This is a project for learning purposes, developed during my training period before becoming a member of the Software Subsystem at Hyperloop UPV.
The application is a dashboard that simulates the performance of a web server, displaying fictitious data (randomly generated) on CPU usage, RAM usage, and other performance metrics.
The project has the following simple structure:
- TypeScript
- ReactJS
- Zustand
- React-Router
- CanvasJS
- Go
The back end receives packets via TCP/UDP, extracts the payload, checks that all is correct, and sends it to the front end via WebSocket connection (real-time communication).
It is possible also to activate a logger functionality to log into the operating system (CSV file) all the data received in a session (by passing a flag when executing the back end).
Then. the front end receives the data and displays it on real-time charts by using a third-party library called CanvasJS.