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Java Module Loader Requirements


This document specifies the requirements to be implemented by the module loader for Java binding.


Module loader design

Exposed API

#define JAVA_LOADER_NAME            "java"

#if WIN32
#define JAVA_BINDING_MODULE_NAME    "java_module_host.dll"

    JVM_OPTIONS* options;

    STRING_HANDLE className;
    STRING_HANDLE classPath;

const MODULE_LOADER* JavaLoader_Get(void);

MODULE_LIBRARY_HANDLE JavaModuleLoader_Load(const MODULE_LOADER* loader, const void* entrypoint);

const MODULE_API* JavaModuleLoader_GetModuleApi(const MODULE_LOADER* loader, MODULE_LIBRARY_HANDLE moduleLibraryHandle);

void JavaModuleLoader_Unload(const MODULE_LOADER* loader, MODULE_LIBRARY_HANDLE moduleLibraryHandle);

void* JavaModuleLoader_ParseEntrypointFromJson(const MODULE_LOADER* loader, const JSON_Value* json);

void JavaModuleLoader_FreeEntrypoint(const MODULE_LOADER* loader, void* entrypoint);

MODULE_LOADER_BASE_CONFIGURATION* JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson(const MODULE_LOADER* loader, const JSON_Value* json);

void JavaModuleLoader_FreeConfiguration(const MODULE_LOADER* loader, MODULE_LOADER_BASE_CONFIGURATION* configuration);

void* JavaModuleLoader_BuildModuleConfiguration(
    const MODULE_LOADER* loader,
    const void* entrypoint,
    const void* module_configuration

void JavaModuleLoader_FreeModuleConfiguration(const MODULE_LOADER* loader, const void* module_configuration);


MODULE_LIBRARY_HANDLE JavaModuleLoader_Load(const MODULE_LOADER* loader, const void* entrypoint);

Loads the Java binding module into memory.

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_001: [ JavaModuleLoader_Load shall return NULL if loader is NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_002: [ JavaModuleLoader_Load shall return NULL if loader->type is not JAVA. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_003: [ JavaModuleLoader_Load shall return NULL if an underlying platform call fails. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_004: [ JavaModuleLoader_Load shall load the binding module library into memory by calling DynamicLibrary_LoadLibrary. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_005: [ JavaModuleLoader_Load shall use the binding module path given in loader->configuration->binding_path if loader->configuration is not NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_006: [ JavaModuleLoader_Load shall call DynamicLibrary_FindSymbol on the binding module handle with the symbol name Module_GetApi to acquire the module's API table. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_007: [ JavaModuleLoader_Load shall return a non-NULL pointer of type MODULE_LIBRARY_HANDLE when successful. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_008: [ JavaModuleLoader_Load shall return NULL if MODULE_API returned by the binding module is NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_009: [ JavaModuleLoader_Load shall return NULL if MODULE_API::version is great than Module_ApiGatewayVersion. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_010: [ JavaModuleLoader_Load shall return NULL if the Module_Create function in MODULE_API is NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_011: [ JavaModuleLoader_Load shall return NULL if the Module_Receive function in MODULE_API is NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_012: [ JavaModuleLoader_Load shall return NULL if the Module_Destroy function in MODULE_API is NULL. ]


const MODULE_API* JavaModuleLoader_GetModuleApi(const MODULE_LOADER* loader, MODULE_LIBRARY_HANDLE moduleLibraryHandle);

Returns the MODULE_API struct for the binding module.

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_013: [ JavaModuleLoader_GetModuleApi shall return NULL if moduleLibraryHandle is NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_014: [ JavaModuleLoader_GetModuleApi shall return a non-NULL MODULE_API pointer when successful. ]


void JavaModuleLoader_Unload(const MODULE_LOADER* loader, MODULE_LIBRARY_HANDLE moduleLibraryHandle)

Unloads the binding module from memory.

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_015: [ JavaModuleLoader_Unload shall do nothing if moduleLibraryHandle is NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_016: [ JavaModuleLoader_Unload shall unload the binding module from memory by calling DynamicLibrary_UnloadLibrary. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_017: [ JavaModuleLoader_Unload shall free resources allocated when loading the binding module. ]


void* JavaModuleLoader_ParseEntrypointFromJson(const MODULE_LOADER* loader, const JSON_Value* json);

Parses entrypoint JSON as it applies to a Java module and returns a pointer to the parsed data.

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_043: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseEntrypointFromJson shall return NULL if loader is NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_018: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseEntrypointFromJson shall return NULL if json is NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_019: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseEntrypointFromJson shall return NULL if the root json entity is not an object. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_058: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseEntrypointFromJson shall return NULL if either or class.path is non-existent. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_059: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseEntrypointFromJson shall return NULL if loader->configuration. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_060: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseEntrypointFromJson shall return NULL if loader->configuration->options is NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_020: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseEntrypointFromJson shall return NULL if an underlying platform call fails. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_021: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseEntrypointFromJson shall retreive the fully qualified class name by reading the value of the attribute ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_022: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseEntrypointFromJson shall retreive the full class path containing the class definition for the module by reading the value of the attribute class.path. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_023: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseEntrypointFromJson shall return a non-NULL pointer to the parsed representation of the entrypoint when successful. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_044: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseEntrypointFromJson shall append the classpath to the loader's configuration JVM_OPTIONS class_path member. ]


void JavaModuleLoader_FreeEntrypoint(const MODULE_LOADER* loader, void* entrypoint)

Frees entrypoint data allocated by JavaModuleLoader_ParseEntrypointFromJson.

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_024: [ JavaModuleLoader_FreeEntrypoint shall do nothing if entrypoint is NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_025: [ JavaModuleLoader_FreeEntrypoint shall free resources allocated during JavaModuleLoader_ParseEntrypointFromJson. ]


MODULE_LOADER_BASE_CONFIGURATION* JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson(const MODULE_LOADER* loader, const JSON_Value* json);

Parses loader configuration JSON and returns a pointer to the parsed data.

Parses the module loader configuration from the given JSON and returns a JAVA_LOADER_CONFIGURATION pointer.

The JSON object will be the "jvm.options" and "binding.path" sections of the Gateway JSON "java" loader configuration and should be formatted as follows:

    "loaders": [
            "type": "java",
            "name": "java",
                ... JVM options here ...
            "binding.path": "/optional/path/to/java_binding/library"
    "modules": [
        ... modules listing goes here ...

Applicable keys within the "jvm.options" object are:


Path to the Java module host native library. In most cases this should be the same as the "binding.path" if one is given.

Default: default binding path


The major Java version for the JVM

Default: 4


Boolean value indicating whether this module should be in debug mode

Default: false


The remote debugging port.

Default: 9876


Boolean value indicating whether to provide verbose output. The "-verbose:class" option will be set. To change the verbose setting, provide it in the "additional.options" section.


An array of any additional applicable JVM options listed as an array of strings.

Default: null

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_026: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson shall return NULL if json is NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_027: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson shall return NULL if json is not a valid JSON object. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_028: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson shall return NULL if any underlying platform call fails. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_029: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson shall set any missing field to NULL, false, or 0. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_030: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson shall parse the jvm.options JSON object and initialize a new JAVA_LOADER_CONFIGURATION. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_031: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson shall parse the jvm.options.library.path. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_032: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson shall parse the jvm.options.version. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_033: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson shall parse the jvm.options.debug. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_034: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson shall parse the jvm.options.debug.port. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_035: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson shall parse the jvm.options.additional.options object and create a new STRING_HANDLE for each. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_036: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson shall return NULL if any present field cannot be parsed. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_037: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson shall return a non-NULL JAVA_LOADER_CONFIGURATION containing all user-specified values. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_038: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson shall set the options member of the JAVA_LOADER_CONFIGURATION to the parsed JVM_OPTIONS structure. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_039: [ JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson shall set the base member of the JAVA_LOADER_CONFIGURATION by calling to the base module loader. ]


void JavaModuleLoader_FreeConfiguration(const MODULE_LOADER* loader, MODULE_LOADER_BASE_CONFIGURATION* configuration);

Frees loader configuration data as allocated by JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson.

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_040: [ JavaModuleLoader_FreeConfiguration shall do nothing if configuration is NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_041: [ JavaModuleLoader_FreeConfiguration shall call ModuleLoader_FreeBaseConfiguration to free resources allocated by ModuleLoader_ParseBaseConfigurationJson. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_042: [ JavaModuleLoader_FreeConfiguration shall free resources allocated by JavaModuleLoader_ParseConfigurationFromJson. ]


void* JavaModuleLoader_BuildModuleConfiguration(
    const MODULE_LOADER* loader,
    const void* entrypoint,
    const void* module_configuration

Builds a JAVA_MODULE_HOST_CONFIG object by merging information from entrypoint and module_configuration.

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_045: [ JavaModuleLoader_BuildModuleConfiguration shall return NULL if entrypoint is NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_046: [ JavaModuleLoader_BuildModuleConfiguration shall return NULL if entrypoint->className is NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_047: [ JavaModuleLoader_BuildModuleConfiguration shall return NULL if loader is NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_048: [ JavaModuleLoader_BuildModuleConfiguration shall return NULL if loader->options is NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_049: [ JavaModuleLoader_BuildModuleConfiguration shall return NULL if an underlying platform call fails. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_050: [ JavaModuleLoader_BuildModuleConfiguration shall build a JAVA_MODULE_HOST_CONFIG object by copying information from entrypoint, module_configuration, and loader->options and return a non-NULL pointer. ]


void JavaModuleLoader_FreeModuleConfiguration(const MODULE_LOADER* loader, const void* module_configuration);

Frees the JAVA_MODULE_HOST_CONFIG object allocated by JavaModuleLoader_BuildModuleConfiguration.

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_051: [ JavaModuleLoader_FreeModuleConfiguration shall do nothing if module_configuration is NULL. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_052: [ JavaModuleLoader_FreeModuleConfiguration shall free the JAVA_MODULE_HOST_CONFIG object. ]


const MODULE_LOADER* JavaLoader_Get(void)

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_053: [ JavaLoader_Get shall return a non-NULL pointer to a MODULE_LOADER struct. ]


SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_055: [ MODULE_LOADER::name shall be the string java. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_056: [ JavaLoader_Get shall set the loader->configuration to a default JAVA_LOADER_CONFIGURATION by setting it to default values. ]

SRS_JAVA_MODULE_LOADER_14_057: [ JavaLoader_Get shall return NULL if any underlying call fails while attempting to set the default JAVA_LOADER_CONFIGURATION. ]