- Cedri Scherer, ggplot2 expert
- ggplot2 extensions gallery
- HTML widgets gallery
- Angela's sample flexdashboard, published on RPubs
- Example flexdashboard projects
- Additional code samples generated in class
- Pie charts in Plotly
- HTML Widgets Gallery
- Books:
- Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte
- The Grammar of Graphics by Leland Wilkinson
packages:- Combining charts
- The Composer of Plots • patchworkcowplot
- Arranging plots in a grid • cowplotgridExtra
- small explaination here: 4.5 The grid Package | Mastering Software Development in R
- package:ggthemes • All Your Figure Are Belong To Us more themes forggplot
, used by many newspaper graphics teamsggplot
geoms that I use most as an Epidemiologist
- Combining charts
- and lastly, the savior of all programmers, StackOverflow (and sometimes Reddit, although that is much less trustworthy sometimes)
- ggplot2 book
- R for Data Science book
- Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction, by Kieran Healy
- What they forgot to teach you about R book
- Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization book
- Outstanding User Interfaces with Shiny book
- Happy Git and GitHub for the useR book
- Color Brewer
- Top R Color Palettes to Know for Great Data Visualization
- Cookbook for R: Shapes and line types
- Themes in ggplot2
- ggthemes package
- here package
- Ode to the here package
- Shiny for Python
- Shiny UI Editor
- Use the RWordPress package to write blogs on Wordpress
- How to update your Wordpress.com blog from R
- Kyle Chan paper and mapping example
- Angela Zoss dissertation example
- Angela Zoss basic charts example
- esquisse package, drag-and-drop ggplot2 builder
- Plotly web interface
- Exploratory interactive R project builder
- Angela Zoss additional examples for Plotly, Crosstalk, etc.
- HTML Widgets gallery
- HTML Widgets showcase
- Crosstalk-compatible HTML widgets
- TIER Protocol for project organization