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Android Things Driver Style Guide


The purpose of this document is to outline the common code style and architecture patterns we recommend for Android Things drivers. Consistency, readability and maintainability are primary considerations for driver code. Most of the drivers in the public driver repository follow these patterns and can be used as examples.

Code style

Code style should adhere to Google's Android code style guidelines.

Use integer constants for bitwise values

Peripheral drivers contain a disproportionately large number of constants for configuration values and bitwise flags that need to be written into device registers. Avoid enumerated types and favor integers for these constants to facilitate bitwise combinations:

public static final int ENABLE_A = 0x20;
public static final int ENABLE_B = 0x40;
public static final int ENABLE_C = 0x80;
driver.setFlags(ENABLE_A | ENABLE_C);

To enforce compile-time usage of proper constants, use the IntDef (and similar) annotations provided by the Android support library.

Numeric constants and bit flags should be pre-shifted into their appropriate bit indices where possible to simplify AND, OR, and XOR operations throughout the code.

Use hex for address constants

Use the hex literal form for all constant values that represent addresses (bus addresses, register addresses, etc.):

public static final int PERIPHERAL_ADDRESS = 0x3C;
public static final int REGISTER_CONFIG = 0x0A;

Format values as complete bytes (2 characters per byte). Do not truncate to nibbles, even when functionally equivalent. For example, use 0x0F instead of 0xF, and 0x0380 instead of 0x380.

Use binary for field and flag constants

Use the binary literal form for all constant values that represent flags, modes, or other register data. Apply the minimum number of digits necessary to describe the entire field, and include a shift when the field is located somewhere other than the least significant bits:

// Bit 3
public static final int FLAG_INTERRUPT = 1 << 3; //0b00001000
// Bits 5 -> 3
public static final int MODE_ACTIVE  = 0b101 << 3; //0b00101000
public static final int MODE_STANDBY = 0b010 << 3; //0b00010000;

Note that for single-bit flags it is preferred to omit the binary literal prefix.


Define a peripheral class

For each supported peripheral device, provide a class that wraps the basic Peripheral I/O operations (reading pin state, reading and writing data registers, initializing a default configuration, etc.) and exposes higher-level functions and developer-friendly data types instead.

This class should be named according to the connected peripheral module or integrated circuit (IC), and implement the AutoCloseable interface for proper try-with-resources support:

public class Peripheral implements AutoCloseable {

    public void setSampleRate(int rate) { ... }

    public float[] readSample() { ... }

    public void close() { ... }


Expose features over registers

The peripheral class should expose as many of the chip features as possible, but without leaking the individual registers necessary to interact with that feature. If multiple registers are involved in configuring a feature or reading a specific value, the driver should encapsulate all of this logic.

public class Peripheral implements AutoCloseable {
    private static final int REGISTER_VALUEH = 0x01;
    private static final int REGISTER_VALUEL = 0x02;
    private static final int REGISTER_CONFIG = 0x0A;

    public static final int MODE_ACTIVE  = 0b101 << 3; //0b00101000
    public static final int MODE_STANDBY = 0b010 << 3; //0b00010000;

    private I2cDevice mDevice;

    public void setStandbyMode(boolean standby) {
        byte value = mDevice.readRegByte(REGISTER_CONFIG);
        if (standby) {
            value |= MODE_STANDBY;
        } else {
            value |= MODE_ACTIVE;
        mDevice.writeRegByte(REGISTER_CONFIG, value);

    public int getSensorValue() {
        int result = (mDevice.readRegByte(REGISTER_VALUEH) << 8);
        result += (mDevice.readRegByte(REGISTER_VALUEL) & 0xFF);

        return result;

Peripherals are single-use objects

The peripheral class should initialize all Peripheral I/O interfaces in the constructor, and tear those interfaces down in close(). The peripheral class should not contain additional public methods to separately re-initialize the connections.

Each peripheral class should contain a public constructor that constructs peripheral resources from a Context and the resource names.

public class Peripheral implements AutoCloseable {
    private I2cDevice mDevice;

    // Create a new PIO resource connection
    public Peripheral(Context context, String name, ...) {
        // Initialize PIO
        mDevice = ...;

    public void close() {
        // Tear down PIO

Always close the underlying PIO interface

PIO devices (GPIO, I2CDevice, SPIDevice, UartDevice, etc.) are single-user resources that require explicit closing. When you open a PIO device in the driver constructor, protect against exceptions that would otherwise return from your constructor without closing the device properly. For example:

public Bmx280(String bus) throws IOException {
    PeripheralManagerService pioService = new PeripheralManagerService();
    I2cDevice device = pioService.openI2cDevice(bus, I2C_ADDRESS);
    try {
    } catch (IOException|RuntimeException e) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException|RuntimeException ignored) {
        throw e;

Provide a separate UserDriver class

For peripheral types supported by the Android framework, provide a driver that utilizes the driver API to bind the peripheral to the framework. The driver should:

  • Implement AutoCloseable for proper try-with-resources support.
  • Configure the peripheral in the constructor with suitable defaults for the associated UserDriver type.
  • Expose any optional configuration for the peripheral as either constructor parameters or setter methods.
  • Provide register and unregister methods to manage the connection to the framework services.

Driver classes should be named for their UserDriver counterpart:

  • Input drivers → <Peripheral>InputDriver
  • Sensor drivers → <Peripheral>SensorDriver
    • Optionally use the more-specific sensor type: <Peripheral>AccelerometerDriver
  • GPS drivers → <Peripheral>GnssDriver

Each driver class provides a public constructor that creates new peripheral resources from a pin or bus name.

public class ButtonInputDriver implements AutoCloseable {
    private Button mPeripheral;

    public ButtonInputDriver(String i2cBusName, ...) {
        mPeripheral = new Peripheral(context, i2cBusName, ...);

    public void setDebounceDelay(int delay) {

    public void register() {
        // Create new user driver
        // Register with UserDriverManager

    public void unregister() {
        // Unegister with UserDriverManager
        // Release user driver

    public void close() {

Example: Bmx280SensorDriver, ButtonInputDriver


You can create a meta-driver that combines peripherals into more high-level interfaces, for convenience or for inter-dependency. For example, the Rainbow HAT driver combines several other drivers into a single interface.


Provide injectable constructors

Include at least one package-private constructor in each public class that allows for the injection of Android framework dependencies with mocks during unit tests.

For clarity to reviewers, apply the @VisibleForTesting annotation.

public class Peripheral {
    /*package*/ Peripheral(I2cDevice device, ...) {

public class PeripheralDriver {
    /*package*/ PeripheralDriver(UserDriverManager manager,
                                 Peripheral peripheral, ...) {

Mock PIO classes

Tests shouldn't rely on hardware interaction, but most drivers directly (or indirectly) require a PIO class. You can mock this dependency with frameworks like Mockito.

PioDevice mockPio = Mockito.mock(PioDevice.class);
// may be using an @VisibleForTesting constructor
Driver driver = new Driver(mockPio);
// interact with driver
// check interactions with mock


  • Use MockitoRule to simplify mock creation
  • Use ExpectedException to test for exception cases

Testing event injection

Make a barebones activity in androidTest to use for instrumented tests. This activity sets up the peripheral input driver and registers it with the framework. You will again have to mock the PIO dependency; additionally, you may need an @VisibleForTesting-annotated method to trigger events.

Your test should run on a thread different than the one in which events are received. Typically, events from the framework are delivered on the main thread, so do not use @UiThreadTest for the test. The test triggers a state change in the driver and waits for the event to arrive using a LinkedBlockingQueue (you may need to create an @VisibleForTesting-annotated method to mock state changes that trigger events). Wherever the event is received, add it to the queue so that the test method can poll the queue and verify the event.

The instrumented test for ButtonInputDriver uses performButtonEvent() to mock a state change in the driver. Each KeyEvent delivered to the testing activity in onKeyDown() or onKeyUp() is added to a blocking queue, so the test can poll for an event and verify that it has the correct key code.



The instrumented test for Cap12xxInputDriver stubs interrupts in the driver itself, causing input events to be sent. Similar to the ButtonInputDriver test, these events are added to blocking queues in onKeyDown() or onKeyUp() and verified once received.



Your specific needs may differ slightly from the above examples, but in general you would still use classes from the java.util.concurrent package to handle the asynchronicity of event delivery by the framework. For instance, if you only need to verify that an event arrived, you could use a CountDownLatch and count down wherever the event is received. Whichever structure you use, prefer using methods that accept a timeout so that the test cannot wait indefinitely.