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File metadata and controls

142 lines (120 loc) · 5.51 KB

PDF Creator

Titanium Native Module (Android) and libraries for generating PDF files based on HTML

Before you start

  • The Android module has been tested with Titanium SDK 5.x and up.
  • All the PDF creation is done by iText:
    • iTextG, which is a port for Android
    • XMLWorker which is intended for parse HTML files into PDF
    • Important: XMLWorker does not support the whole subset of CSS styles, for the suppoerted list refer to their docs
    • iTextG is licensed under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 and depending on the nature of your app you might need a license. Please visit license for details.

Obtaining the module and libs

  • Go to the Releases Tab.
  • pdfGeneration.js is optional to use, it contains the basics for generating a PDF file.
    • pdfGeneration.js depends on mustache.js for parsing templates.
  • For iOS, NappPDFCreator is recommended

##PDFCreator Module

Basic Usage

  1. Make sure you have the module dependency added on tiapp.xml

    <module platform="android">com.propelics.pdfcreator</module>
    <module platform="iphone">dk.napp.pdf.creator</module> 
  2. Require the module(s) where needed

    var PdfCreator = require('com.propelics.pdfcreator');
  3. The usage of the module is based on events: complete and error.

    • complete - Triggered once the PDF has been generated and no errors occured.
    • error - Triggered if some error happens, stops the generation of the PDF.
  4. The actual PDF creation can be achieved by the methods generatePDFWithHTML() or generatePDFwithWebView()

    • generatePDFWithHTML() - Parses some HTML string and creates a PDF file from it. Use XMLWorker for it. PDF files have the best quality but not all HTML/CSS properties are supported yet.
    • generatePDFwithWebView() - Takes a screenshot from a given Ti.UI.WebView and divides the resulting image into several pages. PDF files have medium quality and use a lot of space on disk, but supports all the HTML/CSS properties available.


var PdfCreator = require('com.propelics.pdfcreator');
PdfCreator.addEventListener("complete", function (_evt) {
	//Handle the PDF created
	var pdfFile = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory, _evt.filename);

PdfCreator.addEventListener("error", function(_evt){
	//An error has ocurred

// Generate a PDF based on HTML
	html : '<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>',
	filename : 'hello.pdf'

//Generate a PDF based on a webview
var webview = Ti.UI.createWebView({
	scalesPageToFit : true

webview.addEventListener('load', function (e) {
		filename : 'hello.pdf',
		webview : webview,
		quality : 100

webview.url = '';

PDFGeneration lib

Basic Usage

  • This lib is intended to handle the common use cases for the PDF module creation. Therefore it depends on the PDFCreator module.
  • Add pdfGeneration.js and mustache.js under app/lib (for Alloy projects).
  • 2 functions are included to generate the PDF files
    • generateWithWebView() - Generates a PDF file based on an HTML File using a webview to load it's data. It does NOT use PDFCreator.generatePDFwithWebView()
    • generatePDFWithTemplate() - Generates a PDF file based on an HTML Template, will load using mustache.js
  • Both functions take a set of options to generate the PDF.
    • htmlFile - File object to load that includes the HTML file to parse
    • data - Dictionary with data to be parsed inside the HTML before generating the PDF
    • sucessCallback - Function called when the PDF gets generated
    • failCallback - Function called if an error occurs


var PdfGeneration = require('pdfGeneration');

// Workaround to load images
var imageFile = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.resourcesDirectory, 'image.jpg');
var imgTemp = Ti.Filesystem.createTempFile();

	// Name of the PDF file to create
	pdfFileName : 'webview',
	// File containing the html to load
	htmlFile : Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.resourcesDirectory, 'webview.html'),
	// A view to contain the Webview (should be inside an opened Window)
	wrapper : $.index,
	// Data to parse
	data : {
		customerName : 'John Doe',
		image : imgTemp.resolve().replace('file:', '')
	successCallback : function (_data) {
		// The PDF was created
	failCallback : function (_data) {
		// An error occured

	// Name of the PDF file to create
	pdfFileName : 'template',
	// File containing the html to load
	htmlFile : Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.resourcesDirectory, 'template.html'),
	// Data to parse
	data : {
		customerName : 'John Doe',
		image : imgTemp.resolve().replace('file:', '')
	successCallback : function (_data) {
		// The PDF was created
	failCallback : function (_data) {
		// An error occured

Notes for loaing PDF files

  • In order to load images, the absolute path for the images is needed under the src attribute.
  • CSS styles should be loaded within the HTML file.
  • Only the system fonts are supported. If the font-face includes an specific name, it will take more time to load that using serif or sans-serif