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Aneesh Neelam edited this page Jan 21, 2015 · 31 revisions

Check out the sample data for previous and current semesters in [this directory] (

  • /api/{campus}/system: Returns the bitmap of the Captcha image
  • /api/{campus}/login/manual?regno={regno}: Returns the bitmap of the Captcha image
  • /api/{campus}/login/submit?regno={regno}&dob={dob}&captcha={captcha}: Submits and logs in with the given credentials
  • /api/{campus}/login/auto?regno={regno}&dob={dob}: Automatically parses and submits Captcha, logging in with the given credentials
  • /api/{campus}/data/first?regno={regno}&dob={dob}: Returns the Timetable, Course data with attendance and marks, and a new Token for sharing Timetable, all in JSON format
  • /api/{campus}/data/refresh?regno={regno}&dob={dob}: Returns Course data with updated attendance and marks, all in JSON format, is also throttled
  • /api/{campus}/friends/regenerate?regno={regno}&dob={dob}: Generates and returns a new Token that can be used for sharing Timetable, in JSON format
  • /api/{campus}/friends/share?token={token}: Returns Timetable and basic Course data of the given Token's owner, all in JSON format
  • /api/{campus}/friends/share?regno={regno}&dob={dob}: Returns Timetable and basic Course data of the given Credentials' owner, all in JSON format

Values for Campus (Case Sensitive):

  • vellore
  • chennai

Values for RegBo and DoB (Case Insensitive):

  • RegNo: 11bce0260
  • DoB: 01011970
  • Token: ABC123
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