping frequency
- f18b221 FAB-12538 chaincode handler for key-level metadata
- 98c325d FAB-12537 CC convenience layer for state-based EP
- d43ceca FAB-12456 Adding eslint to chaincode-node
- 8506291 FAB-12336 Allow no args to be passed for Init Command
- d5e5f27 FAB-12482 fix dependencies
- 92f3798 FAB-12422 added module-path CLI option
- bfbd290 FAB-12429 contract-api documentation
- 264cf80 FAB-12405 fix success response format for contractapi
Wed 10 Oct 17:04:37 BST 2018
- 8743012c4 FAB-11926 check for simple keys for getStateByRange
- 38651fa54 FAB-12131 ensure keepalive pings from chaincode
- c1981a653 FIX FAB-12037 Cyclic Require
- eead4fee4 FAB-11270 JSDoc Redirection & correct publising
- fbd6b11df FAB-11784 node-shim support for paged query
- 7f7f6663e FAB-11768 Test Improvements
- 24ce92e23 FAB-11246 fix unreliable fabric-chaincode-node e2e
- bc2362e84 FAB-11824 Correct typescript definitions and tests
- 22cd61b3c FAB-11782 Update build scripts in-repo as well
- e9e58d790 FAB-10865 ChaincodeStub does not work w/ TypeScript
- 8a25a6a86 FAB-10865 Add typescript definitions for shim
- 230083adf FABCI-57 CI pipeline configuration
- 21b44fc2d FAB-11408 add typeof check for privateData APIs
- f8211b842 FAB-11284 jsDoc Update
- c79b4886e moving eslint config to file
- 39d88f441 FAB-11188 set version master to 1.3.0-snapshot
Fri Jul 6 08:14:22 EDT 2018
- 9c1a5bf Prepare for v1.2.0 release
- 749584e FAB-10863 Export Shim class again to aid TypeScript
- eb5585f FAB-9869 Node Shim Private Data Support
- 251528d FAB-9897 NodeShim - update grpc level
- 88105f7 FAB-9480 Replace Log4Js with winston
- 37424c4 FAB-9378 address 4Mb grpc message limit
- e3f2a7d FAB-9358 add & other std docs
- 227ed13 FAB-9063 Provide link to Fabric committers
- b192f80 FAB-8896 ChaincodeNode - prepare for V1.2.0
Thu Mar 15 18:01:43 EDT 2018
- 82b7d3b FAB-8432 Expose Stub and Iterator Classes
- caa2606 FAB-7001 Preserver casing of hostname
- 79fbd72 FAB-8241 NodeCC - add maintainer
- 3033766 FAB-8236 error message returned is the log entry
- 22ce6d2 FAB-8068 Handle Errors from invoked chaincode
- 3aee38d FAB-7794 prepare fabric-chaincode-node for next release
Thu Jan 25 14:03:08 EST 2018
Wed Nov 1 10:49:25 EDT 2017
- 064d68d FAB-6802 Update documentation for Iterators
- 74dcc79 FAB-6748 API documentation link
- 00dd812 FAB-6689 NodeChainCode - update for new proto
- 5c35484 FAB-6472 node.js CC API Reference
- 60a8826 Add MAINTAINERS.rst file
- 441edc8 FAB-6472 node.js chaincode API Reference
- cc80d3f FAB-6311 allow adnl arguments in node.js CC launch cmd
- d5bfbfc FAB-6352 Fix node chaincode instantiate
- cecc208 FAB-5456 add shim newLogger()
- 3208d9b FAB-5456 implement stub getBinding()
- 2d80e35 FAB-5877 enable TLS support
- ae62f3a FAB-6178 update README and test setup
- b0e65e9 FAB5754 concurrent peer requests
- 4fd301b FAB5754 fix event emit scenario on iterators
- 97e65d8 FAB5754 correct query result proto
- 775849d FAB5754 - Shim API
- f5be96c FAB5754 - Shim API changes
- 49a809f FAB-5877 Enable TLS support
- b074d0d FAB-5823 use ES6 coding style for user CC
- 9298289 FAB-5823 Upgrade node.js engine for running CC to 8.4.0
- beb8c70 FAB-5455 unit tests for handler.js
- 58d7482 FAB-5754 more shim APIs
- 6304af6 FAB-5754 more shim APIs
- 51eeb11 FAB-5754 more shim APIs
- 6e9347b FAB-5455 chaincode.js unit tests
- c017c0a FAB-5834 minor code refactoring in test
- d61d152 FAB-5834 Integration Test Framework for node.js CC
- 6a317b3 FAB-5455 Enable grpc prefix to be determined at runtime
- eb160ff FAB-5754 shim APIs - Part II
- 3ae4f4d FAB-5455 Impl of must-have shim APIs - part I
- 80a6d35 FAB-5699 update src path in package.json
- 906a87c FAB-5371 node.js chaincode shim - part II
- 2a4d157 FAB-5371 node.js chaincode shim - part I