Readability Concepts based on React components Article and Readability with flex configuration and wide range of the web-typography features.
- Responsive Header
- Browsers: Firefox read view (@todo SSR support)
- Devices: iPhone Reader View support
- CSS3: Flexible typography settings
- CSS3: prefers-color-scheme support
- CSS3: ligature support
- Mobile: Dynamic reponsive view (depended of the container width calculations)
- SEO: microformats support
- Accessibility roles
- crossbrowser full screen support
- enlarged text and layout by REM
- night theme
- speech API
- fetch API
- Article
- Readability
- ErrorHandler
Title | Library |
Styled Components | styled-components |
HTML template SEO optimized by and microformats
- ./components/app/style.js
Variable | Default | Description |
--golden-ratio | 1.618 | Golden Ratio |
--cpl | 25 | Character Per Line (25 - 90) |
--basic-font-size | 62.5% | For REM calculations |
:root {
/* Miscellaneous Constants */
--golden-ratio: ${goldenRatio};
--cpl: ${cpl};
/* Font */
--basic-font-size: 62.5%;
--header-font-family: Impact, Helvetica, sans-serif;
--header-font-size: 5rem;
/* --header-line-height: calc(var(--header-font-size) * var(--golden-ratio)); */
--entry-font-family: Calibri, 'Times New Roman', serif;
--entry-font-size: ${entryFontSize}rem;
--entry-spacer: 2rem;
--entry-line-height: ${entryLineHeigh}rem;
--entry-meta-font-size: 1.8rem;
--word-spacing: 0.05rem;
--letter-spacing: -0.03rem;
/* Container */
--container-width: ${containerWidth}rem;
/* Mobile */
--screen-padding: 0 2rem;
.typo-features {
/* font metrics */
--font: Calibri;
--fm-emSquare: 1;
--fm-capitalHeight: 0.68;
--fm-descender: 0.54;
--fm-ascender: 1.1;
--fm-linegap: 0;
/* compute needed values */
--lineheightNormal: (var(--fm-ascender) + var(--fm-descender) + var(--fm-linegap));
--distanceBottom: (var(--fm-descender));
--distanceTop: (var(--fm-ascender) - var(--fm-capitalHeight));
--contentArea: (var(--lineheightNormal) * var(--computedFontSize));
--valign: ((var(--distanceBottom) - var(--distanceTop)) * var(--computedFontSize));
--computedFontSize: (var(--capital-height) / var(--fm-capitalHeight));
--computedLineheight: ((var(--line-height) * var(--capital-height)) - var(--valign));
/* desired capital height and line-height */
--capital-height: ${entryFontSize}rem;
--line-height: var(--entry-line-height);
/* set font family */
font-family: var(--font);
/* set capital height to equal font-size */
font-size: calc(var(--computedFontSize) * 1rem / 10);
/* set computed line-height */
line-height: calc(var(--computedLineheight) * 1rem / 10);
text-align: justify;
-webkit-hyphens: auto;
-moz-hyphens: auto;
-ms-hyphens: auto;
hyphens: auto;
Configuration Parameters for content, layout and browser
- Line Height = Font Size * Golden Ratio
- Container Width = CPL * Line Height
Scope | Classes |
Browser Readers (+ Firefox) | entry-content, entry-header, entry-title, entry-data |
Microformats "h-entry" | e-content |
Shema | name, description, articleBody |
- readability: color modes (Light | Dark | Sepia)
- readability: line-height configuration
- readability: content-width configuration
- readability: font-size configuration
- readability: print view and print button
- readability: San-serif / Serif Fonts
- readability: no images
- readability: audio commands
- readability: pdf support
- article: CSS3 ligature on / off
- readability: Narrate button
- article: html5 video support ( + youtube )
- SEO: server-side content generation (SSR)
- app: themes and fonts
- app: Pug template engine support
- app: AMP support
- app: Flat / DB support
- app: react-app-rewired
- reader: export optimized content
- article: quotes
- article: slider
- article: asides
- article: footer structure (comments, pager navigation)
- iframe: inner CSS