Advanced Keylogger in Python with screenshot, microphone, webcam pictures taking capabilities and then send these files through email.
- Download Python and Install it.
- Make sure all the associated modules are installed. I've added all the modules in the requirements.txt file.
- If any of the module is not in the requirements.txt file then open Command Prompt & type
- pip install ModuleName
- Open up a Command Prompt and Change to the directory the program is placed and execute the file.
- Creates a directory to temporarily store information to exfitrate
- Then using multiprocessing 4 features work together simultaniously: (Timeouts and ranges can be adjusted)
- Open the graphical file manager and go to the C://Users/Public/Logs directory to watch the program in action.
- After all the .txt and .xml files are grouped together and encrypted to protect sensitive data
- Then by individual directory, the files are grouped and sent through email by file type with regex magic
- Finally the Log directory is deleted and the program loops back to the beginning to repeat the same process.
- After files are encrypted and sent to email, download them and place them in the directory specified in and run the decrypt file in command prompt.
- Logs pressed keys
- Takes screenshots every 15 seconds
- Records microphone in 10 seconds segments
- Takes webcam picture every 5 seconds
- Gets all the essential network information -> stores to log file (takes about a minute)
- Gets the wireless network ssid's and passwords in XML data file
- Retrieves system hardware and running process/service info
- If the clipboard is activated and contains anything -> stores to log file
- Browsing history is retrieved as a JSON data file then dumped into a log file
Encrypted data
Decrypted data